//returns false if EID exists in timeentry, timebatchdetail and unbilledtime table as well as the taskcode existing in taskcode, otherwise returns true
        //which means at least one of these tests were failed and they need to be fixed
        private bool anyErrorsInEidOrTaskCode(Row currRow)
            DataSet ds1;
            string SQL = "Select * from TimeEntry where entryid=" + currRow.ID.Trim();

            ds1 = _jurisUtility.ExecuteSqlCommand(0, SQL);
            if (ds1.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0)
                currRow.error = "The EID is not in the TimeEntry Table";

            SQL = "Select * from Timebatchdetail where tbdid=(select tbdid from timeentrylink where entryid=" + currRow.ID.Trim() + ")";
            ds1 = _jurisUtility.ExecuteSqlCommand(0, SQL);
            if (ds1.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0)
                currRow.error = "The EID is not in the TimeBatchDetail Table";

            SQL = "Select * from UnbilledTime where utid=(select tbdid from timeentrylink where entryid=" + currRow.ID.Trim() + ")";
            ds1 = _jurisUtility.ExecuteSqlCommand(0, SQL);
            if (ds1.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0)
                currRow.error = "The EID is not in the UnbilledTime Table";

            SQL = "Select * from taskcode where TaskCdCode = '" + currRow.newTask.Trim() + "'";
            ds1 = _jurisUtility.ExecuteSqlCommand(0, SQL);
            if (ds1.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0)
                currRow.error = "The new task code is not valid";

            //only reachable if all of these sql queries return at least one row (they should all only return 1 row btw) :)
        private void DoDaFix()
            // Enter your SQL code here
            // To run a T-SQL statement with no results, int RecordsAffected = _jurisUtility.ExecuteNonQueryCommand(0, SQL);
            // To get an ADODB.Recordset, ADODB.Recordset myRS = _jurisUtility.RecordsetFromSQL(SQL);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(venKeep) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(venDelete))
                DialogResult rs = MessageBox.Show("This will merge all transactions and data from vendor: " + venDelete + " into" + "\r\n" +
                                                  "vendor: " + venKeep + ". Vendor: " + venDelete + " will be deleted. Continue?", "Confirmation", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question);
                if (rs == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes)
                    DataSet ds1 = new DataSet();
                    String  SQL = "";

                    //we need ot find those ids in the list based on the formatted code
                    var    id          = venList.First(a => a.code == venKeep);
                    var    id1         = venList.First(a => a.code == venDelete);
                    string venKeepID   = id.ID;
                    string venDeleteID = id1.ID;

                    if (!radioButtonKeep.Checked) //if they chose to force the separate check setting
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sepChecks))
                            SQL = "update vendor set " + sepChecks + " where vensysnbr = " + venKeepID;
                            _jurisUtility.ExecuteNonQueryCommand(0, SQL);
                    SQL = "update voucher set vchvendor=" + venKeepID + " where vchvendor=" + venDeleteID;

                    _jurisUtility.ExecuteNonQueryCommand(0, SQL);
                    UpdateStatus("Updated Vouchers.", 1, 9);

                    SQL = "update checkregister set ckregvend=" + venKeepID + " where ckregvend=" + venDeleteID;

                    _jurisUtility.ExecuteNonQueryCommand(0, SQL);
                    UpdateStatus("Updated Check Register.", 2, 9);

                    SQL = "update voucherbatchdetail set vbdvendor=" + venKeepID + " where vbdvendor=" + venDeleteID;

                    _jurisUtility.ExecuteNonQueryCommand(0, SQL);
                    UpdateStatus("Updated Voucher Batch Detail.", 3, 9);

                    SQL = "update vennote set vnvendor=" + venKeepID + " where vnvendor=" + venDeleteID;

                    _jurisUtility.ExecuteNonQueryCommand(0, SQL);
                    UpdateStatus("Updated Vendor Note.", 4, 9);

                    SQL = "update matdisbhistory set mdhvendor=" + venKeepID + "where mdhvendor=" + venDeleteID;

                    _jurisUtility.ExecuteNonQueryCommand(0, SQL);
                    UpdateStatus("Updated Mat Disb History.", 5, 9);

                    SQL = "SELECT  [V99Year] ,cast(sum([V99AmountPaid]) as decimal(20,2)) as paid ,cast(sum(V99SupplementAmount) as decimal(20,2)) as supp FROM [Ven1099] where V99Vendor = " + venDeleteID + " or V99Vendor = " + venKeepID + " group by V99Year";

                    ds1 = _jurisUtility.ExecuteSqlCommand(0, SQL);
                    foreach (DataRow r in ds1.Tables[0].Rows)

                        SQL = "update Ven1099 set V99AmountPaid = " + r[1].ToString() + ", V99SupplementAmount = " + r[2].ToString() + " where V99Year = " + r[0].ToString() + " and V99Vendor = " + venKeepID;
                        _jurisUtility.ExecuteNonQueryCommand(0, SQL);

                    //Update ven1099 settings based of selection
                    if (radioButton4.Checked == true)
                        SQL = "update vendor set ven1099Box=del1099 from (select ven1099Box as del1099, vensysnbr as OldVen from vendor where vensysnbr=" + venDeleteID + ")DV where vensysnbr= " + venKeepID;
                        _jurisUtility.ExecuteNonQueryCommand(0, SQL);

                    SQL = "SELECT  [VSPPrdYear],[VSPPrdNbr],cast(sum([VSPVouchers]) as decimal(20,2)) as vouch,cast(sum([VSPPayments]) as decimal(20,2)) as pymt,cast(sum([VSPDiscountsTaken]) as decimal(20,2)) as disc FROM [VenSumByPrd] where VSPVendor = " + venDeleteID + " or vspvendor=" + venKeepID + " group by VSPPrdYear, VSPPrdNbr order by VSPPrdYear, VSPPrdNbr";

                    ds1 = _jurisUtility.ExecuteSqlCommand(0, SQL);
                    foreach (DataRow r in ds1.Tables[0].Rows)
                        SQL = "SELECT vspprdyear, vspprdnbr, vspvendor from VenSumByPrd where VSPPrdYear = " + r["VSPPrdYear"].ToString() + " and VSPVendor = " + venKeepID + " and VSPPrdNbr = " + r["VSPPrdNbr"].ToString();
                        DataSet d2 = _jurisUtility.ExecuteSqlCommand(0, SQL);
                        if (d2.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0)
                            SQL = "Insert into VenSumbyPrd(vspvendor, vspprdyear, vspprdnbr, vspvouchers, vsppayments, vspdiscountstaken) values(" + venKeepID + "," + r["VSPPrdYear"].ToString() + "," + r["VSPPrdNbr"].ToString() + "," + r["vouch"].ToString() + "," + r["pymt"].ToString() + "," + r["disc"].ToString() + ")";
                            _jurisUtility.ExecuteNonQueryCommand(0, SQL);
                            SQL = "update VenSumByPrd set VSPVouchers = " + r["vouch"].ToString() + ", VSPPayments = " + r["pymt"].ToString() + ", VSPDiscountsTaken = " + r["disc"].ToString() + " where VSPPrdYear = " + r["VSPPrdYear"].ToString() + " and VSPVendor = " + venKeepID + " and VSPPrdNbr = " + r["VSPPrdNbr"].ToString();
                            _jurisUtility.ExecuteNonQueryCommand(0, SQL);

                    UpdateStatus("Updated 1099 and Vendor Sum By Period.", 6, 9);


                    //delete records
                    SQL = "delete from ven1099 where V99Vendor = " + venDeleteID;

                    _jurisUtility.ExecuteNonQueryCommand(0, SQL);

                    SQL = "delete from VenSumbyprd where VSPVendor = " + venDeleteID;

                    _jurisUtility.ExecuteNonQueryCommand(0, SQL);

                    SQL = "delete from vendor where VenSysNbr = " + venDeleteID;

                    _jurisUtility.ExecuteNonQueryCommand(0, SQL);

                    UpdateStatus("Removing old records.", 7, 9);

                    //updte doctree
                    SQL = "Delete from documenttree where  dtdocclass=7000 and dtkeyl=" + venDeleteID;

                    _jurisUtility.ExecuteNonQueryCommand(0, SQL);

                    UpdateStatus("Updated DocTree.", 8, 9);

                    UpdateStatus("Process Complete.", 9, 9);

                    venDelete = "";
                    venKeep   = "";
                    cbKeep.SelectedIndex   = -1;
                    cbDelete.SelectedIndex = -1;

                    MessageBox.Show("The process is complete", "Confirmation", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.None);
                    catch (Exception ex11)
                MessageBox.Show("Please select a vendor from both drop downs", "Selection error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
Beispiel #3
        private void DoDaFix()
            UpdateStatus("Creating New Accounts...", 0, 0);
            toolStripStatusLabel.Text = "Creating New Accounts...";
            Cursor.Current            = Cursors.WaitCursor;

            //Create New Accounts
            string SQL = @"Insert into ChartofAccounts(chtsysnbr, chtmainacct, chtsubacct, chtdesc, chtsubtotlevel, chtfinstmttype, chtsaftype, chtparencode, chtcomprescode,
            chtcashflowtype, chtsubacct1, chtsubacct2, chtsubacct3, chtsubacct4, chtsubacct5, chtsubacct6, chtsubacct7, chtsubacct8)
            select(select spnbrvalue from sysparam where spname = 'LastSysNbrChart') + rank() over(order by newacct) as Chtsysnbr, right('000000000' + cast(newacct as varchar(8)), 8),chtsubacct, left(min(newdesc), 30) as NewDesc, chtsubtotlevel, chtfinstmttype, chtsaftype, min(chtparencode), chtcomprescode,
            min(chtcashflowtype), (select isnull(min(coas1id),0) from coasubaccount1), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
            from #tblcoa
            inner join chartofaccounts on oldsysnbr = chtsysnbr
                   where newsysnbr is null
            group by newacct, chtsubacct, chtsubtotlevel, chtfinstmttype,chtsaftype, chtcomprescode";

            _jurisUtility.ExecuteNonQueryCommand(0, SQL);

            SQL = @"update sysparam
            set spnbrvalue = (select max(chtsysnbr) from chartofaccounts) where spname = 'LastSysNbrChart'";

            _jurisUtility.ExecuteNonQueryCommand(0, SQL);

            SQL = @"Insert into documenttree(dtdocid, dtsystemcreated, dtdocclass, dtdoctype, dtparentid, dttitle, dtkeyl)
            select(select spnbrvalue from sysparam where spname = 'LastSysNbrDocTree') + rank() over(order by chtsysnbr) as Chtsysnbr,'Y','2100','R','9',
            chtdesc, chtsysnbr
            from chartofaccounts
            where chtsysnbr not in (select dtkeyl from documenttree where dtdocclass = 2100 and dtdoctype = 'R' and dtparentid = 9)";

            _jurisUtility.ExecuteNonQueryCommand(0, SQL);

            SQL = @"update sysparam
            set spnbrvalue = (select max(dtdocid) from documenttree) where spname = 'LastSysNbrDocTree'";

            _jurisUtility.ExecuteNonQueryCommand(0, SQL);

            SQL = @"Update #tblcoa
                set newsysnbr = chtsysnbr
                from chartofaccounts
                where chtmainacct = right('000000000' + cast(newacct as varchar(8)), 8) and newsysnbr is null";

            _jurisUtility.ExecuteNonQueryCommand(0, SQL);

            //Update DataGrid With New Accounts

            string  sql2 = "select * from #tblcoa order by newacct";
            DataSet coa  = _jurisUtility.ExecuteSqlCommand(0, sql2);

            dataGridView1.DataSource = coa.Tables[0];

            UpdateStatus("Updating Chart of Accounts...", 1, 25);
            toolStripStatusLabel.Text = "Updating Chart of Accounts...";
            Cursor.Current            = Cursors.WaitCursor;

            //Update New Accounts and Accounts that will not have completely new data

            string sql = @"update  jebatchdetail
            set jebdaccount=newsysnbr from #tblcoa where jebdaccount=oldsysnbr
            and statustype in (1,2,4)";

            _jurisUtility.ExecuteNonQueryCommand(0, sql);

            sql = @"update  voucherbatchdetail
        set VBDDiscAcct=newsysnbr from #tblcoa where VBDDiscAcct=oldsysnbr
        and statustype in (1,2,4)";

            _jurisUtility.ExecuteNonQueryCommand(0, sql);

            UpdateStatus("Updating Chart of Accounts...", 2, 25);
            toolStripStatusLabel.Text = "Updating Chart of Accounts...";
            Cursor.Current            = Cursors.WaitCursor;

            sql = @"update  voucherbatchgldist
            set VBGGLAcct=newsysnbr from #tblcoa where VBGGLAcct=oldsysnbr
            and statustype in (1,2,4)";

            _jurisUtility.ExecuteNonQueryCommand(0, sql);

            sql = @"update  vouchergldist
            set VGLGLAcct=newsysnbr from #tblcoa where VGLGLAcct=oldsysnbr
            and statustype in (1,2,4)";

            _jurisUtility.ExecuteNonQueryCommand(0, sql);

            UpdateStatus("Updating Chart of Accounts...", 3, 25);
            toolStripStatusLabel.Text = "Updating Chart of Accounts...";
            Cursor.Current            = Cursors.WaitCursor;

            sql = @"update  journalentry
            set jeaccount=newsysnbr from #tblcoa where jeaccount=oldsysnbr
            and statustype in (1,2,4)";

            _jurisUtility.ExecuteNonQueryCommand(0, sql);

            sql = @"update  jetemplatedetail
            set jetdaccount=newsysnbr from #tblcoa where jetdaccount=oldsysnbr
            and statustype in (1,2,4)";

            _jurisUtility.ExecuteNonQueryCommand(0, sql);

            sql = @"update  vendor
            set VenDiscAcct=newsysnbr from #tblcoa where VenDiscAcct=oldsysnbr
             and statustype in (1,2,4)";

            _jurisUtility.ExecuteNonQueryCommand(0, sql);

            sql = @"update  ChartNote
            set ChnAccount=newsysnbr from #tblcoa where ChnAccount=oldsysnbr
             and statustype in (1,2,4)";

            _jurisUtility.ExecuteNonQueryCommand(0, sql);

            sql = @"update  VchTemplate
            set VTVchDiscountAccount=newsysnbr from #tblcoa where VTVchDiscountAccount=oldsysnbr
             and statustype in (1,2,4)";

            _jurisUtility.ExecuteNonQueryCommand(0, sql);

            sql = @"update  VchTemplateGLDist
            set VTGLDAccount=newsysnbr from #tblcoa where VTGLDAccount=oldsysnbr
             and statustype in (1,2,4)";

            _jurisUtility.ExecuteNonQueryCommand(0, sql);

            UpdateStatus("Updating Chart of Accounts...", 4, 25);
            toolStripStatusLabel.Text = "Updating Chart of Accounts...";
            Cursor.Current            = Cursors.WaitCursor;

            sql = @"update  vendor
            set VenDefaultDistAcct=newsysnbr from #tblcoa where VenDefaultDistAcct=oldsysnbr
            and statustype in (1,2,4)";

            _jurisUtility.ExecuteNonQueryCommand(0, sql);

            sql = @"update apaccount
            set apaglacct=newsysnbr from #tblcoa where apaglacct=oldsysnbr
            and statustype in (1,2,4)";

            _jurisUtility.ExecuteNonQueryCommand(0, sql);

            sql = @"update practclassglacct
            set pgaacct=newsysnbr from #tblcoa where pgaacct=oldsysnbr
            and statustype in (1,2,4)";

            _jurisUtility.ExecuteNonQueryCommand(0, sql);

            sql = @"update OfficeGLAccount
            set ogaacct=newsysnbr from #tblcoa where ogaacct=oldsysnbr
            and statustype in (1,2,4)";

            _jurisUtility.ExecuteNonQueryCommand(0, sql);

            sql = @"update  voucher
            set VchDiscAcct=newsysnbr from #tblcoa where VchDiscAcct=oldsysnbr
            and statustype in (1,2,4)";

            _jurisUtility.ExecuteNonQueryCommand(0, sql);

            UpdateStatus("Updating Chart of Accounts...", 5, 25);
            toolStripStatusLabel.Text = "Updating Chart of Accounts...";
            Cursor.Current            = Cursors.WaitCursor;

            sql = @"update  CRNonCliAlloc
            set CRNCreditAccount=newsysnbr from #tblcoa where CRNCreditAccount=oldsysnbr
            and statustype in (1,2,4)";

            _jurisUtility.ExecuteNonQueryCommand(0, sql);

            sql = @"update  ExpCodeGLAcct
            set ECGAAcct=newsysnbr from #tblcoa where ECGAAcct=oldsysnbr
            and statustype in (1,2,4)";

            _jurisUtility.ExecuteNonQueryCommand(0, sql);

            UpdateStatus("Updating Chart of Accounts...", 6, 25);
            toolStripStatusLabel.Text = "Updating Chart of Accounts...";
            Cursor.Current            = Cursors.WaitCursor;

            sql = @"update  ExpDetailDist
            set EDDAccount=newsysnbr from #tblcoa where EDDAccount=oldsysnbr
             and statustype in (1,2,4)";

            _jurisUtility.ExecuteNonQueryCommand(0, sql);

            sql = @"update  BkAcctGLAcct
            set BGAAcct=newsysnbr from #tblcoa where BGAAcct=oldsysnbr  and statustype in (1,2,4)";

            _jurisUtility.ExecuteNonQueryCommand(0, sql);

            UpdateStatus("Updating Chart of Accounts...", 7, 25);
            toolStripStatusLabel.Text = "Updating Chart of Accounts...";
            Cursor.Current            = Cursors.WaitCursor;

            sql = @"update  TimeDetailDist
            set TDDAccount=newsysnbr from #tblcoa where TDDAccount=oldsysnbr
            and statustype in (1,2,4)";

            _jurisUtility.ExecuteNonQueryCommand(0, sql);

            sql = @"update  EmpGLAcct
             set EGAAcct=newsysnbr from #tblcoa where EGAAcct=oldsysnbr
            and statustype in (1,2,4)";

            _jurisUtility.ExecuteNonQueryCommand(0, sql);

            UpdateStatus("Updating Chart of Accounts...", 8, 25);
            toolStripStatusLabel.Text = "Updating Chart of Accounts...";
            Cursor.Current            = Cursors.WaitCursor;

            sql = @"update  FSLayoutItem
            set FSLIChtSysNbr=newsysnbr from #tblcoa where FSLIChtSysNbr=oldsysnbr
            and statustype in (1,2,4)";

            _jurisUtility.ExecuteNonQueryCommand(0, sql);

            //Update Accounts that are moving to an existing account that is also moving

            sql = @"update jebatchdetail
            set jebdaccount = newsysnbr from #tblcoa where jebdaccount=oldsysnbr
            and statustype in (3)";

            _jurisUtility.ExecuteNonQueryCommand(0, sql);

            sql = @"update  jetemplatedetail
            set jetdaccount=newsysnbr from #tblcoa where jetdaccount=oldsysnbr
            and statustype in (3)";

            _jurisUtility.ExecuteNonQueryCommand(0, sql);

            UpdateStatus("Updating Chart of Accounts...", 9, 25);
            toolStripStatusLabel.Text = "Updating Chart of Accounts...";
            Cursor.Current            = Cursors.WaitCursor;

            sql = @"update  voucherbatchdetail
            set VBDDiscAcct=newsysnbr from #tblcoa where VBDDiscAcct=oldsysnbr
            and statustype in (3)";

            _jurisUtility.ExecuteNonQueryCommand(0, sql);

            sql = @"update  voucherbatchgldist
            set VBGGLAcct=newsysnbr from #tblcoa where VBGGLAcct=oldsysnbr
             and statustype in (3)";

            _jurisUtility.ExecuteNonQueryCommand(0, sql);

            sql = @"update  ChartNote
            set ChnAccount=newsysnbr from #tblcoa where ChnAccount=oldsysnbr
             and statustype in (3)";

            _jurisUtility.ExecuteNonQueryCommand(0, sql);

            sql = @"update  VchTemplate
            set VTVchDiscountAccount=newsysnbr from #tblcoa where VTVchDiscountAccount=oldsysnbr
             and statustype in (3)";

            _jurisUtility.ExecuteNonQueryCommand(0, sql);

            sql = @"update  VchTemplateGLDist
            set VTGLDAccount=newsysnbr from #tblcoa where VTGLDAccount=oldsysnbr
             and statustype in (3)";

            _jurisUtility.ExecuteNonQueryCommand(0, sql);

            UpdateStatus("Updating Chart of Accounts...", 10, 25);
            toolStripStatusLabel.Text = "Updating Chart of Accounts...";
            Cursor.Current            = Cursors.WaitCursor;

            sql = @"update apaccount
            set apaglacct=newsysnbr from #tblcoa where apaglacct=oldsysnbr
            and statustype in (3)";

            _jurisUtility.ExecuteNonQueryCommand(0, sql);

            sql = @"update  vouchergldist
            set VGLGLAcct=newsysnbr from #tblcoa where VGLGLAcct=oldsysnbr
            and statustype in (3)";

            _jurisUtility.ExecuteNonQueryCommand(0, sql);

            sql = @"update  journalentry
            set jeaccount=newsysnbr from #tblcoa where jeaccount=oldsysnbr
            and statustype in (3)";

            _jurisUtility.ExecuteNonQueryCommand(0, sql);

            UpdateStatus("Updating Chart of Accounts...", 11, 25);
            toolStripStatusLabel.Text = "Updating Chart of Accounts...";
            Cursor.Current            = Cursors.WaitCursor;

            sql = @"update  vendor
            set VenDiscAcct=newsysnbr from #tblcoa where VenDiscAcct=oldsysnbr
            and statustype in (3)";

            _jurisUtility.ExecuteNonQueryCommand(0, sql);

            sql = @"update practclassglacct
            set pgaacct=newsysnbr from #tblcoa where pgaacct=oldsysnbr
            and statustype in (3)";

            _jurisUtility.ExecuteNonQueryCommand(0, sql);

            sql = @"update OfficeGLAccount
            set ogaacct=newsysnbr from #tblcoa where ogaacct=oldsysnbr
            and statustype in (3)";

            _jurisUtility.ExecuteNonQueryCommand(0, sql);

            sql = @"update  vendor
            set VenDefaultDistAcct=newsysnbr from #tblcoa where VenDefaultDistAcct=oldsysnbr
            and statustype in (3)";

            _jurisUtility.ExecuteNonQueryCommand(0, sql);

            UpdateStatus("Updating Chart of Accounts...", 12, 25);
            toolStripStatusLabel.Text = "Updating Chart of Accounts...";
            Cursor.Current            = Cursors.WaitCursor;

            sql = @"update  voucher
            set VchDiscAcct=newsysnbr from #tblcoa where VchDiscAcct=oldsysnbr
            and statustype in (3)";

            _jurisUtility.ExecuteNonQueryCommand(0, sql);

            sql = @"update  CRNonCliAlloc
            set CRNCreditAccount=newsysnbr from #tblcoa where CRNCreditAccount=oldsysnbr
            and statustype in (3)";

            _jurisUtility.ExecuteNonQueryCommand(0, sql);

            UpdateStatus("Updating Chart of Accounts...", 13, 25);
            toolStripStatusLabel.Text = "Updating Chart of Accounts...";
            Cursor.Current            = Cursors.WaitCursor;

            sql = @"update  ExpCodeGLAcct
            set ECGAAcct=newsysnbr from #tblcoa where ECGAAcct=oldsysnbr
            and statustype in (3)";

            _jurisUtility.ExecuteNonQueryCommand(0, sql);

            sql = "select * from expdetaildist inner join #tblcoa on EDDAccount=oldsysnbr order by eddbatch, EDDRecNbr";
            DataSet dd     = _jurisUtility.RecordsetFromSQL(sql);
            var     result = dd.Tables[0]
                             .Where(myRow => myRow.Field <int>("RowNo") == 1);

            sql = @"update  ExpDetailDist
            set EDDAccount=newsysnbr from #tblcoa where EDDAccount=oldsysnbr
            and statustype in (3)";

            //select min(ogaacct) from officeglaccount
            //where ogatype=210

            _jurisUtility.ExecuteNonQueryCommand(0, sql);

            UpdateStatus("Updating Chart of Accounts...", 14, 25);
            toolStripStatusLabel.Text = "Updating Chart of Accounts...";
            Cursor.Current            = Cursors.WaitCursor;

            sql = @"update  BkAcctGLAcct
            set BGAAcct=newsysnbr from #tblcoa where BGAAcct=oldsysnbr and statustype in (3)";

            _jurisUtility.ExecuteNonQueryCommand(0, sql);

            sql = @"update  TimeDetailDist
            set TDDAccount=newsysnbr from #tblcoa where TDDAccount=oldsysnbr
            and statustype in (3)";

            _jurisUtility.ExecuteNonQueryCommand(0, sql);

            UpdateStatus("Updating Chart of Accounts...", 15, 25);
            toolStripStatusLabel.Text = "Updating Chart of Accounts...";
            Cursor.Current            = Cursors.WaitCursor;

            sql = @"update  EmpGLAcct
            set EGAAcct=newsysnbr from #tblcoa where EGAAcct=oldsysnbr
            and statustype in (3)";

            _jurisUtility.ExecuteNonQueryCommand(0, sql);

            sql = @"update  FSLayoutItem
        set FSLIChtSysNbr=newsysnbr from #tblcoa where FSLIChtSysNbr=oldsysnbr
        and statustype in (3)";

            _jurisUtility.ExecuteNonQueryCommand(0, sql);

            UpdateStatus("Updating Chart Budgets...", 20, 25);
            toolStripStatusLabel.Text = "Updating Chart Budgets...";
            Cursor.Current            = Cursors.WaitCursor;

            string SqLCB = @"select newsysnbr,  chbperiod as prd, chbprdyear as yr, sum(chbnetchange) as NC, sum(chbbudget) as Bud
                    into #tblcb
                        from chartbudget
                    inner join #tblcoa on oldsysnbr=chbaccount
                     group by newsysnbr, chbperiod, chbprdyear";

            _jurisUtility.ExecuteNonQueryCommand(0, SqLCB);

            sql = "Delete from chartbudget";
            _jurisUtility.ExecuteNonQueryCommand(0, sql);

            sql = @"Insert into ChartBudget(chbaccount, chbprdyear, chbperiod, chbnetchange, chbbudget)
                Select newsysnbr, yr, prd, nc, bud from #tblcb";

            _jurisUtility.ExecuteNonQueryCommand(0, sql);

            sql = "drop table #tblcb";
            _jurisUtility.ExecuteNonQueryCommand(0, sql);

            UpdateStatus("Account Clean Up...", 23, 25);
            toolStripStatusLabel.Text = "Account Clean Up...";
            Cursor.Current            = Cursors.WaitCursor;

            sql = @"update sysparam set sptxtvalue=cast(newsysnbr as varchar(10)) + ',0' from #tblcoa where spname='DefEmpGlAcct' and sptxtvalue=cast(oldsysnbr as varchar(10)) + ',0'";
            _jurisUtility.ExecuteNonQueryCommand(0, sql);

            sql = @"update sysparam set sptxtvalue=cast(newsysnbr as varchar(10)) + ',0' from #tblcoa where spname='DefExpGlAcct' and sptxtvalue=cast(oldsysnbr as varchar(10)) + ',0'";
            _jurisUtility.ExecuteNonQueryCommand(0, sql);

            sql = @"update sysparam set sptxtvalue=cast(newsysnbr as varchar(10)) + ',0' from #tblcoa where spname='DefVenDiscAcct' and sptxtvalue=cast(oldsysnbr as varchar(10)) + ',0'";
            _jurisUtility.ExecuteNonQueryCommand(0, sql);

            sql = @"delete  from chartofaccountchartcategory where chtsysnbr not in (Select newsysnbr from #tblcoa)";
            _jurisUtility.ExecuteNonQueryCommand(0, sql);
            sql = @"delete  from chartofaccounts where chtsysnbr not in (select newsysnbr from #tblcoa)";
            _jurisUtility.ExecuteNonQueryCommand(0, sql);
            sql = @"update  chartofaccounts set  chtsubacct1=0,chtdesc=left(newdesc,30) from #tblcoa where newsysnbr=chtsysnbr";
            _jurisUtility.ExecuteNonQueryCommand(0, sql);
            sql = @"delete from documenttree where dtdocclass='2100' and dtdoctype='R' and dtparentid=9 and dtkeyl not in (select chtsysnbr from chartofaccounts)";
            _jurisUtility.ExecuteNonQueryCommand(0, sql);

            sql = "drop table #tblcoa";
            _jurisUtility.ExecuteNonQueryCommand(0, sql);

            toolStripStatusLabel.Text = "Complete.";
            Cursor.Current            = Cursors.Default;
            UpdateStatus("Complete...", 25, 25);

            WriteLog("GL CROSSWALK CHART OF ACCOUNTS UPDATE " + DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"));

            MessageBox.Show("The process completed successfully", "Finished", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.None);
Beispiel #4
 private void GetFieldLengths()
         var ds        = _jurisUtility.ExecuteSqlCommand(0, Resources.GetFieldLengths);
         var row       = ds.Tables["Table"].Rows[0];
         var regex     = new Regex(@"\d+");
         var fldClient = row["FldClient"] as string;
         var fldMatter = row["FldMatter"] as string;
         FldClient = int.Parse(regex.Match(fldClient ?? "0").Value);
         FldMatter = int.Parse(regex.Match(fldMatter ?? "0").Value);
     catch (Exception exception)
         MessageBox.Show(this, exception.Message, @"Error getting field lengths", MessageBoxButtons.OK,