private static void ShowOptions()
            var optionCount = 1;
            var options     = new List <string>();

            options.Add("Startup HTML5 with Firestore CRUD");
            options.Add("Startup HTML5");
            options.Add("Firestore CRUD JS");
            options.Add("Make custom choices");

            options.ForEach((option) =>
                ShowText.InfoMessage(optionCount++ + ") " + option);

            ShowText.CustomMessage("Waiting for input..", ConsoleColor.Gray);
            internal static void GenerateCompleteCrud()
                // Generate JS File

                // Get file name
                ShowText.InfoMessage("Type in a name for the JS file, or just press enter to default name to scripts.js");
                var fileName = Console.ReadLine();

                // Get file path
                ShowText.InfoMessage("Type in a path for the JS file, or just press enter to default path to your Desktop");
                var filePath          = Console.ReadLine();
                var fileNameToProcess = fileName == "" ? "scripts.js" : fileName + ".js";
                var filePathToProcess = filePath == "" ? Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop) + "\\" + fileNameToProcess : filePath + "\\" + fileNameToProcess;

                ShowText.WarningMessage("Creating " + fileNameToProcess + " in " + filePathToProcess + "...");
                File.AppendAllText(filePathToProcess, JSContent.PrepareForFirestoreCrud() + "\n\n" + JSContent.FirestoreCreateCode() + "\n\n" + JSContent.FirestoreUpdateCode() + "\n\n" + JSContent.FirestoreDeleteCode() + "\n\n" + JSContent.FirestoreReadSingleCode() + "\n\n" + JSContent.FirestoreReadMultipleCode());
                // Show Progress
                ShowText.SuccessMessage(fileNameToProcess + " file generated at " + filePathToProcess + " !");
            internal static void GenerateHtml()
                // Generate HTML file

                // Get file name
                ShowText.InfoMessage("Type in a name for the HTML file, or just press enter to default name to index.html");
                var fileName = Console.ReadLine();

                // Get file path
                ShowText.InfoMessage("Type in a path for the HTML file, or just press enter to default path to your Desktop");
                var filePath          = Console.ReadLine();
                var fileNameToProcess = fileName == "" ? "index.html" : fileName + ".html";
                var filePathToProcess = filePath == "" ? Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop) + "\\" + fileNameToProcess : filePath + "\\" + fileNameToProcess;

                ShowText.WarningMessage("Creating " + fileNameToProcess + " in " + filePathToProcess + "...");
                File.AppendAllText(filePathToProcess, JSContent.StartupHtml(""));
                // Show Progress
                ShowText.SuccessMessage(fileNameToProcess + " file generated at " + filePathToProcess + " !");