public static Bundle RefreshBundle(this FhirClient client, Bundle bundle)
            if (bundle == null)
                throw Error.ArgumentNull(nameof(bundle));

            if (bundle.Type != Bundle.BundleType.Searchset)
                throw Error.Argument("Refresh is only applicable to bundles of type 'searchset'");

            // Clone old bundle, without the entries (so, just the header)
            Bundle result = (Bundle)bundle.DeepCopy();

            result.Id               = "urn:uuid:" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString("n");
            result.Meta             = new Meta();
            result.Meta.LastUpdated = DateTimeOffset.Now;

            foreach (var entry in result.Entry)
                if (entry.Resource != null)
                    entry.Resource = client.Read <Resource>(entry.FullUrl);

        public ActionResult UpdateResource(Models.UpdateResourceViewModel model)
                var patientID = model.patientID;

                //Create a client to send to the server at a given endpoint.
                var FhirClient     = new Hl7.Fhir.Rest.FhirClient(OpenFHIRUrl);
                var ResourceUpdate = ("/Patient/" + patientID);

                //Reading the data at the given location("URL")
                model.patientRead = FhirClient.Read <Patient>(ResourceUpdate);

                //using Json serializer to get the data in Json format
                FhirJsonSerializer fhirJsonSerializer = new FhirJsonSerializer();

                //Serializing the existing patient
                string oldDetails = fhirJsonSerializer.SerializeToString(model.patientRead);
                model.patientDetailsOld = JValue.Parse(oldDetails).ToString();

                //Updating the changes to the existing Resource

                model.patientFullnameUpdate        = new HumanName();
                model.patientFullnameUpdate.Use    = HumanName.NameUse.Official;
                model.patientFullnameUpdate.Prefix = new string[] { model.patientPrefixUpdate };
                model.patientFullnameUpdate.Given  = new string[] { model.patientFirstnameUpdate };
                model.patientFullnameUpdate.Family = model.patientFamilyNameUpdate;
                model.patientRead.Name             = new List <HumanName>();
                model.patientRead.Gender    = model.patientGenderUpdate == "Male" ? AdministrativeGender.Male : AdministrativeGender.Female;
                model.patientRead.BirthDate = model.patientDateOfBirthUpdate;

                //Sending the updated changes to the endpoint
                model.patientupdate = FhirClient.Update <Patient>(model.patientRead);

                // Serializing the updated patient details
                string Updatedetails = fhirJsonSerializer.SerializeToString(model.patientupdate);
                model.patientDetailsUpdated = JValue.Parse(Updatedetails).ToString();
            catch (FhirOperationException FhirOpExec)
                var response     = FhirOpExec.Outcome;
                var errorDetails = fhirJsonSerializer.SerializeToString(response);
                model.ResourceRawJsonData = JValue.Parse(errorDetails).ToString();
            catch (WebException ex)
                var response = new StreamReader(ex.Response.GetResponseStream()).ReadToEnd();
                var error    = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(response);
                model.ResourceRawJsonData = error.ToString();

        public static Bundle RefreshBundle(this FhirClient client, Bundle bundle)
            if (bundle == null)
                throw Error.ArgumentNull("bundle");

            // Clone old bundle, without the entries (so, just the header)
            var    oldEntries = bundle.Entry;
            Bundle result;

                bundle.Entry = new List <Bundle.BundleEntryComponent>();
                var xml = FhirSerializer.SerializeResourceToXml(bundle, summary: false);
                result = (Bundle)FhirParser.ParseResourceFromXml(xml);
                bundle.Entry = oldEntries;

            result.Id               = "urn:uuid:" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString("n");
            result.Meta             = new Meta();
            result.Meta.LastUpdated = DateTimeOffset.Now;
            result.Entry            = new List <Bundle.BundleEntryComponent>();

            foreach (var entry in bundle.Entry)
                if (entry.Resource != null)
                    if (!entry.IsDeleted())
                        Resource newEntry = client.Read <Resource>(entry.GetResourceLocation());
                        result.Entry.Add(new Bundle.BundleEntryComponent()
                            Resource = newEntry, Base = bundle.Base, ElementId = entry.ElementId
                    throw Error.NotSupported("Cannot refresh an entry of type {0}", messageArgs: entry.GetType().Name);

Beispiel #4
        public static Bundle RefreshBundle(this FhirClient client, Bundle bundle)
            if (bundle == null)
                throw Error.ArgumentNull("bundle");

            // Clone old bundle, without the entries (so, just the header)
            var    oldEntries = bundle.Entries;
            Bundle result;

                bundle.Entries = new List <BundleEntry>();
                var xml = FhirSerializer.SerializeBundleToXml(bundle);
                result = FhirParser.ParseBundleFromXml(xml);
                bundle.Entries = oldEntries;

            result.Id          = new Uri("urn:uuid:" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString());
            result.LastUpdated = DateTimeOffset.Now;
            result.Entries     = new List <BundleEntry>();
            foreach (var entry in bundle.Entries)
                if (entry is ResourceEntry)
                    var newEntry = client.Read(entry.Id);
                    if (entry.Links.Related != null)
                        newEntry.Links.Related = entry.Links.Related;
                else if (entry is DeletedEntry)
                    throw Error.NotSupported("Cannot refresh an entry of type {0}", messageArgs: entry.GetType().Name);

Beispiel #5
        public void ReadPatient()
            Patient p = new Patient();

            p.Id   = "pat1"; // if you support this format for the IDs (client allocated ID)
            p.Name = new System.Collections.Generic.List <HumanName>();
            p.Name.Add(new HumanName().WithGiven("Grahame").AndFamily("Grieve"));
            p.BirthDate            = new DateTime(1970, 3, 1).ToFhirDate(); // yes there are extensions to convert to FHIR format
            p.Active               = true;
            p.ManagingOrganization = new ResourceReference("Organization/2", "Other Org");

            Hl7.Fhir.Rest.FhirClient clientFhir = new Hl7.Fhir.Rest.FhirClient(_baseAddress, false);
            var result = clientFhir.Update <Patient>(p);

            Assert.IsNotNull(result.Id, "Newly created patient should have an ID");
            Assert.IsNotNull(result.Meta, "Newly created patient should have an Meta created");
            Assert.IsNotNull(result.Meta.LastUpdated, "Newly created patient should have the creation date populated");
            Assert.IsTrue(result.Active.Value, "The patient was created as an active patient");

            // read the record to check that it can be loaded
            result = clientFhir.Read <Patient>("Patient/pat1");
            Assert.AreEqual(p.Id, result.Id, "Newly created patient should have an ID");
            Assert.IsNotNull(result.Meta, "Newly created patient should have an Meta created");
            Assert.IsNotNull(result.Meta.LastUpdated, "Newly created patient should have the creation date populated");
            Assert.IsTrue(result.Active.Value, "The patient was created as an active patient");

                var p4 = clientFhir.Read <Patient>("Patient/missing-client-id");
                Assert.Fail("Should have received an exception running this");
            catch (Hl7.Fhir.Rest.FhirOperationException ex)
                // This was the expected outcome
Beispiel #6
        public Hl7.Fhir.Model.Patient GetPatientByBusId(string patientId)
            var srvConfig     = _integrationServicesConfiguration.GetConfigurationService(IntegrationServicesConfiguration.ConfigurationServicesName.BUS);
            var baseUrl       = srvConfig.BaseURL;
            var getPatientUrl = srvConfig.GetEndPoint(IntegrationService.ConfigurationEndPointName.PATIENT_GET).URL + $"/{patientId}";

            var client = new Hl7.Fhir.Rest.FhirClient(baseUrl);

            client.OnBeforeRequest += OnBeforeRequestFhirServer;
            client.OnAfterResponse += OnAfterResponseFhirServer;

            var ret = client.Read <Hl7.Fhir.Model.Patient>(getPatientUrl);

Beispiel #7
        public void Test_ConditionalRead()
            Hl7.Fhir.Rest.FhirClient clientFhir = new Hl7.Fhir.Rest.FhirClient(StaticTestData.FhirEndpoint(), false);
            clientFhir.Timeout = 1000 * 720; // give the call a while to execute (particularly while debugging).

            string         PatientOneId       = string.Empty;
            string         PatientOneVersion  = string.Empty;
            DateTimeOffset?PatientOneModified = null;

            // Prepare 3 test patients
            Patient PatientOne = new Patient();

            string TestPat1 = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

            PatientOne.Id = TestPat1;
            PatientOne.BirthDateElement = new Date("1970-01");
            PatientOne.Identifier.Add(new Identifier(StaticTestData.TestIdentiferSystem, "6"));

            Patient ResultOne = null;

                ResultOne          = clientFhir.Update(PatientOne);
                PatientOneId       = ResultOne.Id;
                PatientOneVersion  = ResultOne.VersionId;
                PatientOneModified = ResultOne.Meta.LastUpdated;
            catch (Exception Exec)
                Assert.True(false, "Exception thrown on resource Get: " + Exec.Message);

            Patient PatientTwo = null;

                //Resource has not changed so should return a 304 Not Modified
                PatientTwo = clientFhir.Read <Patient>($"{StaticTestData.FhirEndpoint()}/Patient/{PatientOneId}", PatientOneVersion, PatientOneModified);
                Assert.Fail("Conditional Read is expected to throw an exception due to bug in FHIR .NET API");
            catch (FhirOperationException ExecOp)
                //Catch the error and check it is a 304 http status.
                Assert.True(true, "FhirOperationException should be thrown on resource Read: " + ExecOp.Message);

            PatientTwo         = null;
            PatientOneModified = PatientOneModified.Value.AddMinutes(-1);
                //If-Modified-Since has been pushed back 1 min so we should get a resource back this time
                PatientTwo = clientFhir.Read <Patient>($"{StaticTestData.FhirEndpoint()}/Patient/{PatientOneId}", PatientOneVersion, PatientOneModified);
                Assert.NotNull(PatientTwo, "Not Resource returned when 1 min subtracted from last-modified on Conditional Read.");
                //reset the PatientOneModified
                PatientOneModified = PatientTwo.Meta.LastUpdated;
            catch (FhirOperationException ExecOp)
                Assert.True(false, "FhirOperationException thrown on resource Read: " + ExecOp.Message);

            PatientTwo        = null;
            PatientOneVersion = "xxxxx";
                //If-None-Match version has been set to not match so we should get a resource back this time
                PatientTwo = clientFhir.Read <Patient>($"{StaticTestData.FhirEndpoint()}/Patient/{PatientOneId}", PatientOneVersion, PatientOneModified);
                Assert.NotNull(PatientTwo, "Not Resource returned when Resource Version did not match active resource Version on Conditional Read.");
            catch (FhirOperationException ExecOp)
                Assert.True(false, "FhirOperationException thrown on resource Read: " + ExecOp.Message);

            //Clean up by deleting all Test Patients
            var sp = new SearchParams().Where("identifier=" + StaticTestData.TestIdentiferSystem + "|");

                clientFhir.Delete("Patient", sp);
            catch (Exception Exec)
                Assert.True(false, "Exception thrown on conditional delete of resource G: " + Exec.Message);