Beispiel #1
        public Square(ControlNode TL, ControlNode TR, ControlNode BR, ControlNode BL)
            this.TL = TL;
            this.TR = TR;
            this.BL = BL;
            this.BR = BR;

            this.L = BL.above;
            this.T = TL.right;
            this.R = BR.above;
            this.B = BL.right;

            if (TL.isActive)
                configuration += 8;
            if (TR.isActive)
                configuration += 4;
            if (BL.isActive)
                configuration += 1;
            if (BR.isActive)
                configuration += 2;
        public SquareGrid(float[,] map, float squareSize)
            int nodeCountX = map.GetLength(0);
            int nodeCountZ = map.GetLength(1);

            float halfMapWidthX = nodeCountX * squareSize * 0.5f;
            float halfMapWidthZ = nodeCountZ * squareSize * 0.5f;

            float halfSquareSize = squareSize * 0.5f;

            //Step 1. Create the control nodes which have a position and a state if they are active or not
            //These can be reused between squares, so better to create them once from a memory perspective
            ControlNode[,] controlNodes = new ControlNode[nodeCountX, nodeCountZ];

            for (int x = 0; x < nodeCountX; x++)
                for (int z = 0; z < nodeCountZ; z++)
                    //Center the map around (0,0)
                    float xPos = -halfMapWidthX + x * squareSize + halfSquareSize;
                    float zPos = -halfMapWidthZ + z * squareSize + halfSquareSize;

                    MyVector2 pos = new MyVector2(xPos, zPos);

                    bool isActive = map[x, z] >= 1f - Mathf.Epsilon;

                    controlNodes[x, z] = new ControlNode(pos, isActive, squareSize, map[x, z]);

            //Step 2. Create the squares which consists of 4 control nodes, so there will be 1 less square than nodes
            squares = new Square[nodeCountX - 1, nodeCountZ - 1];

            for (int x = 0; x < nodeCountX - 1; x++)
                for (int z = 0; z < nodeCountZ - 1; z++)
                    //The control nodes were created from BL
                    ControlNode BL = controlNodes[x + 0, z + 0];
                    ControlNode BR = controlNodes[x + 1, z + 0];
                    ControlNode TR = controlNodes[x + 1, z + 1];
                    ControlNode TL = controlNodes[x + 0, z + 1];

                    squares[x, z] = new Square(TL, TR, BR, BL);