Beispiel #1
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string s_time = "07:00:00";
            string s_bc, s_Height = "0";
            string s_sum;

            DateTime dt_1 = DateTime.Parse(dp1.Text + s_time);
            DateTime dt_2 = dt_1.AddDays(1);

            s_bc = Gt.GetBc(textBox1.Text, dp1.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")).ToString();
            String str = "SELECT  SUM(cash)AS cash, SUM(hy_card) AS hy_card,SUM(hlq)AS hlq, SUM(wx) AS wx,SUM(zfb) AS zfb  FROM t_pos_bill WHERE bc = '" + s_bc + "' and dh_who_receive='" + textBox1.Text + "' and pos_date >= '" + dt_1 + "' and pos_date < '" + dt_2 + "'";

            s_sum = Gt.Getjetxt(str);

            String    str1 = "SELECT cpmc,  SUM(qy)AS qy, SUM(je) AS je  FROM t_cp_yd  WHERE (rec_key IN(SELECT rec_key  FROM t_pos_bill WHERE bc = '" + s_bc + "' and dh_who_receive='" + textBox1.Text + "' and pos_date >= '" + dt_1 + "' and pos_date < '" + dt_2 + "')) GROUP BY cpdh,cpmc ORDER BY cpdh";
            Gtsql     r1   = new Gtsql();
            DataTable d1   = new DataTable();

            d1 = r1.ExecuteQuery(str1); //使用ExecuteQuery()执行sql语句;
            if (d1 != null && d1.Rows.Count > 0)
            {                           //65为表头高度,7.5 为单行高度
                s_Height = (Convert.ToUInt32(d1.Rows.Count * 7.5) + 85).ToString();
            // 报表路径
            string path = Application.StartupPath + "\\Report\\Report_jb.frx";

            //Report report = new Report();

            report.SetParameterValue("dt_1", dt_1);
            report.SetParameterValue("dt_2", dt_2);

            report.SetParameterValue("s_xm", Global.s_xm);
            report.SetParameterValue("s_jbdate", dp1.Text);
            report.SetParameterValue("s_bc", s_bc);
            report.SetParameterValue("s_Height", s_Height);

            report.SetParameterValue("s_sum", s_sum); //合计

            //report.PrintSettings.Printer = "Foxit Reader PDF Printer";
            //report.PrintSettings.PageNumbers = "1-3";
            //report.PrintSettings.PageNumbers = "1";

            // report.PrintSettings.ShowDialog = false;

            report.Preview = previewControl1;

            report.RegisterData(d1, "t_cp_yd");

Beispiel #2
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (dataGridView1.RowCount == 0)
                MessageBox.Show("无记录可打印!", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);

            int    i_row      = int.Parse(dataGridView1.CurrentRow.Index.ToString());
            string s_rec_key  = dataGridView1.Rows[i_row].Cells["rec_key"].Value.ToString();
            string str3       = "SELECT cpmc, qy,unitprice,je FROM t_cp_yd WHERE  rec_key ='" + s_rec_key + "'";
            string s_sumjetxt = "select cash,hy_card,hlq,wx,zfb from t_pos_bill where rec_key='" + s_rec_key + "'";
            string s_carddh   = dataGridView1.Rows[i_row].Cells["carddh"].Value.ToString();
            string s_cardtxt;

            if (s_carddh == "")
                s_cardtxt = "";
                s_cardtxt = Gt.GetViptxt(s_rec_key);

            Gtsql     r3       = new Gtsql();
            DataTable d3       = new DataTable();
            string    s_Height = "65";

            d3 = r3.ExecuteQuery(str3);          //使用ExecuteQuery()执行sql语句;
            if (d3 != null && d3.Rows.Count > 0)
                s_Height = (Convert.ToUInt32(d3.Rows.Count * 7.5) + 85).ToString();

            // 报表路径
            string path   = Application.StartupPath + "/Report/Report_mx.frx";
            Report report = new Report();

            report.SetParameterValue("s_xm", Global.s_xm);
            report.SetParameterValue("s_posdate", DateTime.Parse(dataGridView1.Rows[i_row].Cells[3].Value.ToString()).ToString("yy/MM/dd hh:mm"));
            report.SetParameterValue("s_mc", dataGridView1.Rows[i_row].Cells[1].Value.ToString());  //流水号
            report.SetParameterValue("s_dh", dataGridView1.Rows[i_row].Cells[0].Value.ToString());
            report.SetParameterValue("s_Height", s_Height);

            report.SetParameterValue("s_sumje", Gt.Getjetxt(s_sumjetxt));
            report.SetParameterValue("s_card", s_cardtxt);

            report.RegisterData(d3, "t_cp_yd");

            eSet.ReportSettings.ShowProgress = false;

            report.PrintSettings.ShowDialog = false;

Beispiel #3
        protected void Cash()
            String s_dh = "", s_mc = "", s_cash = "0.0", s_vip = "0.0", s_hlq = "0.0", s_wx = "0.0", s_zfb = "0.0", s_bf_consume_dh, s_rec_key;
            string s_cardtxt = "";
            int    i_flag    = 0;

            if (tbZL.Text.Trim() == "")
                tbZL.Text = string.Format("{0:F2}", (double.Parse(tbSSJE.Text.Trim()) - double.Parse(tbYS.Text.Trim())));
                w_Main       frmP = (w_Main)this.Owner;
                DataGridView dgv  = (DataGridView)frmP.Controls.Find("dGV", true)[0];
                //insert into t_pos_bill(dh, mc, bf_consume_dh, total_cost, cash, djq, hy_card, hlq, dh_who_receive, mc_who_receive, rec_key, bc, carddh, dz_ratio, dz_cost, cardvalue)
                //values(:s_dh,:s_mc,:s_bf_consume_dh,:c_last,:c_xian,:c_djq,:c_card,:c_hlq,:s_user.dh,:s_user.xm,:s_rec_key, 0,:s_card.dh,:s_card.zl,:c_djq, using sqlca;

                s_dh = Global.s_fh;
                if ((s_dh == "") || (s_dh == null))
                    s_dh = "K000";

                s_mc            = Gt.GetListno(1);
                s_bf_consume_dh = s_dh + Gt.GetStime().ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmssfff");

                s_cash = dataGridView2.Rows[0].Cells[1].Value.ToString();
                s_vip  = dataGridView2.Rows[1].Cells[1].Value.ToString();
                s_hlq  = dataGridView2.Rows[2].Cells[1].Value.ToString();
                s_wx   = dataGridView2.Rows[3].Cells[1].Value.ToString();
                s_zfb  = dataGridView2.Rows[4].Cells[1].Value.ToString();

                s_rec_key = "CS" + Gt.GetStime().ToString("yyMMddHHmmssfff");//超市与包房识别号

                String str1 = "insert into t_pos_bill(dh,mc,bf_consume_dh,total_cost,cash,hy_card,hlq,wx,zfb,dh_who_receive, mc_who_receive,rec_key,bc,carddh,dz_ratio,dz_cost,cardvalue) values('" + s_dh + "','" + s_mc + "','" + s_bf_consume_dh + "','" + tbYS.Text + "','" + s_cash
                              + "','" + s_vip + "','" + s_hlq + "','" + s_wx + "','" + s_zfb + "','" + Global.s_dh + "','" + Global.s_xm + "','" + s_rec_key + "','" + "0"
                              + "','" + Global.s_vip + "','" + Gt.GetVipinfo(Global.s_vip, 1) + "','" + s_vip + "','" + Gt.GetVipinfo(Global.s_vip, 2)
                              + "')";

                Gtsql r1 = new Gtsql();   //我写的那个用来连接数据库的类是ResM,所以用其创建对象;
                i_flag = r1.ExecuteUpdate(str1);
                if (i_flag == 0)
                //添加详单	insert into t_cp_yd(dh,mc,xldh,xlmc,cpdh,cpmc,fastdh,unit,unitprice,nowprice,isnow,is_dz,dzbl,kedian,qy,je,bfdh,is_free,printdh,printname,sequen_kf,rec_key,share_ratio,is_stock,dhid,in_price,printed,is_tc)
                //select dh, mc, xldh, xlmc, cpdh, cpmc, fastdh, unit, unitprice, nowprice,:i_isnow,is_dz,dzbl,kedian,:c_qy,:c_je,:sle_bf.text,:i_isfree,printdh,printname,:s_bf_consume_dh,:s_rec_key,share_ratio,is_stock,dhid,in_price,1,:i_istc from t_cp
                //         where cpdh = :s_cpdh using sqlca;

                for (int i = 0; i < dgv.RowCount; i++)
                    string s_cpdh = dgv.Rows[i].Cells[0].Value.ToString();
                    string s_qy   = dgv.Rows[i].Cells[3].Value.ToString();
                    string s_je   = dgv.Rows[i].Cells[4].Value.ToString();
                    string i_istc = dgv.Rows[i].Cells[5].Value.ToString();

                    String str2 = "insert into t_cp_yd(dh,mc,xldh,xlmc,cpdh,cpmc,fastdh,unit,unitprice,nowprice,qy,je,bfdh,sequen_kf,rec_key,is_tc)"
                                  + " select dh,mc,xldh,xlmc,cpdh,cpmc,fastdh,unit,unitprice,nowprice,'" + s_qy + "','" + s_je + "','" + s_dh + "','" + s_bf_consume_dh + "','" + s_rec_key + "','" + i_istc + "'" + " from t_cp" + " where cpdh = '" + s_cpdh + "'";
                    Gtsql r2 = new Gtsql();
                    i_flag = r2.ExecuteUpdate(str2);
                // 扣会员卡款
                if (Global.s_vip != null)
                    int i_Vipflag;
                    i_Vipflag = Gt.UpdateVip(Global.s_vip, decimal.Parse(s_vip), s_rec_key, 3, "消费");

                    if (i_Vipflag == 1)
                        s_cardtxt = "会员卡:" + Global.s_vip + "  扣款前:" + Global.d_svipje.ToString("F1") + "\n扣款后:" + (Global.d_svipje - decimal.Parse(s_vip)).ToString("F1");
                        MessageBox.Show(s_cardtxt, "会员卡扣款", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);

                String str3       = "SELECT cpmc, qy,unitprice,je FROM t_cp_yd WHERE  rec_key ='" + s_rec_key + "'";
                String s_sumjetxt = "select cash,hy_card,hlq,wx,zfb from t_pos_bill where rec_key='" + s_rec_key + "'";

                Gtsql     r3       = new Gtsql();
                DataTable d3       = new DataTable();
                string    s_Height = "65";
                d3 = r3.ExecuteQuery(str3);          //使用ExecuteQuery()执行sql语句;
                if (d3 != null && d3.Rows.Count > 0)
                    s_Height = (Convert.ToUInt32(d3.Rows.Count * 7.5) + 85).ToString();
                // 报表路径
                string path   = Application.StartupPath + "\\Report\\Report_mx.frx";
                Report report = new Report();

                report.SetParameterValue("s_xm", Global.s_xm);
                report.SetParameterValue("s_posdate", Gt.GetStime().ToString("yy/MM/dd hh:mm"));
                report.SetParameterValue("s_mc", s_mc);
                report.SetParameterValue("s_dh", s_dh);
                report.SetParameterValue("s_Height", s_Height);

                report.SetParameterValue("s_sumje", Gt.Getjetxt(s_sumjetxt));
                report.SetParameterValue("s_card", s_cardtxt);

                report.RegisterData(d3, "t_cp_yd");

                eSet.ReportSettings.ShowProgress = false;

                report.PrintSettings.ShowDialog = false;


                //    //减少货物质量
                //    bGoods.UpdateCount(int.Parse(dgv.Rows[i].Cells[3].Value.ToString()), dgv.Rows[i].Cells[0].Value.ToString());
