Beispiel #1
        static ImportedTile[] ImportEmbeddedTileset(TMX.TilesetReference embeddedTileset, string tilesetDir, string baseFolder, int cellWidth, int cellHeight, int pixelsPerUnit, out TSX.Tileset tilesetOut)
            TSX.Tileset tileset = new TSX.Tileset(embeddedTileset);
            tilesetOut = tileset;

            if (!ImportUtils.CreateAssetFolderIfMissing(tilesetDir, true))

            Debug.Log("Loading embedded tileset = " +;

            return(ImportTileset(tileset, tilesetDir, baseFolder, cellWidth, cellHeight, pixelsPerUnit));
Beispiel #2
        public static ImportedTemplate LoadTXFile(string path, string tilesetDir, int cellWidth, int cellHeight, int pixelsPerUnit)
            TXTypes.Template template = ImportUtils.ReadXMLIntoObject <TXTypes.Template>(path);

            ImportedTileset tileset;

            if (template.tileset != null)
                string baseFolder = Path.GetDirectoryName(path);
                tileset = TiledTSXImporter.ImportFromTilesetReference(template.tileset, baseFolder, tilesetDir, cellWidth, cellHeight, pixelsPerUnit);
                tileset = null;

            return(new ImportedTemplate(template, tileset));
Beispiel #3
        static ImportedTile[] ImportTSXFile(string path, string tilesetDir, int cellWidth, int cellHeight, int pixelsPerUnit, out TSX.Tileset tilesetOut)
            tilesetOut = null;
            if (!ImportUtils.CreateAssetFolderIfMissing(tilesetDir, true))

            Debug.Log("Loading TSX file from " + path + " into " + tilesetDir);

            TSX.Tileset tileset = ImportUtils.ReadXMLIntoObject <TSX.Tileset>(path);
            if (tileset == null)
            tilesetOut = tileset;

            Debug.Log("Loading tileset = " +;

            return(ImportTileset(tileset, tilesetDir, Path.GetDirectoryName(path), cellWidth, cellHeight, pixelsPerUnit));
Beispiel #4
        static ImportedTile[] ImportTileset(TSX.Tileset tileset, string tilesetDir, string sourceTilesetDirectory, int cellWidth, int cellHeight, int pixelsPerUnit)
            string tilesetSpriteTargetDir = tilesetDir + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar +;

            if (!ImportUtils.CreateAssetFolderIfMissing(tilesetSpriteTargetDir, false))
            string tilesetTileTargetDir = tilesetDir + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "TileAssets";

            if (!ImportUtils.CreateAssetFolderIfMissing(tilesetTileTargetDir, false))

            TSX.Tile[] tiles = tileset.tiles;

            string[] imageTargetPaths   = null;
            Sprite[] tileSprites        = null;
            string[] tileTargetPaths    = null;
            bool     singleImageTileset = tileset.IsSingleImageTileset();

            if (singleImageTileset)
                if (tileset.image != null)
                    string imageSourcePath;
                    string imageTargetPath;
                    CreateSingleImageTilesetPaths(tileset, sourceTilesetDirectory, tilesetSpriteTargetDir, tilesetTileTargetDir, out imageSourcePath, out imageTargetPath, out tileTargetPaths);
                    CopyImages(new string[] { imageSourcePath }, new string[] { imageTargetPath });

                    string subSpriteNameBase = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(imageSourcePath);
                    if (!CreateTilemapSprite(imageTargetPath, cellWidth, cellHeight, pixelsPerUnit, tileset /*tileset.image.width, tileset.image.height, tileset.tilewidth, tileset.tileheight, tileset.tilecount*/, subSpriteNameBase, out tileSprites))
                    Debug.LogError("Tileset " + + " is empty!");
                string[] imageSourcePaths = new string[tiles.Length];
                imageTargetPaths = new string[tiles.Length];
                tileTargetPaths  = new string[tiles.Length];
                CreateTilePaths(tiles, sourceTilesetDirectory, tilesetSpriteTargetDir, tilesetTileTargetDir, imageSourcePaths, imageTargetPaths, tileTargetPaths);
                CopyImages(imageSourcePaths, imageTargetPaths);

                tileSprites = new Sprite[tiles.Length];
                CreateSpriteAssets(tiles,, pixelsPerUnit, cellWidth, cellHeight, imageTargetPaths, tileSprites);

            if (tileSprites == null)
                Debug.LogError("Tile sprites ended up null when importing tileset: " +;
            if (tileSprites.Length == 0)
                Debug.LogError("0 tile sprites found from texture assets for tileset: " +;

            ImportedTile[] tileAssets;
            bool           success = CreateTileAssets(tiles, singleImageTileset,, pixelsPerUnit, tileSprites, tileTargetPaths, out tileAssets);


            if (!success)

            CreatePalette(, tilesetTileTargetDir, tileAssets, singleImageTileset, tileset.tilewidth, tileset.tileheight, tileset.columns, cellWidth, cellHeight);
Beispiel #5
        /* Entry point into this class */
        public static bool ImportTMXFile(string path, string inTilesetDir, Grid targetGrid, string inImageLayerSpriteDir, bool setHiddenLayersToInactive)
            s_tmxParentFolder = Path.GetDirectoryName(path);
            string filename = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path);

            s_imageLayerSpriteDir       = inImageLayerSpriteDir;
            s_tilesetDir                = inTilesetDir;
            s_orderInLayer              = 0;
            s_setHiddenLayersToInactive = setHiddenLayersToInactive;

            s_map = ImportUtils.ReadXMLIntoObject <TMX.Map>(path);
            if (s_map == null)
            if (s_map.backgroundcolor != null)
                Color backgroundColor;
                if (ColorUtility.TryParseHtmlString(s_map.backgroundcolor, out backgroundColor))
                    Camera.main.backgroundColor = backgroundColor;
            if (s_map.tilesets != null)
                // First we need to load (or import) all the tilesets referenced by the TMX file...
                s_cellWidth        = s_map.tilewidth;
                s_cellHeight       = s_map.tileheight;
                s_pixelsPerUnit    = Mathf.Max(s_map.tilewidth, s_map.tileheight);
                s_importedTilesets = new ImportedTileset[s_map.tilesets.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < s_map.tilesets.Length; i++)
                    s_importedTilesets[i] = TiledTSXImporter.ImportFromTilesetReference(s_map.tilesets[i], s_tmxParentFolder, s_tilesetDir, s_cellWidth, s_cellHeight, s_pixelsPerUnit);
                    if (s_importedTilesets[i] == null || s_importedTilesets[i].tiles == null || s_importedTilesets[i].tiles[0] == null)
                        Debug.LogError("Imported tileset is incomplete");

                // Set up the Grid to store everything in
                s_gridGO = PrepareGrid(filename, targetGrid);

                s_importOperations = ImportUtils.GetObjectsThatImplementInterface <ITilemapImportOperation>();
                s_sortOrder        = TilemapRenderer.SortOrder.TopLeft;
                if (s_map.renderorder != null)
                    if (s_map.renderorder.Equals("right-down"))
                        s_sortOrder = TilemapRenderer.SortOrder.TopLeft;
                    else if (s_map.renderorder.Equals("right-up"))
                        s_sortOrder = TilemapRenderer.SortOrder.BottomLeft;
                    else if (s_map.renderorder.Equals("left-down"))
                        s_sortOrder = TilemapRenderer.SortOrder.TopRight;
                    else if (s_map.renderorder.Equals("left-up"))
                        s_sortOrder = TilemapRenderer.SortOrder.BottomRight;
                // Unity's isometric rendering only works well with TopRight sortorder
                if (s_map.orientation == "isometric")
                    s_sortOrder = TilemapRenderer.SortOrder.TopRight;

                // Unity hex grid only supports even stagger index, so we need a workaround to compensate
                TileLayerImporter.s_needsHexOddToEvenConversion = s_map.orientation == "hexagonal" && s_map.staggerindex == "odd";
                // Unity's isometric rendering is 90 degrees rotated anti-clockwise on the grid compared to Tiled,
                // so we need to rotate the grid clockwise 90 degrees to look correct in Unity
                TileLayerImporter.s_needsGridRotationToMatchUnityIsometric = s_map.orientation == "isometric";

                ObjectLayerImporter.s_importedTemplates = new Dictionary <string, ImportedTemplate>();

                bool loadedLayers = false;
                if (s_map.topLevelLayers != null)
                    loadedLayers = TreatLayers(s_gridGO, s_map.topLevelLayers);
                    loadedLayers = true;

                // Handle the complete map's properties
                if (loadedLayers)

Beispiel #6
        public static bool ImportTMXFile(string path, string tilesetDir, Grid targetGrid)
            string tmxParentFolder = Path.GetDirectoryName(path);
            string filename        = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path);

            TMX.Map map = ImportUtils.ReadXMLIntoObject <TMX.Map>(path);
            if (map == null)
            if (map.backgroundcolor != null)
                Color backgroundColor;
                if (ColorUtility.TryParseHtmlString(map.backgroundcolor, out backgroundColor))
                    Camera.main.backgroundColor = backgroundColor;
            if (map.tilesets != null)
                // First we need to load (or import) all the tilesets referenced by the TMX file...
                int cellWidth     = map.tilewidth;
                int cellHeight    = map.tileheight;
                int pixelsPerUnit = Mathf.Max(map.tilewidth, map.tileheight);
                ImportedTileset[] importedTilesets = new ImportedTileset[map.tilesets.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < map.tilesets.Length; i++)
                    importedTilesets[i] = TiledTSXImporter.ImportFromTilesetReference(map.tilesets[i], tmxParentFolder, tilesetDir, cellWidth, cellHeight, pixelsPerUnit);
                    if (importedTilesets[i] == null || importedTilesets[i].tiles == null || importedTilesets[i].tiles[0] == null)
                        Debug.LogError("Imported tileset is incomplete");

                // Set up the Grid to store everything in
                GameObject newGrid = null;
                if (targetGrid != null)
                    newGrid = targetGrid.gameObject;
                    for (int i = newGrid.transform.childCount - 1; i >= 0; --i)
                    newGrid = new GameObject(filename, typeof(Grid));
                    newGrid.GetComponent <Grid>().cellSize = new Vector3(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
                    Undo.RegisterCreatedObjectUndo(newGrid, "Import map to new Grid");

                ITilemapImportOperation[] importOperations = ImportUtils.GetObjectsThatImplementInterface <ITilemapImportOperation>();
                TilemapRenderer.SortOrder sortOrder        = TilemapRenderer.SortOrder.TopLeft;
                if (map.renderorder.Equals("right-down"))
                    sortOrder = TilemapRenderer.SortOrder.TopLeft;
                else if (map.renderorder.Equals("right-up"))
                    sortOrder = TilemapRenderer.SortOrder.BottomLeft;
                else if (map.renderorder.Equals("left-down"))
                    sortOrder = TilemapRenderer.SortOrder.TopRight;
                else if (map.renderorder.Equals("left-up"))
                    sortOrder = TilemapRenderer.SortOrder.BottomRight;
                // Load all the tile layers
                if (map.layers != null)
                    for (int i = 0; i < map.layers.Length; i++)
                        TMX.Layer layer = map.layers[i];

                        bool success = ImportTileLayer(layer, newGrid, i, importedTilesets, importOperations, sortOrder, cellWidth, cellHeight, map.infinite);
                        if (!success)

                Dictionary <string, ImportedTemplate> importedTemplates = new Dictionary <string, ImportedTemplate>();

                // Load all the objects
                if (map.objectgroups != null)
                    for (int g = 0; g < map.objectgroups.Length; g++)
                        TMX.ObjectGroup objectGroup = map.objectgroups[g];

                        if (objectGroup != null && objectGroup.objects != null && objectGroup.objects.Length > 0)
                            GameObject newObjectLayer = new GameObject(;
                            newObjectLayer.transform.SetParent(newGrid.transform, false);
                            Undo.RegisterCreatedObjectUndo(newObjectLayer, "Import object layer");

                            int sortingLayer = (map.layers == null ? 0 : map.layers.Length) + g;

                            for (int i = 0; i < objectGroup.objects.Length; i++)
                                TMX.Object mapObject = objectGroup.objects[i];

                                bool success = ImportMapObject(mapObject, importedTilesets, importedTemplates, newObjectLayer, map.tilewidth, map.tileheight, sortingLayer, importOperations, tilesetDir, cellWidth, cellHeight, pixelsPerUnit, tmxParentFolder);
                                if (!success)
                            Color objectColour = new Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
                            if (objectGroup.color != null)
                                ColorUtility.TryParseHtmlString(objectGroup.color, out objectColour);
                            if (objectGroup.opacity != 1.0f)
                                objectColour.a = objectGroup.opacity;
                            SpriteRenderer[] renderers = newObjectLayer.GetComponentsInChildren <SpriteRenderer>();
                            foreach (SpriteRenderer r in renderers)
                                r.color = objectColour;
                            if (!objectGroup.visible)
                                foreach (SpriteRenderer r in renderers)
                                    r.enabled = false;

                            IDictionary <string, string> properties = ( == null ? new Dictionary <string, string>() :;

                            foreach (ITilemapImportOperation operation in importOperations)
                                operation.HandleCustomProperties(newObjectLayer, properties);

Beispiel #7
        static bool ImportMapObject(TMX.Object mapObject, ImportedTileset[] importedTilesets, Dictionary <string, ImportedTemplate> importedTemplates, GameObject newObjectLayer, int mapTileWidth, int mapTileHeight, int sortingLayer,
                                    ITilemapImportOperation[] importOperations, string tilesetDir, int cellWidth, int cellHeight, int pixelsPerUnit, string tmxParentFolder)
            ImportedTileset replacementTileset = null;

            if (mapObject.template != null)
                // Fill out empty object fields with data from the template.
                // The template could have a tile from it's own tileset reference, so in that case, use the template tileset instead, and the template object GID
                TMX.Object combinedMapObject = ApplyTemplate(mapObject, tmxParentFolder, tilesetDir, cellWidth, cellHeight, pixelsPerUnit, importedTemplates, out replacementTileset);

                if (combinedMapObject == null)
                    Debug.LogError("Could not load template for map object " + mapObject);
                    mapObject = combinedMapObject;
            mapObject.InitialiseUnsetValues(); // We need special code to set defaults here, because setting them before merging with a template would give incorrect results.

            // Use the template's tileset (and the gid that's been set by ApplyTemplate)
            if (replacementTileset != null)
                importedTilesets = new ImportedTileset[] { replacementTileset };

            ImportedTile importedTile;

            TSX.Tile  tilesetTile; // Unused
            Matrix4x4 matrix;

            TiledUtils.FindTileDataAndMatrix(mapObject.gid.Value, importedTilesets, cellWidth, cellHeight, out importedTile, out tilesetTile, out matrix);

            Vector2 pixelsToUnits = new Vector2(1.0f / mapTileWidth, -1.0f / mapTileHeight);

            GameObject newObject = new GameObject(;

            newObject.transform.SetParent(newObjectLayer.transform, false);

            // So we gain the tile rotation/flipping

            Vector2 corner = Vector2.Scale(new Vector2(mapObject.x.Value, mapObject.y.Value), pixelsToUnits);

            if (importedTile != null)
                Tile    unityTile          = importedTile.tile;
                Vector2 pivotProportion    = new Vector2(unityTile.sprite.pivot.x / unityTile.sprite.rect.width, unityTile.sprite.pivot.y / unityTile.sprite.rect.height);
                Vector3 pivotWorldPosition = corner + Vector2.Scale(new Vector2(mapObject.width.Value * pivotProportion.x, mapObject.height.Value * -pivotProportion.y), pixelsToUnits);
                newObject.transform.localPosition += pivotWorldPosition;

                SpriteRenderer renderer = newObject.AddComponent <SpriteRenderer>();
                renderer.sprite       = unityTile.sprite;
                renderer.sortingOrder = sortingLayer;
                if (unityTile.colliderType == Tile.ColliderType.Sprite)
                    newObject.AddComponent <PolygonCollider2D>();
                else if (unityTile.colliderType == Tile.ColliderType.Grid)
                    newObject.AddComponent <BoxCollider2D>();
                Vector2 scale = new Vector2(mapObject.width.Value / unityTile.sprite.rect.width, mapObject.height.Value / unityTile.sprite.rect.height);
                newObject.transform.localScale = Vector3.Scale(newObject.transform.localScale, new Vector3(scale.x, scale.y, 1.0f));
                Vector3 pivotWorldPosition = corner + Vector2.Scale(new Vector2(mapObject.width.Value * 0.5f, mapObject.height.Value * 0.5f), pixelsToUnits);
                newObject.transform.localPosition += pivotWorldPosition;
                // If no tile used, must be a non-tile object of some sort (collision or text)
                if (mapObject.ellipse != null)
                    EllipseCollider2D collider = newObject.AddComponent <EllipseCollider2D>();
                    collider.RadiusX = (mapObject.width.Value * 0.5f) / mapTileWidth;
                    collider.RadiusY = (mapObject.height.Value * 0.5f) / mapTileHeight;
                else if (mapObject.polygon != null)
                    PolygonCollider2D collider = newObject.AddComponent <PolygonCollider2D>();
                    string            points   = mapObject.polygon.points;
                    collider.points = ImportUtils.PointsFromString(points, pixelsToUnits);
                else if (mapObject.polyline != null)
                    EdgeCollider2D collider = newObject.AddComponent <EdgeCollider2D>();
                    string         points   = mapObject.polyline.points;
                    collider.points = ImportUtils.PointsFromString(points, pixelsToUnits);
                else if (mapObject.text != null)
                    TextMesh textMesh = newObject.AddComponent <TextMesh>();
                    textMesh.text   = mapObject.text.text;
                    textMesh.anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter;

                    Color color = Color.white;
                    if (mapObject.text.color != null)
                        ColorUtility.TryParseHtmlString(mapObject.text.color, out color);
                    textMesh.color = color;

                    // Saving an OS font as an asset in unity (through script) is seemingly impossible right now in a platform independent way
                    // So we'll skip fonts for now

                    textMesh.fontSize = (int)mapObject.text.pixelsize; // Guess a good resolution for the font
                    float targetWorldTextHeight = (float)mapObject.text.pixelsize / (float)mapTileHeight;
                    textMesh.characterSize = targetWorldTextHeight * 10.0f / textMesh.fontSize;

                    Renderer renderer = textMesh.gameObject.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>();
                    renderer.sortingOrder   = sortingLayer;
                    renderer.sortingLayerID = SortingLayer.GetLayerValueFromName("Default");
                    // Regular box collision
                    BoxCollider2D collider = newObject.AddComponent <BoxCollider2D>();
                    collider.size = new Vector2(mapObject.width.Value / mapTileWidth, mapObject.height.Value / mapTileHeight);

            if (mapObject.rotation != 0.0f)
                newObject.transform.RotateAround(corner, new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f), -mapObject.rotation.Value);

            if (mapObject.visible == false)
                Renderer renderer = newObject.GetComponent <Renderer>();
                if (renderer != null)
                    renderer.enabled = false;

            IDictionary <string, string> properties = ( == null ? new Dictionary <string, string>() :;

            foreach (ITilemapImportOperation operation in importOperations)
                operation.HandleCustomProperties(newObject, properties);