Beispiel #1
 /// <summary>
 /// 根据用户登陆名,获取用户资料
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="u_LoginName">用户名</param>
 /// <returns>用户实体类</returns>
 public static sys_UserTable Get_sys_UserTable(string u_LoginName)
     QueryParam qp = new QueryParam();
     qp.Where = string.Format(" Where U_LoginName='{0}' ",u_LoginName);
     int rInt = 0;
     return BusinessFacade.sys_UserList(qp,out rInt)[0] as sys_UserTable;
        private void InitDropDown()
            int gp_pid = 0;
            sys_GroupTable gp = BusinessFacade.sys_GroupDisp(UserData.GetUserDate.U_GroupID);
            if (gp.Type != 2)
                gp = BusinessFacade.sys_GroupDisp(gp.G_ParentID);

            gp_pid = gp.GroupID;

            QueryParam qp = new QueryParam();
            qp.Where = "Where G_ParentID = " + gp_pid + " And Type = 1";
            int _Count = 0;
            ArrayList gplst = BusinessFacade.sys_GroupList(qp, out _Count);

            ListItem empty = new ListItem("请选择检定地点", "0");

            if (_Count > 0)
                ListItem li = null;
                foreach (sys_GroupTable item in gplst)
                    li = new ListItem(item.G_CName, item.GroupID.ToString());
Beispiel #3
        private void OnStart()
            QueryParam qp = new QueryParam();
            qp.Orderfld = " M_Applicationid,M_OrderLevel ";
            qp.OrderType = 0;
            qp.Where = Common.ApplicationID != 0 ? string.Format("Where M_Close=0 and M_ParentID=0 and M_ApplicationID ={0}", Common.ApplicationID) : "Where M_Close=0 and M_ParentID=0 ";
            int RecordCount = 0;
            ArrayList lst = BusinessFacade.sys_ModuleList(qp, out RecordCount);
            int i = 1;
            foreach (sys_ModuleTable var in lst)
                ArrayList lst2 = BusinessFacade.GetPermissionModuleSub(var.ModuleID);
                if (lst2.Count > 0)
                    if (i == 1)

                    sb_HTMLSrc.AppendFormat("<frame name={0}menubarbutton_{1}{0} target={0}pagemain{0} scrolling={0}no{0} noresize src={0}Menu1_Button.aspx?APCatalogueID={1}&OrderNo={2}&APCatCName={3}{0}>{4}<frame name={0}menubar_{1}{0} target={0}pagemain{0} scrolling={0}auto{0} noresize src={0}Menu1_Disp.aspx?ModuleID={5}&OrderNo={2}{0} STYLE={0}border-width:1; border-bottom-style:solid{0}>{4}", "\"", var.ModuleID, i, var.M_CName, "\n",var.ModuleID);

 private void BindDataList()
     QueryParam qp = new QueryParam();
     int RecordCount = 0;
     List<CommandAssembleEntity> lst = BusinessFacadeShanliTech_HLD_Business.CommandAssembleList(qp, out RecordCount);
     List<CommandAssembleEntity> distList = new List<CommandAssembleEntity>();
     if (RecordCount > 0)
         CommandAssembleEntity cae = null;
         foreach (CommandAssembleEntity item in lst)
             cae = distList.Find(x => { return item.DeviceModel.Equals(x.DeviceModel); });
             if (cae == null || cae.ID <= 0)
     GridView1.DataSource = distList;
Beispiel #5
        private void BindData()
            if (Common.GetOnlineCountType == OnlineCountType.DataBase)
                QueryParam qp = new QueryParam();
                qp.PageIndex = AspNetPager1.CurrentPageIndex;
                qp.PageSize = AspNetPager1.PageSize;
                int RecordCount = 0;
                ArrayList lst = BusinessFacade.sys_OnlineList(qp, out RecordCount);

                GridView1.DataSource = CountOnlineList(lst);
                this.AspNetPager1.RecordCount = RecordCount;
                AspNetPager1.RecordCount = FrameWorkPermission.UserOnlineList.AllCount;
                ArrayList lst = new ArrayList();
                for (int i = AspNetPager1.StartRecordIndex; i <= AspNetPager1.EndRecordIndex; i++)
                    lst.Add(FrameWorkPermission.UserOnlineList.GetList[i - 1]);
                GridView1.DataSource = lst;
Beispiel #6
        protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string ItemsList = (string)Common.sink(OrderByListItems.UniqueID, MethodType.Post, 100000, 1, DataType.Str);
            if (ItemsList.Length > 0)
                int RecordCount = 0;
                ArrayList lst = new ArrayList();
                QueryParam qp = new QueryParam();

                string[] ItemsLists = ItemsList.Split(',');
                for (int i = 0; i < ItemsLists.Length; i++)
                    BusinessFacade.Update_Table_Fileds("sys_Module", string.Format("M_OrderLevel='{0}{1}'", Common.FillZero(i.ToString(), 2), "00"), string.Format("ModuleID={0}", ItemsLists[i]));
                    qp.Orderfld = "M_OrderLevel ";
                    qp.OrderType = 0;
                    qp.Where = string.Format("Where M_ParentID={0}", ItemsLists[i]);
                    RecordCount = 0;
                    lst = BusinessFacade.sys_ModuleList(qp, out RecordCount);
                    if (lst.Count > 0)
                        RecordCount = 1;
                        foreach (sys_ModuleTable var in lst)
                            BusinessFacade.Update_Table_Fileds("sys_Module", string.Format("M_OrderLevel='{0}{1}'", Common.FillZero(i.ToString(), 2), Common.FillZero(RecordCount.ToString(), 2)), string.Format("ModuleID={0}", var.ModuleID));

            EventMessage.MessageBox(1, "�����ɹ�", string.Format("����{0}ģ��ɹ�!",AppName), Icon_Type.OK, Common.GetHomeBaseUrl(string.Format("ModuleList.aspx?S_ID={0}&AppName={1}",S_ID,AppName)));
 public string GetSubCount(string F_Key)
     QueryParam qp = new QueryParam();
     qp.Where = string.Format("Where V_F_Key='{0}'", Common.inSQL(F_Key));
     int RecordCount = 0;
     BusinessFacade.sys_FieldValueList(qp, out RecordCount);
     return RecordCount.ToString();
        private void OnStart()
            sys_GroupTable gt = BusinessFacade.sys_GroupDisp(GroupID);
            this.G_CName.Text = gt.G_CName;

            this.Address_Input.Text = gt.Address;
            this.CertificateNumber_Input.Text = gt.CertificateNumber;
            this.Fax_Input.Text = gt.Fax;
            this.Tel_Input.Text = gt.Tel;
            this.EmailAddress_Input.Text = gt.EmailAddress;
            this.ZipCode_Input.Text = gt.ZipCode;
            this.G_Type_DropDown.SelectedValue = gt.Type.ToString();
            if (gt.G_ParentID == 0)
                G_ParentID_Txt.Text = "部门列表";
                G_ParentID_Txt.Text = BusinessFacade.sys_GroupDisp(gt.G_ParentID).G_CName;
            CatListTitle.Text = string.Format("<a href='GroupList.aspx'>部门列表</a>{0}", BusinessFacade.GetGroupTitle(GroupID));
            if (CMD == "Delete")
                BusinessFacade.Update_Table_Fileds("sys_Group", "G_Delete=1", string.Format("GroupID={0}", GroupID));

                if (gt.G_ParentID!=0)
                    BusinessFacade.Update_Table_Fileds("sys_Group", "G_ChildCount=G_ChildCount-1", string.Format("GroupID={0}", gt.G_ParentID));
                    int RecordCount = 0;
                    QueryParam qp = new QueryParam();
                    qp.Where = string.Format("Where G_ParentID={0} and G_Delete=0",gt.G_ParentID);
                    qp.Orderfld = "G_Level,G_ShowOrder";
                    qp.OrderType = 0;
                    ArrayList lst = BusinessFacade.sys_GroupList(qp,out RecordCount);
                    RecordCount = 1;
                    foreach (sys_GroupTable var in lst)
                        BusinessFacade.Update_Table_Fileds("sys_Group", string.Format("G_ShowOrder={0}", RecordCount), string.Format("GroupID={0}", var.GroupID));

                EventMessage.MessageBox(1, "操作成功", string.Format("删除部门({0})成功!",gt.G_CName), Icon_Type.OK, Common.GetHomeBaseUrl("GroupList.aspx"),Common.BuildJs);

 private void BindDataList()
     QueryParam qp = new QueryParam();
     qp.Where = string.Format("Where DeviceNum = '{0}' And DeviceModel = '{1}' And FunctionCode = '{2}'", _Device.DeviceNum, _Device.DeviceModel, _Function.FunctionCode);
     qp.OrderType = 1;
     int RecordCount = 0;
     List<Device_Permition_DataEntity> lst = BusinessFacadeShanliTech_HLD_Business.Device_Permition_DataList(qp, out RecordCount);
     GridView1.DataSource = lst;
Beispiel #10
 public int GetCatCount(int ApplicationID)
     QueryParam qp = new QueryParam();
     qp.Orderfld = " M_OrderLevel ";
     qp.OrderType = 0;
     qp.Where = string.Format("Where M_ApplicationID ={0} and M_ParentID=0 ", ApplicationID);
     int RecordCount = 0;
     ArrayList lst = BusinessFacade.sys_ModuleList(qp, out RecordCount);
     return RecordCount;
 /// <summary>
 /// 返回sys_ApplicationsTable实体类的ArrayList对象
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="qp">查询类</param>
 /// <param name="RecordCount">返回记录总数</param>
 /// <returns>sys_ApplicationsTable实体类的ArrayList对象</returns>
 public static ArrayList sys_ApplicationsList(QueryParam qp, out int RecordCount)
     qp.TableName = "sys_Applications";
     qp.ReturnFields = "*";
     if (qp.Orderfld == null)
         qp.Orderfld = "ApplicationID";
     return DataProvider.Instance().sys_ApplicationsList(qp, out RecordCount);
Beispiel #12
 /// <summary>
 /// �����˵�
 /// </summary>
 private void BindMenu()
     QueryParam qp = new QueryParam();
     qp.Orderfld = " M_Applicationid,M_OrderLevel ";
     qp.OrderType = 0;
     qp.Where = Common.ApplicationID != 0 ? string.Format("Where M_Close=0 and M_ParentID=0 and M_ApplicationID ={0}", Common.ApplicationID) : "Where M_Close=0 and M_ParentID=0 ";
     int RecordCount = 0;
     ArrayList lst = BusinessFacade.sys_ModuleList(qp, out RecordCount);
     LeftMenu.DataSource = lst;
 /// <summary>
 /// 绑定数据
 /// </summary>
 private void OnDisp()
     QueryParam qp = new QueryParam();
     qp.Orderfld = " M_Applicationid,M_OrderLevel ";
     qp.OrderType = 0;
     qp.Where = string.Format("Where M_Close=0 and M_ParentID=0 and M_ApplicationID ={0}", ApplicationID);
     int RecordCount = 0;
     ArrayList lst = BusinessFacade.sys_ModuleList(qp, out RecordCount);
     Module_Main.DataSource = lst;
 /// <summary>
 /// 绑定数据
 /// </summary>
 private void BindDataList()
     QueryParam qp = new QueryParam();
     qp.Where = string.Format("Where DeviceModel = '{0}'", DeviceModel);
     qp.Orderfld = Orderfld;
     qp.OrderType = OrderType;
     int RecordCount = 0;
     List<CommandAssembleEntity> lst = BusinessFacadeShanliTech_HLD_Business.CommandAssembleList(qp, out RecordCount);
     GridView1.DataSource = lst;
Beispiel #15
 private void ListBind()
     QueryParam qp = new QueryParam();
     qp.OrderType = 0;
     qp.PageIndex = Pager.CurrentPageIndex;
     qp.PageSize = Pager.PageSize;
     int RecordCount = 0;
     ArrayList lst = BusinessFacade.sys_ApplicationsList(qp, out RecordCount);
     GridView1.DataSource = lst;
     this.Pager.RecordCount = RecordCount;
Beispiel #16
        private void OutJs()
            int TotalRecord = 0;
            string strLink = "";
            int intCount = 0;
            QueryParam qp = new QueryParam();
            qp.Where = "Where G_Delete=0";
            qp.Orderfld = "G_Level,G_ShowOrder";
            qp.OrderType = 0;
            ArrayList lst = BusinessFacade.sys_GroupList(qp, out TotalRecord);
            StringBuilder strSB = new StringBuilder();

            strSB.Append("<script language='JavaScript'>\n");

            strSB.Append("treeRoot = gFld(\"mainbody\", \"�����б�\", \"0\",\"0\")\n");

            foreach (sys_GroupTable x in lst)
                intCount = intCount + 1;
                //strLink = "GroupList.aspx?GroupID=" + x.GroupID.ToString();
                strLink = x.GroupID.ToString();
                if (x.G_Level == 1)
                    if (x.G_ChildCount == 0)

                        strSB.AppendFormat("insDoc(treeRoot,gLnk(\"mainbody\",\"{0}\",\"\",{1}))\n", Common.ReplaceJs(x.G_CName), strLink);
                        strSB.AppendFormat("N{0}=insFld(treeRoot,gFld(\"mainbody\",\"{1}\",\"\",{2}))\n", x.GroupID, Common.ReplaceJs(x.G_CName), strLink);
                    if (x.G_ChildCount == 0)
                        strSB.AppendFormat("insDoc(N{0},gLnk(\"mainbody\",\"{1}\",\"\",{2}))\n", x.G_ParentID, Common.ReplaceJs(x.G_CName), strLink);
                        strSB.AppendFormat("N{0}=insFld(N{1},gFld(\"mainbody\",\"{2}\",\"\",{3}))\n", x.GroupID, x.G_ParentID, Common.ReplaceJs(x.G_CName), strLink);


            strSB.Append("	initializeDocument();\n");
            ShowScript.Text = strSB.ToString();
 private void BindData()
     QueryParam qp = new QueryParam();
     qp.OrderType = 0;
     qp.PageIndex = AspNetPager1.CurrentPageIndex;
     qp.PageSize = AspNetPager1.PageSize;
     int RecordCount = 0;
     ArrayList lst = BusinessFacade.sys_RolesListUser(qp, out RecordCount);
     GridView1.DataSource = lst;
     this.AspNetPager1.RecordCount = RecordCount;
Beispiel #18
 private void DeleteCat(int GroupID)
     int RecordCount = 0;
     QueryParam qp = new QueryParam();
     qp.Where = string.Format("Where G_ParentID={0} and G_Delete = 0 ", GroupID);
     ArrayList lst = BusinessFacade.sys_GroupList(qp, out RecordCount);
     foreach (sys_GroupTable var in lst)
         BusinessFacade.Update_Table_Fileds("sys_Group", "G_Delete=1", string.Format("GroupID={0}", var.GroupID));
 /// <summary>
 /// 绑定数据
 /// </summary>
 private void BindDataList()
     QueryParam qp = new QueryParam();
     qp.Where = SearchTerms;
     qp.PageIndex = 1; //AspNetPager1.CurrentPageIndex;
     qp.PageSize = int.MaxValue;// AspNetPager1.PageSize;
     qp.Orderfld = "DeviceID,OrderID";
     qp.OrderType = 0;
     int RecordCount = 0;
     List<DeviceFunctionTemplateEntity> lst = BusinessFacadeShanliTech_HLD_Business.DeviceFunctionTemplateList(qp, out RecordCount);
     GridView1.DataSource = lst;
     //this.AspNetPager1.RecordCount = RecordCount;
 /// <summary>
 /// 绑定数据
 /// </summary>
 private void BindDataList()
     QueryParam qp = new QueryParam();
     qp.Where = SearchTerms;
     qp.PageIndex = AspNetPager1.CurrentPageIndex;
     qp.PageSize = AspNetPager1.PageSize;
     qp.Orderfld = Orderfld;
     qp.OrderType = OrderType;
     int RecordCount = 0;
     List<T_VerificationRecordEntity> lst = BusinessFacadeShanlitech_Location.T_VerificationRecordList(qp, out RecordCount);
     GridView1.DataSource = lst;
     this.AspNetPager1.RecordCount = RecordCount;
 private void BindData()
     QueryParam qp = new QueryParam();
     qp.Where = SearchTerms;
     qp.PageIndex = AspNetPager1.CurrentPageIndex;
     qp.PageSize = AspNetPager1.PageSize;
     qp.Orderfld = Orderfld;
     qp.OrderType = OrderType;
     int RecordCount = 0;
     ArrayList lst = BusinessFacade.sys_UserList(qp, out RecordCount);
     GridView1.DataSource = lst;
     this.AspNetPager1.RecordCount = RecordCount;
 private void BindDataList()
     QueryParam qp = new QueryParam();
     qp.Where = SearchTerms;
     qp.PageIndex = AspNetPager1.CurrentPageIndex;
     qp.PageSize = AspNetPager1.PageSize;
     qp.Orderfld = Orderfld;
     qp.OrderType = OrderType;
     int RecordCount = 0;
     List<CommandAssembleEntity> lst = BusinessFacadeShanliTech_HLD_Business.CommandAssembleList(qp, out RecordCount);
     GridView1.DataSource = lst;
     this.AspNetPager1.RecordCount = RecordCount;
 /// <summary>
 /// 绑定数据
 /// </summary>
 private void BindDataList()
     QueryParam qp = new QueryParam();
     qp.Where = SearchTerms;
     qp.PageIndex = AspNetPager1.CurrentPageIndex;
     qp.PageSize = AspNetPager1.PageSize;
     qp.Orderfld = "DeviceType,IntputTime";
     qp.OrderType = 0;
     int RecordCount = 0;
     List<Department_DeviceEntity> lst = BusinessFacadeShanliTech_HLD_Business.Department_DeviceList(qp, out RecordCount);
     GridView1.DataSource = lst;
     this.AspNetPager1.RecordCount = RecordCount;
        protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            sys_ModuleTable smt = new sys_ModuleTable();
            smt = BusinessFacade.sys_ModuleDisp(ModuleID);
            smt.M_ApplicationID = S_ID;
            smt.M_Close = (int) Common.sink(this.M_Close.UniqueID,MethodType.Post,255,1,DataType.Int);
            smt.M_CName = (string)Common.sink(this.M_CName.UniqueID, MethodType.Post, 50, 1, DataType.Str);
            smt.M_Directory = (string) Common.sink(this.M_Directory.UniqueID,MethodType.Post,255,0,DataType.Str);
            //smt.M_IsSystem = (int) Common.sink(this.M_IsSystem.UniqueID,MethodType.Post,255,1,DataType.Int);
            smt.M_PageCode = (string) Common.sink(this.M_PageCode.UniqueID,MethodType.Post,6,1,DataType.CharAndNum);
            if (CMD == "New")
                if (BusinessFacade.sys_Module_CheckPK(smt.M_ApplicationID, smt.M_PageCode,0))
                    EventMessage.MessageBox(1, "�����������", string.Format("������ͬ��ģ�����({0})", smt.M_PageCode)
                                           , Icon_Type.Error, "history.back()", UrlType.JavaScript);

                QueryParam qp = new QueryParam();
                qp.Orderfld = "M_OrderLevel";
                qp.PageIndex = 1;
                qp.PageSize = 1;
                qp.Where = string.Format("Where M_ParentID={0} and M_Applicationid={1}", ModuleID, S_ID);
                int RecordCount = 0;
                ArrayList lst = BusinessFacade.sys_ModuleList(qp, out RecordCount);
                if (ModuleID == 0)
                    if (RecordCount != 0)
                        RecordCount = Convert.ToInt32(((sys_ModuleTable)lst[0]).M_OrderLevel.Substring(0,2))+1;
                    smt.M_OrderLevel = Common.FillZero(RecordCount.ToString(), 2) + "00";
                else {
                    if (RecordCount !=0)
                        RecordCount = Convert.ToInt32(((sys_ModuleTable)lst[0]).M_OrderLevel.Substring(2, 2));
                    smt.M_OrderLevel = smt.M_OrderLevel.Substring(0, 2) + Common.FillZero(RecordCount.ToString(), 2);
                smt.M_ParentID = ModuleID;
                smt.DB_Option_Action_ = "Insert";
            else if (CMD == "Edit")
                if (BusinessFacade.sys_Module_CheckPK(smt.M_ApplicationID, smt.M_PageCode,ModuleID))
                    EventMessage.MessageBox(1, "�����������", string.Format("������ͬ��ģ�����({0})", smt.M_PageCode)
                                           , Icon_Type.Error, "history.back()", UrlType.JavaScript);
                smt.DB_Option_Action_ = "Update";
            smt.ModuleID = ModuleID;
            if (smt.M_IsSystem!=1)
            EventMessage.MessageBox(1, "�����ɹ�", string.Format("����/�޸�ģ��ID({0})�ɹ�!", ModuleID), Icon_Type.OK, Common.GetHomeBaseUrl(string.Format("ModuleList.aspx?S_ID={0}&AppName={1}", S_ID, S_ID_Name)));
        private void OnStart()
            if (CMD != "Look")
                TabOptionItem2.Visible = false;
                TabOptionItem3.Visible = false;
                TabOptionItem4.Visible = false;
                tr_username.Visible = false;
            else {

                if (!FrameWorkPermission.CheckButtonPermission(PopedomType.New))
                    TabOptionItem3.Visible = false;
                int Recordcount=0;
                QueryParam qp = new QueryParam();
                qp.Where = string.Format("Where A_RoleID = {0}",RoleID);
                qp.OrderType = 0;
                ArrayList lst = BusinessFacade.sys_RoleApplicationList(qp, out Recordcount);
                Repeater1.DataSource = lst;

                QueryParam qp1 = new QueryParam();
                qp1.OrderType = 0;
                ArrayList lst1 = BusinessFacade.sys_ApplicationsList(qp1, out Recordcount);
                NewAppID.DataSource = lst1;
                NewAppID.DataTextField = "A_AppName";
                NewAppID.DataValueField = "ApplicationID";
                foreach (sys_RoleApplicationTable var in lst)
                    ListItem ditem1 = this.NewAppID.Items.FindByValue(var.A_ApplicationID.ToString());
                    if (ditem1 != null)

                ListItem item3 = new ListItem();
                item3.Text = "请选择应用";
                item3.Value = "";
                NewAppID.Items.Insert(0, item3);



            //Button1.Attributes.Add("Onclick", "javascript:return checkForm(aspnetForm);");
            //Button2.Attributes.Add("Onclick", "javascript:return checkForm(aspnetForm);");
 /// <summary>
 /// 根据ID返回 sys_ApplicationsTable实体类 单笔资料
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ApplicationID">自动ID 1:为系统管理应用</param>
 /// <returns>返回sys_ApplicationsTable实体类 ApplicationID为0则无记录</returns>
 public static sys_ApplicationsTable sys_ApplicationsDisp(int ApplicationID)
     sys_ApplicationsTable fam = new sys_ApplicationsTable();
     QueryParam qp = new QueryParam();
     qp.PageIndex = 1;
     qp.PageSize = 1;
     qp.Where = " Where sys_Applications.ApplicationID = " + ApplicationID;
     int RecordCount = 0;
     ArrayList lst = sys_ApplicationsList(qp, out RecordCount);
     if (RecordCount > 0)
         fam = (sys_ApplicationsTable)lst[0];
     return fam;
 /// <summary>
 /// 根据ID返回 app_NewsEntity实体类 单笔资料 ()
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ID">ID </param>
 /// <returns>返回 app_NewsEntity实体类 ID为0则无记录</returns>
 public static app_NewsEntity app_NewsDisp(Int32 ID)
     app_NewsEntity fam = new app_NewsEntity();
     QueryParam qp = new QueryParam();
     qp.PageIndex = 1;
     qp.PageSize = 1;
     qp.Where = string.Format(" Where {0}.{1} = {2}","app_News","ID",ID);
     int RecordCount = 0;
     List<app_NewsEntity> lst = app_NewsList(qp, out RecordCount);
     if (RecordCount > 0)
         fam = lst[0];
     return fam;
        private void OnStart()
            int RecordCount = 0;
            QueryParam qp = new QueryParam();
            qp.Orderfld = "A_Order";
            qp.OrderType = 0;
            ArrayList lst = BusinessFacade.sys_ApplicationsList(qp, out RecordCount);
            OrderByListItems.DataSource = lst;
            OrderByListItems.DataTextField = "A_AppName";
            OrderByListItems.DataValueField = "ApplicationID";
            if (lst.Count > 0)
                OrderByListItems.Rows = lst.Count;

        protected void BindDataList()

            QueryParam qp = new QueryParam();
            qp.Where = string.Format(" Where E_U_LoginName='{0}' and E_Type=2",UserData.GetUserDate.U_LoginName);
            qp.PageIndex = AspNetPager1.CurrentPageIndex;
            qp.PageSize = AspNetPager1.PageSize;
            qp.Orderfld = Orderfld;
            qp.OrderType = OrderType;
            int RecordCount = 0;
            ArrayList lst = BusinessFacade.sys_EventList(qp, out RecordCount);
            GridView1.DataSource = lst;
            this.AspNetPager1.RecordCount = RecordCount;
 /// <summary>
 /// 根据ID返回 T_BudgetDetailEntity实体类 单笔资料 (预算明细)
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ID">ID ID</param>
 /// <returns>返回 T_BudgetDetailEntity实体类 ID为0则无记录</returns>
 public static T_BudgetDetailEntity T_BudgetDetailDisp(Int32 ID)
     T_BudgetDetailEntity fam = new T_BudgetDetailEntity();
     QueryParam qp = new QueryParam();
     qp.PageIndex = 1;
     qp.PageSize = 1;
     qp.Where = string.Format(" Where {0}.{1} = {2}", "T_BudgetDetail", "ID", ID);
     int RecordCount = 0;
     List<T_BudgetDetailEntity> lst = T_BudgetDetailList(qp, out RecordCount);
     if (RecordCount > 0)
         fam = lst[0];
     return fam;