public override AcceptanceReport CanDesignateCell(IntVec3 c)
     if (!base.CanDesignateCell(c).Accepted)
     if (Util_PlaceWorker.IsNearFishingPier(this.Map, c, Util_PlaceWorker.minDistanceBetweenTwoFishingSpots))
     if (Util_Zone_Fishing.IsAquaticTerrain(this.Map, c) &&
Beispiel #2
        public void DisplayMaxFishStockMoteAt(Map map, IntVec3 position, Rot4 rotation)
            if (position.InBounds(map) == false)
            // Get aquatic cells around the fishing spot.
            int aquaticCellsAround = Util_PlaceWorker.GetAquaticCellsInRadius(map, position + new IntVec3(0, 0, 2).RotatedBy(rotation), Building_FishingPier.aquaticAreaRadius) - 3; // 3 cells will actually be occupied by the pier.
            int aquaticCellsProportionInPercent = Mathf.RoundToInt(((float)aquaticCellsAround / (float)(GenRadial.NumCellsInRadius(Building_FishingPier.aquaticAreaRadius) - 3)) * 100f);

            Color  textColor =;
            string aquaticCellsProportionAsText = "";

            if (aquaticCellsAround < Util_Zone_Fishing.minCellsToSpawnFish)
                aquaticCellsProportionAsText = "FishIndustry.FishingPier_TooFewWater".Translate();
                aquaticCellsProportionAsText = aquaticCellsProportionInPercent + "%";
                if (aquaticCellsProportionInPercent >= 75)
                    textColor =;
                else if (aquaticCellsProportionInPercent >= 50)
                    textColor = Color.yellow;
                else if (aquaticCellsProportionInPercent >= 25)
                    textColor = new Color(255, 165, 0); // Orange color.

            MoteText moteText = (MoteText)ThingMaker.MakeThing(ThingDefOf.Mote_Text, null);

            moteText.exactPosition = position.ToVector3Shifted();
            moteText.text          = aquaticCellsProportionAsText;
            moteText.textColor     = textColor;
            moteText.overrideTimeBeforeStartFadeout = 1f;
            GenSpawn.Spawn(moteText, position, map);
            lastMotePosition = position;
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Check if a new fishing pier can be built at this location.
        /// - the fishing pier bank cell must be on a bank.
        /// - the rest of the fishing pier and the fishing spot must be on water.
        /// - must not be too near another fishing pier.
        /// </summary>
        public override AcceptanceReport AllowsPlacing(BuildableDef checkingDef, IntVec3 loc, Rot4 rot, Map map, Thing thingToIgnore = null, Thing thing = null)
            // Remove old fish stock respawn rate text mote.
            if (lastMotePosition.IsValid &&
                (loc != lastMotePosition))

            // Check this biome contains some fishes.
            if (Util_FishIndustry.GetFishSpeciesList(map.Biome).NullOrEmpty())
                return(new AcceptanceReport("FishIndustry.FishingPier_InvalidBiome".Translate()));

            // Check if another fishing pier is not too close.
            if (Util_PlaceWorker.IsNearFishingPier(map, loc, Util_PlaceWorker.minDistanceBetweenTwoFishingSpots))
                return(new AcceptanceReport("FishIndustry.TooCloseFishingPier".Translate()));

            // Check if a fishing zone is not too close.
            if (Util_PlaceWorker.IsNearFishingZone(map, loc, Util_PlaceWorker.minDistanceBetweenTwoFishingSpots))
                return(new AcceptanceReport("FishIndustry.TooCloseFishingZone".Translate()));

            // Check fishing pier is on water.
            if ((Util_Zone_Fishing.IsAquaticTerrain(map, loc + new IntVec3(0, 0, -1).RotatedBy(rot)) == false) ||
                (Util_Zone_Fishing.IsAquaticTerrain(map, loc + new IntVec3(0, 0, 0).RotatedBy(rot)) == false) ||
                (Util_Zone_Fishing.IsAquaticTerrain(map, loc + new IntVec3(0, 0, 1).RotatedBy(rot)) == false))
                return(new AcceptanceReport("FishIndustry.FishingPier_PierMustBeOnWater".Translate()));

            // Check fishing zone is on water.
            for (int xOffset = -1; xOffset <= 1; xOffset++)
                for (int yOffset = 2; yOffset <= 4; yOffset++)
                    if (Util_Zone_Fishing.IsAquaticTerrain(map, loc + new IntVec3(xOffset, 0, yOffset).RotatedBy(rot)) == false)
                        return(new AcceptanceReport("FishIndustry.FishingPier_ZoneMustBeOnWater".Translate()));

            // Display fish stock respawn rate.
            if ((lastMotePosition.IsValid == false) ||
                (Find.TickManager.Paused &&
                 (DateTime.Now.Second != lastMoteUpdateSecond)) ||
                ((Find.TickManager.Paused == false) &&
                 (Find.TickManager.TicksGame >= lastMoteUpdateTick + GenTicks.TicksPerRealSecond)))
                lastMoteUpdateSecond = DateTime.Now.Second;
                lastMoteUpdateTick   = Find.TickManager.TicksGame;
                DisplayMaxFishStockMoteAt(map, loc, rot);
