private static void DrawAxisCore(CanvasDrawingSession drawingSession, CanvasTransformer canvasTransformer, float axisLine, float axisThickLine, Windows.UI.Color axisColor, Windows.UI.Color axisLineColor, Windows.UI.Color axisThickLineColor, Windows.UI.Color textColor, CanvasTextFormat textFormat)
            // Canvas
            Vector2 position      = canvasTransformer.Position;
            float   scale         = canvasTransformer.Scale;
            float   controlWidth  = canvasTransformer.ControlWidth;
            float   controlHeight = canvasTransformer.ControlHeight;

            // Horizontal: Axis-X
            drawingSession.DrawLine(0, position.Y, controlWidth, position.Y, axisColor);
            // Vertical: Axis-Y
            drawingSession.DrawLine(position.X, 0, position.X, controlHeight, axisColor);

            // Space
            float space = 10 * scale;

            while (space < 10)
                space *= 5;
            while (space > 100)
                space /= 5;
            float space5 = space * 5;

            // Horizontal: Lines-X
            for (float X = position.X; X < controlWidth; X += space)
                drawingSession.DrawLine(X, position.Y - axisLine, X, position.Y, axisLineColor);                                                      // right
            for (float X = position.X; X > 0; X -= space)
                drawingSession.DrawLine(X, position.Y - axisLine, X, position.Y, axisLineColor);                                           // left
            // Vertical: Lines-Y
            for (float Y = position.Y; Y < controlHeight; Y += space)
                drawingSession.DrawLine(position.X, Y, position.X + axisLine, Y, axisLineColor);                                                       // bottom
            for (float Y = position.Y; Y > 0; Y -= space)
                drawingSession.DrawLine(position.X, Y, position.X + axisLine, Y, axisLineColor);                                           // top
            // Horizontal: ThickLine-X
            for (float X = position.X; X < controlWidth; X += space5)
                drawingSession.DrawLine(X, position.Y - axisThickLine, X, position.Y, axisThickLineColor);                                                       // right
            for (float X = position.X; X > 0; X -= space5)
                drawingSession.DrawLine(X, position.Y - axisThickLine, X, position.Y, axisThickLineColor);                                            // left
            // Vertical: ThickLine-Y
            for (float Y = position.Y; Y < controlHeight; Y += space5)
                drawingSession.DrawLine(position.X, Y, position.X + axisThickLine, Y, axisThickLineColor);                                                        // bottom
            for (float Y = position.Y; Y > 0; Y -= space5)
                drawingSession.DrawLine(position.X, Y, position.X + axisThickLine, Y, axisThickLineColor);                                            // top
            // Horizontal: Text-X
            for (float X = position.X; X < controlWidth; X += space5)
                drawingSession.DrawText(((int)(System.Math.Round((X - position.X) / scale))).ToString(), X, position.Y + axisLine, textColor, textFormat);
            for (float X = position.X; X > axisThickLine; X -= space5)
                drawingSession.DrawText(((int)(System.Math.Round((X - position.X) / scale))).ToString(), X, position.Y + axisLine, textColor, textFormat);
            // Vertical: Text-Y
            for (float Y = position.Y; Y < controlHeight; Y += space5)
                drawingSession.DrawText(((int)(System.Math.Round((Y - position.Y) / scale))).ToString(), position.X - axisLine, Y, textColor, textFormat);
            for (float Y = position.Y; Y > axisThickLine; Y -= space5)
                drawingSession.DrawText(((int)(System.Math.Round((Y - position.Y) / scale))).ToString(), position.X - axisLine, Y, textColor, textFormat);
 /// <summary>
 /// Draw a Ruler.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="drawingSession"> The drawing-session. </param>
 /// <param name="canvasTransformer"> The canvas-transformer. </param>
 public static void DrawRuler(this CanvasDrawingSession drawingSession, CanvasTransformer canvasTransformer) => CanvasDrawingSessionExtensions.DrawRulerCore(drawingSession, canvasTransformer, CanvasDrawingSessionExtensions.RulerWidth, CanvasDrawingSessionExtensions.RulerLine, CanvasDrawingSessionExtensions.RulerThickLine, CanvasDrawingSessionExtensions.RulerBackgroundColor, CanvasDrawingSessionExtensions.RulerColor, CanvasDrawingSessionExtensions.RulerLineColor, CanvasDrawingSessionExtensions.RulerThickLineColor, CanvasDrawingSessionExtensions.TextColor, CanvasDrawingSessionExtensions.TextFormat);
 /// <summary>
 /// Draw a Ruler.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="drawingSession"> The drawing-session. </param>
 /// <param name="canvasTransformer"> The canvas-transformer. </param>
 /// <param name="rulerWidth"> The width of the ruler. </param>
 /// <param name="rulerLine"> The distance between two lines. </param>
 /// <param name="rulerThickLine"> The distance between two thick lines. </param>
 /// <param name="rulerBackgroundColor"> The color of the ruler background color. </param>
 /// <param name="rulerColor"> The color of the ruler. </param>
 /// <param name="rulerLineColor"> The color of the ruler line. </param>
 /// <param name="rulerThickLineColor"> The color of the ruler thick line. </param>
 /// <param name="textColor"> The color of the text. </param>
 /// <param name="textFormat"> The format of the text. </param>
 public static void DrawRuler(this CanvasDrawingSession drawingSession, CanvasTransformer canvasTransformer, float rulerWidth, float rulerLine, float rulerThickLine, Windows.UI.Color rulerBackgroundColor, Windows.UI.Color rulerColor, Windows.UI.Color rulerLineColor, Windows.UI.Color rulerThickLineColor, Windows.UI.Color textColor, CanvasTextFormat textFormat) => CanvasDrawingSessionExtensions.DrawRulerCore(drawingSession, canvasTransformer, rulerWidth, rulerLine, rulerThickLine, rulerBackgroundColor, rulerColor, rulerLineColor, rulerThickLineColor, textColor, textFormat);
        private static void DrawRulerCore(CanvasDrawingSession drawingSession, CanvasTransformer canvasTransformer, float rulerWidth, float rulerLine, float rulerThickLine, Windows.UI.Color rulerBackgroundColor, Windows.UI.Color rulerColor, Windows.UI.Color rulerLineColor, Windows.UI.Color rulerThickLineColor, Windows.UI.Color textColor, CanvasTextFormat textFormat)
            // Canvas
            Vector2 position      = canvasTransformer.Position;
            float   scale         = canvasTransformer.Scale;
            float   controlWidth  = canvasTransformer.ControlWidth;
            float   controlHeight = canvasTransformer.ControlHeight;

            // Horizontal: Axis-X
            drawingSession.FillRectangle(0, 0, controlWidth, rulerWidth, rulerBackgroundColor);
            drawingSession.DrawLine(0, rulerWidth, controlWidth, rulerWidth, rulerColor);
            // Vertical: Axis-Y
            drawingSession.FillRectangle(0, 0, rulerWidth, controlHeight, rulerBackgroundColor);
            drawingSession.DrawLine(rulerWidth, 0, rulerWidth, controlHeight, rulerColor);

            // Space
            float space = 10 * scale;

            while (space < 10)
                space *= 5;
            while (space > 100)
                space /= 5;
            float spaceFive = space * 5;

            // End
            float lineEnd      = rulerWidth - rulerLine;
            float thickLineEnd = rulerWidth - rulerThickLine;

            // Horizontal: Lines-X
            for (float X = position.X; X < controlWidth; X += space)
                drawingSession.DrawLine(X, lineEnd, X, rulerWidth, rulerLineColor);                                                      // right
            for (float X = position.X; X > rulerWidth; X -= space)
                drawingSession.DrawLine(X, lineEnd, X, rulerWidth, rulerLineColor);                                                    // left
            // Vertical: Lines-Y
            for (float Y = position.Y; Y < controlHeight; Y += space)
                drawingSession.DrawLine(lineEnd, Y, rulerWidth, Y, rulerLineColor);                                                       // bottom
            for (float Y = position.Y; Y > rulerWidth; Y -= space)
                drawingSession.DrawLine(lineEnd, Y, rulerWidth, Y, rulerLineColor);                                                    // top
            // Horizontal: ThickLine-X
            for (float X = position.X; X < controlWidth; X += spaceFive)
                drawingSession.DrawLine(X, thickLineEnd, X, rulerWidth, rulerThickLineColor);                                                          // right
            for (float X = position.X; X > rulerWidth; X -= spaceFive)
                drawingSession.DrawLine(X, thickLineEnd, X, rulerWidth, rulerThickLineColor);                                                        // left
            // Vertical: ThickLine-Y
            for (float Y = position.Y; Y < controlHeight; Y += spaceFive)
                drawingSession.DrawLine(thickLineEnd, Y, rulerWidth, Y, rulerThickLineColor);                                                           // bottom
            for (float Y = position.Y; Y > rulerWidth; Y -= spaceFive)
                drawingSession.DrawLine(thickLineEnd, Y, rulerWidth, Y, rulerThickLineColor);                                                        // top
            // Horizontal: Text-X
            for (float X = position.X; X < controlWidth; X += spaceFive)
                drawingSession.DrawText(((int)(System.Math.Round((X - position.X) / scale))).ToString(), X, lineEnd, textColor, textFormat);
            for (float X = position.X; X > rulerWidth; X -= spaceFive)
                drawingSession.DrawText(((int)(System.Math.Round((X - position.X) / scale))).ToString(), X, lineEnd, textColor, textFormat);
            // Vertical: Text-Y
            for (float Y = position.Y; Y < controlHeight; Y += spaceFive)
                drawingSession.DrawText(((int)(System.Math.Round((Y - position.Y) / scale))).ToString(), lineEnd, Y, textColor, textFormat);
            for (float Y = position.Y; Y > rulerWidth; Y -= spaceFive)
                drawingSession.DrawText(((int)(System.Math.Round((Y - position.Y) / scale))).ToString(), lineEnd, Y, textColor, textFormat);
 /// <summary>
 /// Draw a Axis-XY.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="drawingSession"> The drawing-session. </param>
 /// <param name="canvasTransformer"> The canvas-transformer. </param>
 /// <param name="axisLine"> The distance between two lines. </param>
 /// <param name="axisThickLine"> The distance between two thick lines. </param>
 /// <param name="axisColor"> The color of the axis. </param>
 /// <param name="axisLineColor"> The color of the axis line. </param>
 /// <param name="axisThickLineColor"> The color of the axis thick line. </param>
 /// <param name="textColor"> The color of the text. </param>
 /// <param name="textFormat"> The format of the text. </param>
 public static void DrawAxis(this CanvasDrawingSession drawingSession, CanvasTransformer canvasTransformer, float axisLine, float axisThickLine, Windows.UI.Color axisColor, Windows.UI.Color axisLineColor, Windows.UI.Color axisThickLineColor, Windows.UI.Color textColor, CanvasTextFormat textFormat) => CanvasDrawingSessionExtensions.DrawAxisCore(drawingSession, canvasTransformer, axisLine, axisThickLine, axisColor, axisLineColor, axisThickLineColor, textColor, textFormat);
 /// <summary>
 /// Draw a Axis-XY.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="drawingSession"> The drawing-session. </param>
 /// <param name="canvasTransformer"> The canvas-transformer. </param>
 public static void DrawAxis(this CanvasDrawingSession drawingSession, CanvasTransformer canvasTransformer) => CanvasDrawingSessionExtensions.DrawAxisCore(drawingSession, canvasTransformer, CanvasDrawingSessionExtensions.AxisLine, CanvasDrawingSessionExtensions.AxisThickLine, CanvasDrawingSessionExtensions.AxisColor, CanvasDrawingSessionExtensions.AxisLineColor, CanvasDrawingSessionExtensions.AxisThickLineColor, CanvasDrawingSessionExtensions.TextColor, CanvasDrawingSessionExtensions.TextFormat);
Beispiel #7
        private static void DrawCradCore(CanvasDrawingSession drawingSession, ICanvasImage previousImage, CanvasTransformer canvasTransformer, Windows.UI.Color shadowColor, float shadowBlurAmount, float shadowOffset)
            float width  = canvasTransformer.Width * canvasTransformer.Scale;
            float height = canvasTransformer.Height * canvasTransformer.Scale;
            Rect  rect   = new Rect(-width / 2, -height / 2, width, height);

            Matrix3x2 matrix = canvasTransformer.GetMatrix(MatrixTransformerMode.VirtualToControl);

            CanvasDrawingSessionExtensions.DrawCradCore(drawingSession, previousImage, rect, matrix, shadowColor, shadowBlurAmount, shadowOffset);
Beispiel #8
 /// <summary>
 /// Draw a card.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="drawingSession"> The drawing-session. </param>
 /// <param name="previousImage"> previous image. </param>
 /// <param name="canvasTransformer"> The canvas-transformer. </param>
 /// <param name="shadowColor"> shadow color. </param>
 /// <param name="shadowBlurAmount"> shaodw blur amount. </param>
 /// <param name="shadowOffset"> shadow offset. </param>
 public static void DrawCard(this CanvasDrawingSession drawingSession, ICanvasImage previousImage, CanvasTransformer canvasTransformer, Windows.UI.Color shadowColor, float shadowBlurAmount = 4.0f, float shadowOffset = 5.0f) => CanvasDrawingSessionExtensions.DrawCradCore(drawingSession, previousImage, canvasTransformer, shadowColor, shadowBlurAmount, shadowOffset);