Beispiel #1
        // TODO: Add progress bar.
        private static async Task EncryptAsync(EncryptedFileHeader EncryptedFileHeader)
            const string encryptedFileExtension = ".encrypted";
            var          inputPathIsFile        = File.Exists(EncryptedFileHeader.Filename);

            if (!inputPathIsFile && !Directory.Exists(EncryptedFileHeader.Filename))
                throw new Exception($"{EncryptedFileHeader.Filename} input path does not exist.");
            ThreadsafeConsole.WriteLine(inputPathIsFile ? "InputPath is a file." : "InputPath is a directory.");
            // TODO: Support encrypting entire directories using System.IO.Compression.ZipFile class.
            if (!inputPathIsFile)
                throw new NotSupportedException("Encrypting directories is not supported.");
            // Get password from user.
            // TODO: Hide and confirm password.
            ThreadsafeConsole.Write("Enter password: "******"Output filename is {outputFilename}.");
            var encryptionStart = _stopwatch.Elapsed;

            await using (var inputFileStream = File.Open(EncryptedFileHeader.Filename, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read))
                await using (var outputFileStream = File.Open(outputFilename, FileMode.CreateNew, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None))
                    // Generate key from password and random salt.
                    using (var random = new RNGCryptoServiceProvider()) { random.GetBytes(EncryptedFileHeader.Salt); }
                    using (var keyDerivation = KeyDerivation.Create(EncryptedFileHeader.KeyDerivationAlgorithm, password, EncryptedFileHeader.Salt, EncryptedFileHeader.KeyDerivationIterations))
                        using (var cipher = Cipher.Create(EncryptedFileHeader.CipherAlgorithm))
                            var key = keyDerivation.GetBytes(EncryptedFileHeader.KeyLength);
                            ThreadsafeConsole.WriteLine($"Encryption key (derived from password and a random salt) is {Convert.ToBase64String(key)}.");
                            // Create cipher and generate initialization vector.
                            // Generate a new initialization vector for each encryption to prevent identical plaintexts from producing identical ciphertexts when encrypted using the same key.
                            EncryptedFileHeader.InitializationVector = new byte[cipher.IV.Length];
                            cipher.IV.CopyTo(EncryptedFileHeader.InitializationVector, 0);
                            ThreadsafeConsole.WriteLine($"Cipher initialization vector is {Convert.ToBase64String(EncryptedFileHeader.InitializationVector)}.");
                            // Write integer length of encrypted file header followed by the the header bytes.
                            var fileHeaderBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(EncryptedFileHeader));
                            await outputFileStream.WriteAsync(BitConverter.GetBytes(fileHeaderBytes.Length));

                            await outputFileStream.WriteAsync(fileHeaderBytes);

                            // Create encrypting output stream.
                            var buffer = new byte[cipher.BlockSize];
                            using (var encryptor = cipher.CreateEncryptor(key, EncryptedFileHeader.InitializationVector))
                                await using (var cryptoStream = new CryptoStream(outputFileStream, encryptor, CryptoStreamMode.Write))
                                    // To limit memory usage, repeatedly read a small block from input stream and write it to the encrypted output stream.
                                    int bytesRead;
                                    while ((bytesRead = await inputFileStream.ReadAsync(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) > 0)
                                        await cryptoStream.WriteAsync(buffer, 0, bytesRead);
            var encryptionDuration = _stopwatch.Elapsed - encryptionStart;

            ThreadsafeConsole.WriteLine($"Wrote encrypted file to {outputFilename}.");
            ThreadsafeConsole.WriteLine($"Encryption took {encryptionDuration.TotalSeconds.ToString(_elapsedSecondsFormat)} seconds.");
Beispiel #2
        // Encryption arguments = -i "C:\Users\Erik\Temp\Test.pdf" -o encrypt -c aescng -kd rfc2898 -kdi 1000 -kl 32 -sl 16
        private static EncryptedFileHeader ParseCommandLine(IReadOnlyList <string> Arguments)
            if (Arguments.Count % 2 != 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid number of arguments.  Arguments must be passed in a pair: -argumentName argumentValue or /argumentName argumentValue.");
            var encryptedFileHeader = new EncryptedFileHeader();

            for (var index = 0; index < Arguments.Count; index++)
                var argumentName = Arguments[index];
                var argumentValue = Arguments[index];
                switch (argumentName?.ToLower())
                case "-i":
                case "/i":
                case "-input":
                case "/input":
                    encryptedFileHeader.Filename = argumentValue;

                case "-o":
                case "/o":
                case "-operation":
                case "/operation":
                    encryptedFileHeader.Operation = Enum.Parse <Operation>(argumentValue, true);

                case "-c":
                case "/c":
                case "-cipher":
                case "/cipher":
                    encryptedFileHeader.CipherAlgorithm = argumentValue;

                case "-kd":
                case "/kd":
                case "-keyderivation":
                case "/keyderivation":
                    encryptedFileHeader.KeyDerivationAlgorithm = argumentValue;

                case "-kdi":
                case "/kdi":
                case "-kditerations":
                case "/kditerations":
                    if (int.TryParse(argumentValue, out var keyDerivationIterations))
                        encryptedFileHeader.KeyDerivationIterations = keyDerivationIterations;

                case "-kl":
                case "/kl":
                case "-keylength":
                case "/keylength":
                    if (int.TryParse(argumentValue, out var keyLength))
                        encryptedFileHeader.KeyLength = keyLength;

                case "-sl":
                case "/sl":
                case "-saltlength":
                case "/saltlength":
                    if (int.TryParse(argumentValue, out var saltLength))
                        encryptedFileHeader.Salt = new byte[saltLength];

                    throw new ArgumentException($"{argumentName} not supported.");
            // Validate arguments.
            if (encryptedFileHeader.Filename.IsNullOrEmpty())
                throw new ArgumentException("Specify an input path via -i argument.");
            // ReSharper disable once ConvertIfStatementToSwitchStatement
            // ReSharper disable once ConvertIfStatementToSwitchExpression
            if (encryptedFileHeader.Operation == Operation.Unknown)
                throw new ArgumentException("Specify an operation via -o argument.");
            if (encryptedFileHeader.Operation == Operation.Encrypt)
                if (encryptedFileHeader.CipherAlgorithm is null)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Specify a cipher via -c argument.");
                if (encryptedFileHeader.KeyDerivationAlgorithm is null)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Specify a key derivation algorithm via -kd argument.");
                if (encryptedFileHeader.KeyDerivationIterations <= 0)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Specify key derivation iterations via -kdi argument");
                if (encryptedFileHeader.KeyLength <= 0)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Specify a key length in bytes via -kl argument.");
                if (encryptedFileHeader.Salt.Length <= 0)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Specify a salt length via -sl argument.");