Beispiel #1
        public byte[] ReadEV3File(String fullname, ByteCodeBuffer pingercommand = null)
            long nextping  = DateTime.Now.Ticks + 500;
            int  chunksize = 900;

            // start the transfer
            BinaryBuffer b = new BinaryBuffer();

            b.Append16(0);                     // transfer no content right now

            byte[] response = SystemCommand(BEGIN_UPLOAD, b);

            if (response == null)
                throw new Exception("No response to BEGIN_UPLOAD");
            if (response.Length < 6)
                throw new Exception("Response too short for BEGIN_UPLOAD");
            if (response[0] != SUCCESS && response[0] != END_OF_FILE)
                throw new Exception("Unexpected status at BEGIN_UPLOAD: " + response[0]);

            int len    = ((int)response[1]) + (((int)response[2]) << 8) + (((int)response[3]) << 16) + (((int)response[4]) << 24);
            int handle = response[5] & 0xff;

//    Console.WriteLine("Start uploading file of size: " + len + ". handle=" + handle);

            byte[] buffer = new byte[len];
            int    pos    = 0;

            // transfer bytes in small chunks
            while (pos < len)
                int transfernow = Math.Min(len - pos, chunksize);

                response = SystemCommand(CONTINUE_UPLOAD, b);

                if (response == null)
                    throw new Exception("No response to CONTINUE_UPLOAD");
                if (response.Length < 2 + transfernow)
                    throw new Exception("Response too short for CONTINUE_UPLOAD");
                if (response[0] != SUCCESS && response[0] != END_OF_FILE)
                    throw new Exception("Unexpected status at CONTINUE_UPLOAD: " + response[0]);

                for (int i = 0; i < transfernow; i++)
                    buffer[pos + i] = response[2 + i];
                pos += transfernow;

                // check if it is necessary to send intermediary pings to the watchdog program
                if (pingercommand != null && DateTime.Now.Ticks > nextping)
                    DirectCommand(pingercommand, 4, 0);
                    nextping = DateTime.Now.Ticks + 500;

Beispiel #2
 public void CopyTo(BinaryBuffer target)
     target.AppendBytes(buffer, 0, len);