/// <summary>
		/// Constructor
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="square">Square handle</param>
		/// <param name="evt">Event square handle</param>
		public ScriptedDialog(Square square, EventSquare evt)
			if (square == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("Square is null");

			if (evt == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("EventSquare is null");

			Event = evt;
			Square = square;

			Picture = new Texture2D(Event.PictureName);

			if (Event.DisplayBorder)
				Border = new Texture2D("border.png");
			// HACK: Hard coded maximum button for ScriptDialog
			Choices = new ScriptChoice[MaxButtonCount];
			Buttons = new GUIScriptButton[MaxButtonCount];
			for (int i = 0 ; i < MaxButtonCount ; i++)
				Buttons[i] = new GUIScriptButton();
				Buttons[i].Click +=new EventHandler(ButtonClick);
		/// <summary>
		/// Constructor
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="choice">choice to edit</param>
		/// <param name="dungeon">Dungeon handle</param>
		public EventChoiceForm(ScriptChoice choice, Dungeon dungeon)

			if (choice == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("choice");

			Dungeon = dungeon;
			NameBox.Text = choice.Name;
		//	ActionBox.Actions = choice.Actions;
			ActionBox.Dungeon = dungeon;
			Choice = choice;
Beispiel #3
		/// <summary>
		/// Loads the door's definition from a bank
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="xml">Xml handle</param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		public override bool Load(XmlNode xml)
			if (xml == null || xml.Name != Tag)
				return false;

			MessageColor = xml.Attributes["color"] != null ? Color.FromArgb(int.Parse(xml.Attributes["color"].Value)) : Color.White;
			MustFace = xml.Attributes["mustface"] != null ? bool.Parse(xml.Attributes["mustface"].Value) : false;
			Direction = xml.Attributes["direction"] != null ? (CardinalPoint)Enum.Parse(typeof(CardinalPoint), xml.Attributes["direction"].Value) : CardinalPoint.North;
			SoundName = xml.Attributes["soundname"] != null ? xml.Attributes["soundname"].Value : string.Empty;
			LoopSound = xml.Attributes["loopsound"] != null ? bool.Parse(xml.Attributes["loopsound"].Value) : false;
			DisplayBorder = xml.Attributes["displayborder"] != null ? bool.Parse(xml.Attributes["displayborder"].Value) : false;
			Message = xml.Attributes["message"] != null ? xml.Attributes["message"].Value : string.Empty;
			PictureName = xml.Attributes["picturename"] != null ? xml.Attributes["picturename"].Value : string.Empty;
			Intelligence = xml.Attributes["intelligence"] != null ? int.Parse(xml.Attributes["intelligence"].Value) : 0;
			Remaining = xml.Attributes["remaining"] != null ? int.Parse(xml.Attributes["remaining"].Value) : 0;

			foreach (XmlNode node in xml)
				if (node.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Comment)

				switch (node.Name.ToLower())
					case "choice":
						ScriptChoice choice = new ScriptChoice("");

					case "text":
						Text = node.InnerText;


			return true;
		private void AddEditChoiceBox_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
			if (EventSquare == null)

			ScriptChoice choice = new ScriptChoice("Choice " + (EventSquare.Choices.Count + 1));
			new EventChoiceForm(choice, Dungeon).ShowDialog();

		/// <summary>
		/// Set the choices
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="choice1">First choice</param>
		/// <param name="choice2">Second choice</param>
		/// <param name="choice2">Third choice</param>
		public void SetChoice(ScriptChoice choice1, ScriptChoice choice2, ScriptChoice choice3)
			Choices[0] = choice1;
			Choices[1] = choice2;
			Choices[2] = choice3;

			if (choice1 != null)
				Buttons[0].Rectangle = DisplayCoordinates.ScriptedDialogChoices[6];
				Buttons[0].Text = choice1.Name;
				Buttons[0].Tag = choice1;

			if (choice2 != null)
				Buttons[1].Rectangle = DisplayCoordinates.ScriptedDialogChoices[7];
				Buttons[1].Text = choice2.Name;
				Buttons[1].Tag = choice2;

			if (choice3 != null)
				Buttons[2].Rectangle = DisplayCoordinates.ScriptedDialogChoices[8];
				Buttons[2].Text = choice3.Name;
				Buttons[2].Tag = choice3;
		/// <summary>
		/// Set the choices
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="choice1">First choice</param>
		/// <param name="choice2">Second choice</param>
		public void SetChoices(ScriptChoice choice1, ScriptChoice choice2)
			Choices[0] = choice1;
			Choices[1] = choice2;
			Choices[2] = null;

			Buttons[0].Rectangle = DisplayCoordinates.ScriptedDialogChoices[3];
			Buttons[0].Text = choice1.Name;
			Buttons[0].Tag = choice1;

			Buttons[1].Rectangle = DisplayCoordinates.ScriptedDialogChoices[4];
			Buttons[1].Text = choice2.Name;
			Buttons[1].Tag = choice2;
		/// <summary>
		/// Set the choice
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="choice">choice</param>
		public void SetChoices(ScriptChoice choice)
			Choices[0] = choice;
			Choices[1] = null;
			Choices[2] = null;

			Buttons[0].Rectangle = DisplayCoordinates.ScriptedDialogChoices[0];
			Buttons[0].Text = choice.Name;
			Buttons[0].Tag = choice;
		/// <summary>
		/// Set the choice
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="id">Choice id (from 1 to 3)</param>
		/// <param name="choice">choice</param>
		public void SetChoices(int id, ScriptChoice choice)
			if (id < 1 || id > 3)

			Choices[id] = choice;

			Buttons[id].Rectangle = DisplayCoordinates.ScriptedDialogChoices[0];
			Buttons[id].Text = choice.Name;
			Buttons[id].Tag = choice;