/// <summary>
        /// Validates a ticket contained in the URL, presumably generated by
        /// the CAS server after a successful authentication.  The actual ticket
        /// validation is performed by the configured TicketValidator 
        /// (i.e., CAS 1.0, CAS 2.0, SAML 1.0).  If the validation succeeds, the
        /// request is authenticated and a FormsAuthenticationCookie and 
        /// corresponding CasAuthenticationTicket are created for the purpose of 
        /// authenticating subsequent requests (see ProcessTicketValidation 
        /// method).  If the validation fails, the authentication status remains 
        /// unchanged (generally the user is and remains anonymous).
        /// </summary>
        internal static void ProcessTicketValidation()
            HttpContext context = HttpContext.Current;
            HttpApplication app = context.ApplicationInstance;
            HttpRequest request = context.Request;

            CasAuthenticationTicket casTicket;
            ICasPrincipal principal;

            string ticket = request[TicketValidator.ArtifactParameterName];
                // Attempt to authenticate the ticket and resolve to an ICasPrincipal
                principal = TicketValidator.Validate(ticket);

                // Save the ticket in the FormsAuthTicket.  Encrypt the ticket and send it as a cookie. 
                casTicket = new CasAuthenticationTicket(

                if (ProxyTicketManager != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(principal.ProxyGrantingTicket))
                    casTicket.ProxyGrantingTicketIou = principal.ProxyGrantingTicket;
                    string proxyGrantingTicket = ProxyTicketManager.GetProxyGrantingTicket(casTicket.ProxyGrantingTicketIou);
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(proxyGrantingTicket))
                        casTicket.ProxyGrantingTicket = proxyGrantingTicket;

                // TODO: Check the last 2 parameters.  We want to take the from/to dates from the FormsAuthenticationTicket.  However, we may need to do some clock drift correction.
                FormsAuthenticationTicket formsAuthTicket = CreateFormsAuthenticationTicket(principal.Identity.Name, FormsAuthentication.FormsCookiePath, ticket, null, null);

                // Also save the ticket in the server store (if configured)
                if (ServiceTicketManager != null)
                    ServiceTicketManager.UpdateTicketExpiration(casTicket, formsAuthTicket.Expiration);

                // Jump directly to EndRequest.  Don't allow the Page and/or Handler to execute.
                // EndRequest will redirect back without the ticket in the URL
            catch (TicketValidationException e)
                // Leave principal null.  This might not have been a CAS service ticket.
                protoLogger.Error("Ticket validation error: " + e);
    private string GetTicketInfomation(CasAuthenticationTicket ticket)
        PccMsg myMsg = new PccMsg();

        string mail = string.Empty;
        string depart = string.Empty;
        string groupEmployeeID = string.Empty;
        string company = string.Empty;
        string name = string.Empty;
        string empNo = string.Empty;
        string userName = string.Empty;
        string displayName = string.Empty;
        string telephone = string.Empty;
        System.Collections.Generic.IList<string> attlist;

            ticket.Assertion.Attributes.TryGetValue("mail", out attlist);
            if (attlist != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(attlist[0]))
                mail = attlist[0];
        catch { }
            ticket.Assertion.Attributes.TryGetValue("depart", out attlist);
            if (attlist != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(attlist[0]))
                depart = attlist[0];
        catch { }
            ticket.Assertion.Attributes.TryGetValue("groupEmployeeID", out attlist);
            if (attlist != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(attlist[0]))
                groupEmployeeID = attlist[0];
        catch { }
            ticket.Assertion.Attributes.TryGetValue("company", out attlist);
            if (attlist != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(attlist[0]))
                company = attlist[0];
        catch { }
            ticket.Assertion.Attributes.TryGetValue("name", out attlist);
            if (attlist != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(attlist[0]))
                name = attlist[0];
        catch { }
            ticket.Assertion.Attributes.TryGetValue("empNo", out attlist);
            if (attlist != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(attlist[0]))
                empNo = attlist[0];
        catch { }
            ticket.Assertion.Attributes.TryGetValue("userName", out attlist);
            if (attlist != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(attlist[0]))
                userName = attlist[0];
        catch { }
            ticket.Assertion.Attributes.TryGetValue("displayName", out attlist);
            if (attlist != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(attlist[0]))
                displayName = attlist[0];
        catch { }
            ticket.Assertion.Attributes.TryGetValue("telephone", out attlist);
            if (attlist != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(attlist[0]))
                telephone = attlist[0];
        catch { }

        myMsg.CreateFirstNode("mail", mail);
        myMsg.CreateFirstNode("depart", depart);
        myMsg.CreateFirstNode("groupEmployeeID", groupEmployeeID);
        myMsg.CreateFirstNode("company", company);
        myMsg.CreateFirstNode("name", name);
        myMsg.CreateFirstNode("empNo", empNo);
        myMsg.CreateFirstNode("userName", userName);
        myMsg.CreateFirstNode("displayName", displayName);
        myMsg.CreateFirstNode("telephone", telephone);

        return myMsg.GetXmlStr;
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the expiration date and time for an existing ticket.  If the ticket does
        /// not exist in the ticket store, just return (do not throw an exception).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="casAuthenticationTicket">The CasAuthenticationTicket to insert</param>
        /// <param name="newExpiration">The new expiration date and time</param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">casAuthenticationTicket is null</exception>
        public void UpdateTicketExpiration(CasAuthenticationTicket casAuthenticationTicket, DateTime newExpiration)
            CommonUtils.AssertNotNull(casAuthenticationTicket, "casAuthenticationTicket parameter cannot be null.");

            InsertTicket(casAuthenticationTicket, newExpiration);
        /// <summary>
        /// Verify that the supplied casAuthenticationTicket exists in the ticket store
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="casAuthenticationTicket">The casAuthenticationTicket to verify</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// True if the ticket exists in the ticket store and the properties of that 
        /// ticket match the properties of the ticket in the ticket store.
        /// </returns>
        public bool VerifyClientTicket(CasAuthenticationTicket casAuthenticationTicket)
            CommonUtils.AssertNotNull(casAuthenticationTicket, "casAuthenticationTicket parameter cannot be null.");

            string incomingServiceTicket = casAuthenticationTicket.ServiceTicket;
            CasAuthenticationTicket cacheAuthTicket = GetTicket(incomingServiceTicket);
            if (cacheAuthTicket != null)
                string cacheServiceTicket = cacheAuthTicket.ServiceTicket;
                if (cacheServiceTicket == incomingServiceTicket)
                    if (String.Compare(cacheAuthTicket.NetId, casAuthenticationTicket.NetId, true) != 0)
                        log.Info("Username {0} in ticket {1} does not match cached value.",
                            casAuthenticationTicket.NetId, incomingServiceTicket);
                        return false;

                    if (String.Compare(cacheAuthTicket.Assertion.PrincipalName, casAuthenticationTicket.Assertion.PrincipalName, true) != 0)
                        log.Info("Principal name {0} in assertion of ticket {1} does not match cached value.",
                            casAuthenticationTicket.NetId, casAuthenticationTicket.Assertion.PrincipalName);
                        return false;

                    return true;
                log.Info("Ticket {0} not found in cache.  Never existed, expired, or removed via single sign out",
                return false;
            return false;
 /// <summary>
 /// Inserts a CasAuthenticationTicket to the ticket store with a corresponding 
 /// ticket expiration date.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="casAuthenticationTicket">The CasAuthenticationTicket to insert</param>
 /// <param name="expiration">The date and time at which the ticket expires</param>
 /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">casAuthenticationTicket is null</exception>
 public void InsertTicket(CasAuthenticationTicket casAuthenticationTicket, DateTime expiration)
     CommonUtils.AssertNotNull(casAuthenticationTicket, "casAuthenticationTicket parameter cannot be null.");
     log.Debug("Inserting service ticket:"+casAuthenticationTicket.ServiceTicket);
     client.Store(StoreMode.Set, GetTicketKey(casAuthenticationTicket.ServiceTicket), casAuthenticationTicket, expiration);