/// <summary>
        /// 获取指定ID的章节信息(课程详细)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List<Course_ChapterSectionInfo> GetChapterSectionInfo(int TrainingId,int id)
            string sql = @"select id,title,content,display,
                           ((select COUNT(0) from [Course_UnitDetail] where ParentId = tt.Id and Delflag = 0)
                            +(select COUNT(0) from Course_UnitContent where UnitId = tt.Id and Delflag = 0)) as AcCnt,
                            ((select COUNT(0) from [Course_UnitDetail] where ParentId = tt.Id and Delflag = 0 and Display = 1)
                            +(select COUNT(0) from Course_UnitContent where UnitId = tt.Id and Delflag = 0 and Display = 1)) as DisCnt
                           from [dbo].[Course_UnitDetail] as tt where TrainingId =@TrainingId and ParentId=@Id and Delflag=0 order by sort";
            SqlParameter[] cmdParams = new SqlParameter[]{
                new SqlParameter("@TrainingId", SqlDbType.Int, 4) { Value = TrainingId },
                new SqlParameter("@Id", SqlDbType.Int, 4) { Value = id }

            List<Course_ChapterSectionInfo> list = new List<Course_ChapterSectionInfo>();
            using (IDataReader reader = MSEntLibSqlHelper.ExecuteDataReaderBySql(sql, cmdParams))
                    Course_ChapterSectionInfo model = new Course_ChapterSectionInfo();
                    model.Id = Convert.ToInt32(reader["id"]);
                    model.Title = reader["title"].ToString();
                    model.Content = reader["content"].ToString();
                    model.Display = Convert.ToBoolean(reader["display"]);
                    model.AcCnt = Convert.ToInt32(reader["AcCnt"]);
                    model.DisCnt = Convert.ToInt32(reader["DisCnt"]);

            return list;
        public List<Course_ChapterSectionInfo> GetAllChapterSectionInfo(int TrainingId, int Type)
            List<Course_ChapterSectionInfo> lstAllChapterSectionInfo = new List<Course_ChapterSectionInfo>();

            Course_ChapterSectionInfo head = new Course_ChapterSectionInfo();
            head.Id = -1;
            if (Type == 1)
                head.Title = "--请选择章--";
                head.Title = "--请选择章节--";

            List<Course_ChapterSectionInfo> list = GetChapterSectionInfo(TrainingId,0);
            foreach (var model in list)
                model.Title = " " + model.Title;

                if (Type == 2)
                    if (GetChapterSectionInfo(TrainingId, model.Id) != null)
                        foreach (var model1 in GetChapterSectionInfo(TrainingId, model.Id))
                            model1.Title = "  |--" + model1.Title;

            return lstAllChapterSectionInfo;