/// <summary>
        /// Ensure that a task source for the output pane is created. If it is the first task source output, make it the visible task source output.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tasksource">Name of the task source.</param>
        /// <param name="executingTask">The currently executing task.</param>
        /// <param name="executingTask">The executer the currently executing task is running in.</param>
        /// <returns>The existing or newly created task source output.</returns>
        internal TaskSourceOutput EnsureTaskSourceOutputForExecutingTask(string tasksource, Process executingProcess, Executer executer)
            bool makeVisible = false;
            TaskSourceOutput tso;

            if (CurrentTaskSourceOutput == null)
                makeVisible = true;

            // Get TaskSource output
            tso = GetTaskSourceOutput(tasksource);
            if (tso == null)
                tso = new TaskSourceOutput { TaskSource = tasksource, ExecutingProcess = executingProcess, ProcessExecuter = executer, Output = String.Empty };
                tso.ExecutingProcess = executingProcess;
                tso.ProcessExecuter = executer;

            if (makeVisible)
                CurrentTaskSourceOutput = tso;

            return tso;
        public void Show(string tasksource)
            this.Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() =>
                CurrentTaskSourceOutput = _taskSourceOutputs.Where(n => n.TaskSource == tasksource).FirstOrDefault();
