public void TestAdd() {

			Money money1 = new Money(1.23M);
			Money money2 = new Money(1.11M);

			Assert.IsTrue(money1.Amount == 2.34M, "Addition failed (" + money2.ToString() + " != 2.34");
        protected string RenderSubTotal() {
            Money SubTotal = new Money();

            return HtmlFormatUtils.FormatMoney(SubTotal);

		public void TestRoundPoint5() {
			Money money = new Money();

			money.RoundingMode = RoundingMode.RoundPoint5AndHigher;
			money.Amount = 1.115M;
			Assert.IsTrue(money.Amount == 1.12M, "Round To Point 5 failed (" + money.ToString() + " != 1.12");
			money.Amount = 1.125M;
			Assert.IsTrue(money.Amount == 1.13M, "Round To Point 5 failed (" + money.ToString() + " != 1.13");
			money.Amount = 1.13495M;
			Assert.IsTrue(money.Amount == 1.14M, "Round To Point 5 failed (" + money.ToString() + " != 1.14");

			money.Amount = 453;
			money.Add(new Money(36));
			money.Add(new Money(10));
			Assert.IsTrue(money.Amount == 87.33M, "Round To Point 5 failed (" + money.ToString() + " != 87.33");

		private void AppendOrderItems(ref XmlNode orderFormDoc, IBasket order) {

			XmlNode items = AppendCcApiRecord(ref orderFormDoc, XML_TAG_ORDER_ITEM_LIST);

			for (int i = 1; i <= order.BasketItemList.Count; i++) {

                IBasketLine line = (IBasketLine) order.BasketItemList[i - 1];

				XmlNode item = AppendCcApiRecord(ref items, XML_TAG_ORDER_ITEM);

				//Get the unit price before tax, shipping, but after discount
				Money preTaxPrice = new Money(line.LinePrice);

				Money totalPrice = new Money(line.LinePrice);

				AppendCcApiIntegerField(ref item, XML_TAG_ORDER_ITEM_NUMBER, i);
				AppendCcApiStringField(ref item, XML_TAG_PRODUCT_CODE, line.ItemCode);
				AppendCcApiStringField(ref item, XML_TAG_ID, line.ItemCode);
				AppendCcApiStringField(ref item, XML_TAG_DESCRIPTION, StringUtils.Left(line.Description, 64));
				AppendCcApiIntegerField(ref item, XML_TAG_QUANTITY, line.Quantity);
				AppendCcApiIntegerField(ref item, XML_TAG_TAX_EXEMPT, 0);

				AppendCcApiMoneyField(ref item, XML_TAG_UNIT_PRICE, preTaxPrice);

				//Ignore tax and total for now...
				//AppendCcApiMoneyField(ref item, XML_TAG_VAT, line.TaxPrice);
				//AppendCcApiMoneyField(ref item, XML_TAG_TOTAL, totalPrice);


			    <ItemNumber DataType="S32">1</ItemNumber>
			    <Desc>Some Stuff</Desc>
			    <Price DataType="Money" Currency="826">1125</Price>
			    <StateTax DataType="Money" Currency="826">395</StateTax>
			    <Total DataType="Money" Currency="826">2645</Total>
			    <Qty DataType="S32">2</Qty>
			    <TaxExempt DataType="S32">0</TaxExempt>
