// V(A*x) = A*V(x)
 protected override Expression VisitProduct(Product M)
     IEnumerable<Expression> A = M.Terms.Where(i => IsConstant(i));
     if (A.Any())
         return Product.New(A.Append(Visit(Product.New(M.Terms.Where(i => !IsConstant(i))))));
     return base.VisitProduct(M);
Beispiel #2
        protected override string VisitProduct(Product M)
            int pr = Parser.Precedence(Operator.Multiply);

            Expression N = Product.Numerator(M);
            string minus = "";
            if (IsNegative(N))
                minus = "-";
                N = -N;

            string n = String.Join(" ", Product.TermsOf(N).Select(i => Visit(i, pr)));
            string d = String.Join(" ", Product.TermsOf(Product.Denominator(M)).Select(i => Visit(i, pr)));

            if (d != "1")
                return minus + Frac(n, d);
                return minus + n;
 protected override Expression VisitProduct(Product M)
     return ProductRule(M.Terms.First(), M.Terms.Skip(1));
        // Combine like terms and multiply constants.
        protected override Expression VisitProduct(Product M)
            // Map terms to exponents.
            DefaultDictionary<Expression, Real> terms = new DefaultDictionary<Expression, Real>(0);

            // Accumulate constants and sum exponent of each term.
            Real C = 1;
            foreach (Expression i in M.Terms.SelectMany(i => Product.TermsOf(Visit(i))))
                if (i is Constant)
                    Real Ci = (Real)i;
                    // Early exit if 0.
                    if (Ci.EqualsZero())
                        return 0;
                    C *= Ci;
                    Power Pi = i as Power;
                    if (!ReferenceEquals(Pi, null) && Pi.Right is Constant)
                        terms[Pi.Left] += (Real)Pi.Right;
                        terms[i] += 1;

            // Build a new expression with the accumulated terms.
            if (!C.EqualsOne())
                // Find a sum term that has a constant term to distribute into.
                KeyValuePair<Expression, Real> A = terms.FirstOrDefault(i => Real.Abs(i.Value).EqualsOne() && i.Key is Sum);
                if (!ReferenceEquals(A.Key, null))
                    terms[ExpandExtension.Distribute(C ^ A.Value, A.Key)] += A.Value;
                    terms.Add(C, 1);
            return Product.New(terms
                .Where(i => !i.Value.EqualsZero())
                .Select(i => !i.Value.EqualsOne() ? Power.New(i.Key, Constant.New(i.Value)) : i.Key));