Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Set the current environment.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="envName"></param>
        public void Change(string envName)
            envName = envName.ToLower().Trim();
            if (!_availableEnvs.ContainsKey(envName))
                throw new ArgumentException("Environment " + envName + " does not exist.");

            // 1: Set the current environment and Name.
            _selected = _availableEnvs[envName];
            Name      = envName;

            // 2. Get list of all available environment names.
            _availableEnvNames = (from env in _availableEnvsList select env.Name).ToList <string>();

            // 3. Get the inheritance chain if applicable.
            //    e.g. if prod inherits from qa. List containing Prod,Qa
            _inheritancePath = EnvUtils.ConvertNestedToFlatInheritance(_selected, _availableEnvs);

            // 4. Get the ref path.
            //    If inherited, then combine all the ref paths.
            //    e.g. if prod(prod.config) inherits qa(qa.config) inherits dev(dev.config)
            //         refPath = "prod.config,qa.config,dev.config".
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_selected.Inherits))
                _refPath = _selected.RefPath;
                List <EnvItem> inheritanceChain = EnvUtils.LoadInheritance(_selected, _availableEnvs);
                _refPath = EnvUtils.CollectEnvironmentProps(inheritanceChain, ",", env => env.RefPath);

            // Notify.
            if (OnEnvironmentChange != null)
                OnEnvironmentChange(this, new EventArgs());
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Parse the selected environments and config paths.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="envs">
        /// 1. "prod,qa,dev". If the names are the same as the types.
        /// 2. "prod1:prod,qa1:qa,mydev:dev" If the names are different that the env type names.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>List of environment items.</returns>
        public static List <EnvItem> ParseEnvsToItems(string envs)
            string[] envNames = envs.Contains(",") ? envs.Split(',') : new string[] { envs };
            var      envItems = new List <EnvItem>();

            foreach (string env in envNames)
                // Check for ":" which indicates name/type pair.
                string envName = env;
                string envType = env;
                if (env.Contains(":"))
                    envName = env.Substring(0, env.IndexOf(":"));
                    envType = env.Substring(env.IndexOf(":") + 1);
                EnvItem item = new EnvItem();
                item.Name         = envName;
                item.EnvType      = EnvUtils.GetEnvType(envType);
                item.IsSelectable = true;
                item.Inherits     = string.Empty;
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Set the current environment and also supply available environment names/types.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="selected">"prod" or "prod1". This should match the name
        /// from <paramref name="availableEnvsCommaDelimited"/></param>
        /// <param name="availableEnvsCommaDelimited">
        /// 1. "prod,qa,dev". If the names are the same as the types.
        /// 2. "prod1:prod,qa1:qa,mydev:dev" If the names are different that the env type names.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="refPaths">The config reference paths. e.g. "prod.config,qa.config".</param>
        /// <param name="enableInheritance">Whether or not environment inheritance is enabled.</param>
        public static void Set(string selected, string availableEnvsCommaDelimited, string refPaths, bool distributeRefPaths, bool enableInheritance)
            // Check available envs were supplied.
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(availableEnvsCommaDelimited))
                availableEnvsCommaDelimited = "prod,uat,qa,dev";

            // Parse "prod,uat,qa,dev" to List of EnvItems.
            var availableEnvs = EnvUtils.ParseEnvsToItems(availableEnvsCommaDelimited);

            // Environment Inheritance enabled. Default setup is :
            // e.g. Available Environments are "prod,uat,qa,dev".
            // Default inheritance becomes :
            // prod inherits uat
            // uat  inherits qa
            // qa   inherits dev
            if (enableInheritance)
                for (int ndx = 0; ndx <= availableEnvs.Count - 2; ndx++)
                    availableEnvs[ndx].Inherits = availableEnvs[ndx + 1].Name;

                foreach (EnvItem env in availableEnvs)
                    env.InheritsDeeply = true;

            // Check if refpaths(configs) were supplied.
            bool hasConfigs = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(refPaths);

            string[] configs     = hasConfigs ? refPaths.Split(',') : new string[] { };
            EnvItem  selectedEnv = (from env in availableEnvs where string.Compare(env.Name, selected, true) == 0 select env).First <EnvItem>();

            if (hasConfigs)
                // Case 1: Single config file = "prod.config"
                if (configs.Length == 1)
                    selectedEnv.RefPath = refPaths;

                // Case 2: Multiple config files "prod.config,qa.config" and not distributing across the env's.
                //         This means that ref paths "prod.config,qa.config" will be set on "selected" environment.
                else if (configs.Length > 1 && !distributeRefPaths)
                    selectedEnv.RefPath = refPaths;

                // Case 3: Multiple config files should be distributed to each environment.
                //         e.g. "prod,qa,dev", "prod.config,qa.config,dev.config".
                //         Apply prod.config to "prod" refpath, qa.config to "qa" refPath, dev.config to "dev" refpath.
                else if (configs.Length > 1 && distributeRefPaths)
                    string error = string.Format("The number of reference paths({0}) must be less than or equal to the number of environments({1}).",
                                                 configs.Length, availableEnvs.Count);
                    Guard.IsTrue(availableEnvs.Count >= configs.Length, error);

                    for (int ndx = 0; ndx < availableEnvs.Count; ndx++)
                        availableEnvs[ndx].RefPath = configs[ndx];
            Set(Default, selected, availableEnvs);