Beispiel #1
	 * RenderScene
		public void RenderScene (Canvas canvas, int width, int section, int nsections)
			Vector view = camera.GetViewDir ();
			Vector up = camera.GetOrthoUp ();
			Vector plane = new Vector ();
			Vector horIncr = new Vector ();
			Vector vertIncr = new Vector ();
			double ylen = camera.GetFocalDist () * (double)Math.Tan (0.5f * camera.GetFOV ());
			double xlen = ylen * canvas.GetWidth () / canvas.GetHeight ();
			Point upleft = new Point ();
			Point upright = new Point ();
			Point lowleft = new Point ();
			Point basepoint = new Point ();
			Point current;
			Ray eyeRay = new Ray ();
			int ypixel, xpixel;

			RayID = 1;
			plane.Cross (view, up);
			view.Scale (camera.GetFocalDist ());
			up.Scale (ylen);
			plane.Scale (-xlen);
			upleft.FindCorner (view, up, plane, camera.GetPosition ());
			plane.Negate ();
			upright.FindCorner (view, up, plane, camera.GetPosition ());
			up.Negate ();
			plane.Negate ();
			lowleft.FindCorner (view, up, plane, camera.GetPosition ());
			horIncr.Sub (upright, upleft);
			horIncr.Scale (horIncr.Length () / ((double)canvas.GetWidth ()));
			vertIncr.Sub (lowleft, upleft);
			vertIncr.Scale (vertIncr.Length () / ((double)canvas.GetHeight ()));
			basepoint.Set (upleft.GetX () + 0.5f * (horIncr.GetX () + vertIncr.GetX ()), upleft.GetY () + 0.5f * (horIncr.GetY () + vertIncr.GetY ()),
				upleft.GetZ () + 0.5f * (horIncr.GetZ () + vertIncr.GetZ ()));
			eyeRay.SetOrigin (camera.GetPosition ());

			int xstart = section * width / nsections;
			int xend = xstart + width / nsections;

			MainCL.logger.InfoFormat ("+" + xstart + " to " + (xend - 1) + " by " + canvas.GetHeight ());

			for (ypixel = 0; ypixel < canvas.GetHeight (); ypixel++) {
				current = new Point (basepoint);
				for (xpixel = 0; xpixel < canvas.GetWidth (); xpixel++) {
					if (xpixel >= xstart && xpixel < xend) {
						Color color = new Color (0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
						eyeRay.GetDirection ().Sub (current, eyeRay.GetOrigin ());
						eyeRay.GetDirection ().Normalize ();
						eyeRay.SetID (RayID);
						this.RayID = this.RayID + 1;
						Shade (octree, eyeRay, color, 1.0f, 0, 0);
						canvas.Write (Brightness, xpixel, ypixel, color);
					current.Add (horIncr);
				basepoint.Add (vertIncr);
			MainCL.logger.InfoFormat ("-" + xstart + " to " + (xend - 1) + " by " + canvas.GetHeight ());
Beispiel #2
	 * Shade
	 * @param tree
	 * @param eyeRay
	 * @param color
	 * @param factor
	 * @param level
	 * @param originID
		private void Shade (OctNode tree, Ray eyeRay, Color color, double factor, int level, int originID)
			Color lightColor = new Color (0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
			Color reflectColor = new Color (0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
			Color refractColor = new Color (0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
			IntersectPt intersect = new IntersectPt ();
			OctNode baseoctn = new OctNode ();
			Vector normal = new Vector ();
			Ray reflect = new Ray ();
			Ray refract = new Ray ();
			double mu;
			int current;

			if (intersect.FindNearestIsect (tree, eyeRay, originID, level, baseoctn)) {
				intersect.GetIntersectObj ().FindNormal (intersect.GetIntersection (), normal);
				GetLightColor (baseoctn, intersect.GetIntersection (), normal, intersect.GetIntersectObj (), lightColor);
				if (level < MaxLevel) {
					double check = factor * (1.0f - intersect.GetIntersectObj ().GetMaterial ().GetKTran ()) * intersect.GetIntersectObj ().GetMaterial ().GetShininess ();
					if (check > MinFactor) {
						reflect.SetOrigin (intersect.GetIntersection ());
						reflect.GetDirection ().Combine (eyeRay.GetDirection (), normal, 1.0f, -2.0f * normal.Dot (eyeRay.GetDirection ()));
						reflect.SetID (RayID);
						this.RayID = this.RayID + 1;
						Shade (baseoctn, reflect, reflectColor, check, level + 1, originID);
						reflectColor.Scale ((1.0f - intersect.GetIntersectObj ().GetMaterial ().GetKTran ()) * intersect.GetIntersectObj ().GetMaterial ().GetShininess (),
							intersect.GetIntersectObj ().GetMaterial ().GetSpecColor ());
					check = factor * intersect.GetIntersectObj ().GetMaterial ().GetKTran ();
					if (check > MinFactor) {
						if (intersect.GetEnter ()) {
							mu = 1.0f / intersect.GetIntersectObj ().GetMaterial ().GetRefIndex ();
							current = intersect.GetIntersectObj ().GetObjID ();
						} else {
							mu = intersect.GetIntersectObj ().GetMaterial ().GetRefIndex ();
							normal.Negate ();
							current = 0;
						double IdotN = normal.Dot (eyeRay.GetDirection ());
						double TotIntReflect = 1.0f - mu * mu * (1.0f - IdotN * IdotN);
						if (TotIntReflect >= 0.0) {
							double gamma = -mu * IdotN - (double)Math.Sqrt (TotIntReflect);
							refract.SetOrigin (intersect.GetIntersection ());
							refract.GetDirection ().Combine (eyeRay.GetDirection (), normal, mu, gamma);
							refract.SetID (RayID);
							this.RayID = RayID + 1;
							Shade (baseoctn, refract, refractColor, check, level + 1, current);
							refractColor.Scale (intersect.GetIntersectObj ().GetMaterial ().GetKTran (), intersect.GetIntersectObj ().GetMaterial ().GetSpecColor ());
				color.Combine (intersect.GetIntersectObj ().GetMaterial ().GetEmissColor (), intersect.GetIntersectObj ().GetMaterial ().GetAmbColor (),
					AmbLightIntensity, lightColor, reflectColor, refractColor);
Beispiel #3
	 * GetLightColor
	 * @param tree
	 * @param point
	 * @param normal
	 * @param currentObj
	 * @param color
		private void GetLightColor (OctNode tree, Point point, Vector normal, ObjectType currentObj, Color color)
			Ray shadow = new Ray ();
			LightNode current = lights;
			double maxt;

			while (current != null) {
				shadow.SetOrigin (point);
				shadow.GetDirection ().Sub (current.GetLight ().GetPosition (), point);
				maxt = shadow.GetDirection ().Length ();
				shadow.GetDirection ().Normalize ();
				shadow.SetID (RayID);
				this.RayID = this.RayID + 1;
				if (!FindLightBlock (tree, shadow, maxt)) {
					double factor = Math.Max (0.0f, normal.Dot (shadow.GetDirection ()));
					if (factor != 0.0) {
						color.Mix (factor, current.GetLight ().GetColor (), currentObj.GetMaterial ().GetDiffColor ());
				current = current.Next ();
Beispiel #4
	 * ReadCamera
	 * @param infile
		private void ReadCamera ()
			String temp;
			double[] input = new double[3];
			int i;

			temp = readString ();
			temp = temp.Substring (11);
			for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
				input [i] = (double)Double.Parse (temp.Substring (0, temp.IndexOf (' ')));
				temp = temp.Substring (temp.IndexOf (' ') + 1);
			input [2] = (double)Double.Parse (temp);
			Point position = new Point (input [0], input [1], input [2]);
			MaxX = MinX = input [0];
			MaxY = MinY = input [1];
			MaxZ = MinZ = input [2];
			temp = readString ();
			temp = temp.Substring (16);
			for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
				input [i] = (double)Double.Parse (temp.Substring (0, temp.IndexOf (' ')));
				temp = temp.Substring (temp.IndexOf (' ') + 1);
			input [2] = (double)Double.Parse (temp);
			Vector viewDir = new Vector (input [0], input [1], input [2]);
			temp = readString ();
			temp = temp.Substring (16);
			double focalDist = (double)Double.Parse (temp);
			temp = readString ();
			temp = temp.Substring (10);
			for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
				input [i] = (double)Double.Parse (temp.Substring (0, temp.IndexOf (' ')));
				temp = temp.Substring (temp.IndexOf (' ') + 1);
			input [2] = (double)Double.Parse (temp);
			Vector orthoUp = new Vector (input [0], input [1], input [2]);
			temp = readString ();
			temp = temp.Substring (14);
			double FOV = (double)Double.Parse (temp);
			temp = readString ();
			camera = new Camera (position, viewDir, focalDist, orthoUp, FOV);