Beispiel #1
        public StandardConfigModel SelectSingleStandardConfig(int StandardConfigID)
            AutomationStandardsContext db     = new AutomationStandardsContext();
            StandardConfigModel        Result = (from d in db.StandardConfig
                                                 where d.StandardConfigID == StandardConfigID
                                                 select new StandardConfigModel
                StandardConfigID = d.StandardConfigID,
                StandardID = d.StandardID,
                StandardName = d.Standard.StandardName,
                FieldName = d.FieldName,
                DisplayName = d.DisplayName,
                DataTypeID = d.DataTypeID,
                DataTypeName = d.DataType.DataTypeName,                             // StandardDataType.DataTypeName,
                SQLDataType = d.DataType.SQLDataType,                               // StandardDataType.SQLDataType,
                SortOrder = d.SortOrder,
                VersionNumber = d.VersionNumber,
                UseToolTip = d.UseToolTip,
                ToolTip = d.ToolTip,
                UseStandardData = d.UseStandardData,
                AllowMultiSelect = d.AllowMultiSelect,
                StandardLUID = d.StandardLUID,
                StandardLUValue = d.StandardLUValue,
                StandardUseFilter = d.StandardUseFilter,
                StandardFilterSQL = d.StandardFilterSQL

        public bool UpdateStandardValue(FormCollection fc, string UserID)
            int    StandardID = Convert.ToInt32(fc["StandardID"]);
            string RecordID   = fc["ID"];
            List <StandardConfigModel> Configs = new StandardConfigModel().SelectStandardConfigs(StandardID);
            StandardModel model = new StandardModel().SelectSingleStandard(StandardID);

            //if (model.NotifiyOwner)
            //    NotifyStandardOwner("UPDATE", fc, Configs, model, UserID);

            string SQL = "UPDATE " + model.DBTableName + " SET ";

            SQL += " ModifiedOn =  '" + DateTime.Now + "', ";
            SQL += " ModifiedBy =  '" + UserID + "', ";

            foreach (var formKey in fc.Keys) //AllKeys)
                List <StandardConfigModel> foundConfig = Configs.Where(c => c.FieldName == formKey).ToList();
                if (foundConfig.Count > 0)
                    StandardConfigModel config = foundConfig.First();
                    string value;

                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fc[config.FieldName]))
                        value = "";
                        if (config.AllowMultiSelect)
                            value = ";" + fc[config.FieldName]; //.Replace(",", ";") + ";";
                            value = value.Replace(",", ";") + ";";
                            value = fc[config.FieldName];
                    SQL += " " + config.FieldName + " = CAST('" + value + "' AS " + config.SQLDataType + ") , ";

            SQL += " Enabled =  CAST('" + fc["Enabled"] + "' AS BIT) , ";
            SQL += " SortOrder =  " + fc["SortOrder"] + " ";

            SQL += " WHERE ID = " + RecordID;

            bool Result = ExecuteSql(SQL);

        public bool InsertStandardValueAsIFormCollecction(IFormCollection fc, string UserID)
            int    StandardID = Convert.ToInt32(fc["StandardID"]);
            string RecordID   = fc["ID"];
            List <StandardConfigModel> Configs = new StandardConfigModel().SelectStandardConfigs(StandardID);
            //StandardModel model = new StandardModel().SelectSingleStandard(StandardID);
            AutomationStandardsContext db = new AutomationStandardsContext();
            Standard model = db.Standard.Where(x => x.StandardID == StandardID).FirstOrDefault();

            //if (model.NotifiyOwner)
            //    NotifyStandardOwner("INSERT", fc, Configs, model, UserID);


            string InsertFields = "INSERT INTO " + model.DBTableName + " ( ";
            string ValuesFields = " VALUES (";

            InsertFields += "CreatedOn ,";
            ValuesFields += "'" + DateTime.Now + "' , ";

            InsertFields += "CreatedBy ,";
            ValuesFields += "'" + UserID + "' , ";

            foreach (var formKey in fc.Keys) // fc.AllKeys)
                List <StandardConfigModel> foundConfig = Configs.Where(c => c.FieldName == formKey).ToList();
                if (foundConfig.Count > 0)
                    StandardConfigModel config = foundConfig.First();
                    string value;
                    if (config.AllowMultiSelect)
                        value = ";" + fc[config.FieldName]; //.Replace(",", ";") + ";";
                        value = value.Replace(",", ";") + ";";
                        value = fc[config.FieldName];
                    InsertFields += " " + config.FieldName + " ,";
                    ValuesFields += "CAST('" + value + "' AS " + config.SQLDataType + " ) , ";

            InsertFields += "Enabled ,";
            ValuesFields += "CAST('" + fc["Enabled"] + "' AS BIT) , ";

            InsertFields += "SortOrder )";
            ValuesFields += " " + fc["SortOrder"] + " )";

            string SQL = InsertFields + " " + ValuesFields;

            bool Result = ExecuteSql(SQL);

Beispiel #4
        //public int SortOrder { get; set; }

        //public int VersionNumber { get; set; }
        //public bool UseToolTip { get; set; }
        //public string ToolTip { get; set; }
        //public bool UseStandardData { get; set; }
        //public bool AllowMultiSelect { get; set; }
        //public int StandardLUID { get; set; }
        //public string StandardLUValue { get; set; }
        //public bool StandardUseFilter { get; set; }
        //public string StandardFilterSQL { get; set; }

        public List <StandardConfigModel> SelectStandardConfigs(int StandardID)
            AutomationStandardsContext db  = new AutomationStandardsContext();
            List <StandardDataType>    dtp = new List <StandardDataType>();

            dtp = db.StandardDataType.ToList();
            Standard st = db.Standard.Where(x => x.StandardID == StandardID).FirstOrDefault();

            List <StandardConfigModel> Result = new List <StandardConfigModel>(); //(from d in db.StandardConfig
            //                                    where d.StandardID == StandardID
            List <StandardConfig> scmResult = db.StandardConfig.Where(d => d.StandardID == StandardID).ToList();

            foreach (var d  in scmResult)
                StandardConfigModel sc = new StandardConfigModel();

                sc.StandardConfigID  = d.StandardConfigID;
                sc.StandardID        = d.StandardID;
                sc.StandardName      = st.StandardName; //d.Standard.StandardName;
                sc.FieldName         = d.FieldName;
                sc.DisplayName       = d.DisplayName;
                sc.DataTypeID        = d.DataTypeID;
                sc.DataTypeName      = dtp.Where(x => x.DataTypeID == d.DataTypeID).First().DataTypeName; //d.DataType.DataTypeName; // StandardDataType.DataTypeName;
                sc.SQLDataType       = dtp.Where(x => x.DataTypeID == d.DataTypeID).First().SQLDataType;  //d.DataType.SQLDataType; //StandardDataType.SQLDataType;
                sc.SortOrder         = d.SortOrder;
                sc.VersionNumber     = d.VersionNumber;
                sc.UseToolTip        = d.UseToolTip;
                sc.ToolTip           = d.ToolTip;
                sc.UseStandardData   = d.UseStandardData;
                sc.AllowMultiSelect  = d.AllowMultiSelect;
                sc.StandardLUID      = d.StandardLUID;
                sc.StandardLUValue   = d.StandardLUValue;
                sc.StandardUseFilter = d.StandardUseFilter;
                sc.StandardFilterSQL = d.StandardFilterSQL;

Beispiel #5
        public bool UpdateStandardConfig(StandardConfigModel model)
            AutomationStandardsContext db     = new AutomationStandardsContext();
            StandardConfig             Result = db.StandardConfig.First(d => d.StandardConfigID == model.StandardConfigID);

            Standard st = db.Standard.First(x => x.StandardID == model.StandardID);

            Result.Standard = st;
            bool   RenameCol = false;
            string OldCol = "", NewCol = "", TableName = "";

            if (Result.FieldName != model.FieldName)
                RenameCol = true;
                OldCol    = Result.FieldName;
                NewCol    = model.FieldName;
                TableName = Result.Standard.DBTableName;

            Result.DisplayName = model.DisplayName;
            Result.FieldName   = model.FieldName;
            Result.SortOrder   = model.SortOrder;

            Result.VersionNumber     = model.VersionNumber;
            Result.UseToolTip        = model.UseToolTip;
            Result.ToolTip           = model.ToolTip;
            Result.UseStandardData   = model.UseStandardData;
            Result.AllowMultiSelect  = model.AllowMultiSelect;
            Result.StandardLUID      = model.StandardLUID;
            Result.StandardLUValue   = model.StandardLUValue;
            Result.StandardUseFilter = model.StandardUseFilter;
            Result.StandardFilterSQL = model.StandardFilterSQL;


                if (RenameCol)
                    StandardSQLManagement sql = new StandardSQLManagement();
                    bool SQLOK = sql.RenameColumn(TableName, OldCol, NewCol);


            catch (DbEntityValidationException ex)
                string body = "";
                foreach (var eve in ex.EntityValidationErrors)
                    body += string.Format("Entity of type \"{0}\" in state \"{1}\" has the following validation errors:", eve.Entry.Entity.GetType().Name, eve.Entry.State);
                    body += "<br>";
                    foreach (var ve in eve.ValidationErrors)
                        body += string.Format("- Property: \"{0}\", Error: \"{1}\"", ve.PropertyName, ve.ErrorMessage);

                ////GlobalFunctions gf = new //GlobalFunctions();
                ////gf.SendErrorModelEmail(this.GetType().Name, body);
Beispiel #6
        public bool InsertStandardConfig(StandardConfigModel model)
            AutomationStandardsContext db     = new AutomationStandardsContext();
            StandardConfig             Result = new StandardConfig();

            Result.StandardID = model.StandardID;
            //Result.FieldName = model.FieldName;
            Result.FieldName         = model.DisplayName.Replace(" ", "");
            Result.DisplayName       = model.DisplayName;
            Result.DataTypeID        = model.DataTypeID;
            Result.SortOrder         = model.SortOrder;
            Result.VersionNumber     = model.VersionNumber;
            Result.UseToolTip        = model.UseToolTip;
            Result.ToolTip           = model.ToolTip;
            Result.UseStandardData   = model.UseStandardData;
            Result.AllowMultiSelect  = model.AllowMultiSelect;
            Result.StandardLUID      = model.StandardLUID;
            Result.StandardLUValue   = model.StandardLUValue;
            Result.StandardUseFilter = model.StandardUseFilter;
            Result.StandardFilterSQL = model.StandardFilterSQL;


                model.StandardConfigID = Result.StandardConfigID;

                //Add Column To the Table
                StandardSQLManagement sql = new StandardSQLManagement();

                var    Standard     = db.Standard.First(s => s.StandardID == model.StandardID);
                var    DBType       = db.StandardDataType.First(d => d.DataTypeID == model.DataTypeID);
                string DefaultValue = "";
                bool   AllowNull    = true;
                if (DBType.SQLDataType == "BIT")
                    DefaultValue = "(0)";

                sql.AddColumn(Standard.DBTableName, Result.FieldName, DBType.SQLDataType, DefaultValue, AllowNull);


            catch (DbEntityValidationException ex)
                string body = "";
                foreach (var eve in ex.EntityValidationErrors)
                    body += string.Format("Entity of type \"{0}\" in state \"{1}\" has the following validation errors:", eve.Entry.Entity.GetType().Name, eve.Entry.State);
                    body += "<br>";
                    foreach (var ve in eve.ValidationErrors)
                        body += string.Format("- Property: \"{0}\", Error: \"{1}\"", ve.PropertyName, ve.ErrorMessage);

                ////GlobalFunctions gf = new //GlobalFunctions();
                ////gf.SendErrorModelEmail(this.GetType().Name, body);