public static ArmoryCharacterSheet getFreshCharacterSheet(string name, string server, string url, out XmlDocument rawSheet)
            ArmoryCharacterSheet output = null;
            //Request the new character sheet xml
            XmlDocument sheet = RequestXml.RequestCharacterSheetXML(url);
            BaseStats baseStats = null;
            Spell spellData = null;
            int MaxHP;

            XmlNodeList xList, xList2;
            #region BaseStats
            xList = sheet.GetElementsByTagName("health");
            if (xList.Count > 0)
                MaxHP = Convert.ToInt32(sheet.GetElementsByTagName("health")[0].Attributes["effective"].Value);
            else MaxHP = 0;
            xList = sheet.GetElementsByTagName("baseStats");
            xList2 = sheet.GetElementsByTagName("secondBar");
            if (xList.Count > 0 && xList2.Count > 0)
                baseStats = new BaseStats(xList[0], MaxHP, xList2[0]);
            if (baseStats != null)
                output = new ArmoryCharacterSheet(baseStats, name, server, url);
                //We got new data, so save it to the DB.
                SaveBaseStats(name, server, baseStats);

            #region Spell data
            xList = sheet.GetElementsByTagName("spell");
            if (xList.Count > 0)
                spellData = new Spell(xList[0]);
            if (spellData != null)
                if (output != null)

            //For their records
            rawSheet = sheet;
            return output;
        public static ArmoryCharacterSheet getCharacterSheet(string name, string server, string url)
            ArmoryCharacterSheet output = null;
            bool RequestNewData = false;
            #region Query SQL for Cached Data
            lock (cReaderLock)
                DateTime LastUpdate = DateTime.MinValue;
                using (SqlCommand cmd = cSqlReader.CreateCommand())
                    cmd.Parameters.Add("@NAME", SqlDbType.VarChar, 512).Value = name;
                    cmd.Parameters.Add("@SERVER", SqlDbType.VarChar, 128).Value = server;

                    cmd.CommandText = "Select * from armory_CharacterBaseStats Where name = @NAME and server = @SERVER";
                    using (SqlDataReader rd = cmd.ExecuteReader())
                        if (rd.HasRows)
                            LastUpdate = rd.GetDateTime(30);
                            if (DateTime.Now - LastUpdate > maxCacheTime)
                                RequestNewData = true;
                            int maxHP = (int)rd["maxHP"], baseStr = (int)rd["baseStr"], effectiveStr = (int)rd["effectiveStr"], atkFromStr = (int)rd["atkFromStr"], blockFromStr = (int)rd["blockFromStr"],
                                    baseAgi = (int)rd["baseAgi"], effectiveAgi = (int)rd["effectiveAgi"], armorFromAgi = (int)rd["armorFromAgi"], atkFromAgi = (int)rd["atkFromAgi"],
                                    baseSta = (int)rd["baseSta"], effectiveSta = (int)rd["effectiveSta"], hpFromSta = (int)rd["hpFromSta"], petBonusStam = (int)rd["petBonusStam"],
                                    baseInt = (int)rd["baseInt"], effectiveInt = (int)rd["effectiveInt"], mpFromInt = (int)rd["mpFromInt"], petBonusInt = (int)rd["petBonusInt"],
                                    baseSpir = (int)rd["baseSpir"], effectiveSpir = (int)rd["effectiveSpir"], hpRegenFromSpir = (int)rd["hpRegenFromSpir"], mpRegenFromSpir = (int)rd["mpRegenFromSpir"],
                                    baseArmor = (int)rd["baseArmor"], effectiveArmor = (int)rd["effectiveArmor"], petArmorBonus = (int)rd["petArmorBonus"], effectiveSecondBar = (int)rd["effectiveSecondBar"],
                                    secondBarCasting = (int)rd["secondBarCasting"], secondBarNotCasting = (int)rd["secondBarNotCasting"], secondBarPerFive = (int)rd["secondBarPerFive"];
                            //throw new Exception(rd["critFromAgi"].ToString());
                            float critFromAgi = (float)(double)rd["critFromAgi"], critFromInt = (float)(double)rd["critFromInt"], armorMitigation = (float)(double)rd["armorMitigation"];
                            char secondBarType = ((string)rd["secondBarType"])[0];

                            output = new ArmoryCharacterSheet(new BaseStats(maxHP,
                                new BaseStats.atribStr(baseStr, effectiveStr, atkFromStr, blockFromStr),
                                new BaseStats.atribAgi(baseAgi, effectiveAgi, atkFromAgi, armorFromAgi, critFromAgi),
                                new BaseStats.atribSta(baseSta, effectiveSta, hpFromSta, petBonusStam),
                                new BaseStats.atribInt(baseInt, effectiveInt, mpFromInt, petBonusInt, critFromInt),
                                new BaseStats.atribSpir(baseSpir, effectiveSpir, hpRegenFromSpir, mpRegenFromSpir),
                                new BaseStats.atribArmor(baseArmor, effectiveArmor, petArmorBonus, armorMitigation),
                                new SecondBar(effectiveSecondBar, secondBarCasting, secondBarNotCasting, secondBarPerFive, secondBarType)),//TODO Setup Second Bar here
                                name, server, url);

                        else RequestNewData = true;
            //If we need new data add it to the data queue
            if (RequestNewData)
                AddCharacterSheetToQueue(name, server, url);
            return output;