Beispiel #1
        public void CreateAndVerifyExpiry()
                IRegion <string, int> region = CacheHelper.CreateLocalRegionWithETTL <string, int>(RegionName,
                                                                                                   ExpirationAction.LocalInvalidate, TimeToLive);

                Apache.Geode.Client.RegionAttributes <string, int> newAttrs = region.Attributes;
                int ttl = newAttrs.EntryTimeToLive;
                Assert.AreEqual(TimeToLive, ttl);

                region[Key] = Val;

                // countdown begins... it is ttl so access should not play into it..
                Thread.Sleep(2000); // sleep for some time, expect value to still be there.
                int res = region[Key];
                Assert.AreEqual(Val, res);
                Thread.Sleep(6000); // sleep for 6 more seconds, expect value to be invalid.
                bool containsKey = region.ContainsValueForKey(Key);
                Assert.IsFalse(containsKey, "The region should not contain the key");
Beispiel #2
        public static string RegionTag(Apache.Geode.Client.RegionAttributes <TKey, TVal> attrs)
            string tag = string.Empty;

            tag += attrs.CachingEnabled ? "Caching" : "NoCache";
            tag += (attrs.CacheListener == null) ? "Nlstnr" : "Lstnr";
Beispiel #3
        // Testing for attibute validation.
        private void ValidateAttributes(IRegion <object, object> region)
            Apache.Geode.Client.RegionAttributes <object, object> regAttr = region.Attributes;
            int initialCapacity = regAttr.InitialCapacity;

            Assert.AreEqual(1000, initialCapacity, "Expected initial capacity to be 1000");
            Assert.AreEqual(DiskPolicyType.Overflows, regAttr.DiskPolicy,
                            "Expected Action to be overflow to disk");
        public void StepOne(string locators)
            CacheHelper.CreateTCRegion_Pool <object, object>(QueryRegionNames[0], true, true,
                                                             null, locators, "__TESTPOOL1_", true);
            CacheHelper.CreateTCRegion_Pool <object, object>(QueryRegionNames[1], true, true,
                                                             null, locators, "__TESTPOOL1_", true);
            CacheHelper.CreateTCRegion_Pool <object, object>(QueryRegionNames[2], true, true,
                                                             null, locators, "__TESTPOOL1_", true);
            CacheHelper.CreateTCRegion_Pool <object, object>(QueryRegionNames[3], true, true,
                                                             null, locators, "__TESTPOOL1_", true);

            IRegion <object, object> region = CacheHelper.GetRegion <object, object>(QueryRegionNames[0]);

            Apache.Geode.Client.RegionAttributes <object, object> regattrs = region.Attributes;
            region.CreateSubRegion(QueryRegionNames[1], regattrs);
Beispiel #5
        public static string RegionAttributesToString(Apache.Geode.Client.RegionAttributes <TKey, TVal> attrs)
            StringBuilder attrsSB = new StringBuilder();

            attrsSB.Append(Environment.NewLine + "caching: " +
            attrsSB.Append(Environment.NewLine + "pool: " +
            attrsSB.Append(Environment.NewLine + "initialCapacity: " +
            attrsSB.Append(Environment.NewLine + "loadFactor: " +
            attrsSB.Append(Environment.NewLine + "concurrencyLevel: " +
            attrsSB.Append(Environment.NewLine + "lruEntriesLimit: " +
            attrsSB.Append(Environment.NewLine + "lruEvictionAction: " +
            attrsSB.Append(Environment.NewLine + "entryTimeToLive: " +
            attrsSB.Append(Environment.NewLine + "entryTimeToLiveAction: " +
            attrsSB.Append(Environment.NewLine + "entryIdleTimeout: " +
            attrsSB.Append(Environment.NewLine + "entryIdleTimeoutAction: " +
            attrsSB.Append(Environment.NewLine + "regionTimeToLive: " +
            attrsSB.Append(Environment.NewLine + "regionTimeToLiveAction: " +
            attrsSB.Append(Environment.NewLine + "regionIdleTimeout: " +
            attrsSB.Append(Environment.NewLine + "regionIdleTimeoutAction: " +
            attrsSB.AppendFormat("{0}cacheLoader: {1}", Environment.NewLine, attrs.CacheLoader != null ? "Enabled" : "Disabled");
            attrsSB.AppendFormat("{0}cacheWriter: {1}", Environment.NewLine, attrs.CacheWriter != null ? "Enabled" : "Disabled");
            attrsSB.AppendFormat("{0}cacheListener: {1}", Environment.NewLine, attrs.CacheListener != null ? "Enabled" : "Disabled");
            attrsSB.Append(Environment.NewLine + "concurrency-checks-enabled: " +
Beispiel #6
        public void XmlCacheCreationWithOverflow()
            Cache cache = null;
            IRegion <object, object> region1;
            IRegion <object, object> region2;
            IRegion <object, object> region3;

            IRegion <object, object>[] rootRegions;
            //Region<object, object>[] subRegions;
            ICollection <IRegion <object, object> > subRegions;
            /*string host_name = "XML_CACHE_CREATION_TEST";*/
            const UInt32 totalSubRegionsRoot1 = 2;
            const UInt32 totalRootRegions     = 3;

                Util.Log("Creating cache with the configurations provided in valid_overflowAttr.xml");
                string cachePath = CacheHelper.TestDir + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "valid_overflowAttr.xml";
                cache = new CacheFactory().Set("cache-xml-file", cachePath).Create();
                Util.Log("Successfully created the cache.");
                rootRegions = cache.RootRegions <object, object>();
                Assert.AreEqual(totalRootRegions, rootRegions.Length);

                Util.Log("Root regions in Cache: ");
                foreach (IRegion <object, object> rg in rootRegions)
                    Util.Log('\t' + rg.Name);

                region1 = rootRegions[0];
                //subRegions = region1.SubRegions(true);
                subRegions = region1.SubRegions(true);
                Assert.AreEqual(subRegions.Count, totalSubRegionsRoot1);

                Util.Log("SubRegions for the root region: ");
                foreach (IRegion <object, object> rg in subRegions)
                    Util.Log('\t' + rg.Name);

                Util.Log("Testing if the nesting of regions is correct...");
                region2    = rootRegions[1];
                subRegions = region2.SubRegions(true);
                string childName;
                string parentName;
                foreach (IRegion <object, object> rg in subRegions)
                    childName = rg.Name;
                    IRegion <object, object> parent = rg.ParentRegion;
                    parentName = parent.Name;
                    if (childName == "SubSubRegion221")
                        Assert.AreEqual("SubRegion22", parentName);

                region3 = rootRegions[2];
                //subRegions = region1.SubRegions(true);
                subRegions = region3.SubRegions(true);
                Assert.AreEqual(subRegions.Count, totalSubRegionsRoot1);

                Util.Log("SubRegions for the root region: ");
                foreach (IRegion <object, object> rg in subRegions)
                    Util.Log('\t' + rg.Name);

                Apache.Geode.Client.RegionAttributes <object, object> attrs = region1.Attributes;
                //Util.Log("Attributes of root region Root1 are: ");

                bool cachingEnabled = attrs.CachingEnabled;

                uint lruEL = attrs.LruEntriesLimit;
                Assert.AreEqual(35, lruEL);

                int concurrency = attrs.ConcurrencyLevel;
                Assert.AreEqual(10, concurrency);

                int initialCapacity = attrs.InitialCapacity;
                Assert.AreEqual(25, initialCapacity);

                var regionIdleTO = attrs.RegionIdleTimeout;
                Assert.AreEqual(20, regionIdleTO);

                ExpirationAction action1 = attrs.RegionIdleTimeoutAction;
                Assert.AreEqual(ExpirationAction.Destroy, action1);

                DiskPolicyType type = attrs.DiskPolicy;
                Assert.AreEqual(DiskPolicyType.Overflows, type);
                string persistenceDir, maxPageCount, pageSize;

                string lib    = attrs.PersistenceLibrary;
                string libFun = attrs.PersistenceFactory;
                Util.Log(" persistence library1 = " + lib);
                Util.Log(" persistence function1 = " + libFun);
                Properties <string, string> pconfig = attrs.PersistenceProperties;
                Assert.IsNotNull(pconfig, "Persistence properties should not be null for root1.");
                persistenceDir = (string)pconfig.Find("PersistenceDirectory");
                maxPageCount   = (string)pconfig.Find("MaxPageCount");
                pageSize       = (string)pconfig.Find("PageSize");
                Assert.IsNotNull(persistenceDir, "Persistence directory should not be null.");
                Assert.AreNotEqual(0, persistenceDir.Length, "Persistence directory should not be empty.");
                Assert.IsNotNull(maxPageCount, "Persistence MaxPageCount should not be null.");
                Assert.AreNotEqual(0, maxPageCount.Length, "Persistence MaxPageCount should not be empty.");
                Assert.IsNotNull(pageSize, "Persistence PageSize should not be null.");
                Assert.AreNotEqual(0, pageSize.Length, "Persistence PageSize should not be empty.");
                Util.Log("****Attributes of Root1 are correctly set****");

                Apache.Geode.Client.RegionAttributes <object, object> attrs2 = region2.Attributes;
                string lib2    = attrs2.PersistenceLibrary;
                string libFun2 = attrs2.PersistenceFactory;
                Util.Log(" persistence library2 = " + lib2);
                Util.Log(" persistence function2 = " + libFun2);
                Properties <string, string> pconfig2 = attrs2.PersistenceProperties;
                Assert.IsNotNull(pconfig2, "Persistence properties should not be null for root2.");
                persistenceDir = (string)pconfig2.Find("PersistenceDirectory");
                maxPageCount   = (string)pconfig2.Find("MaxPageCount");
                maxPageCount   = (string)pconfig2.Find("PageSize");
                Assert.IsNotNull(persistenceDir, "Persistence directory should not be null.");
                Assert.AreNotEqual(0, persistenceDir.Length, "Persistence directory should not be empty.");
                Assert.IsNotNull(maxPageCount, "Persistence MaxPageCount should not be null.");
                Assert.AreNotEqual(0, maxPageCount.Length, "Persistence MaxPageCount should not be empty.");
                Assert.IsNotNull(pageSize, "Persistence PageSize should not be null.");
                Assert.AreNotEqual(0, pageSize.Length, "Persistence PageSize should not be empty.");

                Util.Log("****Attributes of Root2 are correctly set****");

                Apache.Geode.Client.RegionAttributes <object, object> attrs3 = region3.Attributes;
                //Util.Log("Attributes of root region Root1 are: ");

                Assert.AreEqual(35, attrs3.LruEntriesLimit);
                Assert.AreEqual(10, attrs3.ConcurrencyLevel);
                Assert.AreEqual(25, attrs3.InitialCapacity);
                Assert.AreEqual(20, attrs3.RegionIdleTimeout);
                Assert.AreEqual(ExpirationAction.Destroy, attrs3.RegionIdleTimeoutAction);
                Assert.AreEqual(DiskPolicyType.Overflows, attrs3.DiskPolicy);

                Util.Log(" persistence library1 = " + attrs3.PersistenceLibrary);
                Util.Log(" persistence function1 = " + attrs3.PersistenceFactory);
                Properties <string, string> pconfig3 = attrs.PersistenceProperties;
                Assert.IsNotNull(pconfig3, "Persistence properties should not be null for root1.");
                Assert.IsNotNull(pconfig3.Find("PersistenceDirectory"), "Persistence directory should not be null.");
                Assert.AreNotEqual(0, pconfig3.Find("PersistenceDirectory").Length, "Persistence directory should not be empty.");
                Assert.IsNotNull(pconfig3.Find("MaxPageCount"), "Persistence MaxPageCount should not be null.");
                Assert.AreNotEqual(0, pconfig3.Find("MaxPageCount").Length, "Persistence MaxPageCount should not be empty.");
                Assert.IsNotNull(pconfig3.Find("PageSize"), "Persistence PageSize should not be null.");
                Assert.AreNotEqual(0, pconfig3.Find("PageSize"), "Persistence PageSize should not be empty.");
                Util.Log("****Attributes of Root1 are correctly set****");


                if (!cache.IsClosed)

                ////////////////////////////testing of cache.xml completed///////////////////

                Util.Log("Create cache with the configurations provided in the invalid_overflowAttr1.xml.");

                Util.Log("Non existent XML; exception should be thrown");

                    cachePath = CacheHelper.TestDir + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "non-existent.xml";
                    cache     = new CacheFactory().Set("cache-xml-file", cachePath).Create();
                    Assert.Fail("Creation of cache with non-existent.xml should fail!");
                catch (CacheXmlException ex)
                    Util.Log("Expected exception with non-existent.xml: {0}", ex);

                Util.Log("This is a well-formed xml....attributes not provided for persistence manager. exception should be thrown");

                    cachePath = CacheHelper.TestDir + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "invalid_overflowAttr1.xml";
                    cache     = new CacheFactory().Set("cache-xml-file", cachePath).Create();
                    Assert.Fail("Creation of cache with invalid_overflowAttr1.xml should fail!");
                catch (IllegalStateException ex)
                    Util.Log("Expected exception with invalid_overflowAttr1.xml: {0}", ex);

                ///////////////testing of invalid_overflowAttr1.xml completed///////////////////

                Util.Log("Create cache with the configurations provided in the invalid_overflowAttr2.xml.");
                Util.Log("This is a well-formed xml....attribute values is not provided for persistence library name......should throw an exception");

                    cachePath = CacheHelper.TestDir + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "invalid_overflowAttr2.xml";
                    cache     = new CacheFactory().Set("cache-xml-file", cachePath).Create();
                    Assert.Fail("Creation of cache with invalid_overflowAttr2.xml should fail!");
                catch (CacheXmlException ex)
                    Util.Log("Expected exception with invalid_overflowAttr2.xml: {0}", ex);

                ///////////////testing of invalid_overflowAttr2.xml completed///////////////////

                Util.Log("Create cache with the configurations provided in the invalid_overflowAttr3.xml.");
                Util.Log("This is a well-formed xml....but region-attributes for persistence invalid......should throw an exception");

                    cachePath = CacheHelper.TestDir + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "invalid_overflowAttr3.xml";
                    cache     = new CacheFactory().Set("cache-xml-file", cachePath).Create();
                    Assert.Fail("Creation of cache with invalid_overflowAttr3.xml should fail!");
                catch (CacheXmlException ex)
                    Util.Log("Expected exception with invalid_overflowAttr3.xml: {0}", ex);

                ///////////////testing of invalid_overflowAttr3.xml completed///////////////////
            catch (Exception ex)
                Assert.Fail("Caught exception: {0}", ex);
                if (cache != null && !cache.IsClosed)
        public override void DoCreateRegion()
            FwkInfo("In DoCreateRegion() Durable");


            string rootRegionData = GetStringValue("regionSpec");
            string tagName        = GetStringValue("TAG");
            string endpoints      = Util.BBGet(JavaServerBB, EndPointTag + tagName)
                                    as string;

            if (rootRegionData != null && rootRegionData.Length > 0)
                string rootRegionName;
                rootRegionName = GetRegionName(rootRegionData);
                if (rootRegionName != null && rootRegionName.Length > 0)
                    IRegion <TKey, TVal> region;
                    if ((region = CacheHelper <TKey, TVal> .GetRegion(rootRegionName)) == null)
                        bool   isDC     = GetBoolValue("isDurable");
                        string m_isPool = null;
                            // Check if this is a thin-client region; if so set the endpoints
                            int redundancyLevel = 0;
                            if (endpoints != null && endpoints.Length > 0)
                                redundancyLevel = GetUIntValue(RedundancyLevelKey);
                                if (redundancyLevel < 0)
                                    redundancyLevel = 0;
                                if (redundancyLevel < 0)
                                    redundancyLevel = 0;
                                string conflateEvents  = GetStringValue(ConflateEventsKey);
                                string durableClientId = "";
                                int    durableTimeout  = 300;
                                if (isDC)
                                    durableTimeout = GetUIntValue("durableTimeout");
                                    bool isFeeder = GetBoolValue("isFeeder");
                                    if (isFeeder)
                                        durableClientId = "Feeder";
                                        // VJR: Setting FeederKey because listener cannot read boolean isFeeder
                                        // FeederKey is used later on by Verify task to identify feeder's key in BB
                                        Util.BBSet("DURABLEBB", "FeederKey", "ClientName_" + Util.ClientNum + "_Count");
                                        durableClientId = String.Format("ClientName_{0}", Util.ClientNum);
                                FwkInfo("DurableClientID is {0} and DurableTimeout is {1}", durableClientId, durableTimeout);
                                bool isSslEnable = GetBoolValue("sslEnable");
                                CacheHelper <TKey, TVal> .InitConfigForPoolDurable(durableClientId, durableTimeout, conflateEvents, isSslEnable);
                            RegionFactory rootAttrs = CacheHelper <TKey, TVal> .DCache.CreateRegionFactory(RegionShortcut.PROXY);

                            SetRegionAttributes(rootAttrs, rootRegionData, ref m_isPool);
                            rootAttrs = CreatePool(rootAttrs, redundancyLevel);
                            region    = CacheHelper <TKey, TVal> .CreateRegion(rootRegionName, rootAttrs);

                            Apache.Geode.Client.RegionAttributes <TKey, TVal> regAttr = region.Attributes;
                            FwkInfo("Region attributes for {0}: {1}", rootRegionName,
                                    CacheHelper <TKey, TVal> .RegionAttributesToString(regAttr));
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            FwkSevere("Caught Exception: {0}", ex);
                    FwkSevere("DoCreateRegion() failed to create region");
            FwkInfo("DoCreateRegion() complete.");