Beispiel #1
        protected override Comparison <OutfitVO> GetComparer(int sortIndex)
            InventoryModel inventory = AmbitionApp.Inventory;

            // Careful here, this is using the loc key to select the comparer. It's definitely cheating.
            if (Enum.TryParse <FactionType>(SortParams[sortIndex], true, out FactionType faction) && faction != FactionType.None)
                return((x, y) => - inventory.GetFactionBonus(x, faction).CompareTo(inventory.GetFactionBonus(y, faction)));
            return((x, y) => - x.Price.CompareTo(y.Price));
Beispiel #2
        private void HandleOutfit(ItemVO item)
            OutfitVO outfit = item as OutfitVO;

            if (outfit != null)
                InventoryModel inventory = AmbitionApp.Inventory;
                int            credShift;
                if (FactionEffectsBtn != null)
                    FactionEffectsBtn.interactable = true;
                if (OutfitDescriptionText != null)
                    OutfitDescriptionText.text = GetOutfitDescription(outfit);
                OutfitNameText.text = AmbitionApp.Localization.GetItemName(outfit);
                foreach (FactionTextEffect effect in FactionEffects)
                    credShift         = inventory.GetFactionBonus(outfit, effect.Faction);
                    effect.Text.text  = (credShift > 0 ? "+" : "") + credShift.ToString();
                    effect.Text.color = credShift > 0
                        ? PositiveEffectTxtColor
                        : credShift < 0
                        ? NegativeEffectTxtColor
                        : NeutralEffectTxtColor;
                    effect.Text.fontStyle = (credShift == 0) ? FontStyle.Normal : FontStyle.Bold;
                foreach (FactionTextEffect effect in FactionEffects)
                    effect.Text.text      = "0";
                    effect.Text.color     = NeutralEffectTxtColor;
                    effect.Text.fontStyle = FontStyle.Normal;