Beispiel #1
        public override KeyValuePair <double, Handle> GetSelectionDistance(SysPoint point)
            BoardPoint boardPoint = Board.GetBoardPoint(point);
            double     distance   = Math.Max(Math.Abs(Position.X - boardPoint.X), Math.Abs(Position.Y - boardPoint.Y)) * Board.ZoomFactor;

            if (distance <= 6)
                return(new KeyValuePair <double, Handle>(distance, null));

            // if we're drawing a motion vector and the vector is not controlled by waypoints, allow the user to grab that, too
            if (ShouldDrawMotionVector && Speed > 0 && !Children.Any(c => c is Waypoint))
                Vector2 vector = new Vector2(0, Speed * ManeuveringBoard.VectorTime).Rotate(-Direction);
                // use two pixels before the endpoint as the hotspot, since that's closer to the center of mass of the arrow head
                vector.GetNormal(vector.Length - 2 / Board.ZoomFactor);
                distance = boardPoint.DistanceTo(Position + vector) * Board.ZoomFactor;
                if (distance <= 5)
                    return(new KeyValuePair <double, Handle>(distance, vectorHandle));

            return(new KeyValuePair <double, Handle>(double.NaN, null));
Beispiel #2
        public override KeyValuePair <double, Handle> GetSelectionDistance(SysPoint point)
            double distance;

            if (!ShouldRender)
                distance = double.NaN;
                BoardPoint boardPoint       = Board.GetBoardPoint(point);
                BoardPoint observerPosition = GetEffectiveObserverPosition();
                Line2      bearingLine      = new Line2(observerPosition, new Vector2(0, 1).Rotate(-Bearing));
                distance = Math.Abs(bearingLine.DistanceTo(boardPoint)) * Board.ZoomFactor;

                // the distance measurement considers the entire infinite line, but we only want to consider the ray starting from the observer, so
                // we'll ignore the portion of the line on the other side of the observer point
                if (distance > 4 || bearingLine.ClosestPointOnSegment(boardPoint) == bearingLine.Start &&
                    boardPoint.DistanceTo(bearingLine.Start) * Board.ZoomFactor > 4)
                    distance = double.NaN;
            return(new KeyValuePair <double, Handle>(distance, null));
Beispiel #3
            public override void Update(Shape shape, BoardPoint dragStart, BoardPoint dragPoint)
                UnitShape unit   = (UnitShape)shape;
                Vector2   vector = dragPoint - dragStart;

                unit.Direction = ManeuveringBoard.SwapBearing(vector.Angle);
                unit.Speed     = vector.Length * (1.0 / ManeuveringBoard.VectorTime);
Beispiel #4
        public override KeyValuePair <double, Handle> GetSelectionDistance(SysPoint point)
            BoardPoint boardPoint        = Board.GetBoardPoint(point);
            double     distanceFromStart = boardPoint.DistanceTo(Start) * Board.ZoomFactor;
            double     distanceFromEnd   = boardPoint.DistanceTo(End) * Board.ZoomFactor;

            if (distanceFromStart <= 5 || distanceFromEnd <= 5)
                return(new KeyValuePair <double, Handle>(Math.Min(distanceFromStart, distanceFromEnd),
                                                         distanceFromStart < distanceFromEnd ? startHandle : endHandle));

            double distanceFromSegment = new Line2(Start, End).SegmentDistanceTo(boardPoint) * Board.ZoomFactor;

            return(new KeyValuePair <double, Handle>(distanceFromSegment <= 4 ? distanceFromSegment : double.NaN, moveHandle));
Beispiel #5
        public override KeyValuePair <double, Handle> GetSelectionDistance(SysPoint point)
            BoardPoint boardPoint = Board.GetBoardPoint(point);
            // get the minimum from either the center point or the circle itself, whichever is smaller
            double distanceFromCenter = boardPoint.DistanceTo(Position), distanceFromEdge = Math.Abs(distanceFromCenter - Radius);

            if (distanceFromCenter < distanceFromEdge)
                distanceFromCenter *= Board.ZoomFactor;
                return(new KeyValuePair <double, Handle>(distanceFromCenter <= 5 ? distanceFromCenter : double.NaN, null));
                distanceFromEdge *= Board.ZoomFactor;
                return(new KeyValuePair <double, Handle>(distanceFromEdge <= 4 ? distanceFromEdge : double.NaN, edgeHandle));
Beispiel #6
        public BoardPoint GetPositionAt(TimeSpan time)
            Waypoint applicableWaypoint, previousWaypoint;

            applicableWaypoint = GetApplicableWaypoint(time, out previousWaypoint);

            if (applicableWaypoint == null)
                return(Position + Velocity * time.TotalSeconds);
                bool       crossedZero      = previousWaypoint == null || (previousWaypoint.Time <TimeSpan.Zero && applicableWaypoint.Time> TimeSpan.Zero);
                bool       thisIsPrev       = previousWaypoint == null || crossedZero && time >= TimeSpan.Zero;
                bool       thisIsNext       = previousWaypoint != null && crossedZero && time < TimeSpan.Zero;
                double     previousTime     = thisIsPrev ? 0 : previousWaypoint.Time.TotalSeconds;
                double     nextTime         = thisIsNext ? 0 : applicableWaypoint.Time.TotalSeconds;
                BoardPoint previousPosition = thisIsPrev ? Position : previousWaypoint.Position;
                BoardPoint nextPosition     = thisIsNext ? Position : applicableWaypoint.Position;
                return(previousPosition + (nextPosition - previousPosition) * ((time.TotalSeconds - previousTime) / (nextTime - previousTime)));
Beispiel #7
        public override void Render(Graphics graphics)
            if (ShouldRender)
                BoardPoint observerPosition = GetEffectiveObserverPosition();
                observerPosition = new BoardPoint(observerPosition.X * Board.ZoomFactor, -observerPosition.Y * Board.ZoomFactor);
                Vector2 screenVector = new Vector2(0, -1).Rotate(Bearing);
                Line2   bearingLine  = new Line2(observerPosition, screenVector);

                // since the bearing line is infinitely long, we'll test the intersection of the line against all four sides of the clipping
                // rectangle, and draw the line to the furthest intersection
                BoardRect  clipRect    = new BoardRect(graphics.VisibleClipBounds);
                BoardPoint endPoint    = BoardPoint.Invalid;
                double     maxDistance = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                    Line2            edge         = clipRect.GetEdge(i);
                    LineIntersection intersection = bearingLine.GetIntersectionInfo(edge);
                    if (intersection.OnSecond)
                        double distance = observerPosition.DistanceTo(intersection.Point);
                        // find the closest point on the segment to ensure that we're only considering intersections in the forward direction of the
                        // vector
                        if (distance > maxDistance && bearingLine.ClosestPointOnSegment(intersection.Point) != bearingLine.Start)
                            endPoint    = intersection.Point;
                            maxDistance = distance;

                if (endPoint.IsValid)
                    graphics.DrawLine(Pen, observerPosition.ToPointF(), endPoint.ToPointF());
                    graphics.DrawCircle(Pen, observerPosition.ToPointF(), 3);
                    RenderTime(graphics, (observerPosition + (endPoint - observerPosition) * 0.5).ToPointF());
Beispiel #8
 public override BoardPoint GetStartPoint(Shape shape, BoardPoint dragStart)
Beispiel #9
 public override void Update(Shape shape, BoardPoint dragStart, BoardPoint dragPoint)
     ((LineShape)shape).Position = new BoardPoint(dragPoint.X - dragStart.X, dragPoint.Y - dragStart.Y);
Beispiel #10
 public override BoardPoint GetStartPoint(Shape shape, BoardPoint dragStart)
     // return a "point" (actually a vector) representing the difference between the drag start and the line center
     return((dragStart - ((LineShape)shape).Position).ToPoint());
Beispiel #11
 public override void Update(Shape shape, BoardPoint dragStart, BoardPoint dragPoint)
     ((LineShape)shape).End = dragPoint;
Beispiel #12
            public override void Update(Shape shape, BoardPoint dragStart, BoardPoint dragPoint)
                CircleShape circle = (CircleShape)shape;

                circle.Radius = (dragPoint - circle.Position).Length;
Beispiel #13
 public abstract void Update(Shape shape, BoardPoint dragStart, BoardPoint dragPoint);
Beispiel #14
 public virtual BoardPoint GetStartPoint(Shape shape, BoardPoint dragStart)