/// <summary>
        /// Given a set of points, performs the quickhull algorithm on them to determine a convex set
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="points">An unordered set of points in 2D space</param>
        /// <returns>The points in order of the convex hull</returns>
        public static IEnumerable<Vector2> Quickhull(this IEnumerable<Vector2> points)
            Vector2 min = points.Aggregate((a, b) => a.X < b.X ? a : b);
            Vector2 max = points.Aggregate((a, b) => a.X > b.X ? a : b);
            Vector2 dir = Vector2.Normalize(max - min);

            List<Vector2> above = new List<Vector2>();
            List<Vector2> below = new List<Vector2>();
            foreach (var point in points)
                if (point == min || point == max)

                if (IsLeftOfLine(point, min, dir))

            yield return min;

            foreach (var point in Quickhull(above, min, dir, max))
                yield return point;

            yield return max;

            foreach (var point in Quickhull(below, min, dir, max))
                yield return point;
Beispiel #2
        public static string Merge(this IEnumerable< string> strings, string separator)
#if NET4
            Contract.Requires(strings!= null);
			if (strings == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("strings");
            if (separator == null)
                return strings.Aggregate(new StringBuilder(), (x, y) => x.Append(y)).ToString();
            var stringBuilder = strings.Aggregate(new StringBuilder(), (x, y) => x.Append(y).Append(separator));
            return (stringBuilder.Length >= separator.Length)
                       ? stringBuilder.ToString(0, stringBuilder.Length - separator.Length)
                       : stringBuilder.ToString();

 public static float Variance(this IEnumerable<float> source)
     float avg = source.Average();
     float d = source.Aggregate(0.0f,
                                (total, next) => total + (float) Math.Pow(next - avg, 2));
     return d/(source.Count() - 1);
 public static string AggregateAppend(this IEnumerable<string> strings, bool newLine)
         strings.Aggregate(new StringBuilder(),
             (builder, next) => newLine ? builder.AppendLine(next) : builder.AppendFormat("{0} ", next))
Beispiel #5
        public static BigInteger Sum(this IEnumerable<BigInteger> source)
            if (source == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(("source"));

            return source.Aggregate<BigInteger, BigInteger>(0, (a, x) => a + x);
Beispiel #6
        public static string ToDiscordMessage(this IEnumerable<Command> commands)
            var categoryNames = new List<string>();
            var categories = new List<Category>();

            categoryNames.AddRange(commands.Aggregate(new List<string>(), (accumulated, next) =>
                        return accumulated;

            categories.AddRange(categoryNames.Distinct().Aggregate(new List<Category>(), (accumulated, next) =>
                        accumulated.Add(new Category
                                Name = next, 
                                Commands = commands.Where(c => c.Category == next).ToList()

                        return accumulated;

            var buffer = "Here is a list of available commands you can use to interact with me:\n\n";
            foreach (var category in categories)
                buffer += string.Format("**{0}**\n\n", category.Name);
                foreach (var command in category.Commands)
                    buffer += string.Format("**!{0}** {1} - {2}\n", command.Text, string.Concat(command.Parameters.Select(r => string.Format("**[{0}]** ", r.Name))), command.Description);
                buffer += "\n";
            return buffer;
Beispiel #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the greatest common denominator of all the integers in the source collection.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="source">The collection of integers.</param>
        /// <returns>The greatest common denominator.</returns>
        public static int GreatestCommonDenominator(this IEnumerable<int> source)
            if ((object)source == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("source", "source is null");

            return source.Aggregate(GreatestCommonDenominator);
 public static int Hash(this byte[] buffer)
         return buffer.Aggregate(0, (current, b) => (current * 31) ^ b);
 public static string Flatten(this IEnumerable<string> list, string separator)
     if (list == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("list");
     if (separator == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("separator");
     string result = list.Aggregate(String.Empty, (acc, next) => acc + next + separator);
     return result.Left(result.Length - separator.Length);
 public static string AppendStrings(this IEnumerable<string> list, string seperator = ", ")
     return list.Aggregate(
         new StringBuilder(),
         (sb, s) => (sb.Length == 0 ? sb : sb.Append(seperator)).Append(s),
         sb => sb.ToString());
Beispiel #11
        // Get center of path
        public static Vector2 Center(this List<Vector2> points)
            Vector2 result = points.Aggregate(Vector2.Zero, (current, point) => current + point);

            result /= points.Count;

            return result;
Beispiel #12
        public static string GetHtmlTable(this List<Guest> guests)
            var table = guests.Aggregate("<table>", (current, guest) => current + string.Format("<tr><td>{0}</td><td>{1}</td></tr>", guest.UserName, guest.Message));

            table += "</table>";

            return table;
 public static string BuildQueryString(this IDictionary<string, string> qry)
     if (qry == null) return string.Empty;
     if (qry.Count < 1)
         return string.Empty;
     var str = qry.Aggregate("?", (current, pair) => current + pair.Key + "=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(pair.Value) + "&");
     return str.Remove(str.Length - 1);
Beispiel #14
        public static string Implode(this IEnumerable<string> array, string glue)
            var result = array.Aggregate(string.Empty, (current, element) => current + (glue + element));

            if (result.Length > glue.Length)
                result = result.Substring(glue.Length);

            return result;
        public static bool AreNullOrBlank(this IEnumerable<string> values)
            if (values.Count() == 0 || values == null)
                return false;

            return values.Aggregate(true, (current, value) => current & value.IsNullOrBlank());
 public static string ToVerbatim(this string s)
             new StringBuilder("@\"", s.Length * 2),
        public static string StringifyScopes(this IEnumerable<string> scopes)
            if (scopes == null || !scopes.Any())
                return null;

            return scopes.Aggregate((s1, s2) => s1 + "," + s2);
        public static string AggregatePaths(this IEnumerable<string> source, string currentDirectory)
            if (!source.Any())
                return "";

            var path = source.Aggregate("", Path.Combine);

            return CanonicalizePath(path, currentDirectory);
Beispiel #19
 public static double Mean(this IEnumerable<int> source)
     var x = source.Aggregate(Tuple.Create(0, default(int)), (arg1, arg2) => Tuple.Create(arg1.Item1 + 1, arg1.Item2 + arg2));
     if (x.Item1 == 0)
         return 0;
     return x.Item2/(double)x.Item1;
 /// <summary>
 /// Convert a byte array into a hexadecimal String representation.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="bytes"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 /// <remarks></remarks>
 public static String BytesToHexString(this Byte[] bytes)
     //var result = String.Empty;
     //foreach (byte b in bytes)
     //    result += " " + b.ToString("X").PadLeft(2, '0');
     var result = bytes.Aggregate(String.Empty,
                                  (aggregate, b) => aggregate + (" " + b.ToString("X").PadLeft(2, '0')));
     if (result.Length > 0) result = result.Substring(1);
     return result;
        public static string ToStringComplete(this IEnumerable<string> enumerable, string delimiter = "")
            string longString = string.Empty;
                delimiter = System.Environment.NewLine;

            return enumerable.Aggregate((i, j) => i + delimiter + j);
 public static Teacher EasiestGrader(this IEnumerable<Teacher> instructors)
     return instructors.Aggregate((max, current) =>
         if (max.AverageStudentGrade() > current.AverageStudentGrade())
             return max;
             return current;
Beispiel #23
Datei: Avg.cs Projekt: bg0jr/Maui
        public static TableSchema Avg( this IMslScript script, DataColumn from, DataColumn into )
            if ( into == null )
                TempTable.RewriteOwnerId( from ).Create();
                into = TempTable[ "value" ];

            return script.Aggregate( from, into, values => values.Average() );
 public static Teacher HardestGrader(this IEnumerable<Teacher> instructors)
     return instructors.Aggregate((min, current) =>
         if (min.AverageStudentGrade() < current.AverageStudentGrade())
             return min;
             return current;
        public static string MaskText(this string text, int position, int count)
            const char space = ' ';

            var min = position;
            var max = position + count - 1;

            return text.Aggregate(string.Empty,
                (g, c) => g + (g.Length >= min && g.Length <= max ? space : c));
 public static string ToJsArray(this IEnumerable<TableRow> rows)
     return string.Format(
             (s, tr) =>
                 ? string.Format("[{0}", tr.ToJsArray())
                 : string.Format("{0}, {1}", s, tr.ToJsArray())));
Beispiel #27
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns the longest string.
 /// </summary>
 public static string Longest(this IEnumerable<string> strings)
     if (strings == null)
         return string.Empty;
         return strings.Aggregate(string.Empty, Longer);
Beispiel #28
        public static IEnumerable<String> AsSqlServerKeywords( this IEnumerable<String> keywords )
            return keywords.Aggregate( new List<String>(), ( acc, kw ) =>
                var tmp = kw.AsSqlServerKeyword();
                acc.Add( tmp );

                return acc;
            } )
 public static string Concat(this string[] input, string addBefore, string addAfter)
     string output = string.Empty;
     if (input != null && input.Count() > 0)
         output =
             input.Aggregate<string, StringBuilder>(new StringBuilder(),
                 (x, y) => x.AppendFormat("{0}{1}{2}", addBefore ?? string.Empty, y, addAfter ?? string.Empty))
     if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(addAfter) && output.EndsWith(addAfter))
         output = output.Substring(0, (output.Length - addAfter.Length));
     return output;
        internal static void ScenarioFailedIfAny(this IEnumerable<LambdaExpression> failed)
            failed = failed.ToList();

                throw new ScenarioException("The following assertions failed:" + Environment.NewLine + failed.Aggregate(
                    new StringBuilder(),
                    (builder, assertion) =>