Beispiel #1
        public InterfaceAddress[] GetInterfaceAddresses()
            List <InterfaceAddress> result = new List <InterfaceAddress>();

            IntPtr ifap;

            if (getifaddrs(out ifap) != 0)
                throw new SystemException("getifaddrs() failed");

            try {
                IntPtr next = ifap;

                while (next != IntPtr.Zero)
                    ifaddrs addr = (ifaddrs)Marshal.PtrToStructure(next, typeof(ifaddrs));

                    string name = addr.ifa_name;

                    if (addr.ifa_addr != IntPtr.Zero)
                        int index = if_nametoindex(name);

                        sockaddr_in sockaddr = (sockaddr_in)Marshal.PtrToStructure(addr.ifa_addr, typeof(sockaddr_in));

                        if (sockaddr.sin_family == AF_INET6)
                            sockaddr_in6 nmask        = (sockaddr_in6)Marshal.PtrToStructure(addr.ifa_netmask, typeof(sockaddr_in6));
                            int          prefixLength = GetIPv6PrefixLength(nmask.sin6_addr.u6_addr8);

                            sockaddr_in6     sockaddr6 = (sockaddr_in6)Marshal.PtrToStructure(addr.ifa_addr, typeof(sockaddr_in6));
                            IPAddress        address   = new IPAddress(sockaddr6.sin6_addr.u6_addr8, sockaddr6.sin6_scope_id);
                            InterfaceAddress info      = new InterfaceAddress(index, name, address, prefixLength);
                        else if (sockaddr.sin_family == AF_INET)
                            sockaddr_in      netmaskaddr = (sockaddr_in)Marshal.PtrToStructure(addr.ifa_netmask, typeof(sockaddr_in));
                            IPAddress        netmask     = new IPAddress(netmaskaddr.in_addr);
                            IPAddress        address     = new IPAddress(sockaddr.in_addr);
                            InterfaceAddress info        = new InterfaceAddress(index, name, address, netmask);
                    next = addr.ifa_next;
            } finally {

Beispiel #2
 static void Bind(TcpListener listener, string ipAddress, int port, bool ip6 = false, bool dualstack = false)
     if (ip6)
         sockaddr_in6 address = CreateSockaddrIp6(ipAddress.ToString(), port);
         UVException.ThrowIfError(UVInterop.uv_tcp_bind(listener.Handle, ref address, (uint)(dualstack ? 0 : 1)));
         sockaddr_in address = CreateSockaddr(ipAddress.ToString(), port);
         UVException.ThrowIfError(UVInterop.uv_tcp_bind(listener.Handle, ref address, 0));
Beispiel #3
    public override string ToString()
        int           StrLength = 256;
        StringBuilder sb        = new StringBuilder(StrLength);

        sockaddr_in6 saddr = new sockaddr_in6();

        saddr.sin6_family   = (int)AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6;
        saddr.sin6_scope_id = m_ScopeIdentifier;
        saddr.sin6_addr     = m_Address;

        int errorCode = WSAAddressToString(ref saddr, 28,
                                           ref StrLength);

Beispiel #4
    public static IPv6Address Parse(string address)
        if (address == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("Bad string address");


        int Size = 28;
        sockaddr_in6 SockAddrIN6 = new sockaddr_in6();

        int ret = WSAStringToAddress(address, AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6,
                                     IntPtr.Zero, ref SockAddrIN6, ref Size);

        if (ret != 0)
            int Err = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();

            if (Err == 10093)
                WSAData wsaData = new WSAData();

                ret = WSAStartup((short)0x0202, out wsaData);
                if (ret != 0)
                    throw new ArgumentException("WSAStartup failed");
                goto TryAgain;

            throw new ArgumentException("WSAStringToAddress failed for " + address + " error " + Err.ToString());

        IPv6Address instance = new IPv6Address(SockAddrIN6.sin6_addr,

Beispiel #5
        //Removed, replace this functionality by using bind(IPAddress.Any, ... or IPAddress.IPv6Any);
        public static IPAddress GetLocalRoutingInterface(IPAddress ipAddress)
            Socket sock = null;
            IntPtr ptrInAddr = IntPtr.Zero;
            IntPtr ptrOutAddr = IntPtr.Zero;

            if ( ipAddress.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetwork )
                sock = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Dgram, ProtocolType.Udp);
                sockaddr_in inAddr = new sockaddr_in();
                sockaddr_in outAddr = new sockaddr_in();

                    ipAddress.GetAddressBytes().CopyTo(inAddr.sin_addr, 0);

                    // create a sockaddr_in function for our destination IP address
                    inAddr.sin_port = IPAddress.HostToNetworkOrder(port);

                    // create an block of unmanaged memory for use by Marshal.StructureToPtr.  We seem to need to do this, even though
                    // StructureToPtr will go ahead and release/reallocate the memory
                    ptrInAddr = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Marshal.SizeOf(inAddr));

                    // Copy inAddr from managed to unmanaged, reallocating the unmanaged memory
                    Marshal.StructureToPtr(inAddr, ptrInAddr, true);

                    // Create a managed byte array to hold the structure, but in byte array form
                    byte[] byteInAddr = new byte[Marshal.SizeOf(inAddr)];

                    // Copy the structure from unmanaged ptr into managed byte array
                    Marshal.Copy(ptrInAddr, byteInAddr, 0, byteInAddr.Length);

                    // Create a second managed byte array to hold the output sockaddr_in structure
                    byte[] byteOutAddr = new byte[Marshal.SizeOf(inAddr)];

                    // Make the call to IOControl, asking for the Interface we should use if we want to route a packet to inAddr

                    // create the memory placeholder for our local interface
                    // Copy the results from the byteOutAddr into an unmanaged pointer
                    ptrOutAddr = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Marshal.SizeOf(outAddr));
                    Marshal.Copy(byteOutAddr, 0, ptrOutAddr, byteOutAddr.Length);
                    // Copy the data from the unmanaged pointer to the ourAddr structure
                    Marshal.PtrToStructure(ptrOutAddr, outAddr);
                catch(SocketException se)
                    // Perhaps there were no interfaces present, AKA No Network Adapters enabled/installed and connected to media (wired or wireless)
                    EventLog.WriteEntry("RtpListener", se.ToString(), EventLogEntryType.Warning, 99);
                    // Release the socket
                    sock = null;


                // Return an IPAddress structure that is initialized with the value of the IP address contained in the outAddr structure
                if (outAddr != null)
                    int len = outAddr.sin_addr.Length;

                    // Have to convert the byte[] to a uint.  It turns out that the IPAddress ctor won't create an IPv4 address from four bytes, it only uses the byte[] ctor for 16 byte IPv6 construction?!?
                    uint ipAsInt = 0;

                    for (int i = len; i > 0; i--)
                        ipAsInt = ipAsInt * 256 + outAddr.sin_addr[i - 1];
                    externalInterface = new IPAddress(ipAsInt);
                    return(new IPAddress(ipAsInt));
                    return null;


            if ( Socket.OSSupportsIPv6 && ipAddress.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6 )
                sock = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6, SocketType.Dgram, ProtocolType.Udp);
                sockaddr_in6 inAddr = new sockaddr_in6();
                sockaddr_in6 outAddr = new sockaddr_in6();

                    ipAddress.GetAddressBytes().CopyTo(inAddr.sin_addr, 0);

                    // create a sockaddr_in function for our destination IP address
                    inAddr.sin_port = IPAddress.HostToNetworkOrder(port);

                    // create an block of unmanaged memory for use by Marshal.StructureToPtr.  We seem to need to do this, even though
                    // StructureToPtr will go ahead and release/reallocate the memory
                    ptrInAddr = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Marshal.SizeOf(inAddr));

                    // Copy inAddr from managed to unmanaged, reallocating the unmanaged memory
                    Marshal.StructureToPtr(inAddr, ptrInAddr, true);

                    // Create a managed byte array to hold the structure, but in byte array form
                    byte[] byteInAddr = new byte[Marshal.SizeOf(inAddr)];

                    // Copy the structure from unmanaged ptr into managed byte array
                    Marshal.Copy(ptrInAddr, byteInAddr, 0, byteInAddr.Length);

                    // Create a second managed byte array to hold the output sockaddr_in structure
                    byte[] byteOutAddr = new byte[Marshal.SizeOf(inAddr)];

                    // Make the call to IOControl, asking for the Interface we should use if we want to route a packet to inAddr


                    // create the memory placeholder for our local interface
                    // Copy the results from the byteOutAddr into an unmanaged pointer
                    ptrOutAddr = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Marshal.SizeOf(outAddr));
                    Marshal.Copy(byteOutAddr, 0, ptrOutAddr, byteOutAddr.Length);
                    // Copy the data from the unmanaged pointer to the ourAddr structure
                    Marshal.PtrToStructure(ptrOutAddr, outAddr);
                catch (SocketException se)
                    // Perhaps there were no interfaces present, AKA No Network Adapters enabled/installed and connected to media (wired or wireless)
                    EventLog.WriteEntry("RtpListener", se.ToString(), EventLogEntryType.Warning, 99);
                    // Release the socket
                    sock = null;


                // Return an IPAddress structure that is initialized with the value of the IP address contained in the outAddr structure
                if (outAddr != null)
                    externalInterface = new IPAddress(outAddr.sin_addr, outAddr.sin6_scope_id);
                    return (new IPAddress(outAddr.sin_addr, outAddr.sin6_scope_id));
                    return null;

            return null;

        //Removed, replace this functionality by using bind(IPAddress.Any, ... or IPAddress.IPv6Any);
        public static IPAddress GetLocalRoutingInterface(IPAddress ipAddress)
            Socket sock       = null;
            IntPtr ptrInAddr  = IntPtr.Zero;
            IntPtr ptrOutAddr = IntPtr.Zero;

            if (ipAddress.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetwork)
                sock = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Dgram, ProtocolType.Udp);
                sockaddr_in inAddr  = new sockaddr_in();
                sockaddr_in outAddr = new sockaddr_in();

                    ipAddress.GetAddressBytes().CopyTo(inAddr.sin_addr, 0);

                    // create a sockaddr_in function for our destination IP address
                    inAddr.sin_port = IPAddress.HostToNetworkOrder(port);

                    // create an block of unmanaged memory for use by Marshal.StructureToPtr.  We seem to need to do this, even though
                    // StructureToPtr will go ahead and release/reallocate the memory
                    ptrInAddr = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Marshal.SizeOf(inAddr));

                    // Copy inAddr from managed to unmanaged
                    Marshal.StructureToPtr(inAddr, ptrInAddr, false);

                    // Create a managed byte array to hold the structure, but in byte array form
                    byte[] byteInAddr = new byte[Marshal.SizeOf(inAddr)];

                    // Copy the structure from unmanaged ptr into managed byte array
                    Marshal.Copy(ptrInAddr, byteInAddr, 0, byteInAddr.Length);

                    // Create a second managed byte array to hold the output sockaddr_in structure
                    byte[] byteOutAddr = new byte[Marshal.SizeOf(inAddr)];

                    // Make the call to IOControl, asking for the Interface we should use if we want to route a packet to inAddr

                    // create the memory placeholder for our local interface

                    // Copy the results from the byteOutAddr into an unmanaged pointer
                    ptrOutAddr = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Marshal.SizeOf(outAddr));
                    Marshal.Copy(byteOutAddr, 0, ptrOutAddr, byteOutAddr.Length);

                    // Copy the data from the unmanaged pointer to the ourAddr structure
                    Marshal.PtrToStructure(ptrOutAddr, outAddr);
                catch (SocketException se)
                    // Perhaps there were no interfaces present, AKA No Network Adapters enabled/installed and connected to media (wired or wireless)
                    EventLog.WriteEntry("RtpSession", se.ToString(), EventLogEntryType.Warning, 99);
                    // Release the socket
                    sock = null;


                // Return an IPAddress structure that is initialized with the value of the IP address contained in the outAddr structure
                if (outAddr != null)
                    int len = outAddr.sin_addr.Length;

                    // Have to convert the byte[] to a uint.  It turns out that the IPAddress ctor won't create an IPv4 address from four bytes, it only uses the byte[] ctor for 16 byte IPv6 construction?!?
                    uint ipAsInt = 0;

                    for (int i = len; i > 0; i--)
                        ipAsInt = ipAsInt * 256 + outAddr.sin_addr[i - 1];
                    externalInterface = new IPAddress(ipAsInt);
                    return(new IPAddress(ipAsInt));

            if (Socket.OSSupportsIPv6 && ipAddress.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6)
                sock = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6, SocketType.Dgram, ProtocolType.Udp);
                sockaddr_in6 inAddr  = new sockaddr_in6();
                sockaddr_in6 outAddr = new sockaddr_in6();

                    ipAddress.GetAddressBytes().CopyTo(inAddr.sin_addr, 0);

                    // create a sockaddr_in function for our destination IP address
                    inAddr.sin_port = IPAddress.HostToNetworkOrder(port);

                    // create an block of unmanaged memory for use by Marshal.StructureToPtr.  We seem to need to do this, even though
                    // StructureToPtr will go ahead and release/reallocate the memory
                    ptrInAddr = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Marshal.SizeOf(inAddr));

                    // Copy inAddr from managed to unmanaged
                    Marshal.StructureToPtr(inAddr, ptrInAddr, false);

                    // Create a managed byte array to hold the structure, but in byte array form
                    byte[] byteInAddr = new byte[Marshal.SizeOf(inAddr)];

                    // Copy the structure from unmanaged ptr into managed byte array
                    Marshal.Copy(ptrInAddr, byteInAddr, 0, byteInAddr.Length);

                    // Create a second managed byte array to hold the output sockaddr_in structure
                    byte[] byteOutAddr = new byte[Marshal.SizeOf(inAddr)];

                    // Make the call to IOControl, asking for the Interface we should use if we want to route a packet to inAddr


                    // create the memory placeholder for our local interface
                    // Copy the results from the byteOutAddr into an unmanaged pointer
                    ptrOutAddr = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Marshal.SizeOf(outAddr));
                    Marshal.Copy(byteOutAddr, 0, ptrOutAddr, byteOutAddr.Length);

                    // Copy the data from the unmanaged pointer to the ourAddr structure
                    Marshal.PtrToStructure(ptrOutAddr, outAddr);
                catch (SocketException se)
                    // Perhaps there were no interfaces present, AKA No Network Adapters enabled/installed and connected to media (wired or wireless)
                    EventLog.WriteEntry("RtpSession", se.ToString(), EventLogEntryType.Warning, 99);
                    // Release the socket
                    sock = null;


                // Return an IPAddress structure that is initialized with the value of the IP address contained in the outAddr structure
                if (outAddr != null)
                    externalInterface = new IPAddress(outAddr.sin_addr, outAddr.sin6_scope_id);
                    return(new IPAddress(outAddr.sin_addr, outAddr.sin6_scope_id));
Beispiel #7
        private void IPEndPointToNative(IPEndPoint endPoint, out rtl.SOCKADDR_IN lIPv4, out sockaddr_in6 lIPv6, out void *ipPointer, out int ipSize)
            switch (endPoint.AddressFamily)
            case AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6:
                lIPv6.sin6_family   = AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6;
                lIPv6.sin6_port     = rtl.htons(endPoint.Port);
                lIPv6.sin6_scope_id = endPoint.Address.ScopeId;
                var lBytes = endPoint.Address.GetAddressBytes();
                for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
                    lIPv6.sin6_addr.u.Byte[i] = lBytes[i];
                ipPointer = &lIPv6;
                ipSize    = sizeof(sockaddr_in6);

                lIPv4.sin_family           = AddressFamily.InterNetwork;
                lIPv4.sin_port             = rtl.htons(endPoint.Port);
                lIPv4.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr = endPoint.Address.Address;
                ipSize    = sizeof(rtl.SOCKADDR_IN);
                ipPointer = &lIPv4;
Beispiel #8
        private void IPEndPointToNative(IPEndPoint endPoint, out rtl.SOCKADDR_IN lIPv4, out sockaddr_in6 lIPv6, out void *ipPointer, out int ipSize)
            switch (endPoint.AddressFamily)
            case AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6:
                lIPv6.sin6_family = AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6;
                                        #if toffee
                lIPv6.sin6_port = htons(endPoint.Port);
                lIPv6.sin6_port = rtl.htons(endPoint.Port);
                lIPv6.sin6_scope_id = endPoint.Address.ScopeId;
                var lBytes = endPoint.Address.GetAddressBytes();
                for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
                                                #if toffee
                { lIPv6.sin6_addr.__u6_addr.__u6_addr8[i] = lBytes[i]; }
                                                #elif posix
                { lIPv6.sin6_addr.__in6_u.__u6_addr8[i] = lBytes[i]; }
                { lIPv6.sin6_addr.u.Byte[i] = lBytes[i]; }
                ipPointer = &lIPv6;
                                        #if posix || toffee
                ipSize = sizeof(rtl.__struct_sockaddr_in6);
                ipSize = sizeof(sockaddr_in6);

                lIPv4.sin_family = AddressFamily.InterNetwork;
                                        #if toffee
                lIPv4.sin_port = htons(endPoint.Port);
                lIPv4.sin_port = rtl.htons(endPoint.Port);

                                        #if posix || toffee
                lIPv4.sin_addr.s_addr = endPoint.Address.Address;
                ipSize = sizeof(rtl.__struct_sockaddr_in);
                lIPv4.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr = endPoint.Address.Address;
                ipSize = sizeof(rtl.SOCKADDR_IN);
                ipPointer = &lIPv4;
Beispiel #9
 public static extern int connect(IntPtr s, sockaddr_in6 addr, int addrsize);
Beispiel #10
 internal static extern int WSAAddressToString(
     [In] ref sockaddr_in6 socketAddress,
     [In] int AddressLength,
     [In] IntPtr ProtocolInfo,
     [Out] StringBuilder AddressString,
     [In, Out] ref int AddressStringLength);
Beispiel #11
 internal static extern int WSAStringToAddress(
     [In] string addressString,
     [In] AddressFamily addressFamily,
     [In] IntPtr lpProtocolInfo, // always passing in a 0
     [In, Out] ref sockaddr_in6 socketAddress,
     [In, Out] ref int socketAddressSize);
Beispiel #12
		public static extern int connect(IntPtr s, sockaddr_in6 addr, int addrsize);