//	cConversation cConversationIt;
    //	cConversation cCIterator	;

    public void  Init(TextAsset lacConversationFile)
        gSkin    = Resources.Load("GUI/GUISkin") as GUISkin;
        ComicTex = Resources.Load("GUI/Rainbow") as Texture2D;
        //ComicPos = new Rect( ( Screen.width * .24f), (Screen.height * .05f), ComicTex.width *1.02f , ComicTex.height *.5f);
        ComicPos = new Rect((Screen.width * .24f), (Screen.height * .05f),
                            (Screen.width * .76f) - (Screen.width * .24f),
                            (Screen.height * .45f) - (Screen.height * .05f));
        ComicCoord = new Rect(0, 0, .5f, .25f);

        ComicWord = new Rect((Screen.width * .27f), (Screen.height * .1f),
                             (Screen.width * .46f), (Screen.height * .45f));

        XmlDocument Doc = new XmlDocument();


        if (Doc != null && (Doc.DocumentElement.Name == "Conversations"))
            foreach (XmlNode CharacterInfo in Doc.GetElementsByTagName("Character"))                            // Read all the Characters
                this.ParseCharacter(CharacterInfo);                                                             // array of the level nodes.

            foreach (XmlNode ConversationInfo in Doc.GetElementsByTagName("Conversation"))                      // Read all the conversations
                ParseConversation(ConversationInfo);                                                            // array of the level nodes.

            mpCurrentConversationNode = null;
            muiChooseOption           = 0;
 public void StopConversation()
     mpCurrentConversationNode = null;
     mfMessageTime             = 0;
     muiChooseOption           = 0;
     mbConversationState       = false;

    public void  StartConversation(string lacConversationId)
        mbConversationState = true;                                                                                                                 // stops Player moves during Conversation

        foreach (cConversation lpIterator in mConversations)
            if (lpIterator.macName == lacConversationId)                                                                    // If we have a talking with the correct Character Id...
                mpCurrentConversationNode = lpIterator.mRoot;                                                               // Get access Root

                mfMessageTime = mpCurrentConversationNode.mfDuration;                                                       // Asignamos el tipo inicial

                muiChooseOption = 0;

                mpPreviousConversationNode = null;

    }     // con esto llamamos al Conversation Manager desde Statement.cpp

    public void  NextMessage(uint luiNextMessageIndex)
        // Checks to make sure that all is right
        if (mpCurrentConversationNode == null)
            Debug.Log("error mpCurrentConversationNode null ");
        if (luiNextMessageIndex > mpCurrentConversationNode.mChildren.Count)
            Debug.Log("luiNextMessageIndex >  ...mChildren.Count");

        // Select the next node
        bool lbIsChooseNode = (mpCurrentConversationNode.meType == eConversationNodeType.eChooseTalk);

        mpCurrentConversationNode = (mpCurrentConversationNode.mChildren[(int)luiNextMessageIndex]);

        // If the conversation have finished
        if (mpCurrentConversationNode.meType == eConversationNodeType.eEndConversation)
            mpCurrentConversationNode = null;
        else if (lbIsChooseNode)
            // This node is the option text
            // We need to choose the next child     NextMessage(0);
            //Set the right input
            muiChooseOption = 0;
            mfMessageTime   = mpCurrentConversationNode.mfDuration;

            /*        mbConversationState = false;
             * Debug.Log( "NextMessage: setting mbConversation in false" );*/

    public void DeInit()
        StopConversation(); mSpeakers.Clear(); mConversations.Clear(); mpCurrentConversationNode = null;

    public void  Render()
        if (mbConversationState && mpCurrentConversationNode != null)         // Si Hay Conversación y el nodo no es NULL
            if (gSkin)
                GUI.skin = gSkin;

            GUI.color = Color.white;
            GUI.skin.label.fontSize  = 16;
            GUI.skin.label.fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold;
            GUI.DrawTextureWithTexCoords(ComicPos, ComicTex, ComicCoord);                                                                               // Dibujar Globito de COMIC
            GUI.color = new Color(.322f, .306f, .631f, 1);

            switch (mpCurrentConversationNode.meType)
            case eConversationNodeType.eNormalTalk:                                                                                                                         // Enum 0; Nodo activo de tipo eNormalTalk

                GUI.Label(new Rect(ComicWord.xMin, (Screen.height * .1f), ComicWord.width, 200),
                          mSpeakers[mpCurrentConversationNode.miCharacterId].macCharacterName + " :");                                  // Show character Id Dialog

                //miChatDirection = (mpCurrentConversationNode.miCharacterId == 1 ? 1 : 0);
                miChatDirection = System.Convert.ToByte(mpCurrentConversationNode.miCharacterId == 1);

                if (mpCurrentConversationNode != mpPreviousConversationNode)
                    if (miCharIndex < mpCurrentConversationNode.macText.Length)
                        GUI.Label(new Rect(ComicWord.xMin, (Screen.height * .15f), ComicWord.width, 200),
                                  (mpCurrentConversationNode.macText).Remove(miCharIndex).ToString());                              // Character Speak
                        miCharIndex = 0;
                        mpPreviousConversationNode = mpCurrentConversationNode;

                GUI.Label(new Rect(ComicWord.xMin, (Screen.height * .15f), ComicWord.width, 200), mpCurrentConversationNode.macText);                // Character Speak														///*///

            case eConversationNodeType.eChooseTalk:                                                                                              // Enum 1; Nodo activo de tipo eChooseTalk

                cConversationNode lcpChoice = (mpCurrentConversationNode.mChildren[(int)muiChooseOption]) as cConversationNode;                  // Choosen option

                GUI.Label(new Rect(ComicWord.xMin, (Screen.height * .1f), ComicWord.width, 200),
                          mSpeakers[lcpChoice.miCharacterId].macCharacterName + " :");                                      // Show character Id Questions..

                miChatDirection = System.Convert.ToByte(lcpChoice.miCharacterId == 1);                                      // Orientate Comic Balloon

                for (int liOptionIndex = 0, liOptionTotal = mpCurrentConversationNode.mChildren.Count; liOptionIndex < liOptionTotal; liOptionIndex++)
                    cConversationNode lcpOptions = (mpCurrentConversationNode.mChildren[liOptionIndex]);                        //Show posible options

                    if (lcpOptions != lcpChoice)                                                                                // Printing the unselected Options
                        GUI.color = new Color(.322f, .306f, .631f, 1);
                    else if (lcpOptions == lcpChoice)                                                                           // Printing the Choice with enhaced color
                        if (((int)(Time.time * 5)) % 2 == 0)
                            GUI.color = new Color(1, 0.36f, 0.75f, 1);
                            GUI.color = Color.magenta;                                                                                                                                          //  GUI.color = Color(1, 0.36f, 0.22f, 1);

                    if (miChooseIndex == liOptionTotal || miChooseIndex > liOptionIndex)                                                            // if Traversed Options are equal than total or lesser than current one...
                        GUI.Label(new Rect(ComicWord.xMin, (Screen.height * .15f) + liOptionIndex * 40, ComicWord.width, 200), lcpOptions.macText); // Character Speak
                    else if (miChooseIndex == liOptionIndex)                                                                                        // else do typeWriter machine FX ...
                        GUI.Label(new Rect(ComicWord.xMin, (Screen.height * .15f) + liOptionIndex * 40, ComicWord.width, 200),

                        miCharIndex += System.Convert.ToByte(Time.frameCount % CharShowDelay == 0);                                             // Increment each 10 Secs of Frames (speed)

                        if (miCharIndex >= lcpOptions.macText.Length - 1)                                                                       // Do it line by line
                            miCharIndex = 0;
                    ///*///																					// else don't draw nothing
        GUI.color = Color.white;
    }     // con esto llamamos al Conversation Manager desde Statement.cpp


    public void Update()     //: IEnumerator
        if (CamTarget == null && Managers.Game.PlayerPrefab)
            CamTarget = Managers.Game.PlayerPrefab.GetComponent <CameraTargetAttributes>() as CameraTargetAttributes;

        if (IsInConversation())
            //if (!mbConversationState) return;

            if (CamTarget.Offset.x > 0)                                                                                 // Check Player Position and Id
                miChatDirection = System.Convert.ToByte(miChatDirection != 0);                                          // the Player is on left side
                miChatDirection = System.Convert.ToByte(miChatDirection == 0);                                              // else the Player is on right
            ComicCoord = new Rect(.5f * miChatDirection, 0, (miChatDirection > 0 ? -.5f : .5f), .25f);

            if (!Managers.Game.IsPaused)
                if (mpCurrentConversationNode != null)
                    switch (mpCurrentConversationNode.meType)
                    case eConversationNodeType.eNormalTalk:                                                                                                 // Enum 0; Nodo activo de tipo eNormalTalk

                        if (mpCurrentConversationNode != mpPreviousConversationNode)
                            miCharIndex += System.Convert.ToByte(Time.frameCount % CharShowDelay == 0);                                         // Increment each 10 Secs of Frames (speed)

                            if (Input.GetButtonDown("Fire1") || Input.GetButtonDown("Jump") || Input.GetKeyDown("return"))
                                miCharIndex = 0;
                                mpPreviousConversationNode = mpCurrentConversationNode;

                        mfMessageTime -= Time.deltaTime * .1f;                                                                                      // Decrease the message time

                        if ((mfMessageTime <= 0.0f) || Input.GetButtonDown("Fire1") || Input.GetKeyDown("return"))
                            NextMessage(0);                                                                                                                     //Need to continue with the next message or node

                    case eConversationNodeType.eChooseTalk:                                                                                                 // Enum 1; Nodo activo de tipo eChooseTalk

                        if (Managers.Game.InputUp && (muiChooseOption > 0))

                        if (Managers.Game.InputDown && (muiChooseOption < (mpCurrentConversationNode.mChildren.Count - 1)))

                        if (Input.GetButtonDown("Fire1") || Input.GetButtonDown("Jump") || Input.GetKeyDown("return"))
                            if (miChooseIndex < mpCurrentConversationNode.mChildren.Count)
                                miCharIndex   = 0;
                                miChooseIndex = mpCurrentConversationNode.mChildren.Count;

                            miCharIndex   = 0;
                            miChooseIndex = 0;
                            mpPreviousConversationNode = mpCurrentConversationNode;

                    default:                                                                                                                                                                // Enum 2; Nodo activo de tipo eEndConversation
                        mpCurrentConversationNode = null;
                    mbConversationState = false;          // If we have a null mpCurrentConversationNode then it´s the end

    public void  ParseNode(XmlNode lpElem, cConversationNode lpCurrentNode)
        //Base case
        if (lpElem == null)
            lpCurrentNode.meType = eConversationNodeType.eEndConversation;

        //Get the type of node from the XML
        string lacTag = lpElem.Name;

        if (lacTag == "Talk")
            // Set the type
            lpCurrentNode.meType = eConversationNodeType.eNormalTalk;

            // Read the text
            string lacText = lpElem.InnerText;

            //        assert(lacText);
            lpCurrentNode.macText = lacText;

            // Read the speaker Id
            lpCurrentNode.miCharacterId = int.Parse(lpElem.Attributes["speakerId"].Value);

            if (lpCurrentNode.miCharacterId < 0)
                Debug.LogError("error CharacterId < 0");
            if (lpCurrentNode.miCharacterId > mSpeakers.Count)
                Debug.LogError("error CharacterId > size");

            // Read the time
            lpCurrentNode.mfDuration = float.Parse(lpElem.Attributes["time"].Value);

            //Prepare the next node
            cConversationNode lNodeTalk = new cConversationNode();
            lpCurrentNode.mChildren.Add(lNodeTalk);               // Asignando un puntero del Nodo a la lista

            // Continue the recursivity
            ParseNode(lpElem.NextSibling, lpCurrentNode.mChildren[0]);
        else if (lacTag == "ChooseTalk")
            // Set the type
            lpCurrentNode.meType = eConversationNodeType.eChooseTalk;

            // Read all the options
            for (XmlNode pElem2 = lpElem.FirstChild; pElem2 != null; pElem2 = pElem2.NextSibling)
                if (pElem2 == null)
                    Debug.Log("error pElem2 null ");
                if (pElem2.Name != "Option")
                    Debug.Log("error pElem2.Name !=  Option");

                //Add a node to the vector
                cConversationNode lNodeChoose = new cConversationNode();

                // Continue the recursivity
                uint luiLastIndex = (uint)lpCurrentNode.mChildren.Count - 1;                 //
                ParseNode(pElem2.FirstChild, (lpCurrentNode.mChildren[(int)luiLastIndex]));
            //Invalid tag found
            Debug.Log("Wrong tag\n");