Beispiel #1
         * Core function implementing the chain hash algorithm.
         * @see stretch_recovery_key()
         * @param ch A pointer to a bitlocker_chain_hash_t structure
         * @param result Will contain the resulting hash key (32 bytes)
         * @return TRUE if result can be trusted, FALSE otherwise
        unsafe static bool stretch_key(bitlocker_chain_hash_t ch, byte[] result)
            //size_t   size = sizeof(bitlocker_chain_hash_t);
            //uint64_t loop = 0;

            //for(loop = 0; loop < 0x100000; ++loop)
            //    SHA256((unsigned char *)ch, size, ch->updated_hash);
            //    ch->hash_count++;

            for (int loop = 0; loop < 0x100000; loop++)
                byte[] data = getBytes(ch);
                byte[] sha  = CalcSha256(data, data.Length);

                CopyToPointer(ch.updated_hash, sha, SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH);


            //memcpy(result, ch->updated_hash, SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH);
            for (byte b = 0; b < SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH; b++)
                result[b] = ch.updated_hash[b];
            //Array.Copy(ch.updated_hash, result, SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH);

Beispiel #2
         * Function implementing the stretching of a hashed user password.
         * @see stretch_key()
         * @param user_hash The 32-bytes hash from SHA256(SHA256(UTF16(user_password)))
         * @param salt The salt used for crypto (16 bytes)
         * @param result Will contain the resulting hash key (32 bytes)
         * @return TRUE if result can be trusted, FALSE otherwise
        unsafe bool stretch_user_key(byte[] user_hash, byte[] salt, byte[] result)
            //size_t size = sizeof(bitlocker_chain_hash_t);
            //bitlocker_chain_hash_t ch;

            bitlocker_chain_hash_t ch = new bitlocker_chain_hash_t();

            //memset(&ch, 0, size);

            //memcpy(ch.password_hash, user_hash, SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH);
            //memcpy(ch.salt, salt, SALT_LENGTH);

            CopyToPointer(ch.password_hash, user_hash, SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH);
            CopyToPointer(ch.salt, salt, SALT_LENGTH);

            //xprintf(L_INFO, "Stretching the user password, it could take some time...\n");
            //if (!stretch_key(&ch, result))
            //    return FALSE;

            if (!stretch_key(ch, result))

            //xprintf(L_INFO, "Stretching of the user password is now ok!\n");

            ///* Wipe out with zeros */
            //memset(&ch, 0, size);

Beispiel #3
        unsafe static byte[] getBytes(bitlocker_chain_hash_t str)
            //int len = 32 + 32 + 16 + 8;
            //int len = 184;// Marshal.SizeOf(str);

            int len = 88;// sizeof(bitlocker_chain_hash_t);// *myArray.Length;

            byte[] arr = new byte[len];

            IntPtr ptr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(len);

            Marshal.StructureToPtr(str, ptr, true);
            Marshal.Copy(ptr, arr, 0, len);

            //bitlocker_chain_hash_t t = new bitlocker_chain_hash_t();
            //ByteArrayToStructure(arr, ref t);

        unsafe static byte[] getBytes(bitlocker_chain_hash_t str)
            //int len = 32 + 32 + 16 + 8;
            //int len = 184;// Marshal.SizeOf(str);

            int len = 88;// sizeof(bitlocker_chain_hash_t);// *myArray.Length;
            byte[] arr = new byte[len];

            IntPtr ptr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(len);

            Marshal.StructureToPtr(str, ptr, true);
            Marshal.Copy(ptr, arr, 0, len);

            //bitlocker_chain_hash_t t = new bitlocker_chain_hash_t();
            //ByteArrayToStructure(arr, ref t);

            return arr;
 * Core function implementing the chain hash algorithm.
 * @see stretch_recovery_key()
 * @param ch A pointer to a bitlocker_chain_hash_t structure
 * @param result Will contain the resulting hash key (32 bytes)
 * @return TRUE if result can be trusted, FALSE otherwise
        unsafe static bool stretch_key(bitlocker_chain_hash_t ch, byte[] result)
            //size_t   size = sizeof(bitlocker_chain_hash_t);
            //uint64_t loop = 0;

            //for(loop = 0; loop < 0x100000; ++loop)
            //    SHA256((unsigned char *)ch, size, ch->updated_hash);
            //    ch->hash_count++;

            for (int loop = 0; loop < 0x100000; loop++)
                byte[] data = getBytes(ch);
                byte[] sha = CalcSha256(data, data.Length);

                CopyToPointer(ch.updated_hash, sha, SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH);


            //memcpy(result, ch->updated_hash, SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH);
            for (byte b = 0; b < SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH; b++) result[b] = ch.updated_hash[b];
            //Array.Copy(ch.updated_hash, result, SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH);

            return true;
 * Function implementing the stretching of a hashed user password.
 * @see stretch_key()
 * @param user_hash The 32-bytes hash from SHA256(SHA256(UTF16(user_password)))
 * @param salt The salt used for crypto (16 bytes)
 * @param result Will contain the resulting hash key (32 bytes)
 * @return TRUE if result can be trusted, FALSE otherwise
        unsafe bool stretch_user_key(byte[] user_hash, byte[] salt, byte[] result)
            //size_t size = sizeof(bitlocker_chain_hash_t);
            //bitlocker_chain_hash_t ch;

            bitlocker_chain_hash_t ch = new bitlocker_chain_hash_t();
            //memset(&ch, 0, size);

            //memcpy(ch.password_hash, user_hash, SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH);
            //memcpy(ch.salt, salt, SALT_LENGTH);

            CopyToPointer(ch.password_hash, user_hash, SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH);
            CopyToPointer(ch.salt, salt, SALT_LENGTH);

            //xprintf(L_INFO, "Stretching the user password, it could take some time...\n");
            //if (!stretch_key(&ch, result))
            //    return FALSE;

            if (!stretch_key(ch, result))
                return false;

            //xprintf(L_INFO, "Stretching of the user password is now ok!\n");

            ///* Wipe out with zeros */
            //memset(&ch, 0, size);

            return true;