Beispiel #1
 *  Adaptive integration results
 *  Called after AutoGKIteration returned False.
 *  Input parameters:
 *   State   -   algorithm state (used by AutoGKIteration).
 *  Output parameters:
 *   V       -   integral(f(x)dx,a,b)
 *   Rep     -   optimization report (see AutoGKReport description)
 *  -- ALGLIB --
 *    Copyright 14.11.2007 by Bochkanov Sergey
 public static void autogkresults(ref autogkstate state,
                                  ref double v,
                                  ref autogkreport rep)
     v = state.v;
     rep.terminationtype = state.terminationtype;
     rep.nfev            = state.nfev;
     rep.nintervals      = state.nintervals;
Beispiel #2
 *  Integration of a smooth function F(x) on a finite interval [a,b].
 *  This subroutine is same as AutoGKSmooth(), but it guarantees that interval
 *  [a,b] is partitioned into subintervals which have width at most XWidth.
 *  Subroutine  can  be  used  when  integrating nearly-constant function with
 *  narrow "bumps" (about XWidth wide). If "bumps" are too narrow, AutoGKSmooth
 *  subroutine can overlook them.
 *   A, B    -   interval boundaries (A<B, A=B or A>B)
 *   State   -   structure which stores algorithm state between  subsequent
 *               calls of AutoGKIteration.  Used for reverse communication.
 *               This structure should be  passed  to  the  AutoGKIteration
 *               subroutine.
 *   AutoGKSmooth, AutoGKSingular, AutoGKIteration, AutoGKResults.
 *  -- ALGLIB --
 *    Copyright 06.05.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey
 public static void autogksmoothw(double a,
                                  double b,
                                  double xwidth,
                                  ref autogkstate state)
     state.wrappermode  = 0;
     state.a            = a;
     state.b            = b;
     state.xwidth       = xwidth;
     state.rstate.ra    = new double[10 + 1];
     state.rstate.stage = -1;
Beispiel #3
 *  Integration on a finite interval [A,B].
 *  Integrand have integrable singularities at A/B.
 *  F(X) must diverge as "(x-A)^alpha" at A, as "(B-x)^beta" at B,  with known
 *  alpha/beta (alpha>-1, beta>-1).  If alpha/beta  are  not known,  estimates
 *  from below can be used (but these estimates should be greater than -1 too).
 *  One  of  alpha/beta variables (or even both alpha/beta) may be equal to 0,
 *  which means than function F(x) is non-singular at A/B. Anyway (singular at
 *  bounds or not), function F(x) is supposed to be continuous on (A,B).
 *  Fast-convergent algorithm based on a Gauss-Kronrod formula is used. Result
 *  is calculated with accuracy close to the machine precision.
 *   A, B    -   interval boundaries (A<B, A=B or A>B)
 *   Alpha   -   power-law coefficient of the F(x) at A,
 *               Alpha>-1
 *   Beta    -   power-law coefficient of the F(x) at B,
 *               Beta>-1
 *   State   -   structure which stores algorithm state between  subsequent
 *               calls of AutoGKIteration.  Used for reverse communication.
 *               This structure should be  passed  to  the  AutoGKIteration
 *               subroutine.
 *   AutoGKSmooth, AutoGKSmoothW, AutoGKIteration, AutoGKResults.
 *  -- ALGLIB --
 *    Copyright 06.05.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey
 public static void autogksingular(double a,
                                   double b,
                                   double alpha,
                                   double beta,
                                   ref autogkstate state)
     state.wrappermode  = 1;
     state.a            = a;
     state.b            = b;
     state.alpha        = alpha;
     state.beta         = beta;
     state.xwidth       = 0.0;
     state.rstate.ra    = new double[10 + 1];
     state.rstate.stage = -1;
Beispiel #4
        Integration of a smooth function F(x) on a finite interval [a,b].

        Fast-convergent algorithm based on a Gauss-Kronrod formula is used. Result
        is calculated with accuracy close to the machine precision.

        Algorithm works well only with smooth integrands.  It  may  be  used  with
        continuous non-smooth integrands, but with  less  performance.

        It should never be used with integrands which have integrable singularities
        at lower or upper limits - algorithm may crash. Use AutoGKSingular in such

            A, B    -   interval boundaries (A<B, A=B or A>B)
            State   -   structure which stores algorithm state

        SEE ALSO
            AutoGKSmoothW, AutoGKSingular, AutoGKResults.

          -- ALGLIB --
             Copyright 06.05.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey
        public static void autogksmooth(double a,
            double b,
            autogkstate state)
            alglib.ap.assert(math.isfinite(a), "AutoGKSmooth: A is not finite!");
            alglib.ap.assert(math.isfinite(b), "AutoGKSmooth: B is not finite!");
            autogksmoothw(a, b, 0.0, state);
Beispiel #5
 public override alglib.apobject make_copy()
     autogkstate _result = new autogkstate();
     _result.a = a;
     _result.b = b;
     _result.alpha = alpha;
     _result.beta = beta;
     _result.xwidth = xwidth;
     _result.x = x;
     _result.xminusa = xminusa;
     _result.bminusx = bminusx;
     _result.needf = needf;
     _result.f = f;
     _result.wrappermode = wrappermode;
     _result.internalstate = (autogkinternalstate)internalstate.make_copy();
     _result.rstate = (rcommstate)rstate.make_copy();
     _result.v = v;
     _result.terminationtype = terminationtype;
     _result.nfev = nfev;
     _result.nintervals = nintervals;
     return _result;
Beispiel #6
        *  One step of adaptive integration process.
        *  Called after initialization with one of AutoGKXXX subroutines.
        *  See HTML documentation for examples.
        *  Input parameters:
        *   State   -   structure which stores algorithm state between  calls  and
        *               which  is  used  for   reverse   communication.   Must  be
        *               initialized with one of AutoGKXXX subroutines.
        *  If suborutine returned False, iterative proces has converged. If subroutine
        *  returned True, caller should calculate function value State.F  at  State.X
        *  and call AutoGKIteration again.
        *  NOTE:
        *  When integrating "difficult" functions with integrable singularities like
        *   F(x) = (x-A)^alpha * (B-x)^beta
        *  subroutine may require the value of F at points which are too close to A/B.
        *  Sometimes to calculate integral with high enough precision we  may need to
        *  calculate F(A+delta) when delta is less than machine  epsilon.  In  finite
        *  precision arithmetics A+delta will be effectively equal to A,  so  we  may
        *  find us in situation when  we  are  trying  to  calculate  something  like
        *  1/sqrt(1-1).
        *  To avoid  such  situations,  AutoGKIteration  subroutine  fills  not  only
        *  State.X  field,  but  also   State.XMinusA   (which  equals  to  X-A)  and
        *  State.BMinusX  (which  equals to B-X) fields.  If X is too close to A or B
        *  (X-A<0.001*A, or B-X<0.001*B, for example) use  these  fields  instead  of
        *  State.X
        *  -- ALGLIB --
        *    Copyright 07.05.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey
        public static bool autogkiteration(ref autogkstate state)
            bool   result = new bool();
            double s      = 0;
            double tmp    = 0;
            double eps    = 0;
            double a      = 0;
            double b      = 0;
            double x      = 0;
            double t      = 0;
            double alpha  = 0;
            double beta   = 0;
            double v1     = 0;
            double v2     = 0;

            // Reverse communication preparations
            // I know it looks ugly, but it works the same way
            // anywhere from C++ to Python.
            // This code initializes locals by:
            // * random values determined during code
            //   generation - on first subroutine call
            // * values from previous call - on subsequent calls
            if (state.rstate.stage >= 0)
                s     = state.rstate.ra[0];
                tmp   = state.rstate.ra[1];
                eps   = state.rstate.ra[2];
                a     = state.rstate.ra[3];
                b     = state.rstate.ra[4];
                x     = state.rstate.ra[5];
                t     = state.rstate.ra[6];
                alpha = state.rstate.ra[7];
                beta  = state.rstate.ra[8];
                v1    = state.rstate.ra[9];
                v2    = state.rstate.ra[10];
                s     = -983;
                tmp   = -989;
                eps   = -834;
                a     = 900;
                b     = -287;
                x     = 364;
                t     = 214;
                alpha = -338;
                beta  = -686;
                v1    = 912;
                v2    = 585;
            if (state.rstate.stage == 0)
                goto lbl_0;
            if (state.rstate.stage == 1)
                goto lbl_1;
            if (state.rstate.stage == 2)
                goto lbl_2;

            // Routine body
            eps   = 0;
            a     = state.a;
            b     = state.b;
            alpha = state.alpha;
            beta  = state.beta;
            state.terminationtype = -1;
            state.nfev            = 0;
            state.nintervals      = 0;

            // smooth function  at a finite interval
            if (state.wrappermode != 0)
                goto lbl_3;

            // special case
            if ((double)(a) == (double)(b))
                state.terminationtype = 1;
                state.v = 0;
                result  = false;

            // general case
            autogkinternalprepare(a, b, eps, state.xwidth, ref state.internalstate);
            if (!autogkinternaliteration(ref state.internalstate))
                goto lbl_6;
            x                  = state.internalstate.x;
            state.x            = x;
            state.xminusa      = x - a;
            state.bminusx      = b - x;
            state.rstate.stage = 0;
            goto lbl_rcomm;
            state.nfev            = state.nfev + 1;
            state.internalstate.f = state.f;
            goto lbl_5;
            state.v = state.internalstate.r;
            state.terminationtype =;
            state.nintervals      = state.internalstate.heapused;
            result = false;


            // function with power-law singularities at the ends of a finite interval
            if (state.wrappermode != 1)
                goto lbl_7;

            // test coefficients
            if ((double)(alpha) <= (double)(-1) | (double)(beta) <= (double)(-1))
                state.terminationtype = -1;
                state.v = 0;
                result  = false;

            // special cases
            if ((double)(a) == (double)(b))
                state.terminationtype = 1;
                state.v = 0;
                result  = false;

            // reduction to general form
            if ((double)(a) < (double)(b))
                s = +1;
                s     = -1;
                tmp   = a;
                a     = b;
                b     = tmp;
                tmp   = alpha;
                alpha = beta;
                beta  = tmp;
            alpha = Math.Min(alpha, 0);
            beta  = Math.Min(beta, 0);

            // first, integrate left half of [a,b]:
            //     integral(f(x)dx, a, (b+a)/2) =
            //     = 1/(1+alpha) * integral(t^(-alpha/(1+alpha))*f(a+t^(1/(1+alpha)))dt, 0, (0.5*(b-a))^(1+alpha))
            autogkinternalprepare(0, Math.Pow(0.5 * (b - a), 1 + alpha), eps, state.xwidth, ref state.internalstate);
            if (!autogkinternaliteration(ref state.internalstate))
                goto lbl_10;

            // Fill State.X, State.XMinusA, State.BMinusX.
            // Latter two are filled correctly even if B<A.
            x       = state.internalstate.x;
            t       = Math.Pow(x, 1 / (1 + alpha));
            state.x = a + t;
            if ((double)(s) > (double)(0))
                state.xminusa = t;
                state.bminusx = b - (a + t);
                state.xminusa = a + t - b;
                state.bminusx = -t;
            state.rstate.stage = 1;
            goto lbl_rcomm;
            if ((double)(alpha) != (double)(0))
                state.internalstate.f = state.f * Math.Pow(x, -(alpha / (1 + alpha))) / (1 + alpha);
                state.internalstate.f = state.f;
            state.nfev = state.nfev + 1;
            goto lbl_9;
            v1 = state.internalstate.r;
            state.nintervals = state.nintervals + state.internalstate.heapused;

            // then, integrate right half of [a,b]:
            //     integral(f(x)dx, (b+a)/2, b) =
            //     = 1/(1+beta) * integral(t^(-beta/(1+beta))*f(b-t^(1/(1+beta)))dt, 0, (0.5*(b-a))^(1+beta))
            autogkinternalprepare(0, Math.Pow(0.5 * (b - a), 1 + beta), eps, state.xwidth, ref state.internalstate);
            if (!autogkinternaliteration(ref state.internalstate))
                goto lbl_12;

            // Fill State.X, State.XMinusA, State.BMinusX.
            // Latter two are filled correctly (X-A, B-X) even if B<A.
            x       = state.internalstate.x;
            t       = Math.Pow(x, 1 / (1 + beta));
            state.x = b - t;
            if ((double)(s) > (double)(0))
                state.xminusa = b - t - a;
                state.bminusx = t;
                state.xminusa = -t;
                state.bminusx = a - (b - t);
            state.rstate.stage = 2;
            goto lbl_rcomm;
            if ((double)(beta) != (double)(0))
                state.internalstate.f = state.f * Math.Pow(x, -(beta / (1 + beta))) / (1 + beta);
                state.internalstate.f = state.f;
            state.nfev = state.nfev + 1;
            goto lbl_11;
            v2 = state.internalstate.r;
            state.nintervals = state.nintervals + state.internalstate.heapused;

            // final result
            state.v = s * (v1 + v2);
            state.terminationtype = 1;
            result = false;

            result = false;

            // Saving state
            result              = true;
            state.rstate.ra[0]  = s;
            state.rstate.ra[1]  = tmp;
            state.rstate.ra[2]  = eps;
            state.rstate.ra[3]  = a;
            state.rstate.ra[4]  = b;
            state.rstate.ra[5]  = x;
            state.rstate.ra[6]  = t;
            state.rstate.ra[7]  = alpha;
            state.rstate.ra[8]  = beta;
            state.rstate.ra[9]  = v1;
            state.rstate.ra[10] = v2;
    Integration on a finite interval [A,B].
    Integrand have integrable singularities at A/B.

    F(X) must diverge as "(x-A)^alpha" at A, as "(B-x)^beta" at B,  with known
    alpha/beta (alpha>-1, beta>-1).  If alpha/beta  are  not known,  estimates
    from below can be used (but these estimates should be greater than -1 too).

    One  of  alpha/beta variables (or even both alpha/beta) may be equal to 0,
    which means than function F(x) is non-singular at A/B. Anyway (singular at
    bounds or not), function F(x) is supposed to be continuous on (A,B).

    Fast-convergent algorithm based on a Gauss-Kronrod formula is used. Result
    is calculated with accuracy close to the machine precision.

        A, B    -   interval boundaries (A<B, A=B or A>B)
        Alpha   -   power-law coefficient of the F(x) at A,
        Beta    -   power-law coefficient of the F(x) at B,

        State   -   structure which stores algorithm state

        AutoGKSmooth, AutoGKSmoothW, AutoGKResults.

      -- ALGLIB --
         Copyright 06.05.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey
    public static void autogksingular(double a, double b, double alpha, double beta, out autogkstate state)
        state = new autogkstate();
        autogk.autogksingular(a, b, alpha, beta, state.innerobj);
Beispiel #8

          -- ALGLIB --
             Copyright 07.05.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey
        public static bool autogkiteration(autogkstate state)
            bool result = new bool();
            double s = 0;
            double tmp = 0;
            double eps = 0;
            double a = 0;
            double b = 0;
            double x = 0;
            double t = 0;
            double alpha = 0;
            double beta = 0;
            double v1 = 0;
            double v2 = 0;

            // Reverse communication preparations
            // I know it looks ugly, but it works the same way
            // anywhere from C++ to Python.
            // This code initializes locals by:
            // * random values determined during code
            //   generation - on first subroutine call
            // * values from previous call - on subsequent calls
            if( state.rstate.stage>=0 )
                s = state.rstate.ra[0];
                tmp = state.rstate.ra[1];
                eps = state.rstate.ra[2];
                a = state.rstate.ra[3];
                b = state.rstate.ra[4];
                x = state.rstate.ra[5];
                t = state.rstate.ra[6];
                alpha = state.rstate.ra[7];
                beta = state.rstate.ra[8];
                v1 = state.rstate.ra[9];
                v2 = state.rstate.ra[10];
                s = -983;
                tmp = -989;
                eps = -834;
                a = 900;
                b = -287;
                x = 364;
                t = 214;
                alpha = -338;
                beta = -686;
                v1 = 912;
                v2 = 585;
            if( state.rstate.stage==0 )
                goto lbl_0;
            if( state.rstate.stage==1 )
                goto lbl_1;
            if( state.rstate.stage==2 )
                goto lbl_2;
            // Routine body
            eps = 0;
            a = state.a;
            b = state.b;
            alpha = state.alpha;
            beta = state.beta;
            state.terminationtype = -1;
            state.nfev = 0;
            state.nintervals = 0;
            // smooth function  at a finite interval
            if( state.wrappermode!=0 )
                goto lbl_3;
            // special case
            if( (double)(a)==(double)(b) )
                state.terminationtype = 1;
                state.v = 0;
                result = false;
                return result;
            // general case
            autogkinternalprepare(a, b, eps, state.xwidth, state.internalstate);
            if( !autogkinternaliteration(state.internalstate) )
                goto lbl_6;
            x = state.internalstate.x;
            state.x = x;
            state.xminusa = x-a;
            state.bminusx = b-x;
            state.needf = true;
            state.rstate.stage = 0;
            goto lbl_rcomm;
            state.needf = false;
            state.nfev = state.nfev+1;
            state.internalstate.f = state.f;
            goto lbl_5;
            state.v = state.internalstate.r;
            state.terminationtype =;
            state.nintervals = state.internalstate.heapused;
            result = false;
            return result;
            // function with power-law singularities at the ends of a finite interval
            if( state.wrappermode!=1 )
                goto lbl_7;
            // test coefficients
            if( (double)(alpha)<=(double)(-1) || (double)(beta)<=(double)(-1) )
                state.terminationtype = -1;
                state.v = 0;
                result = false;
                return result;
            // special cases
            if( (double)(a)==(double)(b) )
                state.terminationtype = 1;
                state.v = 0;
                result = false;
                return result;
            // reduction to general form
            if( (double)(a)<(double)(b) )
                s = 1;
                s = -1;
                tmp = a;
                a = b;
                b = tmp;
                tmp = alpha;
                alpha = beta;
                beta = tmp;
            alpha = Math.Min(alpha, 0);
            beta = Math.Min(beta, 0);
            // first, integrate left half of [a,b]:
            //     integral(f(x)dx, a, (b+a)/2) =
            //     = 1/(1+alpha) * integral(t^(-alpha/(1+alpha))*f(a+t^(1/(1+alpha)))dt, 0, (0.5*(b-a))^(1+alpha))
            autogkinternalprepare(0, Math.Pow(0.5*(b-a), 1+alpha), eps, state.xwidth, state.internalstate);
            if( !autogkinternaliteration(state.internalstate) )
                goto lbl_10;
            // Fill State.X, State.XMinusA, State.BMinusX.
            // Latter two are filled correctly even if B<A.
            x = state.internalstate.x;
            t = Math.Pow(x, 1/(1+alpha));
            state.x = a+t;
            if( (double)(s)>(double)(0) )
                state.xminusa = t;
                state.bminusx = b-(a+t);
                state.xminusa = a+t-b;
                state.bminusx = -t;
            state.needf = true;
            state.rstate.stage = 1;
            goto lbl_rcomm;
            state.needf = false;
            if( (double)(alpha)!=(double)(0) )
                state.internalstate.f = state.f*Math.Pow(x, -(alpha/(1+alpha)))/(1+alpha);
                state.internalstate.f = state.f;
            state.nfev = state.nfev+1;
            goto lbl_9;
            v1 = state.internalstate.r;
            state.nintervals = state.nintervals+state.internalstate.heapused;
            // then, integrate right half of [a,b]:
            //     integral(f(x)dx, (b+a)/2, b) =
            //     = 1/(1+beta) * integral(t^(-beta/(1+beta))*f(b-t^(1/(1+beta)))dt, 0, (0.5*(b-a))^(1+beta))
            autogkinternalprepare(0, Math.Pow(0.5*(b-a), 1+beta), eps, state.xwidth, state.internalstate);
            if( !autogkinternaliteration(state.internalstate) )
                goto lbl_12;
            // Fill State.X, State.XMinusA, State.BMinusX.
            // Latter two are filled correctly (X-A, B-X) even if B<A.
            x = state.internalstate.x;
            t = Math.Pow(x, 1/(1+beta));
            state.x = b-t;
            if( (double)(s)>(double)(0) )
                state.xminusa = b-t-a;
                state.bminusx = t;
                state.xminusa = -t;
                state.bminusx = a-(b-t);
            state.needf = true;
            state.rstate.stage = 2;
            goto lbl_rcomm;
            state.needf = false;
            if( (double)(beta)!=(double)(0) )
                state.internalstate.f = state.f*Math.Pow(x, -(beta/(1+beta)))/(1+beta);
                state.internalstate.f = state.f;
            state.nfev = state.nfev+1;
            goto lbl_11;
            v2 = state.internalstate.r;
            state.nintervals = state.nintervals+state.internalstate.heapused;
            // final result
            state.v = s*(v1+v2);
            state.terminationtype = 1;
            result = false;
            return result;
            result = false;
            return result;
            // Saving state
            result = true;
            state.rstate.ra[0] = s;
            state.rstate.ra[1] = tmp;
            state.rstate.ra[2] = eps;
            state.rstate.ra[3] = a;
            state.rstate.ra[4] = b;
            state.rstate.ra[5] = x;
            state.rstate.ra[6] = t;
            state.rstate.ra[7] = alpha;
            state.rstate.ra[8] = beta;
            state.rstate.ra[9] = v1;
            state.rstate.ra[10] = v2;
            return result;
        Integration on a finite interval [A,B].
        Integrand have integrable singularities at A/B.

        F(X) must diverge as "(x-A)^alpha" at A, as "(B-x)^beta" at B,  with known
        alpha/beta (alpha>-1, beta>-1).  If alpha/beta  are  not known,  estimates
        from below can be used (but these estimates should be greater than -1 too).

        One  of  alpha/beta variables (or even both alpha/beta) may be equal to 0,
        which means than function F(x) is non-singular at A/B. Anyway (singular at
        bounds or not), function F(x) is supposed to be continuous on (A,B).

        Fast-convergent algorithm based on a Gauss-Kronrod formula is used. Result
        is calculated with accuracy close to the machine precision.

            A, B    -   interval boundaries (A<B, A=B or A>B)
            Alpha   -   power-law coefficient of the F(x) at A,
            Beta    -   power-law coefficient of the F(x) at B,

            State   -   structure which stores algorithm state between  subsequent
                        calls of AutoGKIteration.  Used for reverse communication.
                        This structure should be  passed  to  the  AutoGKIteration

        SEE ALSO
            AutoGKSmooth, AutoGKSmoothW, AutoGKIteration, AutoGKResults.

          -- ALGLIB --
             Copyright 06.05.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey
        public static void autogksingular(double a,
            double b,
            double alpha,
            double beta,
            ref autogkstate state)
            state.wrappermode = 1;
            state.a = a;
            state.b = b;
            state.alpha = alpha;
            state.beta = beta;
            state.xwidth = 0.0;
            state.rstate.ra = new double[10+1];
            state.rstate.stage = -1;
        Integration of a smooth function F(x) on a finite interval [a,b].

        This subroutine is same as AutoGKSmooth(), but it guarantees that interval
        [a,b] is partitioned into subintervals which have width at most XWidth.

        Subroutine  can  be  used  when  integrating nearly-constant function with
        narrow "bumps" (about XWidth wide). If "bumps" are too narrow, AutoGKSmooth
        subroutine can overlook them.

            A, B    -   interval boundaries (A<B, A=B or A>B)

            State   -   structure which stores algorithm state between  subsequent
                        calls of AutoGKIteration.  Used for reverse communication.
                        This structure should be  passed  to  the  AutoGKIteration

        SEE ALSO
            AutoGKSmooth, AutoGKSingular, AutoGKIteration, AutoGKResults.

          -- ALGLIB --
             Copyright 06.05.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey
        public static void autogksmoothw(double a,
            double b,
            double xwidth,
            ref autogkstate state)
            state.wrappermode = 0;
            state.a = a;
            state.b = b;
            state.xwidth = xwidth;
            state.rstate.ra = new double[10+1];
            state.rstate.stage = -1;
        Integration of a smooth function F(x) on a finite interval [a,b].

        Fast-convergent algorithm based on a Gauss-Kronrod formula is used. Result
        is calculated with accuracy close to the machine precision.

        Algorithm works well only with smooth integrands.  It  may  be  used  with
        continuous non-smooth integrands, but with  less  performance.

        It should never be used with integrands which have integrable singularities
        at lower or upper limits - algorithm may crash. Use AutoGKSingular in such

            A, B    -   interval boundaries (A<B, A=B or A>B)
            State   -   structure which stores algorithm state between  subsequent
                        calls of AutoGKIteration.  Used for reverse communication.
                        This structure should be  passed  to  the  AutoGKIteration

        SEE ALSO
            AutoGKSmoothW, AutoGKSingular, AutoGKIteration, AutoGKResults.

          -- ALGLIB --
             Copyright 06.05.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey
        public static void autogksmooth(double a,
            double b,
            ref autogkstate state)
            autogksmoothw(a, b, 0.0, ref state);
    Adaptive integration results

    Called after AutoGKIteration returned False.

    Input parameters:
        State   -   algorithm state (used by AutoGKIteration).

    Output parameters:
        V       -   integral(f(x)dx,a,b)
        Rep     -   optimization report (see AutoGKReport description)

      -- ALGLIB --
         Copyright 14.11.2007 by Bochkanov Sergey
    public static void autogkresults(autogkstate state, out double v, out autogkreport rep)
        v = 0;
        rep = new autogkreport();
        autogk.autogkresults(state.innerobj, ref v, rep.innerobj);
    This function is used to launcn iterations of ODE solver

    It accepts following parameters:
        diff    -   callback which calculates dy/dx for given y and x
        obj     -   optional object which is passed to diff; can be NULL

      -- ALGLIB --
         Copyright 07.05.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey

    public static void autogkintegrate(autogkstate state, integrator1_func func, object obj)
        if( func==null )
            throw new alglibexception("ALGLIB: error in 'autogkintegrate()' (func is null)");
        while( alglib.autogkiteration(state) )
            if( state.needf )
                func(state.innerobj.x, state.innerobj.xminusa, state.innerobj.bminusx, ref state.innerobj.f, obj);
            throw new alglibexception("ALGLIB: unexpected error in 'autogksolve'");
    This function provides reverse communication interface
    Reverse communication interface is not documented or recommended to use.
    See below for functions which provide better documented API
    public static bool autogkiteration(autogkstate state)

        bool result = autogk.autogkiteration(state.innerobj);
        return result;
Beispiel #15
        Integration of a smooth function F(x) on a finite interval [a,b].

        This subroutine is same as AutoGKSmooth(), but it guarantees that interval
        [a,b] is partitioned into subintervals which have width at most XWidth.

        Subroutine  can  be  used  when  integrating nearly-constant function with
        narrow "bumps" (about XWidth wide). If "bumps" are too narrow, AutoGKSmooth
        subroutine can overlook them.

            A, B    -   interval boundaries (A<B, A=B or A>B)

            State   -   structure which stores algorithm state

        SEE ALSO
            AutoGKSmooth, AutoGKSingular, AutoGKResults.

          -- ALGLIB --
             Copyright 06.05.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey
        public static void autogksmoothw(double a,
            double b,
            double xwidth,
            autogkstate state)
            alglib.ap.assert(math.isfinite(a), "AutoGKSmoothW: A is not finite!");
            alglib.ap.assert(math.isfinite(b), "AutoGKSmoothW: B is not finite!");
            alglib.ap.assert(math.isfinite(xwidth), "AutoGKSmoothW: XWidth is not finite!");
            state.wrappermode = 0;
            state.a = a;
            state.b = b;
            state.xwidth = xwidth;
            state.needf = false;
            state.rstate.ra = new double[10+1];
            state.rstate.stage = -1;
Beispiel #16
        Integration on a finite interval [A,B].
        Integrand have integrable singularities at A/B.

        F(X) must diverge as "(x-A)^alpha" at A, as "(B-x)^beta" at B,  with known
        alpha/beta (alpha>-1, beta>-1).  If alpha/beta  are  not known,  estimates
        from below can be used (but these estimates should be greater than -1 too).

        One  of  alpha/beta variables (or even both alpha/beta) may be equal to 0,
        which means than function F(x) is non-singular at A/B. Anyway (singular at
        bounds or not), function F(x) is supposed to be continuous on (A,B).

        Fast-convergent algorithm based on a Gauss-Kronrod formula is used. Result
        is calculated with accuracy close to the machine precision.

            A, B    -   interval boundaries (A<B, A=B or A>B)
            Alpha   -   power-law coefficient of the F(x) at A,
            Beta    -   power-law coefficient of the F(x) at B,

            State   -   structure which stores algorithm state

        SEE ALSO
            AutoGKSmooth, AutoGKSmoothW, AutoGKResults.

          -- ALGLIB --
             Copyright 06.05.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey
        public static void autogksingular(double a,
            double b,
            double alpha,
            double beta,
            autogkstate state)
            alglib.ap.assert(math.isfinite(a), "AutoGKSingular: A is not finite!");
            alglib.ap.assert(math.isfinite(b), "AutoGKSingular: B is not finite!");
            alglib.ap.assert(math.isfinite(alpha), "AutoGKSingular: Alpha is not finite!");
            alglib.ap.assert(math.isfinite(beta), "AutoGKSingular: Beta is not finite!");
            state.wrappermode = 1;
            state.a = a;
            state.b = b;
            state.alpha = alpha;
            state.beta = beta;
            state.xwidth = 0.0;
            state.needf = false;
            state.rstate.ra = new double[10+1];
            state.rstate.stage = -1;
Beispiel #17
 *  Integration of a smooth function F(x) on a finite interval [a,b].
 *  Fast-convergent algorithm based on a Gauss-Kronrod formula is used. Result
 *  is calculated with accuracy close to the machine precision.
 *  Algorithm works well only with smooth integrands.  It  may  be  used  with
 *  continuous non-smooth integrands, but with  less  performance.
 *  It should never be used with integrands which have integrable singularities
 *  at lower or upper limits - algorithm may crash. Use AutoGKSingular in such
 *  cases.
 *   A, B    -   interval boundaries (A<B, A=B or A>B)
 *   State   -   structure which stores algorithm state between  subsequent
 *               calls of AutoGKIteration.  Used for reverse communication.
 *               This structure should be  passed  to  the  AutoGKIteration
 *               subroutine.
 *   AutoGKSmoothW, AutoGKSingular, AutoGKIteration, AutoGKResults.
 *  -- ALGLIB --
 *    Copyright 06.05.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey
 public static void autogksmooth(double a,
                                 double b,
                                 ref autogkstate state)
     autogksmoothw(a, b, 0.0, ref state);
Beispiel #18
        Adaptive integration results

        Called after AutoGKIteration returned False.

        Input parameters:
            State   -   algorithm state (used by AutoGKIteration).

        Output parameters:
            V       -   integral(f(x)dx,a,b)
            Rep     -   optimization report (see AutoGKReport description)

          -- ALGLIB --
             Copyright 14.11.2007 by Bochkanov Sergey
        public static void autogkresults(autogkstate state,
            ref double v,
            autogkreport rep)
            v = 0;

            v = state.v;
            rep.terminationtype = state.terminationtype;
            rep.nfev = state.nfev;
            rep.nintervals = state.nintervals;
    Integration of a smooth function F(x) on a finite interval [a,b].

    This subroutine is same as AutoGKSmooth(), but it guarantees that interval
    [a,b] is partitioned into subintervals which have width at most XWidth.

    Subroutine  can  be  used  when  integrating nearly-constant function with
    narrow "bumps" (about XWidth wide). If "bumps" are too narrow, AutoGKSmooth
    subroutine can overlook them.

        A, B    -   interval boundaries (A<B, A=B or A>B)

        State   -   structure which stores algorithm state

        AutoGKSmooth, AutoGKSingular, AutoGKResults.

      -- ALGLIB --
         Copyright 06.05.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey
    public static void autogksmoothw(double a, double b, double xwidth, out autogkstate state)
        state = new autogkstate();
        autogk.autogksmoothw(a, b, xwidth, state.innerobj);