Beispiel #1
        public void Sample1()
            const string xml     = "<xml><something foo=\"bar\" /><baz>zoink</baz></xml>";
            var          subject = new XmlLexer();

            var tokens = subject.GetTokens(xml).ToArray();


                new Token(0, TokenTypes.Name.Tag, "<xml"),
                new Token(4, TokenTypes.Name.Tag, ">"),
                new Token(5, TokenTypes.Name.Tag, "<something"),
                new Token(15, TokenTypes.Text, " "),
                new Token(16, TokenTypes.Name.Attribute, "foo="),
                new Token(20, TokenTypes.Literal.String, "\"bar\""),
                new Token(25, TokenTypes.Text, " "),
                new Token(26, TokenTypes.Name.Tag, "/>"),
                new Token(28, TokenTypes.Name.Tag, "<baz"),
                new Token(32, TokenTypes.Name.Tag, ">"),
                new Token(33, TokenTypes.Text, "zoink"),
                new Token(38, TokenTypes.Error, "<"),
                new Token(39, TokenTypes.Text, "/baz>"),
                new Token(44, TokenTypes.Error, "<"),
                new Token(45, TokenTypes.Text, "/xml>")
Beispiel #2
        public void TestParse()
            // ARRANGE
            WebClient wc = new WebClient();
            //string markup = wc.DownloadString("");
            //string markup = wc.DownloadString("");

            string markup = @" <Query>
    <FieldRef Name='Quantity' />
    <Value Type='Number'>0</Value>
    <FieldRef Name='Price' />
    <Value Type='Number'>2000</Value>

            // ACT
            // MarkupParser parser = new MarkupParser();
            // parser.Parse( markup );

            XmlLexer lexer = new XmlLexer();


            //// OUTPUT
            //foreach ( XmlToken tok in lexer.GetTokens()) {
            //    Trace.WriteLine( string.Format(" ['{0}',{1}]", tok.lexeme, tok.type) );

            XmlParser parser = new XmlParser();


            // ASSERT
            XmlDocument actual   = parser.Tree;
            XmlDocument expected = new XmlDocument();


            Assert.AreEqual(actual.OuterXml, expected.OuterXml);
Beispiel #3
        public MainWindow()
            // This needs to exist prior to the InitializeComponent() call; otherwise, key binding (Ctrl-G) will not work
            this.GoToCommand = new RelayCommand(this.ExecuteGoTo);


            this.viewModel = (MainWindowViewModel)this.DataContext;

            // Initialize find / replace / goto dialogs
            this.FindReplaceDialog.Scintilla   = this.Editor.Scintilla;
            this.FindReplaceDialog.KeyPressed += this.OnEditorKeyDown;

            this.viewModel.ShowSettings   += (o, e) => this.ShowSettings();
            this.viewModel.ShowCallbacks  += (o, e) => this.ShowCallbacks(e.Data);
            this.viewModel.ReadEditorInfo += (o, e) => e.Data = new EditorInfo {
                Text = this.Editor.Text, Selection = Tuple.Create(this.Editor.SelectionStart, this.Editor.SelectionEnd)
            this.viewModel.InsertRecentFile += (o, e) => this.RecentFileList.InsertFile(e.Data);
            this.viewModel.UpdateLexer      += (o, e) => this.lexer.Update();
            this.viewModel.UpdateEditor     += (o, e) =>
                this.Editor.DeleteRange(e.Start, (e.End >= 0 ? e.End : this.Editor.TextLength) - e.Start);
                this.Editor.InsertText(e.Start, e.NewText);
                if (e.UpdateSelection)
                    this.Editor.SetSelection(e.Start, e.Start + e.NewText.Length);

                if (e.ResetUndoHistory)

            this.lexer = new XmlLexer {
                Editor = this.Editor
Beispiel #4
        public string OnSave(string source, byte additionalOptions)
            string jsonString;

            Token[] tokens = XmlLexer.GetTokens(source);
            tokens = XmlLexer.AddArray(new List <string> {
                "AstronomicalObject", "UidHash"
                                       new List <string>()
                "AstroObjects", "AstroObjectsEditors"
            }, tokens);
            XmlToJsonParser parser = new XmlToJsonParser((SerializationOptions)additionalOptions);

            jsonString = parser.GetJsonString(tokens);
            string removeString = "\"SaveInfo\": ";

            if (jsonString.Length > removeString.Length)
                jsonString = jsonString.Substring(removeString.Length, jsonString.Length
                                                  - removeString.Length);
        private void TestLexer(string source, TokenListBuilder <LexerTokenType> expected)
            var actual = XmlLexer.LexTokens(source, new Position(0, 0, 0));

            Assert.True(expected.SequenceEqual(actual, this.comparer));