Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Enables Webpack dev middleware support. This hosts an instance of the Webpack compiler in memory
        /// in your application so that you can always serve up-to-date Webpack-built resources without having
        /// to run the compiler manually. Since the Webpack compiler instance is retained in memory, incremental
        /// compilation is vastly faster that re-running the compiler from scratch.
        /// Incoming requests that match Webpack-built files will be handled by returning the Webpack compiler
        /// output directly, regardless of files on disk. If compilation is in progress when the request arrives,
        /// the response will pause until updated compiler output is ready.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="appBuilder">The <see cref="IApplicationBuilder"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="options">Options for configuring the Webpack compiler instance.</param>
        public static void UseWebpackDevMiddlewareEx(
            this IApplicationBuilder appBuilder,
            WebpackDevMiddlewareOptions options = null)
            // Prepare options
            if (options == null)
                options = new WebpackDevMiddlewareOptions();

            // Validate options
            if (options.ReactHotModuleReplacement && !options.HotModuleReplacement)
                throw new ArgumentException(
                          "To enable ReactHotModuleReplacement, you must also enable HotModuleReplacement.");

            //Determine project path and environment variables
            string projectPath;
            Dictionary <string, string> environmentVariables = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(options.ProjectPath))
                projectPath = options.ProjectPath;
                var hostEnv = appBuilder.ApplicationServices.GetService <IHostingEnvironment>();
                if (hostEnv != null)
                    // In an ASP.NET environment, we can use the IHostingEnvironment data to auto-populate a few
                    // things that you'd otherwise have to specify manually
                    projectPath = hostEnv.ContentRootPath;
                    environmentVariables["NODE_ENV"] = hostEnv.IsDevelopment() ? "development" : "production"; // De-facto standard values for Node
                    projectPath = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();

            if (options.EnvironmentVariables != null)
                foreach (var kvp in options.EnvironmentVariables)
                    environmentVariables[kvp.Key] = kvp.Value;

            // Ideally, this would be relative to the application's PathBase (so it could work in virtual directories)
            // but it's not clear that such information exists during application startup, as opposed to within the context
            // of a request.
            var hmrEndpoint = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(options.HotModuleReplacementEndpoint)
                ? options.HotModuleReplacementEndpoint
                : "/__webpack_hmr"; // Matches webpack's built-in default

            // Tell Node to start the server hosting webpack-dev-middleware
            var devServerOptions = new WebpackDevServerArgs
                webpackConfigPath = Path.Combine(projectPath, options.ConfigFile ?? DefaultConfigFile),
                suppliedOptions   = options,
                understandsMultiplePublicPaths  = true,
                hotModuleReplacementEndpointUrl = hmrEndpoint

            // Perform the webpack-hot-middleware package patch so taht overlay works, until fixed by the package owner
            if (options.TryPatchHotModulePackage)

            // Launch the dev server by using Node interop with hack that fixes aspnet-webpack module to work wil Webpack 5 + webpack-dev-middleware 5
            var devServerInfo = StartWebpackDevServer(environmentVariables, options.ProjectPath, devServerOptions, false);

            // If we're talking to an older version of aspnet-webpack, it will return only a single PublicPath,
            // not an array of PublicPaths. Handle that scenario.
            if (devServerInfo.PublicPaths == null)
                devServerInfo.PublicPaths = new[] { devServerInfo.PublicPath };

            // Proxy the corresponding requests through ASP.NET and into the Node listener
            // Anything under /<publicpath> (e.g., /dist) is proxied as a normal HTTP request with a typical timeout (100s is the default from HttpClient),
            // plus /__webpack_hmr is proxied with infinite timeout, because it's an EventSource (long-lived request).
            foreach (var publicPath in devServerInfo.PublicPaths)
                appBuilder.UseProxyToLocalWebpackDevMiddleware(publicPath + hmrEndpoint, devServerInfo.Port, Timeout.InfiniteTimeSpan);
                appBuilder.UseProxyToLocalWebpackDevMiddleware(publicPath, devServerInfo.Port, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(100));
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Starts the webpack dev server. If the start fails for known reason, modifies the aspnet-webpack module to be compliant with webpack-dev-middleware 5.
        /// For compatibility purposes as the change is rather samll it's easier to modify the existing module than to create new NPM package and enforce anyone to udpate.
        /// </summary>
        private static WebpackDevServerInfo StartWebpackDevServer(IDictionary <string, string> environmentVariables, string projectPath, WebpackDevServerArgs devServerArgs, bool fixAttempted)
            // Unlike other consumers of NodeServices, WebpackDevMiddleware dosen't share Node instances, nor does it
            // use your DI configuration. It's important for WebpackDevMiddleware to have its own private Node instance
            // because it must *not* restart when files change (if it did, you'd lose all the benefits of Webpack
            // middleware). And since this is a dev-time-only feature, it doesn't matter if the default transport isn't
            // as fast as some theoretical future alternative.
            // This should do it by using Jering.Javascript.NodeJS interop
            var nodeJSService = NodeInteropFactory.BuildNewInstance(environmentVariables, projectPath);

                return(nodeJSService.InvokeFromStringAsync <WebpackDevServerInfo>(
                           EmbeddedResourceReader.Read(typeof(WebpackDevMiddleware), "/Content/Node/webpack-dev-middleware.js"), //Embedded JS file
                           args: new object[] { JsonSerializer.Serialize(devServerArgs, jsonSerializerOptions) } //Options patched so that they work with aspnet-webpack package
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (fixAttempted)

                if (ex != null && ex.Message.Contains("Dev Middleware has been initialized using an options object that does not match the API schema."))
                    //Attempt to modify module file so that it doesn't contain arguments not recognized by the webpack-dev-middleware 5
                        const string SEARCH_PATTERN = "at validate (";
                        var          startIndex     = ex.Message.IndexOf(SEARCH_PATTERN);
                        if (startIndex > -1)
                            startIndex += SEARCH_PATTERN.Length;
                            var endIndex    = ex.Message.IndexOf("webpack-dev-middleware", startIndex);
                            var modulesPath = ex.Message.Substring(startIndex, endIndex - startIndex);

                            if (Directory.Exists(modulesPath))
                                var modulePath = Path.Combine(modulesPath, @"aspnet-webpack\WebpackDevMiddleware.js");
                                if (File.Exists(modulePath))
                                    var fileContent = File.ReadAllText(modulePath);
                                    fileContent = fileContent.Replace("noInfo: true,", "");
                                    fileContent = fileContent.Replace("watchOptions: webpackConfig.watchOptions", "");
                                    File.WriteAllText(modulePath, fileContent);

                                    return(StartWebpackDevServer(environmentVariables, projectPath, devServerArgs, true));
                    catch (Exception)
                    { }
