Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Some types are only valid for certain materials.  So rather than throw an error, just change the type
        /// </summary>
        private static WeaponHandleType GetHandleType(WeaponHandleMaterial material, WeaponHandleType requestedType)
            switch (material)
            case WeaponHandleMaterial.Soft_Wood:
            case WeaponHandleMaterial.Hard_Wood:

            //case WeaponHandleMaterial.NylonRope:
            //case WeaponHandleMaterial.WireRope:
            //case WeaponHandleMaterial.Wraith:
            //    return WeaponHandleType.Rope;

        public static WeaponHandleDNA GetRandomDNA(WeaponHandleMaterial? material = null, WeaponHandleType? type = null, bool? isDouble = null, double? length = null, double? radius = null)
            const double DOUBLE_END = .2d;
            const double DOUBLE_CENTER = .05d;       // this is only half of the center

            WeaponHandleDNA retVal = new WeaponHandleDNA();

            Random rand = StaticRandom.GetRandomForThread();

            bool isDoubleActual = isDouble ?? (rand.Next(2) == 0);

            #region Material

            if (material == null)
                retVal.HandleMaterial = UtilityCore.GetRandomEnum<WeaponHandleMaterial>();
                retVal.HandleMaterial = material.Value;


            //TODO: Support rope
            retVal.HandleType = WeaponHandleType.Rod;

            #region Length

            if (length == null)
                //double lengthActual = rand.NextDouble(1.5d, 3.5d);
                double lengthActual = rand.NextDouble(1.5d, 2.8d);
                if (isDoubleActual)
                    lengthActual *= 2d;

                retVal.Length = lengthActual;
                retVal.Length = length.Value;

            #region Radius

            if (radius == null)
                //double radiusActual = rand.NextDouble(.03d, .17d);
                double radiusActual = rand.NextDouble(.03d, .12d);
                if (isDoubleActual)
                    radiusActual *= 2d;

                retVal.Radius = radiusActual;
                retVal.Radius = radius.Value;

            #region AttachPoint

            if (isDoubleActual)
                // Since the center of mass is in the middle, the attach point can't be in the middle.
                // Both ends are out as well.
                // So, choose one of the areas that are stars
                //  |----|********|--------|********|----|

                double randMaxValue = .5d - DOUBLE_END - DOUBLE_CENTER;
                double randValue = rand.NextDouble(randMaxValue);
                double half = DOUBLE_CENTER + randValue;

                if (rand.NextBool())
                    // left side
                    retVal.AttachPointPercent = .5d - half;
                    // right side
                    retVal.AttachPointPercent = .5d + half;
                // Choose one of the ends
                retVal.AttachPointPercent = rand.NextBool() ? 0d : 1d;


            #region Color

            switch (retVal.HandleMaterial)
                case WeaponHandleMaterial.Composite:
                    retVal.MaterialsForCustomizable = GetRandomMaterials_Composite();

                case WeaponHandleMaterial.Klinth:
                    retVal.MaterialsForCustomizable = GetRandomMaterials_Klinth();


            return retVal;
        /// <summary>
        /// Some types are only valid for certain materials.  So rather than throw an error, just change the type
        /// </summary>
        private static WeaponHandleType GetHandleType(WeaponHandleMaterial material, WeaponHandleType requestedType)
            switch (material)
                case WeaponHandleMaterial.Soft_Wood:
                case WeaponHandleMaterial.Hard_Wood:
                    return WeaponHandleType.Rod;

                //case WeaponHandleMaterial.CheapRope:
                //case WeaponHandleMaterial.HempRope:
                //case WeaponHandleMaterial.Wraith:
                //    return WeaponHandleType.Rope;

                    return requestedType;