Beispiel #1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string testFile = null;

                // ** Make sure an api key has been entered
                if (API_KEY == string.Empty)
                    Console.WriteLine("[ERROR] Please update the sample code and enter the API Key that came with your subscription.");

                // ** Was a 'file to watermark' specified on the command line?
                if (args.Count() == 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("[INFO] No file to watermark specified, using default file.");
                    testFile = Directory.GetFiles(".", "*.pdf")[0];
                    testFile = args[0];

                // ** Specify the API key associated with your subscription.
                Configuration.Default.AddApiKey("api_key", API_KEY);

                // ** Accept all SSL Certificates, this makes life under mono a lot easier. This line is not needed on Windows
                ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = delegate { return(true); };

                // ** The service's host name is already set, but for debugging purposes you may want to switch between 'http' and 'https'.'
                Configuration.Default.ApiClient.RestClient.BaseUrl = new Uri("");

                // ** We are dealing with watermarking, so instantiate the relevant class
                WatermarkApi watermarkAPI = new WatermarkApi();

                // ** Read the file we wish to watermark
                byte[] sourceFile = File.ReadAllBytes(testFile);

                // ** Fill out the data for the watermark operation.
                CompositeWatermarkData inputData = new CompositeWatermarkData(
                    SourceFileName: testFile,                           // ** Always specify a file name with the correct extension (file must be a PDF file when watermarking)
                    SourceFileContent: sourceFile,                      // ** The file content to watermark
                    WatermarkData: File.ReadAllText("watermark.xml")    // ** Load the XML Definition for the composite watermark

                // ** Watermark the file
                Console.WriteLine("[INFO] Watermarking...");
                var response = watermarkAPI.CompositeWatermark(inputData);

                // ** Write the results back to the file system
                File.WriteAllBytes(@"result.pdf", response.ProcessedFileContent);

                Console.WriteLine("[INFO] 'result.pdf' written to output folder.");

                // ** On Windows open the generated file in the system PDF viewer
            catch (Exception ex)