Beispiel #1
        private static void InitializeMenu()
            SpellMenu = VolatileMenu.AddSubMenu("Spell Menu", "spellmenu");

            SpellMenu.AddGroupLabel("Q Settings");
            SpellMenu.Add("qtc", new CheckBox("Use Q in Combo"));
            SpellMenu.Add("qth", new CheckBox("Use Q in Harass"));
            SpellMenu.Add("qtl", new CheckBox("Use Q in Laneclear"));
            SpellMenu.Add("qtlh", new CheckBox("Use Q in Lasthit"));
            SpellMenu.Add("qonvery", new CheckBox("Auto Q on Very High Hitchance"));
            SpellMenu.Add("qonimmo", new CheckBox("Auto Q on Immobile Targets"));
            SpellMenu.Add("qstack1", new CheckBox("Stack Tear in Fountain"));
            SpellMenu.Add("qstack2", new CheckBox("Stack Tear when Full Mana"));
            SpellMenu.Add("qmaxrange", new Slider("Max Range to Q", 1050, 500, 1200));

            SpellMenu.AddGroupLabel("W Settings");
            SpellMenu.Add("wtc", new CheckBox("Use W in Combo"));
            SpellMenu.Add("wth", new CheckBox("Use W in Harass"));
            SpellMenu.Add("wtopush", new CheckBox("W Ally to push tower"));
            SpellMenu.Add("wmaxrange", new Slider("Max Range to W", 900, 500, 1050));

            SpellMenu.AddGroupLabel("E Settings");
            SpellMenu.Add("eks", new CheckBox("SmartFinisher E"));
            SpellMenu.Add("etosafe", new CheckBox("Anti-Gapcloser E"));

            SpellMenu.AddGroupLabel("R Settings");
            SpellMenu.Add("rks", new CheckBox("SmartFinisher R"));
            SpellMenu.Add("rsafe", new CheckBox("Only use R when its safe"));
            SpellMenu.AddLabel("Use R On: ");
            foreach (var enemy in EntityManager.Heroes.Enemies)
                SpellMenu.Add("r" + enemy.ChampionName, new CheckBox(enemy.ChampionName));
Beispiel #2
        private static void InitializeMenu()
            SpellMenu = VolatileMenu.AddSubMenu("Spell Menu", "spellmenu");

            SpellMenu.AddGroupLabel("Q Settings");
            SpellMenu.Add("qtc", new CheckBox("Use Q in Combo"));
            SpellMenu.Add("qth", new CheckBox("Use Q in Harass"));
            SpellMenu.Add("qstun", new CheckBox("Only Q if target Ablazed"));
            SpellMenu.Add("qtj", new CheckBox("Use Q in Jungleclear"));

            SpellMenu.AddGroupLabel("W Settings");
            SpellMenu.Add("wtc", new CheckBox("Use W in Combo"));
            SpellMenu.Add("wth", new CheckBox("Use W in Harass"));
            SpellMenu.Add("wtl", new CheckBox("Use W in Laneclear"));
            SpellMenu.Add("wtj", new CheckBox("Use W in Jungleclear"));

            SpellMenu.AddGroupLabel("E Settings");
            SpellMenu.Add("etc", new CheckBox("Use E in Combo"));
            SpellMenu.Add("eth", new CheckBox("Use E in Harass"));
            SpellMenu.Add("etl", new CheckBox("Use E in Laneclear"));
            SpellMenu.Add("etj", new CheckBox("Use E in Jungleclear"));

            SpellMenu.AddGroupLabel("R Settings");
            SpellMenu.Add("rtc", new CheckBox("Use R in Combo if:"));
            SpellMenu.Add("ramount", new Slider("Minimum enemies in range", 2, 2, 5));
            SpellMenu.Add("rks", new CheckBox("SmartFinisher R"));
Beispiel #3
        private static void InitializeMenu()
            SpellMenu = VolatileMenu.AddSubMenu("Spell Menu", "spellmenu");

            SpellMenu.AddGroupLabel("Q Settings");
            SpellMenu.Add("qtc", new CheckBox("Use Q in Combo"));
            SpellMenu.Add("qth", new CheckBox("Use Q in Harass"));
            SpellMenu.Add("qthe", new CheckBox("Only Q in Harass if target has E"));
            SpellMenu.Add("qtl", new CheckBox("Use Q in Laneclear"));
            SpellMenu.Add("qtj", new CheckBox("Use Q in Jungleclear"));

            SpellMenu.AddGroupLabel("E Settings");
            SpellMenu.Add("etc", new CheckBox("Use E in Combo"));
            SpellMenu.Add("eth", new CheckBox("Use E in Harass"));
            SpellMenu.Add("focuse", new CheckBox("Always Focus E Target"));
            SpellMenu.Add("etl", new CheckBox("Use E in Laneclear", false));
            SpellMenu.Add("etj", new CheckBox("Use E in Jungleclear"));
            SpellMenu.Add("eontower", new CheckBox("Use E on Tower"));
            SpellMenu.AddLabel("Use E on: ");
            foreach (var enemy in EntityManager.Heroes.Enemies)
                SpellMenu.Add("e" + enemy.ChampionName, new CheckBox(enemy.ChampionName));

            SpellMenu.AddGroupLabel("R Settings");
            SpellMenu.Add("agc", new CheckBox("Anti-Gapcloser"));
            SpellMenu.Add("int", new CheckBox("Interrupter"));
            SpellMenu.Add("rks", new CheckBox("SmartFinisher E+R"));
            SpellMenu.AddLabel("Use SmartFinisher On: ");
            foreach (var enemy in EntityManager.Heroes.Enemies)
                SpellMenu.Add("r" + enemy.ChampionName, new CheckBox(enemy.ChampionName));
Beispiel #4
        private static void InitializeMenu()
            SpellMenu = VolatileMenu.AddSubMenu("Spell Menu", "spellmenu");

            SpellMenu.AddGroupLabel("W/Q Settings");
            SpellMenu.Add("wqtc", new CheckBox("Use W/Q in Combo"));
            SpellMenu.Add("wqhap", new CheckBox("W/Q Highest Amount Priority"));
            SpellMenu.Add("awq", new CheckBox("Auto W/Q if can hit:", false));
            SpellMenu.Add("awqa", new Slider("At Least", 4, 1, 5));
            SpellMenu.Add("qcd", new CheckBox("Use Q if W is on CD"));
            SpellMenu.Add("qth", new CheckBox("Use Q in Harass"));
            SpellMenu.Add("qthcc", new CheckBox("Use Q in Harass only to chain cc", false));
            SpellMenu.Add("flashq", new KeyBind("Flash Q (Target Priority)", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'T'));
                          new KeyBind("Flash Q (Highest Amount Priority)", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'Z'));
            SpellMenu.Add("fqamount", new Slider("Minimum enemies hit to Flash Q (HAP)", 2, 1, 5));

            SpellMenu.AddGroupLabel("E Settings");
            SpellMenu.Add("autoe", new CheckBox("Auto E", false));
            SpellMenu.Add("minhp", new Slider("E when %HP less than", 70));
            SpellMenu.Add("minmana", new Slider("E when %MP more than", 60));

            SpellMenu.AddGroupLabel("R Settings");
            SpellMenu.Add("user", new CheckBox("Use R", false));
            SpellMenu.Add("ramount", new Slider("Enemies in range", 3, 1, 5));
            SpellMenu.Add("rhealth", new Slider("Max %HP to ult", 50));
Beispiel #5
        private static void InitializeMenu()
            SpellMenu = VolatileMenu.AddSubMenu("Spell Menu", "spellmenu");

            SpellMenu.AddGroupLabel("Q Settings");
            SpellMenu.Add("qtc", new CheckBox("Use Q in Combo"));
            SpellMenu.Add("lhq", new CheckBox("Use Q to Lasthit"));
            SpellMenu.Add("lcq", new CheckBox("Use Q to Laneclear"));
            SpellMenu.Add("qon", new CheckBox("Auto Q if enemy is near"));

            SpellMenu.AddGroupLabel("W Settings");
            SpellMenu.Add("wtc", new CheckBox("Use W in Combo"));
            SpellMenu.Add("wtosafe", new CheckBox("Anti-Gapcloser W"));
            SpellMenu.Add("wt2", new CheckBox("Auto W if at least 2 enemy is near"));
            SpellMenu.Add("asw", new CheckBox("Auto W to Remove Slow"));

            SpellMenu.AddGroupLabel("E Settings");
            SpellMenu.Add("etc", new CheckBox("Use E in Combo"));
            SpellMenu.Add("lce", new CheckBox("Use E to Laneclear"));

            SpellMenu.AddGroupLabel("R Settings");
            SpellMenu.Add("rtc", new CheckBox("Use R in Combo"));
            SpellMenu.Add("rslider", new Slider("Minimum people for R", 2, 0, 5));
Beispiel #6
        private static void InitializeMenu()
            SpellMenu = VolatileMenu.AddSubMenu("Spell Menu", "spellmenu");

            SpellMenu.AddGroupLabel("Q Settings");
            SpellMenu.Add("qtc", new CheckBox("Use Q in Combo"));
            SpellMenu.Add("qth", new CheckBox("Use Q in Harass"));
            SpellMenu.Add("qtlh", new CheckBox("Use Q in Lasthit"));

            SpellMenu.AddGroupLabel("W Settings");
            SpellMenu.Add("wtc", new CheckBox("Use W in Combo"));

            SpellMenu.AddGroupLabel("E Settings");
            SpellMenu.Add("autoe", new CheckBox("Auto E", false));

            SpellMenu.AddGroupLabel("R Settings");
            SpellMenu.Add("rtc", new CheckBox("Use R in Combo"));
            SpellMenu.Add("pilot", new CheckBox("Auto Pilot Tibbers"));
            SpellMenu.Add("flashr", new KeyBind("Flash R (Target Priority)", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'T'));
                          new KeyBind("Flash R (Highest Amount Priority)", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'Z'));
            SpellMenu.Add("framount", new Slider("Minimum enemies hit to Flash R (HAP)", 2, 1, 5));

            SpellMenu.AddGroupLabel("Other Settings");
            SpellMenu.Add("autostack", new CheckBox("Auto Stack", false));
            SpellMenu.Add("estack", new CheckBox("Use E to Stack"));
            SpellMenu.Add("wstack", new CheckBox("Use W to Stack"));
Beispiel #7
        private static void InitializeMenu()
            SpellMenu = VolatileMenu.AddSubMenu("Spell Menu", "spellmenu");

            SpellMenu.Add("wardjump", new KeyBind("Ward Jump", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'G'));
Beispiel #8
 public DrawManager()
     _drawMenu = VolatileMenu.AddSubMenu("Drawings", "drawings", "Volatile Drawings");
     _drawMenu.Add("dmg", new CheckBox("Draw Volatile DamageIndicator"));
     _drawMenu.Add("rl", new CheckBox("Draw Volatile RangeLines(beta)"));
     _drawMenu.Add("recall", new CheckBox("Draw Recalls"));
     _drawMenu.Add("targ", new CheckBox("Draw Current Target"));
     //_drawMenu.Add("ss", new CheckBox("Draw Enemy Skillshots"));
Beispiel #9
        private static void InitializeMenu()
            SpellMenu = VolatileMenu.AddSubMenu("Spell Menu", "spellmenu");

            SpellMenu.AddGroupLabel("Q Settings");
            SpellMenu.Add("qtc", new CheckBox("Use Q in Combo"));
            SpellMenu.Add("qth", new CheckBox("Use Q in Harass"));
            SpellMenu.Add("qtl", new CheckBox("Use Q in Laneclear"));
            SpellMenu.Add("ksq", new CheckBox("Use Q to Killsteal"));

            SpellMenu.AddGroupLabel("W Settings");
            SpellMenu.Add("wtc", new CheckBox("Use W in Combo"));
            SpellMenu.Add("peel", new CheckBox("Peel from Melee Enemies"));

            SpellMenu.AddGroupLabel("E Settings");
            SpellMenu.Add("etc", new CheckBox("Use E in Combo"));

            SpellMenu.AddGroupLabel("R Settings");
            SpellMenu.Add("rtc", new CheckBox("Use R in Combo"));
            SpellMenu.Add("autoult", new CheckBox("Auto Ult"));
            SpellMenu.Add("auamount", new Slider("Minimum enemies hit to Auto R", 3, 1, 5));

            SpellMenu.AddGroupLabel("Prediction Settings");
            SpellMenu.AddGroupLabel("Q Hitchance");
            var qslider = SpellMenu.Add("hQ", new Slider("Q HitChance", 2, 0, 2));
            var qMode   = new[] { "Low (Fast Casting)", "Medium", "High (Slow Casting)" };

            qslider.DisplayName = qMode[qslider.CurrentValue];

            qslider.OnValueChange +=
                delegate(ValueBase <int> sender, ValueBase <int> .ValueChangeArgs changeArgs)
                sender.DisplayName = qMode[changeArgs.NewValue];
            SpellMenu.AddGroupLabel("W Hitchance");
            var wslider = SpellMenu.Add("hW", new Slider("W HitChance", 1, 0, 2));
            var wMode   = new[] { "Low (Fast Casting)", "Medium", "High (Slow Casting)" };

            wslider.DisplayName = wMode[wslider.CurrentValue];

            wslider.OnValueChange +=
                delegate(ValueBase <int> sender, ValueBase <int> .ValueChangeArgs changeArgs)
                sender.DisplayName = wMode[changeArgs.NewValue];
            SpellMenu.AddGroupLabel("E Hitchance");
            var eslider = SpellMenu.Add("hE", new Slider("E HitChance", 2, 0, 2));
            var eMode   = new[] { "Low (Fast Casting)", "Medium", "High (Slow Casting)" };

            eslider.DisplayName = eMode[eslider.CurrentValue];

            eslider.OnValueChange +=
                delegate(ValueBase <int> sender, ValueBase <int> .ValueChangeArgs changeArgs)
                sender.DisplayName = eMode[changeArgs.NewValue];
Beispiel #10
 public AutoLeveler()
     AutoLevelMenu = VolatileMenu.AddSubMenu("AutoLeveler", "autoleveler", "Volatile Automatic Spell Leveler");
     AutoLevelMenu.AddLabel("Auto-Leveler will automatically level your spells in the set priority");
     AutoLevelMenu.Add("autolevel", new CheckBox("Use Auto-Leveler"));
     AutoLevelMenu.Add("s1", new Slider("R", 4, 1, 4)).OnValueChange +=
     AutoLevelMenu.Add("s2", new Slider("Q", 1, 1, 4)).OnValueChange +=
     AutoLevelMenu.Add("s3", new Slider("Q", 1, 1, 4)).OnValueChange +=
     AutoLevelMenu.Add("s4", new Slider("Q", 1, 1, 4)).OnValueChange +=
     AutoLevelMenu.Add("start", new Slider("Start Auto-Leveler at level: ", 2, 1, 6));
Beispiel #11
 public ManaManager()
     MmMenu = VolatileMenu.AddSubMenu("Mana Manager (beta)", "manamanager", "Volatile Mana Manager (beta)");
         "Mana Manager will make sure you dont use a lower priority spell if it doesnt leave you" +
         Environment.NewLine +
         "with enough mana for higher priority spells.");
     MmMenu.Add("manamanager", new CheckBox("Use Mana Manager", false));
     MmMenu.Add("s1", new Slider("R", 4, 1, 4)).OnValueChange +=
     MmMenu.Add("s2", new Slider("Q", 1, 1, 4)).OnValueChange +=
     MmMenu.Add("s3", new Slider("Q", 1, 1, 4)).OnValueChange +=
     MmMenu.Add("s4", new Slider("Q", 1, 1, 4)).OnValueChange +=
Beispiel #12
        private static void InitializeMenu()
            SpellMenu = VolatileMenu.AddSubMenu("Spell Menu", "spellmenu");

            SpellMenu.AddGroupLabel("Q Settings");
            SpellMenu.Add("qtc", new CheckBox("Use Q in Combo"));
            SpellMenu.Add("qth", new CheckBox("Use Q in Harass"));
            SpellMenu.Add("intq", new CheckBox("Interrupt Spells with Q"));
            SpellMenu.Add("qtlh", new CheckBox("Last Hit with Q"));
            SpellMenu.Add("peel", new CheckBox("Peel from Melee Champions"));
            SpellMenu.Add("qonimmo", new CheckBox("Auto Q on Immobile Targets"));
            SpellMenu.AddLabel("Never Bind");
            foreach (var hero in EntityManager.Heroes.Enemies)
                SpellMenu.Add("dontbind" + hero.ChampionName.ToLower(),
                              TargetSelector.GetPriority(hero) <= 2
                        ? new CheckBox(hero.ChampionName)
                        : new CheckBox(hero.ChampionName, false));

            SpellMenu.AddGroupLabel("W Settings");
            SpellMenu.Add("wtc", new CheckBox("Use W in Combo"));
            SpellMenu.Add("wonimmo", new CheckBox("Auto W on Immobile Targets"));

            SpellMenu.AddGroupLabel("E Settings");
            SpellMenu.Add("autoe", new CheckBox("Auto E"));
            foreach (var obj in ObjectManager.Get <AIHeroClient>().Where(obj => obj.Team == Player.Team))
                SpellMenu.Add("shield" + obj.ChampionName.ToLower(), new CheckBox("Shield " + obj.ChampionName));
            SpellMenu.Add("antigapcloser", new CheckBox("Anti Gapcloser E"));

            SpellMenu.AddGroupLabel("R Settings");
            SpellMenu.Add("rtks", new CheckBox("Use R Finisher", false));
            SpellMenu.Add("rcmode", new Slider("ComboMode - Q->E->R", 0, 0, 1)).OnValueChange +=
            SpellMenu.Add("ramount", new Slider("Enemies in range", 2, 1, 5)).IsVisible = false;

            SpellMenu.AddGroupLabel("Other Settings");
            SpellMenu.Add("support", new CheckBox("Support Mode (Disable Minion Hit)", false));
Beispiel #13
        private static void InitializeMenu()
            SpellMenu = VolatileMenu.AddSubMenu("Spell Menu", "spellmenu");

            SpellMenu.AddGroupLabel("Q Settings");
            SpellMenu.Add("qtc", new CheckBox("Use Q in Combo"));
            SpellMenu.Add("qth", new CheckBox("Use Q in Harass"));
            SpellMenu.Add("qtl", new CheckBox("Use Q in Laneclear"));
            SpellMenu.Add("ksq", new CheckBox("Use Q to Killsteal"));

            SpellMenu.AddGroupLabel("W Settings");
            SpellMenu.Add("wtc", new CheckBox("Use W in Combo"));
            SpellMenu.Add("peel", new CheckBox("Peel from Melee Enemies"));

            SpellMenu.AddGroupLabel("E Settings");
            SpellMenu.Add("etc", new CheckBox("Use E in Combo"));

            SpellMenu.AddGroupLabel("R Settings");
            SpellMenu.Add("rtc", new CheckBox("Use R in Combo"));
            SpellMenu.Add("autoult", new CheckBox("Auto Ult"));
            SpellMenu.Add("auamount", new Slider("Minimum enemies hit to Auto R", 3, 1, 5));
Beispiel #14
        private static void InitializeMenu()
            SpellMenu = VolatileMenu.AddSubMenu("Spell Menu", "spellmenu");

            SpellMenu.AddGroupLabel("Q Settings");
            SpellMenu.Add("qtc", new CheckBox("Use Q in Combo"));
            SpellMenu.Add("qth", new CheckBox("Use Q to Harass"));
            SpellMenu.Add("qath", new CheckBox("Use Q in Auto Harass"));
            SpellMenu.Add("qtl", new CheckBox("Use Q to LaneClear"));
            SpellMenu.Add("qtlh", new CheckBox("Use Q to Lasthit"));
            SpellMenu.Add("qtks", new CheckBox("Use Q to Killsteal"));

            SpellMenu.AddGroupLabel("W Settings");
            SpellMenu.Add("wtd", new CheckBox("Use W to Dodge"));
            SpellMenu.Add("wtdhp", new Slider("Minimum Health % to W Dodge", 15));
            SpellMenu.Add("wgptc", new CheckBox("Use W to AntiGapclose"));
            SpellMenu.Add("wgphp", new Slider("Minimum Health % to W Antigapcloser", 10));

            SpellMenu.AddGroupLabel("E Settings");
            SpellMenu.Add("etc", new CheckBox("Use E in Combo"));
            SpellMenu.Add("eth", new CheckBox("Use E to Harass"));
            SpellMenu.Add("etl", new CheckBox("Use E to Laneclear"));
            SpellMenu.Add("eath", new CheckBox("Use E in Auto Harass"));
            SpellMenu.Add("etks", new CheckBox("Use E to Killsteal"));
            //SpellMenu.Add("autostack", new CheckBox("Auto Stack", false));
            //SpellMenu.Add("autostackhp", new Slider("Minimum Automatic E Stack HP", 25));

            SpellMenu.AddGroupLabel("R Settings");
            SpellMenu.Add("rtc", new CheckBox("Use R in Combo"));
            SpellMenu.Add("ramount", new Slider("Minimum enemies hit to Combo R", 2, 1, 5));
            SpellMenu.Add("autor", new CheckBox("Auto R"));
            SpellMenu.Add("aramount", new Slider("Minimum enemies hit to Auto R", 3, 1, 5));

            SpellMenu.AddGroupLabel("Other Settings");
            SpellMenu.Add("ahs", new CheckBox("Auto Harass Toggle"));
Beispiel #15
        private static void InitializeMenu()
            SpellMenu = VolatileMenu.AddSubMenu("Spell Menu", "spellmenu");

            SpellMenu.AddGroupLabel("Q Settings");
            SpellMenu.Add("qtc", new CheckBox("Use Q in Combo"));
            SpellMenu.Add("qth", new CheckBox("Use Q in Harass"));
            SpellMenu.Add("qontop", new CheckBox("Auto Q top priority target(common ts)"));
            SpellMenu.Add("qonimmo", new CheckBox("Auto Q on Immobile Targets"));
            SpellMenu.AddLabel("Never Grab");
            foreach (var hero in EntityManager.Heroes.Enemies)
                SpellMenu.Add("dontgrab" + hero.ChampionName.ToLower(),
                              TargetSelector.GetPriority(hero) <= 2
                        ? new CheckBox(hero.ChampionName)
                        : new CheckBox(hero.ChampionName, false));

            SpellMenu.AddGroupLabel("W Settings");
            SpellMenu.Add("wtc", new CheckBox("Use W in Combo", false));
            SpellMenu.Add("wtj", new CheckBox("Use W to clear jungle", false));
            SpellMenu.Add("wtpush", new CheckBox("Use W to push towers and clear wards faster"));

            SpellMenu.AddGroupLabel("E Settings");
            SpellMenu.Add("etc", new CheckBox("Use E in Combo"));
            SpellMenu.Add("eth", new CheckBox("Use E in Harass"));
            SpellMenu.Add("etj", new CheckBox("Use E to clear jungle", false));
            SpellMenu.Add("etpush", new CheckBox("Use E to push towers and clear wards faster"));

            SpellMenu.AddGroupLabel("R Settings");
            SpellMenu.Add("rtks", new CheckBox("Use R Finisher", false));
            SpellMenu.Add("rcmode", new Slider("ComboMode - Q->E->R", 0, 0, 2)).OnValueChange +=
            SpellMenu.Add("ramount", new Slider("Enemies in range", 2, 1, 5)).IsVisible = false;
Beispiel #16
 public static void MenuInit()
     CastMenu = VolatileMenu.AddSubMenu("Cast Manager", "castmenu", "Volatile CastManager");
     CastMenu.AddGroupLabel("Target Manager");
     CastMenu.Add("chosenignores", new CheckBox("Ignore all other champions if Selected Target", false));
     CastMenu.AddGroupLabel("HitChance Settings");
     if (QChance != null)
         CastMenu.Add("q", new Slider("Q", 1, 0, 2)).OnValueChange += OnSliderChange;
     if (WChance != null)
         CastMenu.Add("w", new Slider("W", 1, 0, 2)).OnValueChange += OnSliderChange;
     if (EChance != null)
         CastMenu.Add("e", new Slider("E", 1, 0, 2)).OnValueChange += OnSliderChange;
     if (RChance != null)
         CastMenu.Add("r", new Slider("R", 1, 0, 2)).OnValueChange += OnSliderChange;