public async Task <ServiceResponse <bool> > AllocateBuses(VehicleAllocationDTO queryDto)
            return(await HandleApiOperationAsync(async() => {
                var result = await _vehicleService.AllocateBuses(queryDto);

                return new ServiceResponse <bool>
                    Object = result
Beispiel #2
        public async Task <bool> SendAllocateMessage(VehicleAllocationDTO queryDto)
            string ComposedDetail = "";
            string joined         = "";
            string DRegNumber     = "";
            string NewL           = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode("<br />");

            IQueryable <VehicleAllocationDTO> Terminal = null;

            // Reset All assigned Vehicle location to Benin
            if (queryDto.Type == 3)
                var vehicleinfo = from vvehicle in _vehicleRepo.GetAll()
                                  select new VehicleAllocationDTO
                    RegistrationNumber = vvehicle.RegistrationNumber,
                    LocationId         = vvehicle.LocationId,
                    DriverId           = vvehicle.DriverId,
                    Id = vvehicle.Id
                foreach (var detail in vehicleinfo)
                    int id      = Convert.ToInt32("25");
                    var vehicle = await _vehicleRepo.GetAsync(detail.Id);

                    vehicle.LocationId = id;
                    vehicle.Status     = VehicleStatus.Idle;
                    await _unitOfWork.SaveChangesAsync();
                //send sms to a specified terminal after assigning of vehicles
                if (queryDto.Type == 2)
                    Terminal = from terminal in _terminalRepo.GetAll().Where(x => x.Id == queryDto.LocationId)
                               select new VehicleAllocationDTO
                        TerminalId      = terminal.Id,
                        ContactPersonNo = terminal.ContactPersonNo,
                        TerminalName    = terminal.Name
                //send sms to all terminals after assigning of vehicles
                else if (queryDto.Type == 1)
                {   //var newInClause = new string[] { "26", "16", "30" }.Where(x => x.LocationId == 26 || x.LocationId == 16 || x.LocationId == 30 );
                    Terminal = from terminal in _terminalRepo.GetAll().Where(x => x.TerminalType == TerminalType.Physical)
                               select new VehicleAllocationDTO
                        TerminalId      = terminal.Id,
                        ContactPersonNo = terminal.ContactPersonNo,
                        TerminalName    = terminal.Name
                foreach (var item in Terminal)
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.ContactPersonNo))
                        var vehicleinfo = from vehicle in _vehicleRepo.GetAll()
                                          //join driverinfo  in _driversvc.GetAll() on vehicle.DriverId equals driverinfo.Id
                                          where (vehicle.LocationId == item.TerminalId)
                                          select new VehicleAllocationDTO
                            RegistrationNumber = vehicle.RegistrationNumber,
                            //Details = vehicle.RegistrationNumber + " - " + driverinfo.Name,
                            DriverId = vehicle.DriverId

                        StringBuilder AllDetails = new StringBuilder();
                        foreach (var detail in vehicleinfo)
                            DRegNumber = detail.RegistrationNumber.ToString();
                            var Dname = await _driversvc.GetDriverById(detail.DriverId);

                            string ShortDname = "";
                            if (detail.DriverId == 497)
                                ShortDname = "N/A";
                                ShortDname = Dname.Name.ToString();
                            ComposedDetail = "  " + DRegNumber + " - " + ShortDname;
                            AllDetails.Append(string.Format("{0};", ComposedDetail));
                            AllDetails.Append("\r\n").Replace(System.Environment.NewLine, "\r\n");
                            //joined = string.Join(",", ComposedDetail);
                        string smsMessageb = $"Vehicles allocated are \r\n" + AllDetails.ToString();
                        await SendSMS(item.ContactPersonNo, smsMessageb);

Beispiel #3
        public async Task <bool> AllocateBuses(VehicleAllocationDTO queryDto)
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(queryDto.Type.ToString()) && queryDto.Type.ToString() != "0")
                await SendAllocateMessage(queryDto);
                string   AllRegs       = queryDto.RegistrationNumber;
                string[] AllRegsvalues = AllRegs.Split(',');
                dynamic  test          = AllRegsvalues;
                foreach (var item in AllRegsvalues)
                    if (item == "")
                    else if (item != null)
                        int id      = Convert.ToInt32(item.ToString());
                        var vehicle = await _vehicleRepo.GetAsync(id);

                        vehicle.VehicleModel = await _vehicleModelRepo.GetAsync(vehicle.VehicleModelId);

                        var email = await _userSvc.FindByNameAsync(_serviceHelper.GetCurrentUserEmail());

                        queryDto.Email     = email.Email;
                        vehicle.LocationId = queryDto.LocationId;
                        vehicle.Status     = VehicleStatus.Idle; //new

                        var check = _vehicleAlloRepo.GetAll().Where(s => s.VehicleId == vehicle.Id && s.TransactionDate.Date == DateTime.UtcNow.Date);

                        if (check.Count() != 0)
                            check.FirstOrDefault().TransactionDate     = DateTime.Now;
                            check.FirstOrDefault().DestinationTerminal = vehicle.LocationId;

                            await _unitOfWork.SaveChangesAsync();

                        else if (check.Count() == 0)
                            _vehicleAlloRepo.Insert(new VehicleAllocationDetailModel
                                VehicleId           = vehicle.Id,
                                DriverId            = vehicle.DriverId,
                                VehicleName         = vehicle.VehicleModel.Name,
                                DestinationTerminal = vehicle.LocationId,
                                UserEmail           = queryDto.Email,
                                TransactionDate     = DateTime.Now,
                                CreatorUserId       = _serviceHelper.GetCurrentUserId(),

                        await _unitOfWork.SaveChangesAsync();