Beispiel #1
        public void calc()
            int len = Barray.Length;
            // table phid-fz
            Vector <double> Fz_vector      = mybuilder.Dense(len, i => Harray[i] * lz);
            Vector <double> phid_Fz_vector = mybuilder.Dense(len, i => Barray[i] * Sz + Fz_vector[i] * Pslot);

            // table phid-fy
            Vector <double> Fy_vector      = mybuilder.Dense(len, i => Harray[i] * ly);
            Vector <double> phid_Fy_vector = mybuilder.Dense(len, i => Barray[i] * Sy);

            // reshape phid-fy, using interpolation to create new vector corresponding with phid_fy = phid_fz
            Vector <double> phid_vector = mybuilder.DenseOfVector(phid_Fz_vector);//same phid table for all

            LinearSpline    ls           = LinearSpline.Interpolate(phid_Fy_vector.ToArray(), Fy_vector.ToArray());
            Vector <double> eqvFy_vector = mybuilder.Dense(len, i => ls.Interpolate(phid_vector[i]));

            // table f_phid
            Vector <double> f_phid = mybuilder.Dense(len, i => phid_vector[i] / Pd + Fz_vector[i] + eqvFy_vector[i] - (phiR - phiHFe - phid_vector[i]) / (PM + PFe + Pb));

            // calc phiD
            ls    = LinearSpline.Interpolate(f_phid.ToArray(), phid_vector.ToArray());
            phiD  = ls.Interpolate(0);
            FM    = (phiR - phiHFe - phiD) / (PM + PFe + Pb);
            phib  = FM * Pb;
            phiFe = phiHFe + FM * PFe;
            phiM  = phiD + phib + phiFe;

            ls = LinearSpline.Interpolate(phid_vector.ToArray(), Fz_vector.ToArray());
            Fz = ls.Interpolate(phiD);
            ls = LinearSpline.Interpolate(phid_vector.ToArray(), eqvFy_vector.ToArray());
            Fy = ls.Interpolate(phiD);
        private static Vector <double> Euler(string assignmentPath, double tmax, double T, Vector <double> start,
                                             Matrix <double> A,
                                             Matrix <double> B, Func <double, double> r, bool verbose = false, bool saveToFile = false)
            Console.WriteLine($"\nEULER(tmax: {tmax}, T: {T}, start: [{string.Join(' ', start.ToArray())}])");
            var time = new List <double> {
            var data = new List <Vector <double> > {
            var pendulumData = new List <Vector <double> > {
            var x = VectorBuilder.DenseOfVector(start);
            var cumulativeError = VectorBuilder.Dense(A.RowCount);

            for (var t = T; t <= tmax; t += T)
                var pendulum = Generator.GeneratePendulum(start, t);
                x += T * (A * x + B * VectorBuilder.Dense(new[] { r(t - T), r(t - T) }));

                cumulativeError += Vector <double> .Abs(x - pendulum);

                if (verbose)
                        $"t: {t:F2} -- x: [{string.Join(' ', x.ToArray())}] -- pendulum: {string.Join(' ', pendulum.ToArray())}]");


            Console.WriteLine($"Cumulative error: [{string.Join(' ', cumulativeError.ToArray())}]");

            if (saveToFile)
                FileHelper.WriteToFile(time, data, assignmentPath, pendulumData);

        public override void RunAnalysis()
            int len = Barray.Length;
            // table phid-fz
            Vector <double> Fz_vector      = mybuilder.Dense(len, i => Harray[i] * lz);
            Vector <double> phid_Fz_vector = mybuilder.Dense(len, i => Barray[i] * Sz + Fz_vector[i] * Pslot);

            // table phid-fy
            Vector <double> Fy_vector      = mybuilder.Dense(len, i => Harray[i] * ly);
            Vector <double> phid_Fy_vector = mybuilder.Dense(len, i => Barray[i] * Sy);

            // reshape phid-fy, using interpolation to create new vector corresponding with phid_fy = phid_fz
            Vector <double> phid_vector = mybuilder.DenseOfVector(phid_Fz_vector);//same phid table for all

            LinearSpline    ls           = LinearSpline.Interpolate(phid_Fy_vector.ToArray(), Fy_vector.ToArray());
            Vector <double> eqvFy_vector = mybuilder.Dense(len, i => ls.Interpolate(phid_vector[i]));

            // table f_phid
            Vector <double> f_phid = mybuilder.Dense(len, i => phid_vector[i] / Pd + Fz_vector[i] + eqvFy_vector[i] - (phiR - phiHFe - phid_vector[i]) / (PM + PFe + Pb));

            var Results = new PMAnalyticalResults();

            Results.Analyser = this;
            this.Results     = Results;

            // calc phiD
            ls = LinearSpline.Interpolate(f_phid.ToArray(), phid_vector.ToArray());
            double phiD  = ls.Interpolate(0);
            double FM    = (phiR - phiHFe - phiD) / (PM + PFe + Pb);
            double phib  = FM * Pb;
            double phiFe = phiHFe + FM * PFe;
            double phiM  = phiD + phib + phiFe;

            ls = LinearSpline.Interpolate(phid_vector.ToArray(), Fz_vector.ToArray());
            double Fz = ls.Interpolate(phiD);

            ls = LinearSpline.Interpolate(phid_vector.ToArray(), eqvFy_vector.ToArray());
            double Fy = ls.Interpolate(phiD);

            double Bdelta = phiD / (L * wd * 1e-6);
            double BM     = phiM / (L * wm * 1e-6);
            double HM     = FM / (lm * 1e-3);
            double pc     = phiM / (PM * FM);

            double Bz = phiD / Sz;
            double By = phiD / Sy;

            double Vz   = Sz * lz;
            double Vy   = Sy * ly;
            double ro_  = 7800;//kg/m^3 - specific weight
            double kPMz = 1.3 * Bz * Bz * ro_ * Vz;
            double kPMy = 1.3 * By * By * ro_ * Vy;

            Results.kPMz = kPMz;
            Results.kPMy = kPMy;

            // assign results
            Results.phiD   = phiD;
            Results.Bdelta = Bdelta;
            Results.phiM   = phiM;
            Results.BM     = BM;
            Results.FM     = FM;
            Results.HM     = HM;
            Results.pc     = pc;
            Results.phib   = phib;
            Results.phiFe  = phiFe;
            Results.Fz     = Fz;
            Results.Fy     = Fy;
            Results.Bz     = Bz;
            Results.By     = By;
            Results.wd     = wd;
            Results.gammaM = gammaM;

            int    q  = Q / 3 / p / 2;
            double kp = Math.Sin(Math.PI / (2 * 3)) / (q * Math.Sin(Math.PI / (2 * 3 * q)));

            //Results.psiM = phiD * Nstrand * p * q * kp /*4 / Math.PI * Math.Sin(gammaM / 2 * Math.PI / 180)*/;

            // Ld, Lq

            //double In = 3;//Ampe whatever
            //double Fmm = q * kp * Nstrand * In;
            //double phidelta = (Fmm) / (1 / PMd + Fz / phiD + Fy / phiD) / 2;//2time,PMd=PM+Pdelta
            //double psi = phidelta * q * kp * Nstrand;
            //double LL = p * psi / In;

            //Results.LL = LL;
            //Results.Ld = 1.5 * LL;//M=-1/2L

            //phidelta = (Fmm) / (1 / PMq + Fz / phiD + Fy / phiD) / 2;//
            //psi = phidelta * q * kp * Nstrand;
            //LL = p * psi / In;
            //Results.Lq = 1.5 * LL;

            // Resistant
            Stator3Phase stator = Motor.Stator as Stator3Phase;

            Results.R = stator.resistancePhase;

            double delta2 = delta * 1.1;
            double ns     = 4 / Math.PI * kp * stator.NStrands * q;
            double dmin   = delta2;
            double alphaM = Motor.Rotor is VPMRotor ? (Motor.Rotor as VPMRotor).alphaM : 180;
            //double dmax = delta2 + lm / Math.Sin(alphaM);
            double dmax = delta2 + Constants.mu_0 * L * wd * 1e-3 * (1 / (PM + PFe + Pb) + Fy / phiD + Fz / phiD);//* wd / wm2 * ((VPMRotor)Motor.Rotor).mu_M;
            //double dmax = L * wd * 1e-3 * Constants.mu_0 / PMd;
            //double dmin2 = 1 / Math.PI * ((180 - gammaM) * dmin + gammaM * dmax) * Math.PI / 180 - 2 / Math.PI * Math.Sin(gammaM * Math.PI / 180) * (dmax - dmin);
            //double dmax2 = 1 / Math.PI * ((180 - gammaM) * dmin + gammaM * dmax) * Math.PI / 180 + 2 / Math.PI * Math.Sin(gammaM * Math.PI / 180) * (dmax - dmin);
            //double a1 = 0.5 * (1 / dmin2 + 1 / dmax2) * 1e3;
            //double a2 = 0.5 * (1 / dmin2 - 1 / dmax2) * 1e3;
            //double a1 = 0.5 * (dmin + dmax) / (dmin * dmax) * 1e3;
            //double a2 = 0.5 * (dmax - dmin) / (dmin * dmax) * 1e3;

            // test override

            double gm = gammaM * Math.PI / 180;
            double a1 = 1 / Math.PI * (gm / dmax + (Math.PI - gm) / dmin) * 1e3;
            double a2 = -2 / Math.PI * Math.Sin(gm) * (1 / dmax - 1 / dmin) * 1e3;
            double L1 = (ns / 2) * (ns / 2) * Math.PI * Motor.Rotor.RGap * Motor.GeneralParams.MotorLength * 1e-6 * a1 * 4 * Math.PI * 1e-7;
            double L2 = 0.5 * (ns / 2) * (ns / 2) * Math.PI * Motor.Rotor.RGap * Motor.GeneralParams.MotorLength * 1e-6 * a2 * 4 * Math.PI * 1e-7;

            Results.dmin = dmin;
            Results.dmax = dmax;
            Results.L1   = L1;
            Results.L2   = L2;
            Results.Ld   = 1.5 * (L1 - L2);
            Results.Lq   = 1.5 * (L1 + L2);

            double psim = 2 * Math.Sin(gammaM * Math.PI / 180 / 2) * ns * Bdelta * Motor.Rotor.RGap * Motor.GeneralParams.MotorLength * 1e-6;

            Results.psiM = psim;

            // current demagnetizing
            //Results.Ikm = 2 * phiR / PM / (kp * Nstrand * q); //old
            double hck = Motor.Rotor is VPMRotor ? (Motor.Rotor as VPMRotor).Hck : 0;

            Results.Ikm = Math.PI * (hck - HM) * lm * 1e-3 / (2 * q * Nstrand * kp);

            dataValid = (Results.Ld > 0 && Results.Lq > 0 && Results.psiM >= 0 && gm > 0);