Beispiel #1
        // delete a user account and all history: comments, posts and votes
        public static bool DeleteUser(string userName)
            using (whoaverseEntities db = new whoaverseEntities())
                using (UserManager<ApplicationUser> tmpUserManager = new UserManager<ApplicationUser>(new UserStore<ApplicationUser>(new ApplicationDbContext())))
                    var tmpuser = tmpUserManager.FindByName(userName);
                    if (tmpuser != null)
                        //remove voting history for submisions
                        db.Votingtrackers.RemoveRange(db.Votingtrackers.Where(x => x.UserName == userName));

                        //remove voting history for comments
                        db.Commentvotingtrackers.RemoveRange(db.Commentvotingtrackers.Where(x => x.UserName == userName));

                        //remove all comments
                        var comments = db.Comments.Where(c => c.Name == userName);
                        foreach (Comment c in comments)
                            c.Name = "deleted";
                            c.CommentContent = "deleted";

                        //remove all submissions
                        var submissions = db.Messages.Where(c => c.Name == userName);
                        foreach (Message s in submissions)
                            if (s.Type == 1)
                                s.Name = "deleted";
                                s.MessageContent = "deleted";
                                s.Title = "deleted";
                                s.Name = "deleted";
                                s.Linkdescription = "deleted";
                                s.MessageContent = "";

                        var result = tmpUserManager.DeleteAsync(tmpuser);
                        return true;
                        return false;

        public async Task RemoveTenantSampleData(MyHealthContext context, UserManager<ApplicationUser> userManager, int tenantId)
            if (context.Tenants.Any(t => t.TenantId == tenantId))
                context.HomeAppointments.RemoveRange(context.HomeAppointments.Where(t => t.TenantId == tenantId));
                context.ClinicAppointments.RemoveRange(context.ClinicAppointments.Where(t => t.TenantId == tenantId));
                context.Medicines.RemoveRange(context.Medicines.Where(t => t.TenantId == tenantId));

                var usersToDelete = context.Users.Where(t => t.TenantId == tenantId).ToList();

                foreach (var user in usersToDelete)
                    await userManager.DeleteAsync(user);

                context.Tenants.Remove(context.Tenants.FirstOrDefault(t => t.TenantId == tenantId));
                await context.SaveChangesAsync();
 public void DeleteUserByID(string userID)
         var userMgr = new UserManager<ApplicationUser>(new UserStore<ApplicationUser>(context1));
         var userToDelete = userMgr.FindById(userID);
     catch (OptimisticConcurrencyException ocex)
         throw ocex;
     catch (ArgumentNullException argex)
         throw argex;
     catch (Exception ex)
         throw ex;
        public Boolean delete()
            //delete from user table
            String deleteUserID = Request.Params["id"];
            int id = int.Parse(deleteUserID);
            IRepository<User> repository = new UserRepository();
            User deletedUser = repository.findById(id);
            if (deletedUser == null)
                return false;

            //delete from asp.netUser table
            var context = new NetCafeWeb.Models.ApplicationDbContext();
            var UserManager = new UserManager<NetCafeWeb.Models.ApplicationUser>(new UserStore<NetCafeWeb.Models.ApplicationUser>(context));
            ApplicationUser aspSelectedUser = context.Users.Where(u => u.UserName.Equals((deletedUser.UserName), StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)).FirstOrDefault();


            return true;
Beispiel #5
        public virtual async Task <IdentityResult> DeleteUserAsync(string userId)
            var userIdentity = await UserManager.FindByIdAsync(userId);

            return(await UserManager.DeleteAsync(userIdentity));
Beispiel #6
        public async Task <IActionResult> OnPostAsync(string returnUrl = null)
            returnUrl = returnUrl ?? Url.Content("~/");

            InputLogin    = new InputModelLogin();
            InputRegister = new InputModelRegister();

            // Username and password from phone number
            InputLogin.Username           = InputModel.PhoneNumber;
            InputLogin.Password           = InputModel.PhoneNumber;
            InputRegister.UserName        = InputModel.PhoneNumber;
            InputRegister.Password        = InputModel.PhoneNumber;
            InputRegister.FullPhoneNumber = InputModel.PhoneNumber;

            // try login
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                var result = await _signInManager.PasswordSignInAsync(InputLogin.Username, InputLogin.Password, false, lockoutOnFailure : true);

                if (result.Succeeded)
                    // try verify
                    var user = new ApplicationUser {
                        UserName = InputRegister.UserName, PhoneNumber = InputRegister.FullPhoneNumber

                    HttpContext.Session.SetString("_UserId", user.Id);
                    await _signInManager.PasswordSignInAsync(InputRegister.UserName, InputRegister.Password, false, lockoutOnFailure : true);


                if (result.IsLockedOut)

                // try register
                var userRegister = new ApplicationUser {
                    UserName = InputRegister.UserName, PhoneNumber = InputRegister.FullPhoneNumber
                var resultRegister = await _userManager.CreateAsync(userRegister, InputRegister.Password);

                if (resultRegister.Succeeded)
                    HttpContext.Session.SetString("_UserId", userRegister.Id);
                    await _signInManager.PasswordSignInAsync(InputRegister.UserName, InputRegister.Password, false, lockoutOnFailure : true);


                    await _userManager.DeleteAsync(userRegister);
                foreach (var error in resultRegister.Errors)
                    ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, error.Description);

            // If we got this far, something failed, redisplay form
Beispiel #7
        public async Task <(bool Succeeded, string[] Errors)> DeleteUserAsync(AppUser user)
            var result = await _userManager.DeleteAsync(user);

            return(result.Succeeded, result.Errors.Select(e => e.Description).ToArray());
Beispiel #8
 public async Task<bool> Delete(Guid id)
     return (await _um.DeleteAsync(await _um.FindByIdAsync(id.ToString()))).Succeeded;
Beispiel #9
        public async Task <Result> DeleteUserAsync(ApplicationUser user)
            var result = await _userManager.DeleteAsync(user);

        public async Task<ActionResult> DeleteAccount()
            // get the user to delete from the claims principle.
            var user = await _userManager.FindByNameAsync(User.GetUsername());

            // 1. Delete all their photos
            var photos = await _unitOfWork.PhotoRepository.GetUsersPhotos(user.UserName);
            if (photos.Count() > 0)
                foreach (var photo in photos)
                    // remove from cloudinary
                    if (photo.PublicId != null)
                        var r = await _photoService.DeletePhotoAsync(photo.PublicId);
                        if (r.Error != null) return BadRequest(r.Error.Message);
                    // tell EF to track for removal from db

            // 2. Delete all messages that are connected to them
            var allMessages = await _unitOfWork.MessageRepository.GetAllUsersMessages(user.UserName);
            if (allMessages.Count() > 0)
                // no need to check if sender deleted or recipient deleted here. Just delete it no matter what.
                // TODO: in the future see if you can keep the message history, like facebook does with deleted/deactivated profiles. For now, delete the entire profile and all messages.

            // 3. Delete their message groups and any remaining connections on that group (should remove automatically when they leave a hub)
            // but in case there are any existing hubs with this username and connection.
            var groups = await _unitOfWork.MessageRepository.GetMessageGroupsByUsername(user.UserName);
            if (groups.Count() > 0)
                // Delete connections associated with the group (revisit this)
                foreach (var group in groups)
                    var connection = group.Connections.FirstOrDefault();
                    if (connection != null)
                // after deleting connections associated with the username, delete the message groups.

            // 4. Now, use ASPNET Identity. Delete their roles.
            var userRoles = await _userManager.GetRolesAsync(user);
            if (userRoles.Count() > 0)
                // Then remove the user from all roles.
                var deleteRolesResult = await _userManager.RemoveFromRolesAsync(user, userRoles);
                if (!deleteRolesResult.Succeeded) return BadRequest("Encountered an error while trying to delete your account.");

            // 5...and finally delete the user.
            var result = await _userManager.DeleteAsync(user);
            // ASPNET identity takes care of saving the db changes for us
            // if it didn't succeed, return bad request
            if (!result.Succeeded) return BadRequest("Encountered an error while trying to delete your account.");

            // check if _unitOfWork has changes (other than ASPNET Identity)
            if (_unitOfWork.HasChanges())
                // save if the changes exist
                if (await _unitOfWork.Complete()) return Ok();
                // if issues with this, return bad request
                return BadRequest("Encountered an error while trying to delete your account.");
            // if we make it here, no EF changes were made. Delete was successful.
            return Ok();
Beispiel #11
 public async Task <IdentityResult> DeleteUserAsync(AppUser entity)
     return(await _userManager.DeleteAsync(entity));
Beispiel #12
 public async Task DeleteUser(ApplicationIdentityUser user)
     await _userManager.DeleteAsync(user);
Beispiel #13
        public async Task <IdentityResult> DeleteUser(RelationalDatabase.DBEntities.User user)
            var result = await _userManager.DeleteAsync(user);

Beispiel #14
        async public Task <IActionResult> SeedUsers()
            var allUsers = userManager.Users.ToList();

            foreach (var x in allUsers)
                await userManager.DeleteAsync(x);
            ApplicationUser adam = new ApplicationUser {
                UserName = "******", Email = "*****@*****.**"
            ApplicationUser viktor = new ApplicationUser {
                UserName = "******", Email = "*****@*****.**"
            ApplicationUser susan = new ApplicationUser {
                UserName = "******", Email = "*****@*****.**"
            ApplicationUser peter = new ApplicationUser {
                UserName = "******", Email = "*****@*****.**"
            ApplicationUser xerxes = new ApplicationUser {
                UserName = "******", Email = "*****@*****.**"
            await userManager.CreateAsync(adam);

            await userManager.AddClaimAsync(adam, new System.Security.Claims.Claim("role", "administrator"));

            await userManager.CreateAsync(viktor);

            await userManager.AddClaimAsync(viktor, new System.Security.Claims.Claim("role", "subscriber"));

            await userManager.AddClaimAsync(viktor, new System.Security.Claims.Claim("age", "15"));

            await userManager.CreateAsync(susan);

            await userManager.AddClaimAsync(susan, new System.Security.Claims.Claim("role", "subscriber"));

            await userManager.AddClaimAsync(susan, new System.Security.Claims.Claim("age", "48"));

            await userManager.CreateAsync(peter);

            await userManager.AddClaimAsync(peter, new System.Security.Claims.Claim("role", "publisher"));

            await userManager.CreateAsync(xerxes);

            //await userManager.AddClaimAsync(xerxes, new System.Security.Claims.Claim("role", "administrator"));

            //List<ApplicationUser> userList = new List<ApplicationUser>()
            //  new ApplicationUser {UserName="******", Email="*****@*****.**"},
            //  new ApplicationUser {UserName="******", Email="*****@*****.**"},
            //  new ApplicationUser {UserName="******", Email="*****@*****.**"},
            //  new ApplicationUser {UserName="******", Email="*****@*****.**"},
            //  new ApplicationUser {UserName="******", Email="*****@*****.**"}
            //foreach (ApplicationUser applicationUser in userList)
            //    await userManager.CreateAsync(applicationUser);

            // Skapa användare med userManager...


             * foreach (ApplicationUser applicationUser in databaseContext.Users)
             * {
             *  databaseContext.Remove(applicationUser);
             * }
             * List<ApplicationUser> userList = new List<ApplicationUser>()
             * {
             * new ApplicationUser {UserName="******", Email="*****@*****.**"},
             * new ApplicationUser {UserName="******", Email="*****@*****.**"},
             * new ApplicationUser {UserName="******", Email="*****@*****.**"},
             * new ApplicationUser {UserName="******", Email="*****@*****.**"},
             * new ApplicationUser {UserName="******", Email="*****@*****.**"}
             * };
             * foreach (ApplicationUser applicationUser in userList)
             * {
             *  databaseContext.Add(applicationUser);
             * }
             * databaseContext.SaveChanges();
             * return Ok("hej");
Beispiel #15
 //delete employee
 public void DeleteEmployee(string email)
     var manager = new UserManager<ApplicationUser>(new UserStore<ApplicationUser>(new ApplicationDbContext()));
     var user = manager.FindByEmail(email);
     if (user != null) {
     UserManagerExtensions.Delete(manager, user);
        public async Task <IdentityResult> DeleteUserAsync(string userId)
            ApplicationUser user = await _userManager.FindByIdAsync(userId);

            return(await _userManager.DeleteAsync(user));
Beispiel #17
        public async Task <IActionResult> Register([FromBody] RegisterViewModel model, int version)
            if (version == 2)
                return(Response(new { Message = "API V2 não disponível" }));

            var userEF = await _userManager.FindByEmailAsync(model.Email);

            if (userEF != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(userEF.Email))
                return(Response_BadRequest("Já existe usuário cadastrado com o email informado."));

            if (model.FuncionarioId <= 0 && model.ProfissionalId <= 0)
                return(Response_BadRequest("O ID do funcionário ou o ID do profisssional deve ser informado."));

            if (model.FuncionarioId > 0 && model.ProfissionalId > 0)
                return(Response_BadRequest("O ID do funcionário e o ID do profisssional não podem ser informados ao mesmo tempo."));

            if (!ModelState.IsValid)

            userEF = new ApplicationUser {
                UserName = model.Email, Email = model.Email

            var result = await _userManager.CreateAsync(userEF, model.Senha);

            if (result.Succeeded)
                await _userManager.AddClaimAsync(userEF, new Claim("Tipos", "Ler"));

                    var registerCommand = new RegisterAppUserCommand(Guid.Parse(userEF.Id), userEF.Email);
                    await _mediator.SendCommand(registerCommand);

                    if (!InvalidOperation())
                        await _userManager.DeleteAsync(userEF);


                    var usuarioCore_Api = _appUserRepository.GetById(Guid.Parse(userEF.Id));

                    if (usuarioCore_Api == null || usuarioCore_Api.Id != Guid.Parse(userEF.Id))
                        await _userManager.DeleteAsync(userEF);

                        throw new Exception("Couldn't create the user.");

                    _logger.LogInformation(1, "Sucess!");
                    var response = new { Message = "Sucess!", NovoUserID = userEF.Id };
                catch (Exception exc1)
                    await _userManager.DeleteAsync(userEF);

                    var response = new { Message = "Couldn't create the user: " + exc1.Message };
                    //_bugsnag.Notify(new Exception(exc1.Message));
Beispiel #18
        public async Task MergeAccounts(string sourceId, string targetId, bool eraseContent)
            var sourceAccount = (await Records()).First(item => item.Id == sourceId);
            var targetAccount = (await Records()).First(item => item.Id == targetId);

            var updateTasks = new List <Task>();

            var pSourceId = new SqlParameter("@SourceId", sourceId);
            var pTargetId = new SqlParameter("@TargetId", targetId);

            if (eraseContent)
                updateTasks.AddRange(new List <Task> {
                    DbContext.Database.ExecuteSqlCommandAsync($"DELETE FROM [{nameof(ApplicationDbContext.Notifications)}] WHERE {nameof(DataModels.Notification.UserId)} = @SourceId", pSourceId),
                    DbContext.Database.ExecuteSqlCommandAsync($"DELETE FROM [{nameof(ApplicationDbContext.Participants)}] WHERE {nameof(DataModels.Participant.UserId)} = @SourceId", pSourceId),
                    DbContext.Database.ExecuteSqlCommandAsync($"DELETE FROM [{nameof(ApplicationDbContext.Bookmarks)}] WHERE {nameof(DataModels.Bookmark.UserId)} = @SourceId", pSourceId),
                    DbContext.Database.ExecuteSqlCommandAsync($"DELETE FROM [{nameof(ApplicationDbContext.ViewLogs)}] WHERE {nameof(DataModels.ViewLog.UserId)} = @SourceId", pSourceId),
                    DbContext.Database.ExecuteSqlCommandAsync($"DELETE FROM [{nameof(ApplicationDbContext.Quotes)}] WHERE {nameof(DataModels.Quote.PostedById)} = @SourceId", pSourceId),
                    DbContext.Database.ExecuteSqlCommandAsync($"UPDATE [{nameof(ApplicationDbContext.Messages)}] SET {nameof(DataModels.Message.EditedById)} = @TargetId WHERE {nameof(DataModels.Message.EditedById)} = @SourceId", pSourceId, pTargetId),
                    DbContext.Database.ExecuteSqlCommandAsync($"UPDATE [{nameof(ApplicationDbContext.Messages)}] SET {nameof(DataModels.Message.LastReplyById)} = @TargetId WHERE {nameof(DataModels.Message.LastReplyById)} = @SourceId", pSourceId, pTargetId),

					UPDATE [{nameof(ApplicationDbContext.Messages)}] SET
						{nameof(DataModels.Message.PostedById)} = @TargetId,
						{nameof(DataModels.Message.OriginalBody)} = '',
						{nameof(DataModels.Message.DisplayBody)} = 'This account has been deleted.',
						{nameof(DataModels.Message.LongPreview)} = '',
						{nameof(DataModels.Message.ShortPreview)} = '',
						{nameof(DataModels.Message.Cards)} = ''
					WHERE {nameof(DataModels.Message.PostedById)} = @SourceId"                    , pSourceId, pTargetId));
                updateTasks.AddRange(new List <Task> {
                    DbContext.Database.ExecuteSqlCommandAsync($"UPDATE [{nameof(ApplicationDbContext.Notifications)}] SET {nameof(DataModels.Notification.UserId)} = @TargetId WHERE {nameof(DataModels.Notification.UserId)} = @SourceId", pSourceId, pTargetId),
                    DbContext.Database.ExecuteSqlCommandAsync($"UPDATE [{nameof(ApplicationDbContext.Participants)}] SET {nameof(DataModels.Participant.UserId)} = @TargetId WHERE {nameof(DataModels.Participant.UserId)} = @SourceId", pSourceId, pTargetId),
                    DbContext.Database.ExecuteSqlCommandAsync($"UPDATE [{nameof(ApplicationDbContext.Bookmarks)}] SET {nameof(DataModels.Bookmark.UserId)} = @TargetId WHERE {nameof(DataModels.Bookmark.UserId)} = @SourceId", pSourceId, pTargetId),
                    DbContext.Database.ExecuteSqlCommandAsync($"UPDATE [{nameof(ApplicationDbContext.ViewLogs)}] SET {nameof(DataModels.ViewLog.UserId)} = @TargetId WHERE {nameof(DataModels.ViewLog.UserId)} = @SourceId", pSourceId, pTargetId),
                    DbContext.Database.ExecuteSqlCommandAsync($"UPDATE [{nameof(ApplicationDbContext.Quotes)}] SET {nameof(DataModels.Quote.PostedById)} = @TargetId WHERE {nameof(DataModels.Quote.PostedById)} = @SourceId", pSourceId, pTargetId),
                    DbContext.Database.ExecuteSqlCommandAsync($"UPDATE [{nameof(ApplicationDbContext.Messages)}] SET {nameof(DataModels.Message.PostedById)} = @TargetId WHERE {nameof(DataModels.Message.PostedById)} = @SourceId", pSourceId, pTargetId),
                    DbContext.Database.ExecuteSqlCommandAsync($"UPDATE [{nameof(ApplicationDbContext.Messages)}] SET {nameof(DataModels.Message.EditedById)} = @TargetId WHERE {nameof(DataModels.Message.EditedById)} = @SourceId", pSourceId, pTargetId),
                    DbContext.Database.ExecuteSqlCommandAsync($"UPDATE [{nameof(ApplicationDbContext.Messages)}] SET {nameof(DataModels.Message.LastReplyById)} = @TargetId WHERE {nameof(DataModels.Message.LastReplyById)} = @SourceId", pSourceId, pTargetId),

            updateTasks.AddRange(new List <Task> {
                DbContext.Database.ExecuteSqlCommandAsync($"UPDATE [{nameof(ApplicationDbContext.MessageBoards)}] SET {nameof(DataModels.MessageBoard.UserId)} = @TargetId WHERE {nameof(DataModels.MessageBoard.UserId)} = @SourceId", pSourceId, pTargetId),
                DbContext.Database.ExecuteSqlCommandAsync($"UPDATE [{nameof(ApplicationDbContext.MessageThoughts)}] SET {nameof(DataModels.MessageThought.UserId)} = @TargetId WHERE {nameof(DataModels.MessageThought.UserId)} = @SourceId", pSourceId, pTargetId),
                DbContext.Database.ExecuteSqlCommandAsync($"UPDATE [{nameof(ApplicationDbContext.Notifications)}] SET {nameof(DataModels.Notification.TargetUserId)} = @TargetId WHERE {nameof(DataModels.Notification.TargetUserId)} = @SourceId", pSourceId, pTargetId),
                DbContext.Database.ExecuteSqlCommandAsync($"UPDATE [{nameof(ApplicationDbContext.Quotes)}] SET {nameof(DataModels.Quote.SubmittedById)} = @TargetId WHERE {nameof(DataModels.Quote.SubmittedById)} = @SourceId", pSourceId, pTargetId),



            await UserManager.DeleteAsync(sourceAccount);

Beispiel #19
 public async Task <IdentityResult> RemoveAsync(ApplicationUser user)
     return(await _userManager.DeleteAsync(user));
Beispiel #20
        public async Task MudarRole(string email, string cargo, string status, string senha)
            var user2 = await _userManager.FindByEmailAsync(funcionarioAdd.Email);

            if (funcionarioAdd.Email != email && user2 != null)
                var user = await _userManager.FindByEmailAsync(funcionarioAdd.Email);

                user.Email    = email;
                user.UserName = email;

                await _userManager.UpdateAsync(user);

                string cargo1 = "";

                if (funcionarioAdd.Cargo != cargo)
                    var applicationRole = await _roleManager.FindByNameAsync(funcionarioAdd.Cargo);

                    await _userManager.RemoveFromRoleAsync(user, applicationRole.Name);

                    var applicationRole1 = await _roleManager.FindByNameAsync(cargo);

                    if (applicationRole1 != null)
                        await _userManager.AddToRoleAsync(user, applicationRole1.Name);

                    cargo1 = cargo;
                    cargo1 = funcionarioAdd.Cargo;

                if (funcionarioAdd.Status == "Ativo" && status == "Inativo")
                    var user1 = await _userManager.FindByNameAsync(email);

                    var applicationRole = await _roleManager.FindByNameAsync(cargo1);

                    await _userManager.RemoveFromRoleAsync(user, applicationRole.Name);

                    await _userManager.DeleteAsync(user);
                else if (funcionarioAdd.Status == "Inativo" && status == "Ativo")
                    var user1 = new IdentityUser {
                        UserName = email, Email = email

                    if (user1 == null)
                        var result = await _userManager.CreateAsync(user, senha);

                        var applicationRole = await _roleManager.FindByNameAsync(cargo1);

                        if (applicationRole != null)
                            await _userManager.AddToRoleAsync(user1, applicationRole.Name);
            else if (funcionarioAdd.Cargo != cargo)
                var user = await _userManager.FindByNameAsync(funcionarioAdd.Email);

                if (user != null)
                    var applicationRole = await _roleManager.FindByNameAsync(funcionarioAdd.Cargo);

                    await _userManager.RemoveFromRoleAsync(user, applicationRole.Name);

                    var applicationRole1 = await _roleManager.FindByNameAsync(cargo);

                    if (applicationRole1 != null)
                        await _userManager.AddToRoleAsync(user, applicationRole1.Name);
                if (funcionarioAdd.Status == "Ativo" && status == "Inativo")
                    var user = await _userManager.FindByNameAsync(funcionarioAdd.Email);

                    var applicationRole = await _roleManager.FindByNameAsync(funcionarioAdd.Cargo);

                    await _userManager.RemoveFromRoleAsync(user, applicationRole.Name);

                    await _userManager.DeleteAsync(user);
                else if (funcionarioAdd.Status == "Inativo" && status == "Ativo")
                    var user = new IdentityUser {
                        UserName = email, Email = email

                    await _userManager.CreateAsync(user, senha);

                    var applicationRole = await _roleManager.FindByNameAsync(cargo);

                    if (applicationRole != null)
                        await _userManager.AddToRoleAsync(user, applicationRole.Name);
 /// <summary>
 /// Deletes the user by cascading the associated data
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="userId">User Id</param>
 /// <returns>Task</returns>
 public async Task RemoveUser(string userId)
     await userManager.DeleteAsync(userManager.FindById(userId));
Beispiel #22
        public async Task DeleteAsync(string id)
            var user = await _userManager.FindByIdAsync(id);

            await _userManager.DeleteAsync(user);
        public async Task <IActionResult> OnPostAsync(string returnUrl = null)
            returnUrl = returnUrl ?? Url.Content("~/");

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                var user = new IdentityUser {
                    UserName = Input.Email, Email = Input.Email
                var result = await _userManager.CreateAsync(user, Input.Password);

                if (result.Succeeded)
                    var claim = new System.Security.Claims.Claim("Nome", Input.Cliente.Nome);
                    await _userManager.AddClaimAsync(user, claim);

                    await _userManager.AddToRoleAsync(user, "cliente");

                    _logger.LogInformation("User created a new account with password.");
                        Clientes novoCliente = new Clientes
                            Nome       = Input.Cliente.Nome,
                            Email      = Input.Email,
                            UserNameId = user.Id,
                            Morada     = Input.Cliente.Morada,
                            CodPostal  = Input.Cliente.CodPostal,
                            Contacto   = Input.Cliente.Contacto,
                            NIF        = Input.Cliente.NIF

                        await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
                    catch (Exception)
                        await _userManager.RemoveFromRoleAsync(user, "cliente");

                        await _userManager.RemoveClaimAsync(user, claim);

                        await _userManager.DeleteAsync(user);

                        // falta aqui enviar uma mensagem de erro ao utilizador
                        ModelState.AddModelError("Erro", "Não foi possivel efetuar o seu registo.");
                        return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"));

                    if (_userManager.Options.SignIn.RequireConfirmedAccount)
                        return(RedirectToPage("RegisterConfirmation", new { email = Input.Email, returnUrl = returnUrl }));
                        await _signInManager.SignInAsync(user, isPersistent : false);

                foreach (var error in result.Errors)
                    ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, error.Description);

            // If we got this far, something failed, redisplay form
Beispiel #24
        public async Task <IUser> CreateAsync(string email, UserValues?values = null, bool lockAutomatically = false,
                                              CancellationToken ct            = default)

            var user = userFactory.Create(email);

                var isFirst = !userManager.Users.Any();

                await userManager.CreateAsync(user).Throw(log);

                values ??= new UserValues();
                values.Roles ??= new HashSet <string>();

                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(values.DisplayName))
                    values.DisplayName = email;

                if (isFirst)

                await userManager.SyncClaims(user, values).Throw(log);

                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(values.Password))
                    await userManager.AddPasswordAsync(user, values.Password).Throw(log);

                foreach (var role in values.Roles)
                    await userManager.AddToRoleAsync(user, role).Throw(log);

                if (!isFirst && lockAutomatically)
                    await userManager.SetLockoutEndDateAsync(user, LockoutDate()).Throw(log);
            catch (Exception)
                    if (userFactory.IsId(user.Id))
                        await userManager.DeleteAsync(user);
                catch (Exception ex2)
                    log.LogError(ex2, "Failed to cleanup user after creation failed.");


            var resolved = await ResolveAsync(user);

            foreach (var @events in userEvents)
                await @events.OnUserRegisteredAsync(resolved);

            if (HasConsentGiven(values, null !))
                foreach (var @events in userEvents)
                    await @events.OnConsentGivenAsync(resolved);

Beispiel #25
        private async Task <bool> AutoLinkAndSignInExternalAccount(ExternalLoginInfo loginInfo)
            //Here we can check if the provider associated with the request has been configured to allow
            // new users (auto-linked external accounts). This would never be used with public providers such as
            // Google, unless you for some reason wanted anybody to be able to access the backend if they have a Google account
            // .... not likely!

            var authType = OwinContext.Authentication.GetExternalAuthenticationTypes().FirstOrDefault(x => x.AuthenticationType == loginInfo.Login.LoginProvider);

            if (authType == null)
                Logger.Warn <BackOfficeController>("Could not find external authentication provider registered: " + loginInfo.Login.LoginProvider);

            var autoLinkOptions = authType.GetExternalAuthenticationOptions();

            if (autoLinkOptions != null)
                if (autoLinkOptions.ShouldAutoLinkExternalAccount(UmbracoContext, loginInfo))
                    //we are allowing auto-linking/creating of local accounts
                    if (loginInfo.Email.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
                        ViewData[TokenExternalSignInError] = new[] { "The requested provider (" + loginInfo.Login.LoginProvider + ") has not provided an email address, the account cannot be linked." };
                        //Now we need to perform the auto-link, so first we need to lookup/create a user with the email address
                        var foundByEmail = Services.UserService.GetByEmail(loginInfo.Email);
                        if (foundByEmail != null)
                            ViewData[TokenExternalSignInError] = new[] { "A user with this email address already exists locally. You will need to login locally to Umbraco and link this external provider: " + loginInfo.Login.LoginProvider };
                            var defaultUserType = autoLinkOptions.GetDefaultUserType(UmbracoContext, loginInfo);
                            var userType        = Services.UserService.GetUserTypeByAlias(defaultUserType);
                            if (userType == null)
                                ViewData[TokenExternalSignInError] = new[] { "Could not auto-link this account, the specified User Type does not exist: " + defaultUserType };
                                if (loginInfo.Email.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
                                    throw new InvalidOperationException("The Email value cannot be null");
                                if (loginInfo.ExternalIdentity.Name.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
                                    throw new InvalidOperationException("The Name value cannot be null");

                                var autoLinkUser = new BackOfficeIdentityUser()
                                    Email           = loginInfo.Email,
                                    Name            = loginInfo.ExternalIdentity.Name,
                                    UserTypeAlias   = userType.Alias,
                                    AllowedSections = autoLinkOptions.GetDefaultAllowedSections(UmbracoContext, loginInfo),
                                    Culture         = autoLinkOptions.GetDefaultCulture(UmbracoContext, loginInfo),
                                    UserName        = loginInfo.Email

                                //call the callback if one is assigned
                                if (autoLinkOptions.OnAutoLinking != null)
                                    autoLinkOptions.OnAutoLinking(autoLinkUser, loginInfo);

                                var userCreationResult = await UserManager.CreateAsync(autoLinkUser);

                                if (userCreationResult.Succeeded == false)
                                    ViewData[TokenExternalSignInError] = userCreationResult.Errors;
                                    var linkResult = await UserManager.AddLoginAsync(autoLinkUser.Id, loginInfo.Login);

                                    if (linkResult.Succeeded == false)
                                        ViewData[TokenExternalSignInError] = linkResult.Errors;

                                        //If this fails, we should really delete the user since it will be in an inconsistent state!
                                        var deleteResult = await UserManager.DeleteAsync(autoLinkUser);

                                        if (deleteResult.Succeeded == false)
                                            //DOH! ... this isn't good, combine all errors to be shown
                                            ViewData[TokenExternalSignInError] = linkResult.Errors.Concat(deleteResult.Errors);
                                        //sign in
                                        await SignInManager.SignInAsync(autoLinkUser, isPersistent : false, rememberBrowser : false);

        public async Task <IdentityResult> RemoveAsync(string username, string password)
            var result = await _userManager.DeleteAsync(await _userManager.FindAsync(username, password));

        public async Task <Tuple <bool, string> > RenewLoanAccountForUser(User userModel)
            Tuple <bool, string> identityUserResult = null;
            IdentityResult       identityUser       = null;
            ApplicationUser      appUser            = null;

            int isUserInserted = -1;

            _baseControler = new BaseController();
                userModel.DcID = "DCUSR" + Helper.GenerateDCID();

                appUser = new ApplicationUser
                    EmailConfirmed       = userModel.EmailConfirmed,
                    PasswordHash         = userModel.PasswordHash,
                    PhoneNumber          = userModel.PhoneNumber == "" ? "" : userModel.PhoneNumber.Trim(),
                    PhoneNumberConfirmed = userModel.PhoneNumberConfirmed,
                    TwoFactorEnabled     = userModel.TwoFactorEnabled,
                    LockoutEnabled       = userModel.LockoutEnabled,
                    AccessFailedCount    = userModel.AccessFailedCount,
                    UserName             = userModel.UserName.Trim(),
                    FirstName            = userModel.FirstName.Trim(),
                    LastName             = userModel.LastName == "" ? "" : userModel.LastName.Trim(),
                    IsActive             = userModel.IsActive,
                    CreatedOn            = DateTime.Now,
                    LastUpdatedOn        = DateTime.Now,
                    RoleID = userModel.RoleID

                identityUser = await _userManager.CreateAsync(appUser, userModel.Password);

                if (identityUser.Succeeded)
                    var parameters = new DynamicParameters();
                    using (SqlConnection cxn = new SqlConnection(_dcDb))
                        parameters.Add("@UserID", appUser.UserID, DbType.Int32);
                        parameters.Add("@Id", appUser.Id, DbType.String);
                        parameters.Add("@RoleId", appUser.RoleID, DbType.String);
                        parameters.Add("@FatherName", userModel.FatherName, DbType.String);
                        parameters.Add("@AadharNumber", userModel.AadharNumber, DbType.String);
                        if (userModel.ParentID != 0)
                            parameters.Add("@ParentID", userModel.ParentID, DbType.Int32);
                        if (userModel.SponserID != 0)
                            parameters.Add("@SponserID", userModel.SponserID, DbType.Int32);
                        if (userModel.UnderID != 0)
                            parameters.Add("@UnderID", userModel.UnderID, DbType.Int32);
                        if (userModel.SourceID != 0)
                            parameters.Add("@SourceID", userModel.SourceID, DbType.Int32);
                        parameters.Add("@Position", userModel.Position, DbType.String);
                        parameters.Add("@DcID", userModel.DcID, DbType.String);
                        parameters.Add("@SecretCode", userModel.SecretCode, DbType.String);
                        parameters.Add("@UserStatusID", userModel.UserStatusID, DbType.Int32);
                        parameters.Add("@PositionsCompleted", userModel.PositionsCompleted, DbType.Int32);
                        parameters.Add("@CreatedBy", userID, DbType.Int32);
                        parameters.Add("@CreatedDate", DateTime.Now, DbType.DateTime);

                        isUserInserted = await cxn.ExecuteScalarAsync <int>("dbo.InsertOrUpdate_UserDetails_Renewal", parameters, commandType : CommandType.StoredProcedure);


                        string smsBody = $"Welcome to DIAMAND CARE  " +
                                         $"Your USERNAME :- {userModel.UserName}  " +
                                         $"DCID number :- {userModel.DcID}  " +
                                         $"Your PASSWORD :- {userModel.Password}  " +
                                         $"Login at " + _url;

                        await SendSMSDCID(userModel.PhoneNumber, smsBody);

                        if (isUserInserted != 0)
                            await _userManager.DeleteAsync(appUser);

                            return(identityUserResult = Tuple.Create(false, "Renew loan account not created.Please try again."));
                    identityUserResult = Tuple.Create(true, "Renew loan account created successfully!");
                    identityUserResult = Tuple.Create(identityUser.Succeeded, string.Join(",", identityUser.Errors));
            catch (Exception ex)
                await _userManager.DeleteAsync(appUser);

                identityUserResult = Tuple.Create(false, "Oops! Renew loan account created failed with error " + ex.Message + ".Please try again.");

        // Deletes the specified user
        public async Task <IdentityUser> Delete(IdentityUser user)
            await _userManager.DeleteAsync(user);

Beispiel #29
        public async Task <Tuple <bool, string[]> > DeleteUserAsync(ApplicationUser user)
            var result = await _userManager.DeleteAsync(user);

            return(Tuple.Create(result.Succeeded, result.Errors.Select(e => e.Description).ToArray()));
        public async Task <IActionResult> ConfirmDeleteUser(int id)
                Notification noti;
                var          user = await _userManager.FindByIdAsync(id.ToString());

                var fullName = user.FullName;
                if (user.UserName == "admin")
                    noti = new Notification
                        Title       = "Thất bại",
                        Content     = "Không được xóa account này !",
                        Icon        = "remove",
                        MessageType = "negative",
                        Button      = "Quay lại"
                    return(PartialView("_Notify", noti));
                    var userRoles = await _userManager.GetRolesAsync(user);

                    if (userRoles.Count > 0)
                        await _userManager.RemoveFromRolesAsync(user, userRoles);

                    var result = await _userManager.DeleteAsync(user);

                    if (result.Succeeded)
                        noti = new Notification
                            Title       = "Thành công",
                            Content     = "Đã xóa nhân viên " + fullName + " !",
                            Icon        = "checkmark",
                            MessageType = "positive",
                            Button      = "Hoàn tất"
                        return(PartialView("_Notify", noti));

                noti = new Notification
                    Title       = "Thất bại",
                    Content     = "Không được xóa account này !",
                    Icon        = "remove",
                    MessageType = "negative",
                    Button      = "Quay lại"
                return(PartialView("_Notify", noti));
            catch (Exception)
                var noti = new Notification
                    Title       = "Thất bại",
                    Content     = "Không được xóa nhân viên này !",
                    Icon        = "remove",
                    MessageType = "negative",
                    Button      = "Quay lại"
                return(PartialView("_Notify", noti));
Beispiel #31
 public async Task RemoveAsync(User entity)
     await _userManager.DeleteAsync(entity);
Beispiel #32
        public override async Task DeleteAsync(EntityDto <long> input)
            var user = await _userManager.GetUserByIdAsync(input.Id);

            await _userManager.DeleteAsync(user);
Beispiel #33
        public async Task <IActionResult> Register(RegisterViewModel model)
                if (ModelState.IsValid)
                    var user = new ApplicationUser
                        FullName = model.FullName,
                        UserName = model.Email,
                        Email    = model.Email

                    var result = await _userManager.CreateAsync(user, model.Password);

                    var ownerId = _userManager.GetUserId(User);

                    if (result.Succeeded)
                        ////generate email confirmation token
                        var token = await _userManager.GenerateEmailConfirmationTokenAsync(user);

                        var confirmationLink = Url.Action("ConfirmEmail", "Account",
                                                          new { userid = user.Id, token = token }, Request.Scheme);

                        _logger.Log(LogLevel.Warning, confirmationLink);

                        //compose email
                        var    messageSubject = "Confirm your email";
                        string emailBody      = $"<h3>Hello {model.FullName}</h3>, <br><p>Please Click on this <a href='{confirmationLink}'>Link</a> to verify your account</p>";

                        //initiate sending email
                        await _emailSender.SendMail(model.Email, messageSubject, emailBody);

                        //check if role exists
                        var roleExists = await _roleManager.RoleExistsAsync("Owner");

                        IdentityResult roleResult;

                        //if roleExists add newly registered user to "Owner" role
                        //else create "Owner" role and add newly registered to the role
                        if (roleExists)
                            roleResult = await _userManager.AddToRoleAsync(user, "Owner");
                            await _roleManager.CreateAsync(new IdentityRole("Owner"));

                            roleResult = await _userManager.AddToRoleAsync(user, "Owner");

                        if (roleResult.Succeeded)
                            var userid = Guid.Parse(user.Id);

                            var owner = new Owner()
                                FullName = model.FullName,
                                Email    = model.Email,

                            //add new user to Owner table
                            var addOwner = _ownerDataStore.Post(owner);

                            if (addOwner == null)
                                await _userManager.RemoveFromRoleAsync(user, "Owner");

                                await _userManager.DeleteAsync(user);

                            //await _signInManager.SignInAsync(user, isPersistent: false);
                            //return RedirectToAction("index", "dash");

                            //show email confirmation message
                            ViewBag.ErrorTitle   = "Registration Successful";
                            ViewBag.ErrorMessage = "Please confirm your email by clicking on the " +
                                                   "link we sent to your email";
                            foreach (var item in roleResult.Errors)
                                ModelState.AddModelError("", item.Description);

                    foreach (var error in result.Errors)
                        ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, error.Description);
            catch (Exception error)
                // throw error;

Beispiel #34
 public async Task DeleteAsync(string id) =>
 await umanager.DeleteAsync(await umanager.FindByIdAsync(id));
        public async Task <JsonResult> Register([Bind("Email,FirstName,LastName,Address,PhoneNumber,ConfirmPassword,Password")] RegisterViewModel model)
            ErrorMessage errorMsg = new ErrorMessage();

            errorMsg.IsSuccess = false;

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                var user = new ApplicationUser {
                    Email              = model.Email,
                    UserName           = model.Email,
                    FirstName          = model.FirstName,
                    LastName           = model.LastName,
                    Address            = model.Address,
                    PhoneNumber        = model.PhoneNumber,
                    PictureUrl         = "blank-profile.png",
                    AccountCreatedDate = DateTime.Now,

                var result = await _UserManager.CreateAsync(user, model.Password);

                if (result.Succeeded)
                    try {
                        //GENERATE EMAIL GENERATION TOKEN
                        var token = await _UserManager.GenerateEmailConfirmationTokenAsync(user);

                        var confirmationLink =
                            Url.Action("ConfirmEmail", "Account", new { userID = user.Id, token = token }, Request.Scheme);

                        //SENDING EMAIL (REENABLE THIS LATER)
                        MailMessage message = new MailMessage("*****@*****.**", model.Email);
                        message.Subject = "Confirm your E-mail registration - HomeSquare";
                        message.Body    = "Thank you for registering with us, Click here to activate your account: \n" + confirmationLink;

                        errorMsg.IsSuccess = true;
                        errorMsg.Message.Add($"Registration Successful - To activate your account, please visit on the link that has been sent to {model.Email}");

                        await _UserManager.AddToRoleAsync(user, "CUSTOMER");
                        await _UserManager.DeleteAsync(user);

                        errorMsg.Message.Add("Failure in sending Email confirmation, Please try again.");

                foreach (var error in result.Errors)
                    if (error.Code == "DuplicateUserName")

            var allErrors = ModelState.Values.SelectMany(v => v.Errors.Select(b => b.ErrorMessage));

            foreach (string error in allErrors)
Beispiel #36
        public async Task<ActionResult> DeleteConfirmed(string id) {

            var roleStore = new RoleStore<IdentityRole>(db);
            var roleManager = new RoleManager<IdentityRole>(roleStore);

            var userStore = new UserStore<ApplicationUser>(db);
            var userManager = new UserManager<ApplicationUser>(userStore);

            if (ModelState.IsValid) {
                if (id == null) {
                    return new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest);

                var user = await userManager.FindByIdAsync(id);
                // ev. 3parts inloggningar
                var logins = user.Logins;
                foreach (var login in logins.ToList()) {
                    await userManager.RemoveLoginAsync(login.UserId, new UserLoginInfo(login.LoginProvider, login.ProviderKey));

                var rolesForUser = await userManager.GetRolesAsync(id);

                if (rolesForUser.Count() > 0) {
                    foreach (var item in rolesForUser.ToList()) {
                        // item should be the name of the role
                        var result = await userManager.RemoveFromRoleAsync(user.Id, item);

                if (user.Documents.Count() > 0) {
                    foreach (var doc in user.Documents.ToList()) {

                await userManager.DeleteAsync(user);

                return RedirectToAction("Index");
            else {
                return View();
Beispiel #37
        private async Task Seed(IUnitOfWork uow  , UserManager<ApplicationUser> usrMan, RoleManager<IdentityRole> _RoleManager)

            var email = "*****@*****.**";
            var RoleName = "CustomerAdmin";
            var role = await _RoleManager.FindByNameAsync(RoleName);
            if (role == null)
                role = new IdentityRole { Name = RoleName };
                await _RoleManager.CreateAsync(role);

        RoleName = "superadmin";
            role = await _RoleManager.FindByNameAsync( RoleName );
            if ( role == null)
                role = new IdentityRole { Name = "SuperAdmin" };
                await _RoleManager.CreateAsync(role);
            var appUser = await usrMan.FindByEmailAsync(email);
            if (appUser != null)
                var result = await usrMan.DeleteAsync(appUser);
                appUser = new ApplicationUser() { UserName = email, Email = email };
                var result2 = await usrMan.CreateAsync(appUser, "Shafiro2,");
                if (result2.Succeeded)
                    await usrMan.AddToRoleAsync(appUser,  RoleName ); 
                    var hrmUser = new User()
                        UserID = "7310209296",
                        FirstName = "Gabriel",
                        LastName = "Tekin",
                        UserName = "******",
                        UserCode = "tekgab",
                        PhoneNumber = "0702385537"
                    if (uow.UserRepository.GetEagerLoad( w => w.UserID.Equals( hrmUser.UserID, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase )).FirstOrDefault()   == null )
                    var code = result2.Errors.FirstOrDefault().Code;

            } // method seed