Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a processes with an access token of another user requires
        /// us to modify the desktop ACL to allow everybody to have access to it.
        /// This requires the SeSecurityPrivilege.
        /// This code has been heavily inspired/taken from Invoke-TokenManipulation.
        /// </summary>
        private void InnerSetDesktopACL()

            var winAccess = (uint)ACCESS_MASK.ACCESS_SYSTEM_SECURITY;

            winAccess |= (uint)ACCESS_MASK.WRITE_DAC;
            winAccess |= (uint)ACCESS_MASK.READ_CONTROL;

            IntPtr hWinSta = User32.OpenWindowStation("WinSta0", false, winAccess);

            if (hWinSta == IntPtr.Zero)
                Logger.GetInstance().Error($"Failed to open handle to window station. OpenWindowStation failed with error code: {Kernel32.GetLastError()}");
                throw new Exception();

            Logger.GetInstance().Debug("Configuring the current Window Station ACL to allow everyone all access.");

            if (!User32.CloseWindowStation(hWinSta))
                Logger.GetInstance().Error($"Failed to release handle to window station. CloseWindowStation failed with error code: {Kernel32.GetLastError()}");
                throw new Exception();

            var desktopAccess = Constants.DESKTOP_GENERIC_ALL | (uint)ACCESS_MASK.WRITE_DAC;

            IntPtr hDesktop = User32.OpenDesktop("default", 0, false, desktopAccess);

            if (hDesktop == IntPtr.Zero)
                Logger.GetInstance().Error($"Failed to open handle to the default desktop. OpenDesktop failed with error code: {Kernel32.GetLastError()}");
                throw new Exception();

            Logger.GetInstance().Debug("Configuring the current desktop ACL to allow everyone all access.");

            if (!User32.CloseDesktop(hDesktop))
                Logger.GetInstance().Error($"Failed to close handle to the default desktop. CloseDesktop failed with error code: {Kernel32.GetLastError()}");