Beispiel #1
        private void RenderDisk(PieDisk disk, int depth)
            Matrix  invWorld = Matrix.Invert(disk.worldMatrix);
            Vector2 orthoPos = TouchInput.GetHitOrtho(disk.ScreenPosition, camera, ref invWorld, useRtCoords: false);

            for (int i = 0; i < disk.slices.Count; i++)
                PieMenuSlice pieSlice = disk.slices[i];
                RenderBastardPieSlice(pieSlice, orthoPos, disk.ScreenOffset, depth);
            for (int i = 0; i < disk.slices.Count; i++)
                PieMenuSlice pieSlice = disk.slices[i];
                if (pieSlice.sliceType ==
                    PieDisk subDisk = pieSlice.subDisk;
                    if (subDisk.Visible)
                        RenderDisk(subDisk, depth + 1);
Beispiel #2
            public void Update(out bool cancelRing)
                sliceActivated = false;
                cancelRing     = false;
                Vector2 hitUV    = Vector2.Zero;
                Matrix  invWorld = Matrix.Invert(worldMatrix);
                // user clicked on me?

                GraphicsDevice device = BokuGame.bokuGame.GraphicsDevice;
                // Center on screen and just high enough to clear bottom help overlay text.
                Vector2 screenSize = new Vector2(device.Viewport.Width, device.Viewport.Height);

                int sliceIndex = -1;

                for (int i = 0; i < TouchInput.TouchCount; i++)
                    TouchContact touch    = TouchInput.GetTouchContactByIndex(i);
                    Vector2      touchPos = touch.position;

                    touchPos = touch.position - ScreenOffset;
                    hitUV    = TouchInput.GetHitOrtho(touchPos, camera, ref invWorld, useRtCoords: false);

                    if (gotTouchBegan)
                        if (touch.phase == TouchPhase.Moved || touch.phase == TouchPhase.Stationary)
                            if (WithinPieRing(hitUV))
                                sliceIndex = GetSliceAtAngle(hitUV);
                                indexLastHoverItem = indexCurrentHoverItem;
                        else if (TouchGestureManager.Get().TapGesture.WasTapped())  //cancel?
                            float len = hitUV.Length();
                            if (len > outerRadius)
                                cancelRing     = true;
                                sliceActivated = false;

                        // is this a group slice? open its pie!
                        if (!cancelRing && (touch.phase == TouchPhase.Ended))
                            if (WithinPieRing(hitUV))
                                sliceIndex = GetSliceAtAngle(hitUV);
                                if (sliceIndex > -1)
                                    PieDisk nextDisk = slices[sliceIndex].subDisk;
                                    if (nextDisk != null &&
                                        nextDisk.SliceCount() > 0)
                                        Object rootParent = Parent;
                                        while ((rootParent as PieMenu) == null)
                                            rootParent = (rootParent as PieDisk).Parent;
                                        (rootParent as PieMenu).activeDisk = nextDisk;
                                        (rootParent as PieMenu).focusedDiskNo++;

                                        nextDisk.Visible        = true;
                                        nextDisk.ScreenPosition = touch.position;
                                        indexPickedItem = sliceIndex;
                                        sliceActivated  = true;
                                    Debug.Assert(false);// && "something unexpected failed here.");
                            sliceActivated = false;

                    if (touch.phase == TouchPhase.Began)
                        gotTouchBegan = true;
                    else if (touch.phase == TouchPhase.Ended)
                        gotTouchBegan = false;
                if (TouchInput.TouchCount == 0)
                    indexCurrentHoverItem = -1;
                if ((sliceIndex == -1))
                    indexCurrentHoverItem = -1;
                    indexLastHoverItem = -1;