public ActionResult Advance(int rounds, int teams, DateTime?date, int?ranking)
            using (var context = new TippeContext())
                var team = context.Teams.First(t => t.Id == teams);
                if (rounds == 0)
                    team.IsKnockedOut = true;
                    var roundteam = context.RoundTeams.FirstOrDefault(rt => rt.RoundId == rounds && rt.TeamId == teams);
                    if (roundteam == null)
                        roundteam = new RoundTeam
                            RoundId = rounds,
                            TeamId  = teams

                    if (date.HasValue)
                        roundteam.DateTimeQualified = date.Value;
                    if (ranking.HasValue)
                        roundteam.Rank = ranking.Value;
 //Get: Admin/Advance
 public ActionResult Advance()
     using (var context = new TippeContext())
         List <SelectListItem> items = new List <SelectListItem>();
         context.Teams.ToList().ForEach(t => items.Add(new SelectListItem
             Text  = t.Name,
             Value = t.Id.ToString()
         ViewBag.Teams = items;
         items         = new List <SelectListItem>();
         items.Add(new SelectListItem()
             Text  = "Utslått",
             Value = "0"
         context.Rounds.ToList().ForEach(r => items.Add(new SelectListItem
             Text  = r.Name,
             Value = r.Id.ToString()
         ViewBag.Rounds = items;
        private void CreateRounds(TippeContext context)
            //Round of 16
            var roundof16 = new Round
                IsRanked            = false,
                JsonName            = "RoundOf16",
                Name                = "Åttendedelsfinaler",
                PointPerCorrectTeam = 2,
                StartActive         = new DateTime(2014, 6, 22),
                EndActive           = new DateTime(2014, 6, 28)

            //Round of 8
            var roundof8 = new Round
                IsRanked            = false,
                JsonName            = "RoundOf8",
                Name                = "Kvartfinaler",
                PointPerCorrectTeam = 3,
                StartActive         = new DateTime(2014, 6, 27),
                EndActive           = new DateTime(2014, 7, 4)

            //Round of 4
            var roundof4 = new Round
                IsRanked            = false,
                JsonName            = "RoundOf4",
                Name                = "Semifinaler",
                PointPerCorrectTeam = 4,
                StartActive         = new DateTime(2014, 7, 2),
                EndActive           = new DateTime(2014, 7, 4)

            var ranking = new Round
                IsRanked            = true,
                JsonName            = "Ranking",
                Name                = "Rangering",
                PointPerCorrectTeam = 5,
                StartActive         = new DateTime(2014, 7, 6),
                EndActive           = new DateTime(2014, 7, 18)

 //Get: Admin/Dates
 public ActionResult Dates()
     using (var context = new TippeContext())
         List <SelectListItem> items = new List <SelectListItem>();
         context.Matches.ToList().ForEach(m => items.Add(new SelectListItem
             Text  = m.HomeTeam.Name + " - " + m.AwayTeam.Name,
             Value = m.Id.ToString()
         ViewBag.Matches = items;
        public ActionResult Dates(int matches, DateTime?date, int?home, int?away)
            using (var context = new TippeContext())
                var match = context.Matches.First(m => m.Id == matches);
                if (date != null)
                    match.Date = date;
                if (home != null)
                    match.HomeGoals = home.Value;
                if (away != null)
                    match.AwayGoals = away.Value;

        public ActionResult Index(HttpPostedFileBase file)
            using (var context = new TippeContext())
                // Verify that the user selected a file
                if (file != null && file.ContentLength > 0)
                    BinaryReader b       = new BinaryReader(file.InputStream);
                    byte[]       binData = b.ReadBytes(Convert.ToInt32(file.InputStream.Length));

                    string result = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(binData);

                    var list = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <User> >(result);
                    if (!context.Rounds.Any())
                    foreach (var user in list)
                        //Add the user with the correct user name
                        if (!context.Users.Any(u => u.Name == user.Name))
                            context.Users.Add(new User
                                Name = user.Name
                        //Add matchpredictions
                        foreach (var matchPrediction in user.MatchPredictions)
                            //Add matches if they do not exist
                            if (!context.Matches.Any(m => m.Id == matchPrediction.MatchId))
                                //Possibly add Teams first
                                if (!context.Teams.Any(t => t.Name == matchPrediction.HomeTeam.Name))
                                    context.Teams.Add(new Team
                                        Name = matchPrediction.HomeTeam.Name
                                if (!context.Teams.Any(t => t.Name == matchPrediction.AwayTeam.Name))
                                    context.Teams.Add(new Team
                                        Name = matchPrediction.AwayTeam.Name
                                var hometeam = context.Teams.First(t => t.Name == matchPrediction.HomeTeam.Name);
                                var awayteam = context.Teams.First(t => t.Name == matchPrediction.AwayTeam.Name);

                                context.Matches.Add(new Game
                                    Id         = matchPrediction.MatchId,
                                    HomeTeamId = hometeam.Id,
                                    AwayTeamId = awayteam.Id
                            //add matchprediction if it does not exist
                            if (
                                    mp => mp.MatchId == matchPrediction.MatchId && mp.User.Name == user.Name))
                                var hometeam         = context.Teams.First(t => t.Name == matchPrediction.HomeTeam.Name);
                                var awayteam         = context.Teams.First(t => t.Name == matchPrediction.AwayTeam.Name);
                                var userfromcontext  = context.Users.First(u => u.Name == user.Name);
                                var matchFromContext = context.Matches.First(m => m.Id == matchPrediction.MatchId);
                                var entry            = context.MatchPredictions.Attach(new MatchPrediction
                                    MatchId    = matchFromContext.Id,
                                    HomeGoals  = matchPrediction.HomeGoals,
                                    AwayGoals  = matchPrediction.AwayGoals,
                                    HomeTeamId = hometeam.Id,
                                    AwayTeamId = awayteam.Id,
                                    UserId     = userfromcontext.Id
                                context.Entry(entry).State = EntityState.Added;
                        //round of 16
                        var roundId = context.Rounds.First(r => r.JsonName == "RoundOf16").Id;
                        if (!context.RoundPredictions.Any(rp => rp.RoundId == roundId && rp.User.Name == user.Name))
                            //Add roundpredictions
                            var userfromcontext = context.Users.First(u => u.Name == user.Name);
                            var roundPrediction = new RoundPrediction
                                RoundId = roundId,
                                UserId  = userfromcontext.Id
                            foreach (var team in user.RoundOf16)
                                var teamFromContext = context.Teams.ToList().First(t => t.Name.Substring(0, 3).ToLower() == team.Name.Substring(0, 3).ToLower());
                                context.RoundPredictionTeams.Add(new RoundPredictionTeam
                                    Rank = 0,
                                    RoundPredictionId = roundPrediction.Id,
                                    TeamId            = teamFromContext.Id
                        //round of 8
                        roundId = context.Rounds.First(r => r.JsonName == "RoundOf8").Id;
                        if (!context.RoundPredictions.Any(rp => rp.RoundId == roundId && rp.User.Name == user.Name))
                            //Add roundpredictions
                            var userfromcontext = context.Users.First(u => u.Name == user.Name);
                            var roundPrediction = new RoundPrediction
                                RoundId = roundId,
                                UserId  = userfromcontext.Id
                            foreach (var team in user.RoundOf8)
                                var teamFromContext = context.Teams.ToList().First(t => t.Name.Substring(0, 3).ToLower() == team.Name.Substring(0, 3).ToLower());
                                context.RoundPredictionTeams.Add(new RoundPredictionTeam
                                    Rank = 0,
                                    RoundPredictionId = roundPrediction.Id,
                                    TeamId            = teamFromContext.Id
                        //round of 4
                        roundId = context.Rounds.First(r => r.JsonName == "RoundOf4").Id;
                        if (!context.RoundPredictions.Any(rp => rp.RoundId == roundId && rp.User.Name == user.Name))
                            //Add roundpredictions
                            var userfromcontext = context.Users.First(u => u.Name == user.Name);
                            var roundPrediction = new RoundPrediction
                                RoundId = roundId,
                                UserId  = userfromcontext.Id
                            foreach (var team in user.RoundOf4)
                                var teamFromContext = context.Teams.ToList().First(t => t.Name.Substring(0, 3).ToLower() == team.Name.Substring(0, 3).ToLower());
                                context.RoundPredictionTeams.Add(new RoundPredictionTeam
                                    Rank = 0,
                                    RoundPredictionId = roundPrediction.Id,
                                    TeamId            = teamFromContext.Id
                        roundId = context.Rounds.First(r => r.JsonName == "Ranking").Id;
                        if (!context.RoundPredictions.Any(rp => rp.RoundId == roundId && rp.User.Name == user.Name))
                            //Add roundpredictions
                            var userfromcontext = context.Users.First(u => u.Name == user.Name);
                            var roundPrediction = new RoundPrediction
                                RoundId = roundId,
                                UserId  = userfromcontext.Id
                            var i = 1;
                            foreach (var team in user.Ranking)
                                var teamFromContext = context.Teams.ToList().First(t => t.Name.Substring(0, 3).ToLower() == team.Name.Substring(0, 3).ToLower());
                                context.RoundPredictionTeams.Add(new RoundPredictionTeam
                                    Rank = i,
                                    RoundPredictionId = roundPrediction.Id,
                                    TeamId            = teamFromContext.Id
            // redirect back to the index action to show the form once again
Beispiel #7
 public ActionResult Index()
     using (var context = new TippeContext())
         var scoreResultService = new ScoreResultservice(context.Users.ToList(),
                                                         context.MatchPredictions.ToList(), context.Matches.ToList(), context.Rounds.Include("TeamsInRound").ToList(), context.RoundPredictions.Include("Teams").ToList());
         var earlierGames   = new List <GameViewModel>();
         var todaysGames    = new List <GameViewModel>();
         var upcomingGames  = new List <GameViewModel>();
         var endgame        = new List <RoundViewModel>();
         var cetDateTimeNow = CETDateHelper.GetCurrentCETDateTime();
         foreach (var game in context.Matches.Include("HomeTeam").Include("AwayTeam").ToList().Where(d => d.Date != null && d.Date.Value.Date < cetDateTimeNow.Date).OrderByDescending(g => g.Date))
             earlierGames.Add(new GameViewModel
                 Game           = game,
                 GameUserScores = scoreResultService.GetGameUserScoresForGame(game)
         foreach (var game in context.Matches.Include("HomeTeam").Include("AwayTeam").ToList().Where(d => d.Date != null && d.Date.Value.Date == cetDateTimeNow.Date).OrderBy(g => g.Date))
             todaysGames.Add(new GameViewModel
                 Game           = game,
                 GameUserScores = scoreResultService.GetGameUserScoresForGame(game)
         foreach (var game in context.Matches.Include("HomeTeam").Include("AwayTeam").ToList().Where(d => d.Date != null && d.Date.Value.Date > cetDateTimeNow.Date).OrderBy(g => g.Date))
             upcomingGames.Add(new GameViewModel
                 Game           = game,
                 GameUserScores = scoreResultService.GetGameUserScoresForGame(game)
         foreach (var round in context.Rounds.Include("TeamsInRound").Include("TeamsInRound.Team").ToList())
             List <RoundTeam> teamsinround;
             if (round.IsRanked)
                 teamsinround = round.TeamsInRound.OrderBy(r => r.Rank).ToList();
                 teamsinround = round.TeamsInRound.OrderBy(r => r.Team.Name).ToList();
             var user            = context.Users.First();
             var roundPrediction =
                 context.RoundPredictions.First(rp => rp.UserId == user.Id && rp.RoundId == round.Id);
             endgame.Add(new RoundViewModel
                 Round           = round,
                 RoundUserScores = scoreResultService.GetRoundUserScoresForRound(round),
                 RoundTeams      = teamsinround,
                 NumTeams        = roundPrediction != null ? context.RoundPredictionTeams.Count(rpt => rpt.RoundPredictionId == roundPrediction.Id) : teamsinround.Count()
         var ivm = new IndexViewModel
             EarlierGames  = earlierGames,
             TodaysGames   = todaysGames,
             UpcomingGames = upcomingGames,
             EndGame       = endgame