public MsLifetimeScope()
            WindsorLifeTimeScope = new DefaultLifetimeScope();
            _children            = new List <MsLifetimeScope>();

            _transientBurdens = new HashSet <Burden>();
            _disposed         = new ThreadSafeFlag();
        public MsLifetimeScope(IWindsorContainer container)
            _container = container;

            WindsorLifeTimeScope = new DefaultLifetimeScope();

            _children          = new List <MsLifetimeScope>();
            _resolvedInstances = new HashSet <object>();
            _disposed          = new ThreadSafeFlag();
Beispiel #3
        public static void DialogUtilitiesExample()
            //ask for confirmation
            if (DialogUtils.AskForConfirmation("Are you sure?"))
                //do something

            //ask for permission (with password)
            if (DialogUtils.AskForPermission())
                //do something

            //show error message box
            DialogUtils.ShowErrMsg("error message");
            //show info message box
            DialogUtils.ShowInfoMsg("info message");

            //show folder browser,
            //the latest user accessed path will be stored

            // Show object editor dialog
            MyDataClass some_obj = new MyDataClass(); //....

                some_obj,         //object to be edited
                "My data",        //title
                null);            //(optional) help image

            //show open file dialog
            var path = DialogUtils.ShowOpenFileDialog("dialog title", "filter");

            //show save file dialog
            path = DialogUtils.ShowSaveFileDialog("dialog title", "filter");

            //show open image file dialog
            path = DialogUtils.ShowOpenImageFileDialog("dialog title");
            //show save image file dialog
            path = DialogUtils.ShowSaveImageFileDialog("dialog title");

            path = DialogUtils.ShowOpenJsonFileDialog("dialog title");
            path = DialogUtils.ShowSaveJsonFileDialog("dialog title");
            path = DialogUtils.ShowOpenPlyFileDialog("dialog title");
            path = DialogUtils.ShowSavePlyFileDialog("dialog title");

                "D:/dir1",      //source directory
                "D:/dir2",      //target directory
                true,           //copy recursively
                true);          //overwrite

            MyDataClass myobj = new MyDataClass();
            //convert object to j son
            var jdata = JsonUtils.ToJson(myobj);

            //read json data file
            Json jdata1 = Json.ReadFromFile("D:/data.json");
            //Target Object must be:
            // - Default constructible
            // - Defined with JsonSerializable attribute
            var myobj1 = JsonUtils.Read <MyDataClass>(jdata1);

            var host_alive = NetUtils.PingHost("");

            //THREAD SAFE FLAG
            //create a thread-safe flag with initial state
            //this flag can be bool or int
            ThreadSafeFlag flag = new ThreadSafeFlag(false);

            //set new value (bool or int)
            // flag.Set(10);

            //get bool flag
            bool ok = flag.Get();
            //get int value
            int state = flag.GetInt();