public static extern ReturnCode DsmWin32(
     [In, Out] TW_IDENTITY origin,
     IntPtr zero,
     DataGroups dg,
     DataArgumentType dat,
     Message msg,
     [In, Out] TW_ENTRYPOINT data);
Beispiel #2
        public ReturnCode Get(out TW_ENTRYPOINT entry)
            entry = new TW_ENTRYPOINT();
            if (Is32Bit)
                if (IsWin)
                    return(NativeMethods.DsmWin32(Session.Config.App32, IntPtr.Zero,
                                                  DataGroups.Control, DataArgumentType.EntryPoint, Message.Get, entry));
                if (IsLinux)
                    return(NativeMethods.DsmLinux32(Session.Config.App32, IntPtr.Zero,
                                                    DataGroups.Control, DataArgumentType.EntryPoint, Message.Get, entry));
                if (IsMac)
                    return(NativeMethods.DsmMac32(Session.Config.App32, IntPtr.Zero,
                                                  DataGroups.Control, DataArgumentType.EntryPoint, Message.Get, entry));

            if (IsWin)
                return(NativeMethods.DsmWin64(Session.Config.App32, IntPtr.Zero,
                                              DataGroups.Control, DataArgumentType.EntryPoint, Message.Get, entry));
            if (IsLinux)
                return(NativeMethods.DsmLinux64(Session.Config.App32, IntPtr.Zero,
                                                DataGroups.Control, DataArgumentType.EntryPoint, Message.Get, entry));
            if (IsMac)
                return(NativeMethods.DsmMac64(Session.Config.App32, IntPtr.Zero,
                                              DataGroups.Control, DataArgumentType.EntryPoint, Message.Get, entry));

Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the entrypoint data...
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="a_dg">Data group</param>
        /// <param name="a_msg">Operation</param>
        /// <param name="a_twentrypoint">ENTRYPOINT structure</param>
        /// <returns>TWAIN status</returns>
        public STS DatEntrypoint(DG a_dg, MSG a_msg, ref TW_ENTRYPOINT a_twentrypoint)
            STS sts;

            // Submit the work to the TWAIN thread...
            if ((m_threadTwain != null) && (m_threadTwain.ManagedThreadId != Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId))
                lock (m_lockTwain)
                    // Set our command variables...
                    ThreadData threaddata = default(ThreadData);
                    threaddata.twentrypoint = a_twentrypoint;
                    threaddata.dg = a_dg;
                    threaddata.msg = a_msg;
                    threaddata.dat = DAT.ENTRYPOINT;
                    long lIndex = m_twaincommand.Submit(threaddata);

                    // Submit the command and wait for the reply...

                    // Return the result...
                    a_twentrypoint = m_twaincommand.Get(lIndex).twentrypoint;
                    sts = m_twaincommand.Get(lIndex).sts;

                    // Clear the command variables...
                return (sts);

            // Log it...
            if (Log.GetLevel() > 0)
                Log.LogSendBefore(a_dg.ToString(), DAT.ENTRYPOINT.ToString(), a_msg.ToString(), EntrypointToCsv(a_twentrypoint));

            // Windows...
            if (ms_platform == Platform.WINDOWS)
                // Issue the command...
                    if (m_blUseLegacyDSM)
                        sts = (STS)WindowsTwain32DsmEntryEntrypoint(ref m_twidentitylegacyApp, ref m_twidentitylegacyDs, a_dg, DAT.ENTRYPOINT, a_msg, ref a_twentrypoint);
                        sts = (STS)WindowsTwaindsmDsmEntryEntrypoint(ref m_twidentitylegacyApp, ref m_twidentitylegacyDs, a_dg, DAT.ENTRYPOINT, a_msg, ref a_twentrypoint);
                    // The driver crashed...
                    Log.LogSendAfter(STS.BUMMER.ToString(), "");
                    return (STS.BUMMER);

            // Linux...
            else if (ms_platform == Platform.LINUX)
                // Issue the command...
                    if (GetMachineWordBitSize() == 32)
                        sts = (STS)LinuxDsmEntryEntrypoint(ref m_twidentitylegacyApp, ref m_twidentitylegacyDs, a_dg, DAT.ENTRYPOINT, a_msg, ref a_twentrypoint);
                        sts = (STS)Linux64DsmEntryEntrypoint(ref m_twidentityApp, ref m_twidentityDs, a_dg, DAT.ENTRYPOINT, a_msg, ref a_twentrypoint);
                    // The driver crashed...
                    Log.LogSendAfter(STS.BUMMER.ToString(), "");
                    return (STS.BUMMER);

            // Mac OS X, which has to be different...
            else if (ms_platform == Platform.MACOSX)
                // Issue the command...
                    sts = (STS)MacosxDsmEntryEntrypoint(ref m_twidentitymacosxApp, ref m_twidentitymacosxDs, a_dg, DAT.ENTRYPOINT, a_msg, ref a_twentrypoint);
                    // The driver crashed...
                    Log.LogSendAfter(STS.BUMMER.ToString(), "");
                    return (STS.BUMMER);

            // Uh-oh...
                Log.LogSendAfter(STS.BUMMER.ToString(), "");
                return (STS.BUMMER);

            // If we were successful, then squirrel away the data...
            if (sts == TWAIN.STS.SUCCESS)
                m_twentrypointdelegates = default(TWAIN.TW_ENTRYPOINT_DELEGATES);
                m_twentrypointdelegates.Size = a_twentrypoint.Size;
                m_twentrypointdelegates.DSM_Entry = a_twentrypoint.DSM_Entry;
                if (a_twentrypoint.DSM_MemAllocate != null)
                    m_twentrypointdelegates.DSM_MemAllocate = (TWAIN.DSM_MEMALLOC)Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(a_twentrypoint.DSM_MemAllocate,typeof(TWAIN.DSM_MEMALLOC));
                if (a_twentrypoint.DSM_MemFree != null)
                    m_twentrypointdelegates.DSM_MemFree = (TWAIN.DSM_MEMFREE)Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(a_twentrypoint.DSM_MemFree, typeof(TWAIN.DSM_MEMFREE));
                if (a_twentrypoint.DSM_MemLock != null)
                    m_twentrypointdelegates.DSM_MemLock = (TWAIN.DSM_MEMLOCK)Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(a_twentrypoint.DSM_MemLock, typeof(TWAIN.DSM_MEMLOCK));
                if (a_twentrypoint.DSM_MemUnlock != null)
                    m_twentrypointdelegates.DSM_MemUnlock = (TWAIN.DSM_MEMUNLOCK)Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(a_twentrypoint.DSM_MemUnlock, typeof(TWAIN.DSM_MEMUNLOCK));

            // Log it...
            if (Log.GetLevel() > 0)
                Log.LogSendAfter(sts.ToString(), EntrypointToCsv(a_twentrypoint));

            // All done...
            return (AutoDatStatus(sts));
Beispiel #4
 private static extern UInt16 MacosxDsmEntryEntrypoint
     ref TW_IDENTITY_MACOSX origin,
     ref TW_IDENTITY_MACOSX dest,
     DG dg,
     DAT dat,
     MSG msg,
     ref TW_ENTRYPOINT twentrypoint
Beispiel #5
 /// <summary>
 /// Convert the contents of an entry point to a string that
 /// we can show in our simple GUI...
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="a_twentrypoint">A TWAIN structure</param>
 /// <returns>A CSV string of the TWAIN structure</returns>
 public string EntrypointToCsv(TW_ENTRYPOINT a_twentrypoint)
         CSV csv = new CSV();
         csv.Add("0x" + ((a_twentrypoint.DSM_Entry == null)?"0":a_twentrypoint.DSM_Entry.ToString("X")));
         csv.Add("0x" + ((a_twentrypoint.DSM_MemAllocate == null) ? "0" : a_twentrypoint.DSM_MemAllocate.ToString("X")));
         csv.Add("0x" + ((a_twentrypoint.DSM_MemFree == null) ? "0" : a_twentrypoint.DSM_MemFree.ToString("X")));
         csv.Add("0x" + ((a_twentrypoint.DSM_MemLock == null) ? "0" : a_twentrypoint.DSM_MemLock.ToString("X")));
         csv.Add("0x" + ((a_twentrypoint.DSM_MemUnlock == null) ? "0" : a_twentrypoint.DSM_MemUnlock.ToString("X")));
         return (csv.Get());
         return ("***error***");
Beispiel #6
 private static extern UInt16 Linux64DsmEntryEntrypoint
     ref TW_IDENTITY origin,
     ref TW_IDENTITY dest,
     DG dg,
     DAT dat,
     MSG msg,
     ref TW_ENTRYPOINT twentrypoint
Beispiel #7
 private static extern UInt16 WindowsTwaindsmDsmEntryEntrypoint
     ref TW_IDENTITY_LEGACY origin,
     ref TW_IDENTITY_LEGACY dest,
     DG dg,
     DAT dat,
     MSG msg,
     ref TW_ENTRYPOINT twentrypoint
Beispiel #8
 /// <summary>
 /// Convert the contents of an entry point to a string that
 /// we can show in our simple GUI...
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="a_twentrypoint">A TWAIN structure</param>
 /// <returns>A CSV string of the TWAIN structure</returns>
 public virtual string EntrypointToCsv(TW_ENTRYPOINT a_twentrypoint)
         CSV csv = new CSV();
         csv.Add("0x" + a_twentrypoint.DSM_Entry.ToString("X"));
         csv.Add("0x" + Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(a_twentrypoint.DSM_MemAllocate).ToString("X"));
         csv.Add("0x" + Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(a_twentrypoint.DSM_MemFree).ToString("X"));
         csv.Add("0x" + Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(a_twentrypoint.DSM_MemLock).ToString("X"));
         csv.Add("0x" + Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(a_twentrypoint.DSM_MemUnlock).ToString("X"));
         return (csv.Get());
         return ("***error***");
Beispiel #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Our constructor...
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="a_szManufacturer">Application manufacturer</param>
        /// <param name="a_szProductFamily">Application product family</param>
        /// <param name="a_szProductName">Name of the application</param>
        /// <param name="a_u16ProtocolMajor">TWAIN protocol major (doesn't have to match TWAINH.CS)</param>
        /// <param name="a_u16ProtocolMinor">TWAIN protocol minor (doesn't have to match TWAINH.CS)</param>
        /// <param name="a_u32SupportedGroups">Bitmask of DG_ flags</param>
        /// <param name="a_twcy">Country code for the application</param>
        /// <param name="a_szInfo">Info about the application</param>
        /// <param name="a_twlg">Language code for the application</param>
        /// <param name="a_u16MajorNum">Application's major version</param>
        /// <param name="a_u16MinorNum">Application's minor version</param>
        /// <param name="a_blUseLegacyDSM">Use the legacy DSM (like TWAIN_32.DLL)</param>
        /// <param name="a_blUseCallbacks">Use callbacks instead of Windows post message</param>
        /// <param name="a_deviceeventback">Function to receive device events</param>
        /// <param name="a_scancallback">Function to handle scanning</param>
        public TWAIN(
            string a_szManufacturer,
            string a_szProductFamily,
            string a_szProductName,
            ushort a_u16ProtocolMajor,
            ushort a_u16ProtocolMinor,
            uint a_u32SupportedGroups,
            TWCY a_twcy,
            string a_szInfo,
            TWLG a_twlg,
            ushort a_u16MajorNum,
            ushort a_u16MinorNum,
            bool a_blUseLegacyDSM,
            bool a_blUseCallbacks,
            DeviceEventCallback a_deviceeventback,
            ScanCallback a_scancallback
            TW_IDENTITY twidentity;

            // Since we're using P/Invoke in this sample, the DLL
            // is implicitly loaded as we access it, so we can
            // never go lower than state 2...
            m_state = STATE.S2;

            // Register the caller's info...
            twidentity = default(TW_IDENTITY);
            twidentity.ProtocolMajor = a_u16ProtocolMajor;
            twidentity.ProtocolMinor = a_u16ProtocolMinor;
            twidentity.SupportedGroups = a_u32SupportedGroups;
            twidentity.Version.Country = a_twcy;
            twidentity.Version.Language = a_twlg;
            twidentity.Version.MajorNum = a_u16MajorNum;
            twidentity.Version.MinorNum = a_u16MinorNum;
            m_twidentityApp = twidentity;
            m_twidentitylegacyApp = TwidentityToTwidentitylegacy(twidentity);
            m_twidentitymacosxApp = TwidentityToTwidentitymacosx(twidentity);
            m_deviceeventcallback = a_deviceeventback;
            m_scancallback = a_scancallback;

            // Placeholder for our DS identity...
            m_twidentityDs = default(TW_IDENTITY);
            m_twidentitylegacyDs = default(TW_IDENTITY_LEGACY);
            m_twidentitymacosxDs = default(TW_IDENTITY_MACOSX);

            // We'll normally do an automatic get of DAT.STATUS, but if we'd
            // like to turn it off, this is the variable to hit...
            m_blAutoDatStatus = true;

            // Our helper functions from the DSM...
            m_twentrypoint = default(TW_ENTRYPOINT);

            // Our events...
            m_autoreseteventCaller = new AutoResetEvent(false);
            m_autoreseteventThread = new AutoResetEvent(false);
            m_autoreseteventRollback = new AutoResetEvent(false);
            m_autoreseteventThreadStarted = new AutoResetEvent(false);
            m_lockTwain = new Object();

            // Windows only...
            if (ms_platform == Platform.WINDOWS)
                m_blUseLegacyDSM = a_blUseLegacyDSM;
                m_blUseCallbacks = a_blUseCallbacks;
                m_windowsdsmentrycontrolcallbackdelegate = WindowsDsmEntryCallbackProxy;

            // Linux only...
            else if (ms_platform == Platform.LINUX)
                m_blUseLegacyDSM = false;
                m_blUseCallbacks = true;
                m_linuxdsmentrycontrolcallbackdelegate = LinuxDsmEntryCallbackProxy;

            // Mac OS X only...
            else if (ms_platform == Platform.MACOSX)
                m_blUseLegacyDSM = false;
                m_blUseCallbacks = true;
                m_macosxdsmentrycontrolcallbackdelegate = MacosxDsmEntryCallbackProxy;

            // Uh-oh, Log will throw an exception for us...
                Log.Msg(Log.Severity.Throw, "Unsupported platform..." + ms_platform);

            // Activate our thread...
            if (m_threadTwain == null)
                m_threadTwain = new Thread(Main);
                if (!m_autoreseteventThreadStarted.WaitOne(5000))
                        m_threadTwain = null;
                        // Log will throw an exception for us...
                        Log.Msg(Log.Severity.Throw, "Failed to start the TWAIN background thread...");
Beispiel #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the entrypoint data...
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="a_dg">Data group</param>
        /// <param name="a_msg">Operation</param>
        /// <param name="a_twentrypoint">ENTRYPOINT structure</param>
        /// <returns>TWAIN status</returns>
        public virtual STS DatEntrypoint(DG a_dg, MSG a_msg, ref TW_ENTRYPOINT a_twentrypoint)
            STS sts;

            // Submit the work to the TWAIN thread...
            if ((m_threadTwain != null) && (m_threadTwain.ManagedThreadId != Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId))
                lock (m_lockTwain)
                    // Set our command variables...
                    m_threaddata = default(ThreadData);
                    m_threaddata.twentrypoint = a_twentrypoint;
                    m_threaddata.dg = a_dg;
                    m_threaddata.msg = a_msg;
                    m_threaddata.dat = DAT.ENTRYPOINT;

                    // Submit the command and wait for the reply...

                    // Return the result...
                    a_twentrypoint = m_threaddata.twentrypoint;
                    sts = m_threaddata.sts;

                    // Clear the command variables...
                    m_threaddata = default(ThreadData);
                return (sts);

            // Log it...
            if (Log.GetLevel() > 0)
                Log.LogSendBefore(a_dg, DAT.ENTRYPOINT, a_msg, EntrypointToCsv(a_twentrypoint));

            // Windows...
            if (ms_platform == Platform.WINDOWS)
                // Issue the command...
                    if (m_blUseLegacyDSM)
                        sts = (STS)WindowsTwain32DsmEntryEntrypoint(ref m_twidentitylegacyApp, ref m_twidentitylegacyDs, a_dg, DAT.ENTRYPOINT, a_msg, ref a_twentrypoint);
                        sts = (STS)WindowsTwaindsmDsmEntryEntrypoint(ref m_twidentitylegacyApp, ref m_twidentitylegacyDs, a_dg, DAT.ENTRYPOINT, a_msg, ref a_twentrypoint);
                    // The driver crashed...
                    Log.LogSendAfter(STS.BUMMER, "");
                    return (STS.BUMMER);

            // Linux...
            else if (ms_platform == Platform.LINUX)
                // Issue the command...
                    if (GetMachineWordBitSize() == 32)
                        sts = (STS)LinuxDsmEntryEntrypoint(ref m_twidentitylegacyApp, ref m_twidentitylegacyDs, a_dg, DAT.ENTRYPOINT, a_msg, ref a_twentrypoint);
                        sts = (STS)Linux64DsmEntryEntrypoint(ref m_twidentityApp, ref m_twidentityDs, a_dg, DAT.ENTRYPOINT, a_msg, ref a_twentrypoint);
                    // The driver crashed...
                    Log.LogSendAfter(STS.BUMMER, "");
                    return (STS.BUMMER);

            // Mac OS X, which has to be different...
            else if (ms_platform == Platform.MACOSX)
                // Issue the command...
                    sts = (STS)MacosxDsmEntryEntrypoint(ref m_twidentitymacosxApp, ref m_twidentitymacosxDs, a_dg, DAT.ENTRYPOINT, a_msg, ref a_twentrypoint);
                    // The driver crashed...
                    Log.LogSendAfter(STS.BUMMER, "");
                    return (STS.BUMMER);

            // Uh-oh...
                Log.LogSendAfter(STS.BUMMER, "");
                return (STS.BUMMER);

            // If we were successful, then squirrel away the data...
            if (sts == TWAIN.STS.SUCCESS)
                m_twentrypoint = a_twentrypoint;

            // Log it...
            if (Log.GetLevel() > 0)
                Log.LogSendAfter(sts, EntrypointToCsv(a_twentrypoint));

            // All done...
            return (AutoDatStatus(sts));