public override void OnTradeRemoveItem(Schema.Item schemaItem, Inventory.Item inventoryItem) { if (ActiveOrder != null && ActiveOrder.MatchesItem(inventoryItem)) { ActiveOrder = null; Trade.RemoveAllItems(); } else { if (schemaItem.Defindex == TF2Value.SCRAP_DEFINDEX) { AmountAdded -= TF2Value.Scrap; } else if (schemaItem.Defindex == TF2Value.RECLAIMED_DEFINDEX) { AmountAdded -= TF2Value.Reclaimed; } else if (schemaItem.Defindex == TF2Value.REFINED_DEFINDEX) { AmountAdded -= TF2Value.Refined; } else if (schemaItem.Defindex == TF2Value.KEY_DEFINDEX) { AmountAdded -= TF2Value.Key; } } }
public bool RunCommand(List <string> args, UserHandler handler, Action <string> sendChatMessage) { TF2Value total = TF2Value.Zero; try { handler.Bot.GetInventory(); Inventory inv = handler.Bot.MyInventory; List <Inventory.Item> keys = inv.GetItemsByDefindex(TF2Value.KEY_DEFINDEX); List <Inventory.Item> refi = inv.GetItemsByDefindex(TF2Value.REFINED_DEFINDEX); List <Inventory.Item> rec = inv.GetItemsByDefindex(TF2Value.RECLAIMED_DEFINDEX); List <Inventory.Item> scrap = inv.GetItemsByDefindex(TF2Value.SCRAP_DEFINDEX); total += TF2Value.Key * keys.Count; total += TF2Value.Refined * refi.Count; total += TF2Value.Reclaimed * rec.Count; total += TF2Value.Scrap * scrap.Count; } catch (Exception e) { handler.Log.Error("An error occurred during the {0} command: {1}", CommandName, e.Message); return(false); } sendChatMessage(string.Format("I currently have {0} in pure.", total.ToRefString())); return(true); }
public TF2Value ReadRefs() { XDocument doc = XDocument.Load(fileName); XElement name1, name2, name3; ReturnNextXElement(1, out name1); ReturnNextXElement(2, out name2); ReturnNextXElement(3, out name3); var refelement1 = name1.Element("refs"); var refelement2 = name2.Element("refs"); var refelement3 = name3.Element("refs"); string refs = "refs"; string a, b, c = String.Empty; Indexer(refelement1, refs, out a); Indexer(refelement2, refs, out b); Indexer(refelement3, refs, out c); double x, y, z, d; x = Convert.ToDouble(a); y = Convert.ToDouble(b); z = Convert.ToDouble(c); d = (x + y + z); return(TF2Value.FromRef(d)); }
public override void OnTradeRemoveItem(Schema.Item schemaItem, Inventory.Item inventoryItem) { var item = Trade.CurrentSchema.GetItem(schemaItem.Defindex); Log.Success("User removed: " + schemaItem.ItemName); if ((item.CraftClass == "weapon" || item.CraftMaterialType == "weapon") && !inventoryItem.IsNotCraftable) { userWepAdded--; UnverifiedAmount -= TF2Value.Scrap * 0.5; } else if (item.Defindex == 5000) { UnverifiedAmount -= TF2Value.Scrap; } else if (item.Defindex == 5001) { UnverifiedAmount -= TF2Value.Reclaimed; } else if (item.Defindex == 5002) { UnverifiedAmount -= TF2Value.Refined; } else { invalidItem--; } SendTradeMessage("I now owe you: {0} ref, {1} rec, and {2} scrap", UnverifiedAmount.RefinedPart, UnverifiedAmount.ReclaimedPart, UnverifiedAmount.ScrapPart); }
public void DifferenceTest() { Assert.AreEqual(TF2Value.Zero, TF2Value.Difference(TF2Value.Refined, TF2Value.Refined)); Assert.AreEqual(TF2Value.Scrap, TF2Value.Difference(TF2Value.Scrap * 8, TF2Value.Scrap * 9)); Assert.AreEqual(TF2Value.Scrap, TF2Value.Difference(TF2Value.Scrap * 9, TF2Value.Scrap * 8)); Assert.AreEqual(TF2Value.Refined, TF2Value.Difference(TF2Value.Scrap, TF2Value.Scrap + TF2Value.Refined)); }
public override void OnTradeAddItem(Schema.Item schemaItem, Inventory.Item inventoryItem) { var item = Trade.CurrentSchema.GetItem(schemaItem.Defindex); Log.Success("User added: " + schemaItem.ItemName); if (invalidItem >= 4) { Trade.CancelTrade(); Bot.SteamFriends.SendChatMessage(OtherSID, EChatEntryType.ChatMsg, "Stop messing around. This bot is used for scrapbanking, and will only accept craftable weapons."); } else if ((item.CraftClass == "weapon" || item.CraftMaterialType == "weapon") && !inventoryItem.IsNotCraftable) { userWepAdded++; UnverifiedAmount += TF2Value.Scrap * 0.5; } else if (item.Defindex == 5000) { UnverifiedAmount += TF2Value.Scrap; } else if (item.Defindex == 5001) { UnverifiedAmount += TF2Value.Reclaimed; } else if (item.Defindex == 5002) { UnverifiedAmount += TF2Value.Refined; } else { Trade.SendMessage(schemaItem.ItemName + " is not a valid item! Please remove it from the trade."); invalidItem++; } SendTradeMessage("I now owe you: {0} ref, {1} rec, and {2} scrap", UnverifiedAmount.RefinedPart, UnverifiedAmount.ReclaimedPart, UnverifiedAmount.ScrapPart); }
public void GetItemPartWorksWhenPassingSelfTest() { TF2Value keyPrice = 10 * TF2Value.Refined; TF2Value value = 25 * TF2Value.Refined; Assert.AreEqual(2, value.GetPriceUsingItem(keyPrice, out value)); Assert.AreEqual(5 * TF2Value.Refined, value); }
public void GetItemPartNoRemainderTest() { TF2Value keyPrice = 10 * TF2Value.Refined; TF2Value remainder; Assert.AreEqual(2, (20 * TF2Value.Refined).GetPriceUsingItem(keyPrice, out remainder)); Assert.AreEqual(TF2Value.Zero, remainder); }
public void GetItemPartNoKeysTest() { TF2Value keyPrice = 10 * TF2Value.Refined; TF2Value remainder; Assert.AreEqual(0, (9 * TF2Value.Refined).GetPriceUsingItem(keyPrice, out remainder)); Assert.AreEqual(9 * TF2Value.Refined, remainder); }
public void MetalTotalGetterTest2() { TF2Value value = TF2Value.Scrap; //0.11 ref Assert.AreEqual(1.0 / 9, value.RefinedTotal, 0.01); Assert.AreEqual(1.0 / 3, value.ReclaimedTotal, 0.01); Assert.AreEqual(1, value.ScrapTotal); }
public void MetalTotalGetterTest() { TF2Value value = TF2Value.Refined + TF2Value.Reclaimed * 2; //1.66 ref Assert.AreEqual(5.0 / 3, value.RefinedTotal, 0.01); Assert.AreEqual(5, value.ReclaimedTotal); Assert.AreEqual(15, value.ScrapTotal); }
private void TestGetters(int refined, int reclaimed, int scrap, int grains) { TF2Value value = refined * TF2Value.Refined + reclaimed * TF2Value.Reclaimed + scrap * TF2Value.Scrap + grains * TF2Value.Grain; Assert.AreEqual(refined, value.RefinedPart); Assert.AreEqual(reclaimed, value.ReclaimedPart); Assert.AreEqual(scrap, value.ScrapPart); Assert.AreEqual(grains, value.GrainPart); }
public void GetItemWorthStringHalfScrapTest() { TF2Value weaponValue = TF2Value.Scrap / 2; Assert.AreEqual("1 weapon", weaponValue.ToItemString(weaponValue, "weapon")); Assert.AreEqual("2 weapons", (weaponValue * 2).ToItemString(weaponValue, "weapon")); Assert.AreEqual("4 weapons", (weaponValue * 2 + TF2Value.Scrap).ToItemString(weaponValue, "weapon")); Assert.AreEqual("0 weapons", TF2Value.Zero.ToItemString(weaponValue, "weapon")); }
public void GetItemWorthStringOneScrapTest() { TF2Value emoteWorth = TF2Value.Scrap; Assert.AreEqual("1 emote", emoteWorth.ToItemString(emoteWorth, "emote")); Assert.AreEqual("2 emotes", (emoteWorth * 2).ToItemString(emoteWorth, "emote")); Assert.AreEqual("3 emotes", (emoteWorth * 2 + TF2Value.Scrap).ToItemString(emoteWorth, "emote")); Assert.AreEqual("0 emotes", TF2Value.Zero.ToItemString(emoteWorth, "emote")); }
private void TestKeyOutputWithValue(TF2Value keyValue) { Assert.AreEqual("1 key", keyValue.ToItemString(keyValue, "key")); Assert.AreEqual("2 keys", (keyValue * 2).ToItemString(keyValue, "key")); Assert.AreEqual("2 keys + 0.11 ref", (keyValue * 2 + TF2Value.Scrap).ToItemString(keyValue, "key")); Assert.AreEqual("2 keys + 1 ref", (keyValue * 2 + TF2Value.Refined).ToItemString(keyValue, "key")); Assert.AreEqual("2 keys + 1.11 ref", (keyValue * 2 + TF2Value.Refined + TF2Value.Scrap).ToItemString(keyValue, "key")); Assert.AreEqual("0 keys", TF2Value.Zero.ToItemString(keyValue, "key")); Assert.AreEqual("1 ref", TF2Value.Refined.ToItemString(keyValue, "key")); }
public void GetItemWorthStringFewScrapTest() { TF2Value cardWorth = TF2Value.Scrap * 4; Assert.AreEqual("1 card", cardWorth.ToItemString(cardWorth, "card")); Assert.AreEqual("2 cards", (cardWorth * 2).ToItemString(cardWorth, "card")); Assert.AreEqual("2 cards + 0.11 ref", (cardWorth * 2 + TF2Value.Scrap).ToItemString(cardWorth, "card")); Assert.AreEqual("0 cards", TF2Value.Zero.ToItemString(cardWorth, "card")); Assert.AreEqual("0.11 ref", TF2Value.Scrap.ToItemString(cardWorth, "card")); }
public void MinTest() { Assert.AreEqual(TF2Value.Refined, TF2Value.Min(TF2Value.Refined, TF2Value.Refined)); Assert.AreEqual(TF2Value.Scrap, TF2Value.Min(TF2Value.Refined, TF2Value.Scrap)); Assert.AreEqual(TF2Value.Scrap, TF2Value.Min(TF2Value.Scrap, TF2Value.Refined)); Assert.AreEqual(TF2Value.Zero, TF2Value.Min(TF2Value.Scrap, TF2Value.Zero)); Assert.AreEqual(TF2Value.Zero, TF2Value.Min(TF2Value.Zero, TF2Value.Refined)); Assert.AreEqual(TF2Value.Grain, TF2Value.Min(TF2Value.Scrap, TF2Value.Grain)); Assert.AreEqual(TF2Value.Zero, TF2Value.Min(TF2Value.Zero, TF2Value.Grain)); }
public void NegativeValueThrowsTest() { Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => { TF2Value value = TF2Value.Scrap - TF2Value.Reclaimed; }); Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => { TF2Value value = TF2Value.Reclaimed - TF2Value.Refined; }); }
public void FloorTest() { Assert.AreEqual(TF2Value.Zero, TF2Value.Floor(TF2Value.Zero)); Assert.AreEqual(TF2Value.Zero, TF2Value.Floor(TF2Value.Grain)); Assert.AreEqual(TF2Value.Scrap, TF2Value.Floor(TF2Value.Scrap)); Assert.AreEqual(TF2Value.Reclaimed, TF2Value.Floor(TF2Value.Reclaimed)); Assert.AreEqual(TF2Value.Refined, TF2Value.Floor(TF2Value.Refined)); Assert.AreEqual(TF2Value.Zero, TF2Value.Floor(TF2Value.Scrap / 2)); Assert.AreEqual(TF2Value.Refined, TF2Value.Floor(TF2Value.Refined + TF2Value.Grain)); Assert.AreEqual(TF2Value.Refined + TF2Value.Scrap, TF2Value.Floor(TF2Value.Refined + TF2Value.Scrap)); }
public void CeilingTest() { Assert.AreEqual(TF2Value.Zero, TF2Value.Ceiling(TF2Value.Zero)); Assert.AreEqual(TF2Value.Scrap, TF2Value.Ceiling(TF2Value.Grain)); Assert.AreEqual(TF2Value.Scrap, TF2Value.Ceiling(TF2Value.Scrap)); Assert.AreEqual(TF2Value.Reclaimed, TF2Value.Ceiling(TF2Value.Reclaimed)); Assert.AreEqual(TF2Value.Refined, TF2Value.Ceiling(TF2Value.Refined)); Assert.AreEqual(TF2Value.Scrap, TF2Value.Ceiling(TF2Value.Scrap / 2)); Assert.AreEqual(TF2Value.Refined + TF2Value.Scrap, TF2Value.Ceiling(TF2Value.Refined + TF2Value.Grain)); Assert.AreEqual(TF2Value.Refined + TF2Value.Scrap, TF2Value.Ceiling(TF2Value.Refined + TF2Value.Scrap)); }
public Order(TF2Value price, Schema.Item item, int quality = 6, int maxStock = 5, bool craftable = true, bool allowKS = false, bool allowPaint = false, bool buyOrder = false) { PriceRef = price.RefinedTotal; Defindex = item.Defindex; Quality = quality; MaxStock = maxStock; Craftable = craftable; AllowKillstreaks = allowKS; AllowPaint = allowPaint; IsBuyOrder = buyOrder; }
public bool RunCommand(List <string> args, UserHandler handler, Action <string> sendChatMessage) { try { handler.Bot.GetInventory(); TF2Value total = TF2Value.Zero; foreach (Inventory.Item item in handler.Bot.MyInventory.Items) { if (item.IsNotTradeable) { continue; } if (item.Defindex == TF2Value.KEY_DEFINDEX) { total += TF2Value.Key; } if (item.Defindex == TF2Value.REFINED_DEFINDEX) { total += TF2Value.Refined; } if (item.Defindex == TF2Value.RECLAIMED_DEFINDEX) { total += TF2Value.Reclaimed; } if (item.Defindex == TF2Value.SCRAP_DEFINDEX) { total += TF2Value.Scrap; } Order order = handler.Bot.Orders.SellOrders.FirstOrDefault((o) => o.MatchesItem(item)); if (order != null) { total += order.Price; continue; } } sendChatMessage("Net worth: " + total.ToRefString()); return(true); } catch (Exception e) { handler.Log.Error("An error occurred during the {0} command: {1}", CommandName, e.Message); return(false); } }
public void RoundTest() { Assert.AreEqual(TF2Value.Zero, TF2Value.Round(TF2Value.Zero)); Assert.AreEqual(TF2Value.Zero, TF2Value.Round(TF2Value.Grain)); Assert.AreEqual(TF2Value.Scrap, TF2Value.Round(TF2Value.Scrap)); Assert.AreEqual(TF2Value.Reclaimed, TF2Value.Round(TF2Value.Reclaimed)); Assert.AreEqual(TF2Value.Refined, TF2Value.Round(TF2Value.Refined)); Assert.AreEqual(TF2Value.Zero, TF2Value.Round(TF2Value.Scrap / 2 - TF2Value.Grain)); Assert.AreEqual(TF2Value.Scrap, TF2Value.Round(TF2Value.Scrap / 2)); Assert.AreEqual(TF2Value.Scrap, TF2Value.Round(TF2Value.Scrap / 2 + TF2Value.Grain)); Assert.AreEqual(TF2Value.Refined, TF2Value.Round(TF2Value.Refined + TF2Value.Scrap / 2 - TF2Value.Grain)); Assert.AreEqual(TF2Value.Refined + TF2Value.Scrap, TF2Value.Round(TF2Value.Refined + TF2Value.Scrap / 2)); Assert.AreEqual(TF2Value.Refined + TF2Value.Scrap, TF2Value.Round(TF2Value.Refined + TF2Value.Scrap / 2 + TF2Value.Grain)); }
public void FromRefStringTest() { Assert.AreEqual(1, TF2Value.FromRef("0.11").ScrapTotal); Assert.AreEqual(2, TF2Value.FromRef("0.22").ScrapTotal); Assert.AreEqual(3, TF2Value.FromRef("0.33").ScrapTotal); Assert.AreEqual(4, TF2Value.FromRef("0.44").ScrapTotal); Assert.AreEqual(5, TF2Value.FromRef("0.55").ScrapTotal); Assert.AreEqual(6, TF2Value.FromRef("0.66").ScrapTotal); Assert.AreEqual(7, TF2Value.FromRef("0.77").ScrapTotal); Assert.AreEqual(8, TF2Value.FromRef("0.88").ScrapTotal); Assert.AreEqual(9, TF2Value.FromRef("1").ScrapTotal); Assert.AreEqual(10, TF2Value.FromRef("1.11").ScrapTotal); Assert.AreEqual(11, TF2Value.FromRef("1.22").ScrapTotal); Assert.AreEqual(12, TF2Value.FromRef("1.33").ScrapTotal); Assert.AreEqual(20, TF2Value.FromRef("2.22").ScrapTotal); }
public bool Validate() { AmountAdded = TF2Value.Zero; List <string> errors = new List <string> (); foreach (TradeUserAssets asset in Trade.OtherOfferedItems) { var item = Trade.OtherInventory.GetItem(asset.assetid); if (item.Defindex == 5000) { AmountAdded += TF2Value.Scrap; } else if (item.Defindex == 5001) { AmountAdded += TF2Value.Reclaimed; } else if (item.Defindex == 5002) { AmountAdded += TF2Value.Refined; } else { var schemaItem = Trade.CurrentSchema.GetItem(item.Defindex); errors.Add("Item " + schemaItem.Name + " is not a metal."); } } if (AmountAdded == TF2Value.Zero) { errors.Add("You must put up at least 1 scrap."); } // send the errors if (errors.Count != 0) { SendTradeMessage("There were errors in your trade: "); } foreach (string error in errors) { SendTradeMessage(error); } return(errors.Count == 0); }
public void FromRefTest() { Assert.AreEqual(1, TF2Value.FromRef(0.11).ScrapTotal); Assert.AreEqual(2, TF2Value.FromRef(0.22).ScrapTotal); Assert.AreEqual(3, TF2Value.FromRef(0.33).ScrapTotal); Assert.AreEqual(4, TF2Value.FromRef(0.44).ScrapTotal); Assert.AreEqual(5, TF2Value.FromRef(0.55).ScrapTotal); Assert.AreEqual(6, TF2Value.FromRef(0.66).ScrapTotal); Assert.AreEqual(7, TF2Value.FromRef(0.77).ScrapTotal); Assert.AreEqual(8, TF2Value.FromRef(0.88).ScrapTotal); Assert.AreEqual(9, TF2Value.FromRef(1).ScrapTotal); Assert.AreEqual(10, TF2Value.FromRef(1.11).ScrapTotal); Assert.AreEqual(11, TF2Value.FromRef(1.22).ScrapTotal); Assert.AreEqual(12, TF2Value.FromRef(1.33).ScrapTotal); Assert.AreEqual(20, TF2Value.FromRef(2.22).ScrapTotal); Assert.AreEqual(9000, TF2Value.FromRef(1000).ScrapTotal); Assert.AreEqual(9001, TF2Value.FromRef(1000.11).ScrapTotal); }
public void AddPure(TF2Value orderPayment) { if (ActiveOrder == null) { Log.Error("Trade with user #{0}: SimpleUserHandler.ActiveOrder == null.", OtherSID.ToString()); Trade.CancelTrade(); SendChatMessage("I have encountered an error. Please send the trade again."); return; } SendTradeMessage("Removing items from previous trades..."); Trade.RemoveAllItems(); SendTradeMessage("Adding payment for this trade..."); TF2Value myPayment = TF2Value.Zero; TF2Value currentIteration = TF2Value.Key; while (myPayment + currentIteration <= orderPayment) { if (!Trade.AddItemByDefindex(TF2Value.KEY_DEFINDEX)) { //Log.Warn("[TRADE-BUY] No more keys found. Moving on to refined metal."); break; } Log.Debug("Added key in trade with user {0}.", OtherSID.ToString()); myPayment += currentIteration; } currentIteration = TF2Value.Refined; while (myPayment + currentIteration <= orderPayment) { if (!Trade.AddItemByDefindex(TF2Value.REFINED_DEFINDEX)) { //Log.Warn("[TRADE-BUY] No more refined metal found. Moving on to reclaimed metal."); break; } Log.Debug("Added refined metal in trade with user {0}.", OtherSID.ToString()); myPayment += currentIteration; } currentIteration = TF2Value.Reclaimed; while (myPayment + currentIteration <= orderPayment) { if (!Trade.AddItemByDefindex(TF2Value.RECLAIMED_DEFINDEX)) { //Log.Warn("[TRADE-BUY] No more reclaimed metal found. Moving on to scrap metal."); break; } Log.Debug("Added reclaimed metal in trade with user {0}.", OtherSID.ToString()); myPayment += currentIteration; } currentIteration = TF2Value.Scrap; while (myPayment + currentIteration <= orderPayment) { if (!Trade.AddItemByDefindex(TF2Value.SCRAP_DEFINDEX)) { Log.Warn("[PAYMENT] No more scrap metal found."); break; } Log.Debug("Added scrap metal in trade with user {0}.", OtherSID.ToString()); myPayment += currentIteration; } if (myPayment != orderPayment) { Log.Error("Could not add correct amount of {0}. Instead added {1}.", ActiveOrder.Price.ToRefString(), myPayment.ToRefString()); Trade.CancelTrade(); SendChatMessage("I have encountered an error. Please send the trade again."); } SendTradeMessage("Finished paying {0}.", myPayment.ToRefString()); }
private bool _ordersAdd(List <string> args, UserHandler handler, Action <string> sendChatMessage) { if (args.Count < 4) { sendChatMessage("Syntax: orders add {sell | buy} {defindex} {quality} {price}"); return(false); } bool sell = args[0].ToLower() == "sell"; string strDefindex = args[1]; int defindex; if (!int.TryParse(strDefindex, out defindex)) { sendChatMessage("Invalid defindex: " + strDefindex); return(false); } Schema.Item item = Trade.CurrentSchema.GetItem(defindex); string strQuality = args[2]; int quality; if (!int.TryParse(strQuality, out quality)) { sendChatMessage("Invalid quality id: " + strQuality); return(false); } string strPrice = args[3]; double priceRef; if (!double.TryParse(strPrice, out priceRef)) { sendChatMessage("Invalid price value: " + strPrice); return(false); } TF2Value price = TF2Value.FromRef(priceRef); if (sell) { Order so = handler.Bot.Orders.SellOrders.FirstOrDefault((o) => o.Defindex == defindex && o.Quality == quality); if (so != null) { sendChatMessage("Order already exists selling for " + so.Price.ToRefString()); return(false); } Order added = new Order(price, item, quality, 3, true, false, false, false); handler.Bot.Orders.SellOrders.Add(added); sendChatMessage("Sell order added: " + added.ToString(Trade.CurrentSchema)); } else { Order bo = handler.Bot.Orders.BuyOrders.FirstOrDefault((o) => o.Defindex == defindex && o.Quality == quality); if (bo != null) { sendChatMessage("Order already exists buying for " + bo.Price.ToRefString()); return(false); } Order added = new Order(price, item, quality, 3, true, false, false, true); handler.Bot.Orders.BuyOrders.Add(added); sendChatMessage("Buy order added: " + added.ToString(Trade.CurrentSchema)); } handler.Bot.Orders.SaveAll(); return(true); }
public void ReInit() { IgnoringBot = 0; NumKeys = 0; AdditionalRefined = TF2Value.Zero; UserMetalAdded = TF2Value.Zero; UserKeysAdded = 0; BotKeysAdded = 0; BotMetalAdded = TF2Value.Zero; RefinedAdded = 0; ReclaimedAdded = 0; ScrapAdded = 0; KeysToScrap = TF2Value.Zero; ValidateMetaltoKey = 0; PreviousKeys = 0; ExcessRefined = TF2Value.Zero; ChangeAdded = TF2Value.Zero; InvalidItem = 0; HasErrorRun = false; ChooseDonate = false; GaveChange = false; ChangeValidate = false; HasCounted = false; InventoryFailed = false; }
public override void OnTradeRemoveItem(Schema.Item schemaItem, Inventory.Item inventoryItem) { Schema.Item item = Trade.CurrentSchema.GetItem((int)schemaItem.Defindex); if (item.Defindex == 5000) { UserMetalAdded -= TF2Value.Scrap; Bot.Log.Success(Bot.SteamFriends.GetFriendPersonaName(OtherSID) + " removed: " + item.ItemName); } else if (item.Defindex == 5001) { UserMetalAdded -= TF2Value.Reclaimed; Bot.Log.Success(Bot.SteamFriends.GetFriendPersonaName(OtherSID) + " removed: " + item.ItemName); } else if (item.Defindex == 5002) { UserMetalAdded -= TF2Value.Refined; Bot.Log.Success(Bot.SteamFriends.GetFriendPersonaName(OtherSID) + " removed: " + item.ItemName); } else if (item.Defindex == 5021) { UserKeysAdded--; KeysToScrap = UserKeysAdded * BuyPricePerKey; Bot.Log.Success(Bot.SteamFriends.GetFriendPersonaName(OtherSID) + " removed: " + item.ItemName); } else { Bot.Log.Warn(Bot.SteamFriends.GetFriendPersonaName(OtherSID) + " removed: " + item.ItemName); } if ((double)UserKeysAdded < BotMetalAdded.GetPriceUsingItem(BuyPricePerKey)) { bool RefIsDone = false; bool RecIsDone = false; bool ScrapIsDone = false; bool DoneAddingMetal = false; int WhileLoop = 0; while (!DoneAddingMetal) { WhileLoop++; if (TF2Value.Difference(BotMetalAdded, KeysToScrap) >= TF2Value.Refined && !RefIsDone) { if (Trade.RemoveItemByDefindex(5002)) { Bot.Log.Warn("I removed Refined Metal."); BotMetalAdded -= TF2Value.Refined; InventoryMetal += TF2Value.Refined; Refined++; RefinedAdded--; } else { RefIsDone = true; } } else if (TF2Value.Difference(BotMetalAdded, KeysToScrap) < TF2Value.Refined && !RefIsDone) { RefIsDone = true; } else if (TF2Value.Difference(BotMetalAdded, KeysToScrap) >= TF2Value.Reclaimed && RefIsDone && !RecIsDone) { if (Trade.RemoveItemByDefindex(5001)) { Bot.Log.Warn("I removed Reclaimed Metal."); BotMetalAdded -= TF2Value.Reclaimed; InventoryMetal += TF2Value.Reclaimed; Reclaimed++; ReclaimedAdded--; } else if (Trade.RemoveItemByDefindex(5002)) { Bot.Log.Warn("I removed Refined Metal."); BotMetalAdded -= TF2Value.Refined; InventoryMetal += TF2Value.Refined; Refined++; RefinedAdded--; for (int addareclaimed = 0; addareclaimed < 2; addareclaimed++) { if (Trade.AddItemByDefindex(5001)) { Bot.Log.Warn("I added Reclaimed Metal."); BotMetalAdded += TF2Value.Reclaimed; InventoryMetal -= TF2Value.Reclaimed; Reclaimed--; ReclaimedAdded++; } } } } else if (TF2Value.Difference(BotMetalAdded, KeysToScrap) < TF2Value.Reclaimed && !RecIsDone) { RecIsDone = true; } else if (TF2Value.Difference(BotMetalAdded, KeysToScrap) >= TF2Value.Scrap && RefIsDone && RecIsDone && !ScrapIsDone) { if (Trade.RemoveItemByDefindex(5000)) { Bot.Log.Warn("I removed Scrap Metal."); BotMetalAdded -= TF2Value.Scrap; InventoryMetal += TF2Value.Scrap; Scrap++; ScrapAdded--; } else if (Trade.RemoveItemByDefindex(5001)) { Bot.Log.Warn("I removed Reclaimed Metal."); BotMetalAdded -= TF2Value.Reclaimed; InventoryMetal += TF2Value.Reclaimed; Reclaimed++; ReclaimedAdded--; for (int addascrap = 0; addascrap < 2; addascrap++) { if (Trade.AddItemByDefindex(5000)) { Bot.Log.Warn("I added Scrap Metal."); BotMetalAdded += TF2Value.Scrap; InventoryMetal -= TF2Value.Scrap; Scrap--; ScrapAdded++; } } } else { ScrapIsDone = true; } } else if (BotMetalAdded == KeysToScrap) { DoneAddingMetal = true; ScrapIsDone = true; } else if (ScrapIsDone && RecIsDone && RefIsDone) { ScrapIsDone = false; RecIsDone = false; RefIsDone = false; } else if (WhileLoop > 100) { SendTradeMessage("Error: I cannot remove metal at the moment. Either Steam is broken or I am broken!"); Bot.Log.Error("Error: Bot could not remove metal from a trade."); break; } } } while (UserMetalAdded.GetPriceUsingItem(SellPricePerKey) < (double)BotKeysAdded) { if (Trade.RemoveItemByDefindex(5021)) { Bot.Log.Warn("I removed Mann Co. Supply Crate Key."); SendTradeMessage("I removed a key."); BotKeysAdded--; InventoryKeys++; PreviousKeys = BotKeysAdded; } else { SendTradeMessage("Error: I cannot remove the key(s) at the moment. Either Steam is broken or I am broken!"); Bot.Log.Error("Error: Bot could not remove a key from a trade."); break; } } }
public override void OnTradeAddItem(Schema.Item schemaItem, Inventory.Item inventoryItem) { if (schemaItem != null && inventoryItem != null) { Schema.Item item = Trade.CurrentSchema.GetItem((int)schemaItem.Defindex); if (inventoryItem.AppId != 440) { SendTradeMessage("That's an item from the wrong game!"); } if (!HasCounted) { SendTradeMessage("I haven't finished counting my inventory yet."); SendTradeMessage("Please remove any items you added, and then re-add them or there could be errors."); } else if (InvalidItem > 2) { Trade.CancelTrade(); SendChatMessage("I am used for buying and selling keys only. I can only accept metal or keys as payment."); Bot.Log.Warn("Booted user for adding invalid items."); Bot.SteamFriends.SetPersonaState(EPersonaState.LookingToTrade); } else if (IgnoringBot > 3) { Trade.CancelTrade(); SendChatMessage("It would appear that you haven't checked my inventory. I either do not have enough metal, or do not have enough keys to complete your trade."); Bot.Log.Warn("Booted user for ignoring the bot."); Bot.SteamFriends.SetPersonaState(EPersonaState.LookingToTrade); } else if (ScamAttempt > 2) { Trade.CancelTrade(); ScamAttempt = 0; SendChatMessage("The trade isn't even. Are you trying to scam me? :("); Bot.Log.Warn("Booted user for trying to scam the bot."); Bot.SteamFriends.SetPersonaState(EPersonaState.LookingToTrade); } else if (item.Defindex == 5000) { UserMetalAdded += TF2Value.Scrap; Bot.Log.Success(Bot.SteamFriends.GetFriendPersonaName(OtherSID) + " added: " + item.ItemName); WasBuying = true; } else if (item.Defindex == 5001) { UserMetalAdded += TF2Value.Reclaimed; Bot.Log.Success(Bot.SteamFriends.GetFriendPersonaName(OtherSID) + " added: " + item.ItemName); WasBuying = true; } else if (item.Defindex == 5002) { UserMetalAdded += TF2Value.Refined; Bot.Log.Success(Bot.SteamFriends.GetFriendPersonaName(OtherSID) + " added: " + item.ItemName); WasBuying = true; } else if (item.Defindex == 5021) { UserKeysAdded++; KeysToScrap = UserKeysAdded * BuyPricePerKey; WasBuying = false; Bot.Log.Success(Bot.SteamFriends.GetFriendPersonaName(OtherSID) + " added: " + item.ItemName); if (!ChooseDonate) { if (InventoryMetal < KeysToScrap) { SendTradeMessage("I only have " + InventoryMetal.ToRefString() + "."); SendTradeMessage("I pay " + BuyPricePerKey.ToRefString() + " per key. You need to remove some keys."); Bot.Log.Warn("I don't have enough metal for the user."); IgnoringBot++; } else { SendTradeMessage("You have given me " + UserKeysAdded + " key(s)."); SendTradeMessage("I will give you " + KeysToScrap.ToRefString() + "."); bool RefIsDone = false; bool RecIsDone = false; bool ScrapIsDone = false; bool DoneAddingMetal = false; bool RetriedOnce = false; int WhileLoop = 0; while (!DoneAddingMetal) { WhileLoop++; if (TF2Value.Difference(BotMetalAdded, KeysToScrap) >= TF2Value.Refined && !RefIsDone) { if (Trade.AddItemByDefindex(5002)) { Bot.Log.Warn("I added Refined Metal."); BotMetalAdded += TF2Value.Refined; InventoryMetal -= TF2Value.Refined; Refined--; RefinedAdded++; } else { RefIsDone = true; } } else if (TF2Value.Difference(BotMetalAdded, KeysToScrap) < TF2Value.Refined && !RefIsDone) { RefIsDone = true; } else if (TF2Value.Difference(BotMetalAdded, KeysToScrap) >= TF2Value.Reclaimed && RefIsDone && !RecIsDone) { if (ReclaimedAdded == 2 && Refined > 0) { for (int removed = 0; removed < 2; removed++) { if (Trade.RemoveItemByDefindex(5001)) { Bot.Log.Warn("I removed Reclaimed Metal."); BotMetalAdded -= TF2Value.Reclaimed; InventoryMetal += TF2Value.Reclaimed; Reclaimed++; ReclaimedAdded--; } } if (Trade.AddItemByDefindex(5002)) { Bot.Log.Warn("I added Refined Metal."); BotMetalAdded += TF2Value.Refined; InventoryMetal -= TF2Value.Refined; Refined--; RefinedAdded++; } else { RecIsDone = true; } } else if (Trade.AddItemByDefindex(5001)) { Bot.Log.Warn("I added Reclaimed Metal."); BotMetalAdded += TF2Value.Reclaimed; InventoryMetal -= TF2Value.Reclaimed; Reclaimed--; ReclaimedAdded++; } else { RecIsDone = true; } } else if (TF2Value.Difference(BotMetalAdded, KeysToScrap) < TF2Value.Reclaimed && !RecIsDone) { RecIsDone = true; } else if (TF2Value.Difference(BotMetalAdded, KeysToScrap) >= TF2Value.Scrap && RefIsDone && RecIsDone && !ScrapIsDone) { if (ScrapAdded == 2 && Reclaimed > 0) { for (int removed2 = 0; removed2 < 2; removed2++) { if (Trade.RemoveItemByDefindex(5000)) { Bot.Log.Warn("I removed Scrap Metal."); BotMetalAdded -= TF2Value.Scrap; InventoryMetal += TF2Value.Scrap; Scrap++; ScrapAdded--; } } if (Trade.AddItemByDefindex(5001)) { Bot.Log.Warn("I added Reclaimed Metal."); BotMetalAdded += TF2Value.Reclaimed; InventoryMetal -= TF2Value.Reclaimed; Reclaimed--; ReclaimedAdded++; } } else if (Trade.AddItemByDefindex(5000)) { Bot.Log.Warn("I added Scrap Metal."); BotMetalAdded += TF2Value.Scrap; InventoryMetal -= TF2Value.Scrap; Scrap--; ScrapAdded++; } else { ScrapIsDone = true; } } else if (BotMetalAdded == KeysToScrap) { SendTradeMessage("Added enough metal (" + BotMetalAdded.ToRefString() + ")."); Bot.Log.Success("Gave user enough metal!"); DoneAddingMetal = true; ScrapIsDone = true; } else if (ScrapIsDone && RecIsDone && RefIsDone && !RetriedOnce) { ScrapIsDone = false; RecIsDone = false; RefIsDone = false; RetriedOnce = true; } else if (RefIsDone && RecIsDone && ScrapIsDone && BotMetalAdded < KeysToScrap) { SendTradeMessage("Sorry, but I don't have enough scrap or rec to give you!"); SendTradeMessage("Please close the trade and try again. The bot will immediately craft for you."); Bot.Log.Warn("Couldn't add enough scrap or rec for the user!"); IgnoringBot++; DoneAddingMetal = true; } else if (WhileLoop > 100) { SendTradeMessage("Error: I cannot add metal at the moment. Either Steam is broken or I am broken!"); Bot.Log.Error("Error: Bot could not add metal to a trade."); break; } } } } } else { SendTradeMessage("Sorry, I don't accept " + item.ItemName + "!"); SendTradeMessage("I only accept metal/keys! Please remove it from the trade to continue."); Bot.Log.Warn(Bot.SteamFriends.GetFriendPersonaName(OtherSID) + " added: " + item.ItemName); InvalidItem++; } if (!ChooseDonate && UserMetalAdded.ScrapTotal % SellPricePerKey.ScrapTotal >= 0.0 && UserMetalAdded.ScrapTotal > 0.0) { TF2Value excess; NumKeys = UserMetalAdded.GetPriceUsingItem(SellPricePerKey, out excess); TF2Value MetalForNextKey = SellPricePerKey - excess; if (NumKeys > 0 && NumKeys != PreviousKeys) { SendTradeMessage("You put up enough metal for " + NumKeys + " key(s)."); SendTradeMessage("Add " + MetalForNextKey.ToRefString() + " to buy a key/another key."); int AddNumKeys = NumKeys + 1; int AddMoreNumKeys = NumKeys + 2; TF2Value CurrentKeys = SellPricePerKey * NumKeys; TF2Value PlusOneKey = SellPricePerKey * (NumKeys + 1); TF2Value PlusTwoKeys = SellPricePerKey * (NumKeys + 2); SendTradeMessage("For reference: " + CurrentKeys.ToPartsString(false) + " = " + NumKeys + " key(s),"); SendTradeMessage(PlusOneKey.ToPartsString(false) + " = " + AddNumKeys + " key(s),"); SendTradeMessage(PlusTwoKeys.ToPartsString(false) + " = " + AddMoreNumKeys + " key(s)..."); if (NumKeys > InventoryKeys) { SendTradeMessage("I only have " + InventoryKeys + " in my backpack."); Bot.Log.Warn(Bot.SteamFriends.GetFriendPersonaName(OtherSID) + " wanted to buy " + NumKeys + " key(s), but I only have " + InventoryKeys + " key(s)."); SendTradeMessage("Please remove " + excess.ToRefString() + "."); NumKeys = InventoryKeys; IgnoringBot++; } for (int count = BotKeysAdded; count < NumKeys; count++) { Trade.AddItemByDefindex(5021); Bot.Log.Warn("I am adding Mann Co. Supply Crate Key."); BotKeysAdded++; } PreviousKeys = NumKeys; return; } } } else { SendTradeMessage("Error adding item. Please remove it and try again, or restart trade."); SendTradeMessage("Is your inventory private? Making it public helps trades work."); Bot.Log.Error("Error while user was adding an item. Possibly private inventory."); } }
public override void OnMessage(string message, EChatEntryType type) { message = message.ToLower(); if (message == "price") { SendChatMessage("I buy keys for " + BuyPricePerKey.ToRefString() + ", and sell keys for " + SellPricePerKey.ToRefString() + "."); } else if ((message.Contains("love") || message.Contains("luv") || message.Contains("<3")) && (message.Contains("y") || message.Contains("u"))) { if (message.Contains("do")) { SendChatMessage("I love you lots. <3"); } else { SendChatMessage("I love you too!"); } } else if (message.Contains("<3")) { SendChatMessage("<3"); } else if (message.Contains("thank")) { SendChatMessage("You're welcome!"); } else if (message == "donate") { SendChatMessage("Please type that command into the trade window. And thanks!"); } else if (message == "buy") { SendChatMessage("That's not a command. Please trade to begin and add keys or metal. Type 'help' for more info."); } else if (message == "sell") { SendChatMessage("That's not a command. Please trade to begin and add keys or metal. Type 'help' for more info."); } else if (message == "trade") { SendChatMessage("That's not a command. Please trade to begin and add keys or metal. Type 'help' for more info."); } else if (message.Contains("stupid") || message.Contains("f**k") || message.Contains("can't") || message.Contains("cant") || message.Contains("what")) { SendChatMessage("Hey, do you need help? Type \"help\" for more info. Or else, are trades failing? Chances are that Steam is having the issues -- not me!"); } else if (message.Contains("help")) { SendChatMessage("Type \"price\" to see my current prices. Type \"stock\" to see what I have. Then trade me, and put up your keys or metal and I will add my keys or exact price in metal automatically. You MUST put up exact metal if buying keys. Not having a private inventory is often helpful when trades fail. I also accept donations of either keys or metal. To donate, type \"donate\" in the trade window!"); } else if (message == "commands") { SendChatMessage("Type \"price\" to see my current prices. Type \"stock\" to see what I have. Type \"info\" for more information on this bot via a link to the bot's TF2Outpost page. Type \"help\" for a guide on how to trade with the bot. To donate, type \"donate\" in the trade window!"); } else if (message == "info") { SendChatMessage("More information about this bot can be found here: ."); } else if (message == "stock" || message == "inventory") { HasNonTradeCounted = false; CountInventory(true); if (NonTradeInventoryKeys == 0 && HasNonTradeCounted) { SendChatMessage("I don't have any keys to sell at the moment."); SendChatMessage("I can afford to buy " + NonTradeKeysCanBuy + " key(s). I am buying for " + BuyPricePerKey.ToRefString() + " each."); } else if (NonTradeInventoryKeys > 0 && HasNonTradeCounted) { if (NonTradeInventoryMetal < BuyPricePerKey) { SendChatMessage("Currently I have " + NonTradeInventoryKeys + " key(s) for " + SellPricePerKey.ToRefString() + " each, but unfortunately I can not afford to buy keys from you at this time."); } else { SendChatMessage("Currently I have " + NonTradeInventoryKeys + " key(s) for " + SellPricePerKey.ToRefString() + " each."); SendChatMessage("I can afford to buy " + NonTradeKeysCanBuy + " key(s). I am buying for " + BuyPricePerKey.ToRefString() + " each."); } } else if (InventoryFailed) { SendChatMessage("Unable to check inventory due to being unable to get it from Steam. You can probably try again in a few moments if you like."); Bot.Log.Warn("Bot notified user of failure to count inventory due to failed Web Request."); } else { SendChatMessage("Oh no, I'm broke!"); } if (NonTradeKeysCanBuy > 0 && BuyPricePerKey.ScrapPart > NonTradeScrap && BuyPricePerKey.ReclaimedPart > NonTradeReclaimed + (NonTradeScrap - BuyPricePerKey.ScrapPart) / 3) { SendChatMessage("I do not have exact change! Open and close a trade with me if you'd like me to make scrap/rec for you."); Bot.Log.Warn("Bot warned a user of a lack of scrap or rec during a stock request."); } } else if (IsAdmin) { if (message.StartsWith(".sell")) { double NewSellPrice = 0.0; SendChatMessage("Current selling price: " + SellPricePerKey.ToRefString() + "."); SellPricePerKey = TF2Value.Zero; if (message.Length >= 6) { double.TryParse(message.Substring(5), out NewSellPrice); Bot.Log.Success("Admin has requested that I set the new selling price to " + NewSellPrice + " ref."); SellPricePerKey = TF2Value.FromRef(NewSellPrice); SendChatMessage("Setting new selling price to: " + SellPricePerKey.ToRefString() + "."); Bot.Log.Success("Successfully set new price."); } else { SendChatMessage("I need more arguments. Current selling price: " + SellPricePerKey.ToRefString() + "."); } } else if (message.StartsWith(".buy")) { double NewBuyPrice = 0.0; SendChatMessage("Current buying price: " + BuyPricePerKey.ToRefString() + "."); BuyPricePerKey = TF2Value.Zero; if (message.Length >= 5) { double.TryParse(message.Substring(4), out NewBuyPrice); Bot.Log.Success("Admin has requested that I set the new buying price to " + NewBuyPrice + " ref."); BuyPricePerKey = TF2Value.FromRef(NewBuyPrice); SendChatMessage("Setting new buying price to: " + BuyPricePerKey.ToRefString() + "."); Bot.Log.Success("Successfully set new price."); } else { SendChatMessage("I need more arguments. Current buying price: " + BuyPricePerKey.ToRefString() + "."); } } else if (message.StartsWith(".play")) { if (message.Length >= 7) { if (message.Substring(6) == "tf2") { Bot.SetGamePlaying(440); Bot.Log.Success("Successfully simulated in-game status for TF2."); } Bot.SetGamePlaying(0); Bot.Log.Success("Exited game simulation."); } } if (message.StartsWith(".removefriend")) { if (message.Substring(14) == "all") { int friendCount = Bot.SteamFriends.GetFriendCount(); for (int x = 0; x < friendCount; x++) { SteamID DeletingFriendID = Bot.SteamFriends.GetFriendByIndex(x); if (!Bot.Admins.Contains(DeletingFriendID)) { Bot.SteamFriends.RemoveFriend(DeletingFriendID); } else { Bot.Log.Success("Skipped Admin " + Bot.SteamFriends.GetFriendPersonaName(DeletingFriendID) + "."); } } Bot.Log.Success("Deleted all friends."); } else { var EnteredID = Convert.ToUInt64(message.Substring(14)); var DeleteID = new SteamID(EnteredID); if (InFriendsList(DeleteID)) { Bot.SteamFriends.RemoveFriend(DeleteID); Bot.Log.Success("Deleted " + Bot.SteamFriends.GetFriendPersonaName(DeleteID) + "."); } else { Bot.Log.Error("Failed to remove friend. You typed " + EnteredID + "."); } } } else if (message == ".canceltrade") { if (Bot.CurrentTrade != null) { SteamID LastTradedSID = Trade.OtherSID; Trade.CancelTrade(); Bot.SteamFriends.SendChatMessage(LastTradedSID, EChatEntryType.ChatMsg, "Trade forcefully closed. Please retry as soon as you are ready to trade instead of whatever you were doing."); Bot.Log.Warn("Trade with " + Bot.SteamFriends.GetFriendPersonaName(LastTradedSID) + " cancelled."); Bot.SteamFriends.SetPersonaState(EPersonaState.LookingToTrade); } SendChatMessage("There is no current trade to cancel."); } } else { SendChatMessage(Bot.ChatResponse); } }
public override void OnTradeRemoveItem(Schema.Item schemaItem, Inventory.Item inventoryItem) { if (ActiveOrder != null && ActiveOrder.MatchesItem(inventoryItem)) { ActiveOrder = null; Trade.RemoveAllItems(); } else { if (schemaItem.Defindex == TF2Value.SCRAP_DEFINDEX) AmountAdded -= TF2Value.Scrap; else if (schemaItem.Defindex == TF2Value.RECLAIMED_DEFINDEX) AmountAdded -= TF2Value.Reclaimed; else if (schemaItem.Defindex == TF2Value.REFINED_DEFINDEX) AmountAdded -= TF2Value.Refined; else if (schemaItem.Defindex == TF2Value.KEY_DEFINDEX) AmountAdded -= TF2Value.Key; } }
public override void OnTradeAddItem(Schema.Item schemaItem, Inventory.Item inventoryItem) { Log.Info("Added item {0}{1} (defindex #{2}).", Order.GetQualityString(inventoryItem.Quality), schemaItem.ItemName, schemaItem.Defindex); if (!schemaItem.IsPure()) { Bot.GetInventory(); bool found = false; foreach (Order o in Bot.Orders.BuyOrders) { if (o.MatchesItem(inventoryItem)) { found = true; if (Bot.MyInventory.TotalPure() < o.Price) { Log.Warn("Out of metal for buy orders! Not enough metal to buy {0}.", schemaItem.ItemName); SendTradeMessage("Unfortunately I am out of metal and cannot buy anything at the moment."); SendTradeMessage("Enter 'buy' to get a list of the items I am selling."); } else if (Bot.MyInventory.GetItemsByDefindex(o.Defindex, o.Quality).Count >= o.MaxStock) { Log.Warn("Full stock for item {0}.", schemaItem.ItemName); SendTradeMessage("Unfortunately I have full stock and cannot buy your {0}.", schemaItem.ItemName); SendTradeMessage("Enter 'buy' to get a list of the items I am selling."); } else { ActiveOrder = o; SendTradeMessage(o.ToString(Trade.CurrentSchema)); AddPure(ActiveOrder.Price); } } } if (!found) { SendTradeMessage("I am currently not buying that item at the moment."); SendTradeMessage("Enter 'buy' to get a list of the items I am selling."); } } else { if (schemaItem.Defindex == TF2Value.SCRAP_DEFINDEX) { AmountAdded += TF2Value.Scrap; } else if (schemaItem.Defindex == TF2Value.RECLAIMED_DEFINDEX) { AmountAdded += TF2Value.Reclaimed; } else if (schemaItem.Defindex == TF2Value.REFINED_DEFINDEX) { AmountAdded += TF2Value.Refined; } else if (schemaItem.Defindex == TF2Value.KEY_DEFINDEX) { AmountAdded += TF2Value.Key; } else if (ActiveOrder != null) { SendTradeMessage("Sorry, but I cannot accept any {0} as valid payment.", schemaItem.ItemName); } if (AmountAdded == ActiveOrder.Price) { SendTradeMessage("You have paid the correct amount."); } else if (AmountAdded > ActiveOrder.Price) { SendTradeMessage("You are paying too much! The price for the {0} is {1}.", ActiveOrder.GetSearchString(Trade.CurrentSchema), ActiveOrder.Price.ToRefString()); } } }
public override void OnMessage(string message, EChatEntryType type) { message = message.ToLower(); if (message == "price") { SendChatMessage("I buy keys for " + BuyPricePerKey.ToRefString() + ", and sell keys for " + SellPricePerKey.ToRefString() + "."); } else if ((message.Contains("love") || message.Contains("luv") || message.Contains("<3")) && (message.Contains("y") || message.Contains("u"))) { if (message.Contains("do")) { SendChatMessage("I love you lots. <3"); } else { SendChatMessage("I love you too!"); } } else if (message.Contains("<3")) { SendChatMessage("<3"); } else if (message.Contains("thank")) { SendChatMessage("You're welcome!"); } else if (message == "donate") { SendChatMessage("Please type that command into the trade window. And thanks!"); } else if (message == "buy") { SendChatMessage("That's not a command. Please trade to begin and add keys or metal. Type 'help' for more info."); } else if (message == "sell") { SendChatMessage("That's not a command. Please trade to begin and add keys or metal. Type 'help' for more info."); } else if (message == "trade") { SendChatMessage("That's not a command. Please trade to begin and add keys or metal. Type 'help' for more info."); } else if (message.Contains("stupid") || message.Contains("f**k") || message.Contains("can't") || message.Contains("cant") || message.Contains("what")) { SendChatMessage("Hey, do you need help? Type \"help\" for more info. Or else, are trades failing? Chances are that Steam is having the issues -- not me!"); } else if (message.Contains("help")) { SendChatMessage("Type \"price\" to see my current prices. Type \"stock\" to see what I have. Then trade me, and put up your keys or metal and I will add my keys or exact price in metal automatically. Type \"commands\" for a list of commands."); } else if (message == "commands") { SendChatMessage("Type \"price\" to see my current prices. Type \"stock\" to see what I have. Type \"confirm\" to have your trades confirmed if the bot does not do so. Type \"info\" for more information on this bot via a link to the bot's TF2Outpost page. Type \"help\" for a guide on how to trade with the bot. Type \"group\" to be invited to the group (WIP). To donate, type \"donate\" in the trade window!"); } else if (message == "info") { SendChatMessage("More information about this bot can be found here: ."); } else if (message == "group") { SendChatMessage("Coming soon...invite to group feature. But here is the group: ."); } else if (message == "confirm") { Bot.AcceptAllMobileTradeConfirmations(); SendChatMessage("Confirming all my trades. Message from owner: If this does not work, Steam failed to send a confirmation. Redo your trade. This is out of my control."); } else if (message == "stock" || message == "inventory") { HasNonTradeCounted = false; CountInventory(true); if (InventoryFailed) { SendChatMessage("I failed to start your trade because Steam is down. Try again later when Steam is working."); Bot.Log.Warn("I notified user of failure to count inventory due to failed Web Request."); } if (NonTradeInventoryKeys == 0 && HasNonTradeCounted) { SendChatMessage("I don't have any keys to sell at the moment."); SendChatMessage("I can afford to buy " + NonTradeKeysCanBuy + " key(s). I am buying for " + BuyPricePerKey.ToRefString() + " each."); } else if (NonTradeInventoryKeys > 0 && HasNonTradeCounted) { if (NonTradeInventoryMetal < BuyPricePerKey) { SendChatMessage("Currently I have " + NonTradeInventoryKeys + " key(s) for " + SellPricePerKey.ToRefString() + " each, but unfortunately I can not afford to buy keys from you at this time."); } else { SendChatMessage("Currently I have " + NonTradeInventoryKeys + " key(s) for " + SellPricePerKey.ToRefString() + " each."); SendChatMessage("I can afford to buy " + NonTradeKeysCanBuy + " key(s). I am buying for " + BuyPricePerKey.ToRefString() + " each."); } } else { SendChatMessage("Oh no, I'm broke!"); } if (NonTradeKeysCanBuy > 0 && BuyPricePerKey.ScrapPart > NonTradeScrap && BuyPricePerKey.ReclaimedPart > NonTradeReclaimed + (NonTradeScrap - BuyPricePerKey.ScrapPart) / 3) { SendChatMessage("I do not have exact change! Open and close a trade with me if you'd like me to make scrap/rec for you."); Bot.Log.Warn("I warned a user of a lack of scrap or rec during a stock request."); } } else if (IsAdmin) { if (message.StartsWith(".sell")) { double NewSellPrice = 0.0; SendChatMessage("Current selling price: " + SellPricePerKey.ToRefString() + "."); SellPricePerKey = TF2Value.Zero; if (message.Length >= 6) { double.TryParse(message.Substring(5), out NewSellPrice); Bot.Log.Success("Admin has requested that I set the new selling price to " + NewSellPrice + " ref."); SellPricePerKey = TF2Value.FromRef(NewSellPrice); SendChatMessage("Setting new selling price to: " + SellPricePerKey.ToRefString() + "."); Bot.Log.Success("Successfully set new price."); } else { SendChatMessage("I need more arguments. Current selling price: " + SellPricePerKey.ToRefString() + "."); } } else if (message.StartsWith(".buy")) { double NewBuyPrice = 0.0; SendChatMessage("Current buying price: " + BuyPricePerKey.ToRefString() + "."); BuyPricePerKey = TF2Value.Zero; if (message.Length >= 5) { double.TryParse(message.Substring(4), out NewBuyPrice); Bot.Log.Success("Admin has requested that I set the new buying price to " + NewBuyPrice + " ref."); BuyPricePerKey = TF2Value.FromRef(NewBuyPrice); SendChatMessage("Setting new buying price to: " + BuyPricePerKey.ToRefString() + "."); Bot.Log.Success("Successfully set new price."); } else { SendChatMessage("I need more arguments. Current buying price: " + BuyPricePerKey.ToRefString() + "."); } } else if (message.StartsWith(".play")) { if (message.Length >= 7) { if (message.Substring(6) == "tf2") { Bot.SetGamePlaying(440); Bot.Log.Success("Successfully simulated in-game status for TF2."); } Bot.SetGamePlaying(0); Bot.Log.Success("Exited game simulation."); } } else if (message.StartsWith(".removefriend") || message.StartsWith(".deletefriend")) { if (message.Substring(14) == "all") { int friendCount = Bot.SteamFriends.GetFriendCount(); for (int x = 0; x < friendCount; x++) { SteamID DeletingFriendID = Bot.SteamFriends.GetFriendByIndex(x); if (!Bot.Admins.Contains(DeletingFriendID)) { Bot.SteamFriends.RemoveFriend(DeletingFriendID); } else { Bot.Log.Success("Skipped Admin " + Bot.SteamFriends.GetFriendPersonaName(DeletingFriendID) + "."); } } Bot.Log.Success("Deleting all friends."); } else { string FriendID; FriendID = message.Substring(14); FriendDelete(FriendID); } } else if (message == ".canceltrade") { if (Bot.CurrentTrade != null) { SteamID LastTradedSID = Trade.OtherSID; Trade.CancelTrade(); Bot.SteamFriends.SendChatMessage(LastTradedSID, EChatEntryType.ChatMsg, "Trade forcefully closed. Please retry as soon as you are ready to trade instead of whatever you were doing."); Bot.Log.Warn("Trade with " + Bot.SteamFriends.GetFriendPersonaName(LastTradedSID) + " cancelled."); IgnoringBot += 4; Bot.SteamFriends.SetPersonaState(EPersonaState.LookingToTrade); } else { SendChatMessage("There is no current trade to cancel."); } } else if (message == ".auth") { Bot.SteamFriends.SendChatMessage(OtherSID, EChatEntryType.ChatMsg, Bot.SteamGuardAccount.GenerateSteamGuardCode()); Bot.Log.Warn("Generated code:" + Bot.SteamGuardAccount.GenerateSteamGuardCode() + "."); } } else { SendChatMessage(Bot.ChatResponse); } }
public override void OnTradeAddItem(Schema.Item schemaItem, Inventory.Item inventoryItem) { Log.Info("Added item {0}{1} (defindex #{2}).", Order.GetQualityString(inventoryItem.Quality), schemaItem.ItemName, schemaItem.Defindex); if (!schemaItem.IsPure()) { Bot.GetInventory(); bool found = false; foreach (Order o in Bot.Orders.BuyOrders) { if (o.MatchesItem(inventoryItem)) { found = true; if (Bot.MyInventory.TotalPure() < o.Price) { Log.Warn("Out of metal for buy orders! Not enough metal to buy {0}.", schemaItem.ItemName); SendTradeMessage("Unfortunately I am out of metal and cannot buy anything at the moment."); SendTradeMessage("Enter 'buy' to get a list of the items I am selling."); } else if (Bot.MyInventory.GetItemsByDefindex(o.Defindex, o.Quality).Count >= o.MaxStock) { Log.Warn("Full stock for item {0}.", schemaItem.ItemName); SendTradeMessage("Unfortunately I have full stock and cannot buy your {0}.", schemaItem.ItemName); SendTradeMessage("Enter 'buy' to get a list of the items I am selling."); } else { ActiveOrder = o; SendTradeMessage(o.ToString(Trade.CurrentSchema)); AddPure(ActiveOrder.Price); } } } if (!found) { SendTradeMessage("I am currently not buying that item at the moment."); SendTradeMessage("Enter 'buy' to get a list of the items I am selling."); } } else { if (schemaItem.Defindex == TF2Value.SCRAP_DEFINDEX) AmountAdded += TF2Value.Scrap; else if (schemaItem.Defindex == TF2Value.RECLAIMED_DEFINDEX) AmountAdded += TF2Value.Reclaimed; else if (schemaItem.Defindex == TF2Value.REFINED_DEFINDEX) AmountAdded += TF2Value.Refined; else if (schemaItem.Defindex == TF2Value.KEY_DEFINDEX) AmountAdded += TF2Value.Key; else if (ActiveOrder != null) { SendTradeMessage("Sorry, but I cannot accept any {0} as valid payment.", schemaItem.ItemName); } if (AmountAdded == ActiveOrder.Price) { SendTradeMessage("You have paid the correct amount."); } else if (AmountAdded > ActiveOrder.Price) { SendTradeMessage("You are paying too much! The price for the {0} is {1}.", ActiveOrder.GetSearchString(Trade.CurrentSchema), ActiveOrder.Price.ToRefString()); } } }
public bool Validate() { AmountAdded = TF2Value.Zero; List<string> errors = new List<string> (); foreach (TradeUserAssets asset in Trade.OtherOfferedItems) { var item = Trade.OtherInventory.GetItem(asset.assetid); if (item.Defindex == 5000) AmountAdded += TF2Value.Scrap; else if (item.Defindex == 5001) AmountAdded += TF2Value.Reclaimed; else if (item.Defindex == 5002) AmountAdded += TF2Value.Refined; else { var schemaItem = Trade.CurrentSchema.GetItem (item.Defindex); errors.Add ("Item " + schemaItem.Name + " is not a metal."); } } if (AmountAdded == TF2Value.Zero) { errors.Add ("You must put up at least 1 scrap."); } // send the errors if (errors.Count != 0) SendTradeMessage("There were errors in your trade: "); foreach (string error in errors) { SendTradeMessage(error); } return errors.Count == 0; }
public bool Validate() { List <string> errors = new List <string>(); TF2Value? diff = null; if (ActiveOrder == null) { if (Trade.OtherOfferedItems.Count() == 0) { errors.Add("There is nothing you are offering."); } else { errors.Add("I am currently not buying any of those items."); } } else { // in buy orders, assume the bot calculates the pricing correctly. if (!ActiveOrder.IsBuyOrder) { if (HasNonPureInTrade()) { errors.Add("You have non-pure items in payment."); } if (AmountAdded < ActiveOrder.Price) { errors.Add(string.Format("You have only paid {0}. You still have {2} to go to reach the price of {1}.", AmountAdded.ToRefString(), ActiveOrder.Price.ToRefString(), (ActiveOrder.Price - AmountAdded).ToRefString())); } else if (AmountAdded > ActiveOrder.Price) { diff = AmountAdded - ActiveOrder.Price; } else if (AmountAdded > ActiveOrder.Price + TF2Value.FromRef(1)) { errors.Add(string.Format("You are paying too much. The price is {0}, but you have paid {1}.", ActiveOrder.Price.ToRefString(), AmountAdded.ToRefString())); } } else if (Trade.OtherOfferedItems.Count() > 1) { errors.Add("You have other items in your trade besides the one I am buying."); } } if (errors.Count > 0) { SendTradeMessage("There were problems with your trade:"); foreach (string e in errors) { SendTradeMessage("> " + e); } } if (errors.Count == 0 && diff != null) { SendTradeMessage("Adding change..."); AddPure(diff.Value); } return(errors.Count == 0); }