public void ReportPCR()
            // Prepare receiption
            var station = GetDefaultStation();

            // Prepare selection
            var selection = new StreamSelection { Videotext = false, ProgramGuide = false };

            // Add all
            selection.AC3Tracks.LanguageMode = LanguageModes.Selection;
            selection.SubTitles.LanguageMode = LanguageModes.Selection;
            selection.MP2Tracks.LanguageMode = LanguageModes.Primary;

            // Get a file name
            var tempFile = GetUniqueFile();

            // Collected PCR data
            var pcrData = new Dictionary<long, TimeSpan>();

            // Minium
            TimeSpan? minPCR = null;

            // Open it
            using (var streamManager = new SourceStreamsManager( Device, Profile, station.Source, selection ))
                // Attach PCR handler
                streamManager.OnWritingPCR += ( path, position, packet ) =>
                        // Test
                        Assert.AreEqual( tempFile.FullName, path );

                        // Get the PCR
                        TimeSpan pcr = Manager.GetPCR( packet );

                        // Remember minimum
                        if (!minPCR.HasValue)
                            minPCR = pcr;

                        // Remember
                        pcrData.Add( position, pcr );

                // Send to file
                streamManager.CreateStream( tempFile.FullName, station );

                // Process
                Thread.Sleep( 10000 );

                // Done

            // Must have some
            Assert.IsTrue( minPCR.HasValue );

            // Report
            foreach (var pair in pcrData.OrderBy( p => p.Key ))
                Console.WriteLine( "{0:000000000}\t{1}\t{2}", pair.Key, pair.Value, pair.Value - minPCR.Value );
        /// <summary>
        /// Erzeugt eine neue Beschreibung.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="uniqueIdentifier">Die eindeutige Kennung dieses Datenstroms.</param>
        /// <param name="manager">Die Verwaltung des Empfangs.</param>
        /// <param name="targetPath">Ein optionaler Dateiname zur Ablage der empfangenen Daten.</param>
        /// <param name="originalSelection">Die ursprünglich angeforderte Konfiguration der Aufzeichnung.</param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">Es wurde keine Verwaltung angegeben</exception>
        public ActiveStream( Guid uniqueIdentifier, SourceStreamsManager manager, StreamSelection originalSelection, string targetPath )
            // Validate
            if (manager == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException( "manager" );

            // Remember
            SourceKey = new SourceIdenfierWithKey( uniqueIdentifier, manager.Source );
            RequestedStreams = originalSelection.Clone();
            TargetPath = targetPath;
            Manager = manager;
        /// <summary>
        /// Erzeugt eine neue Beschreibung.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="uniqueIdentifier">Die eindeutige Kennung dieses Datenstroms.</param>
        /// <param name="manager">Die Verwaltung des Empfangs.</param>
        /// <param name="targetPath">Ein optionaler Dateiname zur Ablage der empfangenen Daten.</param>
        /// <param name="originalSelection">Die ursprünglich angeforderte Konfiguration der Aufzeichnung.</param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">Es wurde keine Verwaltung angegeben</exception>
        public ActiveStream(Guid uniqueIdentifier, SourceStreamsManager manager, StreamSelection originalSelection, string targetPath)
            // Validate
            if (manager == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("manager");

            // Remember
            SourceKey        = new SourceIdenfierWithKey(uniqueIdentifier, manager.Source);
            RequestedStreams = originalSelection.Clone();
            TargetPath       = targetPath;
            Manager          = manager;
Beispiel #4
            /// <summary>
            /// Versucht, möglichst viele der gewünschten Aspekte dieser Quelle zu aktivieren.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="disableOrder">Die Reihenfolge, in der Aspekte deaktiviert werden
            /// dürfen.</param>
            /// <param name="report">Protokolliert die vorgenommenen Veränderungen.</param>
            public void Optimize(StreamDisableSelector[] disableOrder, Action <SourceSelection, string, int> report)
                // Already did it
                if (ConsumerCount.HasValue)

                // Number of consumers possible at all
                int available = 0;

                // Try to open
                    // Create the manager
                    using (SourceStreamsManager manager = Source.Open(OriginalStreams))
                        if (!manager.CreateStream(null))
                            // Fake entry
                            CurrentStreams = OriginalStreams.Clone();
                            ConsumerCount  = 0;
                            // Remember
                            CurrentStreams = manager.ActiveSelection;
                            ConsumerCount  = manager.ConsumerCount;

                    // Possible at least in stand-alone mode
                catch (OutOfConsumersException e)
                    // Remember
                    CurrentStreams = e.RequestedSelection;
                    ConsumerCount  = e.Requested;
                    available      = e.Available;

                // What we need
                int needed = ConsumerCount.Value - available;

                // Process all modes
                for (int i = 0; (needed > 0) && (i < disableOrder.Length); ++i)
                    ApplyDisable(disableOrder[i], StreamDisableMode.Self, ref needed, report);
        public void SplitFiles()
            // Prepare receiption
            var station = GetDefaultStation();

            // Prepare selection
            var selection = new StreamSelection {
                Videotext = true, ProgramGuide = false

            // Add all
            selection.AC3Tracks.LanguageMode = LanguageModes.All;
            selection.MP2Tracks.LanguageMode = LanguageModes.All;
            selection.SubTitles.LanguageMode = LanguageModes.All;

            // Get a file name
            var tempFile = GetUniqueFile();

            // Get the file name pattern
            var filePattern = Path.Combine(tempFile.DirectoryName, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(tempFile.Name));

            // Open it
            using (var streamManager = new SourceStreamsManager(Device, Profile, station.Source, selection))
                // Send to file
                streamManager.CreateStream(string.Format(FileNamePattern, filePattern, 0), station);

                // Process
                for (int i = 0; i++ < 3; Thread.Sleep(10000))
                    // Delay - first and last will have only half the size

                    // New file
                    Assert.IsTrue(streamManager.SplitFile(string.Format(FileNamePattern, filePattern, i)));

                // Done

                // Report
                foreach (var file in streamManager.AllFiles)
Beispiel #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Beendet die Datenübertragung in den DirectShow Graphen und zusätzlich
        /// eine eventuell laufende Aufzeichnung.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pictureOnly">Gesetzt, wenn die Aufzeichnung selbst weiter laufen soll.</param>
        private void StopReceivers(bool pictureOnly)
            // Stop all consumers we registered
            Device.SetConsumerState(VideoId, null);
            Device.SetConsumerState(AudioId, null);
            Device.SetConsumerState(TextId, null);

            // Restart videotext caching from scratch

            // Partial mode
            if (pictureOnly)

            // Stop reader
            using (var reader = m_InfoReader)
                // Forget
                m_InfoReader = null;

                // Enforce proper shutdown
                if (reader != null)

            // Reset flag
            m_HasPendingGroupInformation = false;

            // Stop portal parser
            if (null != ServiceParser)
                // Stop it

                // Forget it
                ServiceParser = null;

            // Stop recording, too
            using (SourceStreamsManager recording = RecordingStream)
                RecordingStream = null;
Beispiel #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Ermittelt eine möglicherweise eingeschränkte Datenstromauswahl.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="manager">Die Quelle, um die es geht.</param>
        /// <returns>Eine geeignete Auswahl.</returns>
        private StreamSelection GetOptimizedStreams(SourceStreamsManager manager)
            // Not possible
            if (null == CurrentSelection)

            // What we want to record
            StreamSelection selection = new StreamSelection();

            // Put it on
            selection.AC3Tracks.LanguageMode = LanguageModes.All;
            selection.MP2Tracks.LanguageMode = LanguageModes.All;
            selection.SubTitles.LanguageMode = LanguageModes.All;
            selection.ProgramGuide           = true;
            selection.Videotext = true;

            // See if we are working on a limited device
            if (!Device.HasConsumerRestriction)

            // Stop picture for a moment
            Device.SetConsumerState(VideoId, false);
            Device.SetConsumerState(AudioId, false);
            Device.SetConsumerState(TextId, false);

            // Require restart
            m_NeedRestart = true;

            // Create a brand new optimizer
            StreamSelectionOptimizer localOpt = new StreamSelectionOptimizer();

            // Add the one stream
            localOpt.Add(CurrentSelection, selection);

            // Run the optimization

            // Report result
        public void SplitFiles()
            // Prepare receiption
            var station = GetDefaultStation();

            // Prepare selection
            var selection = new StreamSelection { Videotext = true, ProgramGuide = false };

            // Add all
            selection.AC3Tracks.LanguageMode = LanguageModes.All;
            selection.MP2Tracks.LanguageMode = LanguageModes.All;
            selection.SubTitles.LanguageMode = LanguageModes.All;

            // Get a file name
            var tempFile = GetUniqueFile();

            // Get the file name pattern
            var filePattern = Path.Combine( tempFile.DirectoryName, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension( tempFile.Name ) );

            // Open it
            using (var streamManager = new SourceStreamsManager( Device, Profile, station.Source, selection ))
                // Send to file
                streamManager.CreateStream( string.Format( FileNamePattern, filePattern, 0 ), station );

                // Process
                for (int i = 0; i++ < 3; Thread.Sleep( 10000 ))
                    // Delay - first and last will have only half the size
                    Thread.Sleep( 10000 );

                    // New file
                    Assert.IsTrue( streamManager.SplitFile( string.Format( FileNamePattern, filePattern, i ) ) );

                // Done

                // Report
                foreach (var file in streamManager.AllFiles)
                    Console.WriteLine( file );
Beispiel #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Sucht eine Konfiguration der Teildatenströme, die eine Aufzeichnung aller Quellen
        /// eventuell mit Reduktion des Aufzeichnungsumfangs erlaubt.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="disableOrder">Die Liste der Aspekte, die ausgeblendet werden dürfen.</param>
        /// <returns>Die Anzahl der Quellen, die verwendet werden können.</returns>
        public int Optimize(params StreamDisableSelector[] disableOrder)
            // No souces
            if (m_Sources.Count < 1)

            // Total stream count
            int available;

            // No limit
            using (HardwareManager.Open())
                // Attach to the device
                Hardware device = m_Sources[0].Source.GetHardware();

                // No limit at all
                if (!device.HasConsumerRestriction)

                // Get all the active streams
                ushort[] activeStreams = device.GetActiveStreams();

                // Ask for it
                available = device.Restrictions.ConsumerLimit.Value - activeStreams.Length;

                // None at all
                if (available < 1)

                // Stream managers in use
                List <SourceStreamsManager> managers = new List <SourceStreamsManager>();
                    // Create one by one
                    for (int i = 0; i < m_Sources.Count; ++i)
                        // Attach
                        SelectionInfo info = m_Sources[i];

                        // Create new manager
                        SourceStreamsManager manager = info.Source.Open(info.OriginalStreams);

                        // Remember for cleanupo

                        // See if source is available
                        if (!manager.CreateStream(null))
                            // Fake entry - will not be used
                            info.CurrentStreams = info.OriginalStreams.Clone();
                            info.ConsumerCount  = 0;
                            // Remember all we found
                            info.CurrentStreams = manager.ActiveSelection;
                            info.ConsumerCount  = manager.ConsumerCount;

                    // Whoo - can open it all as requested
                catch (OutOfConsumersException)
                    // Terminate all
                    foreach (SourceStreamsManager manager in managers)

                // First try to make sure that each source can be opened in stand-alone mode
                foreach (SelectionInfo info in m_Sources)
                    info.Optimize(disableOrder, Report);

                // Now simulate starting all - will try to get most out of the first one and so on
                for (int ixStream = 0; ixStream < m_Sources.Count; ixStream++)
                    // Attach to the item
                    SelectionInfo current = m_Sources[ixStream];

                    // See how many additional streams will be needed
                    int needed = current.ConsumerCount.Value - available;

                    // Try to free some
                    for (int ixDisable = 0; (needed > 0) && (ixDisable < disableOrder.Length);)
                        // Load the next option
                        StreamDisableSelector disable = disableOrder[ixDisable++];

                        // Apply self
                        current.ApplyDisable(disable, StreamDisableMode.Self, ref needed, Report);

                        // Apply higher priorized
                        for (int ixHigher = ixStream; (needed > 0) && (ixHigher-- > 0);)
                            m_Sources[ixHigher].ApplyDisable(disable, StreamDisableMode.Higher, ref needed, Report);

                    // Should not be startet - we find no way to provide a proper subset of streams
                    if (needed > 0)

                    // Back to what is left
                    available = -needed;

                // Not possible
        /// <summary>
        /// Beginnt oder beendet eine Aufzeichnung.
        /// <seealso cref="SetDirectory"/>
        /// </summary>
        public override void StartRecording()
            // See if recording is running
            if (IsRecording)
                // Stop it
                using (SourceStreamsManager manager = RecordingStream)
                    RecordingStream = null;

                // Force restart
                m_NeedRestart = true;

                // Restart silently

                // Show up
                ShowMessage( Properties.Resources.RecordingFinished, Properties.Resources.RecordingTitle, true );

                // Done

            // No channel
            if (null == CurrentSelection)

            // Must have directory
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty( LocalInfo.RecordingDirectory ))
                // Ask user

                // No directory at all
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty( LocalInfo.RecordingDirectory ))

            // Create the name
            string filename = string.Format( "{0:yyyy-MM-dd HH-mm-ss} {1}.ts", DateTime.Now, StationName );

            // Cleanup
            foreach (char bad in Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars())
                filename = filename.Replace( bad, '_' );

            // Extras
            filename = filename.Replace( '&', '_' );

            // Create the target
            RecordingStream = CurrentSelection.Open( GetOptimizedStreams( null ) );

            // Use for reconfigure
            if (Device.HasConsumerRestriction)
                RecordingStream.BeforeRecreateStream += GetOptimizedStreams;

            // Start it
            RecordingStream.CreateStream( Path.Combine( LocalInfo.RecordingDirectory, filename ) );

            // Restart silently

            // Enable multicast broadcast
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty( StreamInfo.BroadcastIP ) && (StreamInfo.BroadcastPort > 0))
                RecordingStream.StreamingTarget = string.Format( "*{0}:{1}", StreamInfo.BroadcastIP, StreamInfo.BroadcastPort );

            // Show up
            ShowMessage( Properties.Resources.RecordingStarted, Properties.Resources.RecordingTitle, true );
        /// <summary>
        /// Ermittelt eine möglicherweise eingeschränkte Datenstromauswahl.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="manager">Die Quelle, um die es geht.</param>
        /// <returns>Eine geeignete Auswahl.</returns>
        private StreamSelection GetOptimizedStreams( SourceStreamsManager manager )
            // Not possible
            if (null == CurrentSelection)
                return null;

            // What we want to record
            StreamSelection selection = new StreamSelection();

            // Put it on
            selection.AC3Tracks.LanguageMode = LanguageModes.All;
            selection.MP2Tracks.LanguageMode = LanguageModes.All;
            selection.SubTitles.LanguageMode = LanguageModes.All;
            selection.ProgramGuide = true;
            selection.Videotext = true;

            // See if we are working on a limited device
            if (!Device.HasConsumerRestriction)
                return selection;

            // Stop picture for a moment
            Device.SetConsumerState( VideoId, false );
            Device.SetConsumerState( AudioId, false );
            Device.SetConsumerState( TextId, false );

            // Require restart
            m_NeedRestart = true;

            // Create a brand new optimizer
            StreamSelectionOptimizer localOpt = new StreamSelectionOptimizer();

            // Add the one stream
            localOpt.Add( CurrentSelection, selection );

            // Run the optimization

            // Report result
            return localOpt.GetStreams( 0 );
        /// <summary>
        /// Beendet die Datenübertragung in den DirectShow Graphen und zusätzlich
        /// eine eventuell laufende Aufzeichnung.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pictureOnly">Gesetzt, wenn die Aufzeichnung selbst weiter laufen soll.</param>
        private void StopReceivers( bool pictureOnly )
            // Stop all consumers we registered
            Device.RemoveProgramGuideConsumer( ReceiveEPG );
            Device.SetConsumerState( VideoId, null );
            Device.SetConsumerState( AudioId, null );
            Device.SetConsumerState( TextId, null );

            // Restart videotext caching from scratch
            VideoText.Deactivate( true );

            // Partial mode
            if (pictureOnly)

            // Stop reader
            using (var reader = m_InfoReader)
                // Forget
                m_InfoReader = null;

                // Enforce proper shutdown
                if (reader != null)

            // Reset flag
            m_HasPendingGroupInformation = false;

            // Stop portal parser
            if (null != ServiceParser)
                // Stop it

                // Forget it
                ServiceParser = null;

            // Stop recording, too
            using (SourceStreamsManager recording = RecordingStream)
                RecordingStream = null;
        public void ReportPCR()
            // Prepare receiption
            var station = GetDefaultStation();

            // Prepare selection
            var selection = new StreamSelection {
                Videotext = false, ProgramGuide = false

            // Add all
            selection.AC3Tracks.LanguageMode = LanguageModes.Selection;
            selection.SubTitles.LanguageMode = LanguageModes.Selection;
            selection.MP2Tracks.LanguageMode = LanguageModes.Primary;

            // Get a file name
            var tempFile = GetUniqueFile();

            // Collected PCR data
            var pcrData = new Dictionary <long, TimeSpan>();

            // Minium
            TimeSpan?minPCR = null;

            // Open it
            using (var streamManager = new SourceStreamsManager(Device, Profile, station.Source, selection))
                // Attach PCR handler
                streamManager.OnWritingPCR += (path, position, packet) =>
                    // Test
                    Assert.AreEqual(tempFile.FullName, path);

                    // Get the PCR
                    TimeSpan pcr = Manager.GetPCR(packet);

                    // Remember minimum
                    if (!minPCR.HasValue)
                        minPCR = pcr;

                    // Remember
                    pcrData.Add(position, pcr);

                // Send to file
                streamManager.CreateStream(tempFile.FullName, station);

                // Process

                // Done

            // Must have some

            // Report
            foreach (var pair in pcrData.OrderBy(p => p.Key))
                Console.WriteLine("{0:000000000}\t{1}\t{2}", pair.Key, pair.Value, pair.Value - minPCR.Value);
Beispiel #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Beginnt oder beendet eine Aufzeichnung.
        /// <seealso cref="SetDirectory"/>
        /// </summary>
        public override void StartRecording()
            // See if recording is running
            if (IsRecording)
                // Stop it
                using (SourceStreamsManager manager = RecordingStream)
                    RecordingStream = null;

                // Force restart
                m_NeedRestart = true;

                // Restart silently

                // Show up
                ShowMessage(Properties.Resources.RecordingFinished, Properties.Resources.RecordingTitle, true);

                // Done

            // No channel
            if (null == CurrentSelection)

            // Must have directory
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(LocalInfo.RecordingDirectory))
                // Ask user

                // No directory at all
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(LocalInfo.RecordingDirectory))

            // Create the name
            string filename = string.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd HH-mm-ss} {1}.ts", DateTime.Now, StationName);

            // Cleanup
            foreach (char bad in Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars())
                filename = filename.Replace(bad, '_');

            // Extras
            filename = filename.Replace('&', '_');

            // Create the target
            RecordingStream = CurrentSelection.Open(GetOptimizedStreams(null));

            // Use for reconfigure
            if (Device.HasConsumerRestriction)
                RecordingStream.BeforeRecreateStream += GetOptimizedStreams;

            // Start it
            RecordingStream.CreateStream(Path.Combine(LocalInfo.RecordingDirectory, filename));

            // Restart silently

            // Enable multicast broadcast
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(StreamInfo.BroadcastIP) && (StreamInfo.BroadcastPort > 0))
                RecordingStream.StreamingTarget = string.Format("*{0}:{1}", StreamInfo.BroadcastIP, StreamInfo.BroadcastPort);

            // Show up
            ShowMessage(Properties.Resources.RecordingStarted, Properties.Resources.RecordingTitle, true);