Beispiel #1
        private void button1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            if( textFrom.Text.Length == 0 )
                MessageBox.Show( "Please input From!, the format can be [email protected] or Tester<*****@*****.**>" );

            if( textTo.Text.Length == 0 &&
                textCc.Text.Length == 0 )
                MessageBox.Show( "Please input To or Cc!, the format can be [email protected] or Tester<*****@*****.**>, please use , or ; to separate multiple recipients" );

            btnSend.Enabled = false;
            btnCancel.Enabled = true;
            m_bcancel = false;

            //For evaluation usage, please use "TryIt" as the license code, otherwise the
            //"invalid license code" exception will be thrown. However, the object will expire in 1-2 months, then
            //"trial version expired" exception will be thrown.

            //For licensed uasage, please use your license code instead of "TryIt", then the object
            //will never expire
            SmtpMail oMail = new SmtpMail("TryIt");
            SmtpClient oSmtp = new SmtpClient();
            //To generate a log file for SMTP transaction, please use
            //oSmtp.LogFileName = "c:\\smtp.log";
            string err = "";

                //If you want to specify a reply address
                //oMail.Headers.ReplaceHeader( "Reply-To: <reply@mydomain>" );

                //From is a MailAddress object, in c#, it supports implicit converting from string.
                //The syntax is like this: "*****@*****.**" or "Tester<*****@*****.**>"

                //The example code without implicit converting
                // oMail.From = new MailAddress( "Tester", "*****@*****.**" )
                // oMail.From = new MailAddress( "Tester<*****@*****.**>" )
                // oMail.From = new MailAddress( "*****@*****.**" )
                oMail.From = textFrom.Text;

                //To, Cc and Bcc is a AddressCollection object, in C#, it supports implicit converting from string.
                // multiple address are separated with (,;)
                //The syntax is like this: "[email protected], [email protected]"

                //The example code without implicit converting
                // oMail.To = new AddressCollection( "[email protected], [email protected]" );
                // oMail.To = new AddressCollection( "Tester1<*****@*****.**>, Tester2<*****@*****.**>");

                oMail.To = textTo.Text;
                //You can add more recipient by Add method
                // oMail.To.Add( new MailAddress( "tester", "*****@*****.**"));

                oMail.Cc = textCc.Text;
                oMail.Subject = textSubject.Text;
                oMail.Charset = m_arCharset[lstCharset.SelectedIndex, 1];

                //Digital signature and encryption
                if(!_SignEncrypt( ref oMail ))
                    btnSend.Enabled = true;
                    btnCancel.Enabled = false;

                string body = textBody.Text;
                body = body.Replace( "[$from]", oMail.From.ToString());
                body = body.Replace( "[$to]", oMail.To.ToString());
                body = body.Replace( "[$subject]", oMail.Subject );

                if( chkHtml.Checked )
                    oMail.HtmlBody = body;
                    oMail.TextBody = body;

                int count = m_arAttachment.Count;
                for( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
                    //Add attachment
                    oMail.AddAttachment( m_arAttachment[i] as string );

                SmtpServer oServer = new SmtpServer( textServer.Text );
                oServer.Protocol = (ServerProtocol)lstProtocol.SelectedIndex;

                if( oServer.Server.Length != 0 )
                    if( chkAuth.Checked )
                        oServer.User = textUser.Text;
                        oServer.Password = textPassword.Text;

                    if( chkSSL.Checked )
                        oServer.ConnectType = SmtpConnectType.ConnectSSLAuto;

                    //To send email to the recipient directly(simulating the smtp server),
                    //please add a Received header,
                    //otherwise, many anti-spam filter will make it as junk email.
                    System.Globalization.CultureInfo cur = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US");
                    string gmtdate = System.DateTime.Now.ToString("ddd, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss zzz", cur);
                    gmtdate.Remove( gmtdate.Length - 3, 1 );
                    string recvheader = String.Format( "from {0} ([]) by {0} ([]) with SMTPSVC;\r\n\t {1}",
                        gmtdate );

                    oMail.Headers.Insert( 0, new HeaderItem( "Received", recvheader ));

                //Catching the following events is not necessary,
                //just make the application more user friendly.
                //If you use the object in service or non-gui application,
                //You need not to catch the following events.
                //To learn more detail, please refer to the code in EASendMail EventHandler region
                oSmtp.OnIdle += new SmtpClient.OnIdleEventHandler( OnIdle );
                oSmtp.OnAuthorized += new SmtpClient.OnAuthorizedEventHandler( OnAuthorized );
                oSmtp.OnConnected += new SmtpClient.OnConnectedEventHandler( OnConnected );
                oSmtp.OnSecuring += new SmtpClient.OnSecuringEventHandler( OnSecuring );
                oSmtp.OnSendingDataStream += new SmtpClient.OnSendingDataStreamEventHandler( OnSendingDataStream );

                if( oServer.Server.Length == 0 && oMail.Recipients.Count > 1 )
                    //To send email without specified smtp server, we have to send the emails one by one
                    // to multiple recipients. That is because every recipient has different smtp server.
                    _DirectSend( ref oMail, ref oSmtp );
                    sbStatus.Text = "Connecting ... ";
                    pgSending.Value = 0;

                    oSmtp.SendMail( oServer, oMail  );

                    MessageBox.Show( String.Format( "The message was sent to {0} successfully!",
                        oSmtp.CurrentSmtpServer.Server ));

                    sbStatus.Text = "Completed";
                //If you want to reuse the mail object, please reset the Date and Message-ID, otherwise
                //the Date and Message-ID will not change.
                //oMail.Date = System.DateTime.Now;
                //oMail.To = "*****@*****.**";
                //oSmtp.SendMail( oServer, oMail );
            catch( SmtpTerminatedException exp )
                err = exp.Message;
            catch( SmtpServerException exp )
                err = String.Format( "Exception: Server Respond: {0}", exp.ErrorMessage );
            catch( System.Net.Sockets.SocketException exp )
                err = String.Format( "Exception: Networking Error: {0} {1}", exp.ErrorCode, exp.Message );
            catch( System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception exp )
                err = String.Format( "Exception: System Error: {0} {1}", exp.ErrorCode, exp.Message );
            catch( System.Exception exp )
                err = String.Format( "Exception: Common: {0}", exp.Message );

            if( err.Length > 0  )
                MessageBox.Show( err );
                sbStatus.Text = err;
            //to get more debug information, please use
            //MessageBox.Show( oSmtp.SmtpConversation );

            btnSend.Enabled = true;
            btnCancel.Enabled = false;
Beispiel #2
        private void btnSimple_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            if( textFrom.Text.Length == 0 )
                MessageBox.Show( "Please input From, the format can be [email protected] or Tester<*****@*****.**>" );

            int to_count = lstTo.Items.Count;
            if( to_count == 0 )
                MessageBox.Show( "please add a recipient at least!" );

                "Simple Send will send email with single thread, the code is vey simple.\r\nIf you don't want the extreme performance, the code is recommended to beginer!" );

            btnSend.Enabled = false;
            btnSimple.Enabled = false;
            btnAdd.Enabled = false;
            btnClear.Enabled = false;
            btnAddTo.Enabled = false;
            btnClearTo.Enabled = false;
            chkTestRecipients.Enabled =false;

            btnCancel.Enabled = true;
            m_bcancel = false;

            int sent = 0;
            for( sent = 0; sent < to_count; sent++ )
                lstTo.Items[sent].SubItems[2].Text = "Ready";

            m_ntotal = to_count;
            m_nsent = 0;
            m_nsuccess = 0;
            m_nfailure = 0;
            status.Text = String.Format( "Total {0}, Finished {1}, Succeeded {2}, Failed {3}",
                m_ntotal, m_nsent, m_nsuccess, m_nfailure );

            sent = 0;
            while( sent < to_count && !m_bcancel)
                int index = sent;
                //For evaluation usage, please use "TryIt" as the license code, otherwise the
                //"invalid license code" exception will be thrown. However, the object will expire in 1-2 months, then
                //"trial version expired" exception will be thrown.

                //For licensed uasage, please use your license code instead of "TryIt", then the object
                //will never expire
                SmtpMail oMail = new SmtpMail("TryIt");
                SmtpClient oSmtp = new SmtpClient();
                oSmtp.Tag = index;
                //To generate a log file for SMTP transaction, please use
                //oSmtp.LogFileName = "c:\\smtp.log";

                string err = "";
                    //If you want to specify a reply address
                    //oMail.Headers.ReplaceHeader( "Reply-To: <reply@mydomain>" );

                    //From is a MailAddress object, in c#, it supports implicit converting from string.
                    //The syntax is like this: "*****@*****.**" or "Tester<*****@*****.**>"

                    //The example code without implicit converting
                    // oMail.From = new MailAddress( "Tester", "*****@*****.**" )
                    // oMail.From = new MailAddress( "Tester<*****@*****.**>" )
                    // oMail.From = new MailAddress( "*****@*****.**" )
                    oMail.From = textFrom.Text;

                    //To, Cc and Bcc is a AddressCollection object, in C#, it supports implicit converting from string.
                    // multiple address are separated with (,;)
                    //The syntax is like this: "[email protected], [email protected]"

                    //The example code without implicit converting
                    // oMail.To = new AddressCollection( "[email protected], [email protected]" );
                    // oMail.To = new AddressCollection( "Tester1<*****@*****.**>, Tester2<*****@*****.**>");

                    string name, address;
                    ListViewItem item = lstTo.Items[index];
                    name = item.Text;
                    address = item.SubItems[1].Text;

                    oMail.To.Add( new MailAddress( name, address ));

                    oMail.Subject = textSubject.Text;
                    oMail.Charset = m_arCharset[lstCharset.SelectedIndex,1];

                    //replace keywords in body text.
                    string body = textBody.Text;
                    body = body.Replace( "[$subject]", oMail.Subject );
                    body = body.Replace( "[$from]", oMail.From.ToString());
                    body = body.Replace( "[$name]", name );
                    body = body.Replace( "[$address]", address );

                    oMail.TextBody = body;

                    int y = m_arAttachment.Count;
                    for( int x = 0; x < y; x++ )
                        //add attachment
                        oMail.AddAttachment( m_arAttachment[x] as string );

                    SmtpServer oServer = new SmtpServer( textServer.Text );
                    oServer.Protocol = (ServerProtocol)lstProtocol.SelectedIndex;
                    if( oServer.Server.Length != 0 )
                        if( chkAuth.Checked )
                            oServer.User = textUser.Text;
                            oServer.Password = textPassword.Text;

                        if( chkSSL.Checked )
                            oServer.ConnectType = SmtpConnectType.ConnectSSLAuto;

                        //To send email to the recipient directly(simulating the smtp server),
                        //please add a Received header,
                        //otherwise, many anti-spam filter will make it as junk email.
                        System.Globalization.CultureInfo cur = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US");
                        string gmtdate = System.DateTime.Now.ToString("ddd, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss zzz", cur);
                        gmtdate.Remove( gmtdate.Length - 3, 1 );
                        string recvheader = String.Format( "from {0} ([]) by {0} ([]) with SMTPSVC;\r\n\t {1}",
                            gmtdate );

                        oMail.Headers.Insert( 0, new HeaderItem( "Received", recvheader ));

                    //Catching the following events is not necessary,
                    //just make the application more user friendly.
                    //If you use the object in service or non-gui application,
                    //You need not to catch the following events.
                    //To learn more detail, please refer to the code in EASendMail EventHandler region
                    oSmtp.OnIdle += new SmtpClient.OnIdleEventHandler( OnIdle );
                    oSmtp.OnAuthorized += new SmtpClient.OnAuthorizedEventHandler( OnAuthorized );
                    oSmtp.OnConnected += new SmtpClient.OnConnectedEventHandler( OnConnected );
                    oSmtp.OnSecuring += new SmtpClient.OnSecuringEventHandler( OnSecuring );
                    oSmtp.OnSendingDataStream += new SmtpClient.OnSendingDataStreamEventHandler( OnSendingDataStream );

                    _CrossThreadSetItemText( "Connecting...", index );
                        oSmtp.SendMail( oServer, oMail  );
                        _CrossThreadSetItemText( "Completed", index );
                        oSmtp.TestRecipients( null, oMail );
                        _CrossThreadSetItemText( "PASS", index );

                    m_nsuccess ++;
                    //If you want to reuse the mail object, please reset the Date and Message-ID, otherwise
                    //the Date and Message-ID will not change.
                    //oMail.Date = System.DateTime.Now;
                    //oMail.To = "*****@*****.**";
                    //oSmtp.SendMail( oServer, oMail );
                catch( SmtpTerminatedException exp )
                    err = exp.Message;
                    _CrossThreadSetItemText( err, index );
                catch( SmtpServerException exp )
                    err = String.Format( "Exception: Server Respond: {0}", exp.ErrorMessage );
                    _CrossThreadSetItemText( err, index );
                catch( System.Net.Sockets.SocketException exp )
                    err = String.Format( "Exception: Networking Error: {0} {1}", exp.ErrorCode, exp.Message );
                    _CrossThreadSetItemText( err, index );
                catch( System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception exp )
                    err = String.Format( "Exception: System Error: {0} {1}", exp.ErrorCode, exp.Message );
                    _CrossThreadSetItemText( err, index );
                catch( System.Exception exp )
                    err = String.Format( "Exception: Common: {0}", exp.Message );
                    _CrossThreadSetItemText( err, index );

                status.Text = String.Format( "Total {0}, Finished {1}, Succeeded {2}, Failed {3}",

            if( m_bcancel )
                for( ; sent < to_count; sent++ )
                    lstTo.Items[sent].SubItems[2].Text = "Operation was cancelled";

            btnSend.Enabled = true;
            btnSimple.Enabled = true;
            btnAdd.Enabled = true;
            btnClear.Enabled = true;
            btnAddTo.Enabled = true;
            btnClearTo.Enabled = true;
            chkTestRecipients.Enabled = true;

            btnCancel.Enabled = false;
Beispiel #3
        private void btnSend_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            if (textFrom.Text.Length == 0)
                MessageBox.Show("Please input From!, the format can be [email protected] or Tester<*****@*****.**>");

            if (textTo.Text.Length == 0 &&
                textCc.Text.Length == 0)
                MessageBox.Show("Please input To or Cc!, the format can be [email protected] or Tester<*****@*****.**>, please use , or ; to separate multiple recipients");

            if (textServer.Text.Length == 0)
                MessageBox.Show("Please input server address");
            btnSend.Enabled   = false;
            btnCancel.Enabled = true;
            m_bcancel         = false;

            //For evaluation usage, please use "TryIt" as the license code, otherwise the
            //"invalid license code" exception will be thrown. However, the object will expire in 1-2 months, then
            //"trial version expired" exception will be thrown.

            //For licensed uasage, please use your license code instead of "TryIt", then the object
            //will never expire
            SmtpMail   oMail = new SmtpMail("TryIt");
            SmtpClient oSmtp = new SmtpClient();
            //To generate a log file for SMTP transaction, please use
            //oSmtp.LogFileName = "c:\\smtp.log";
            string err = "";

                //If you want to specify a reply address
                //oMail.Headers.ReplaceHeader( "Reply-To: <reply@mydomain>" );

                //From is a MailAddress object, in c#, it supports implicit converting from string.
                //The syntax is like this: "*****@*****.**" or "Tester<*****@*****.**>"

                //The example code without implicit converting
                // oMail.From = new MailAddress( "Tester", "*****@*****.**" )
                // oMail.From = new MailAddress( "Tester<*****@*****.**>" )
                // oMail.From = new MailAddress( "*****@*****.**" )
                oMail.From = textFrom.Text;

                //To, Cc and Bcc is a AddressCollection object, in C#, it supports implicit converting from string.
                // multiple address are separated with (,;)
                //The syntax is like this: "[email protected], [email protected]"

                //The example code without implicit converting
                // oMail.To = new AddressCollection( "[email protected], [email protected]" );
                // oMail.To = new AddressCollection( "Tester1<*****@*****.**>, Tester2<*****@*****.**>");

                oMail.To = textTo.Text;
                //You can add more recipient by Add method
                // oMail.To.Add( new MailAddress( "tester", "*****@*****.**"));

                oMail.Cc      = textCc.Text;
                oMail.Subject = textSubject.Text;

                string body = textBody.Text;
                oMail.TextBody = textBody.Text;

                int count = m_arAttachment.Count;
                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    //    //Add attachment
                    oMail.AddAttachment(m_arAttachment[i] as string);

                SmtpServer oServer = new SmtpServer(textServer.Text);

                if (chkAuth.Checked)
                    oServer.User     = textUser.Text;
                    oServer.Password = textPassword.Text;

                if (chkSSL.Checked)
                    // Use SSL/TLS based on server port
                    oServer.ConnectType = SmtpConnectType.ConnectSSLAuto;
                    // Most mordern SMTP servers require SSL/TLS connection now
                    // ConnectTryTLS means if server supports SSL/TLS connection, SSL/TLS is used automatically
                    oServer.ConnectType = SmtpConnectType.ConnectTryTLS;

                //Catching the following events is not necessary,
                //just make the application more user friendly.
                //If you use the object in service or non-gui application,
                //You need not to catch the following events.
                //To learn more detail, please refer to the code in EASendMail EventHandler region
                oSmtp.OnIdle              += new SmtpClient.OnIdleEventHandler(OnIdle);
                oSmtp.OnAuthorized        += new SmtpClient.OnAuthorizedEventHandler(OnAuthorized);
                oSmtp.OnConnected         += new SmtpClient.OnConnectedEventHandler(OnConnected);
                oSmtp.OnSecuring          += new SmtpClient.OnSecuringEventHandler(OnSecuring);
                oSmtp.OnSendingDataStream += new SmtpClient.OnSendingDataStreamEventHandler(OnSendingDataStream);

                sbStatus.Text   = "Connecting ... ";
                pgSending.Value = 0;

                oSmtp.SendMail(oServer, oMail);

                MessageBox.Show(String.Format("The message was sent to {0} successfully!",

                sbStatus.Text = "Completed";

                //If you want to reuse the mail object, please reset the Date and Message-ID, otherwise
                //the Date and Message-ID will not change.
                //oMail.Date = System.DateTime.Now;
                //oMail.To = "*****@*****.**";
                //oSmtp.SendMail( oServer, oMail );
            catch (SmtpTerminatedException exp)
                err = exp.Message;
            catch (SmtpServerException exp)
                err = String.Format("Exception: Server Respond: {0}", exp.ErrorMessage);
            catch (System.Net.Sockets.SocketException exp)
                err = String.Format("Exception: Networking Error: {0} {1}", exp.ErrorCode, exp.Message);
            catch (System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception exp)
                err = String.Format("Exception: System Error: {0} {1}", exp.ErrorCode, exp.Message);
            catch (System.Exception exp)
                err = String.Format("Exception: Common: {0}", exp.Message);

            if (err.Length > 0)
                sbStatus.Text = err;
            //to get more debug information, please use
            //MessageBox.Show( oSmtp.SmtpConversation );

            btnSend.Enabled   = true;
            btnCancel.Enabled = false;
Beispiel #4
        private void button1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            if (textFrom.Text.Length == 0)
                MessageBox.Show("Please input From!, the format can be [email protected] or Tester<*****@*****.**>");

            if (textTo.Text.Length == 0 &&
                textCc.Text.Length == 0)
                MessageBox.Show("Please input To or Cc!, the format can be [email protected] or Tester<*****@*****.**>, please use , or ; to separate multiple recipients");

            btnSend.Enabled   = false;
            btnCancel.Enabled = true;
            m_bcancel         = false;

            //For evaluation usage, please use "TryIt" as the license code, otherwise the
            //"invalid license code" exception will be thrown. However, the object will expire in 1-2 months, then
            //"trial version expired" exception will be thrown.

            //For licensed uasage, please use your license code instead of "TryIt", then the object
            //will never expire
            SmtpMail   oMail = new SmtpMail("TryIt");
            SmtpClient oSmtp = new SmtpClient();
            //To generate a log file for SMTP transaction, please use
            //oSmtp.LogFileName = "c:\\smtp.log";
            string err = "";

                //If you want to specify a reply address
                //oMail.Headers.ReplaceHeader( "Reply-To: <reply@mydomain>" );

                //From is a MailAddress object, in c#, it supports implicit converting from string.
                //The syntax is like this: "*****@*****.**" or "Tester<*****@*****.**>"

                //The example code without implicit converting
                // oMail.From = new MailAddress( "Tester", "*****@*****.**" )
                // oMail.From = new MailAddress( "Tester<*****@*****.**>" )
                // oMail.From = new MailAddress( "*****@*****.**" )
                oMail.From = textFrom.Text;

                //To, Cc and Bcc is a AddressCollection object, in C#, it supports implicit converting from string.
                // multiple address are separated with (,;)
                //The syntax is like this: "[email protected], [email protected]"

                //The example code without implicit converting
                // oMail.To = new AddressCollection( "[email protected], [email protected]" );
                // oMail.To = new AddressCollection( "Tester1<*****@*****.**>, Tester2<*****@*****.**>");

                oMail.To = textTo.Text;
                //You can add more recipient by Add method
                // oMail.To.Add( new MailAddress( "tester", "*****@*****.**"));

                oMail.Cc      = textCc.Text;
                oMail.Subject = textSubject.Text;
                oMail.Charset = m_arCharset[lstCharset.SelectedIndex, 1];

                //Digital signature and encryption
                if (!_SignEncrypt(ref oMail))
                    btnSend.Enabled   = true;
                    btnCancel.Enabled = false;

                string body = textBody.Text;
                body = body.Replace("[$from]", oMail.From.ToString());
                body = body.Replace("[$to]", oMail.To.ToString());
                body = body.Replace("[$subject]", oMail.Subject);

                if (chkHtml.Checked)
                    oMail.HtmlBody = body;
                    oMail.TextBody = body;

                int count = m_arAttachment.Count;
                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    //Add attachment
                    oMail.AddAttachment(m_arAttachment[i] as string);

                SmtpServer oServer = new SmtpServer(textServer.Text);
                oServer.Protocol = (ServerProtocol)lstProtocol.SelectedIndex;

                if (oServer.Server.Length != 0)
                    if (chkAuth.Checked)
                        oServer.User     = textUser.Text;
                        oServer.Password = textPassword.Text;

                    if (chkSSL.Checked)
                        oServer.ConnectType = SmtpConnectType.ConnectSSLAuto;
                    //To send email to the recipient directly(simulating the smtp server),
                    //please add a Received header,
                    //otherwise, many anti-spam filter will make it as junk email.
                    System.Globalization.CultureInfo cur = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US");
                    string gmtdate = System.DateTime.Now.ToString("ddd, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss zzz", cur);
                    gmtdate.Remove(gmtdate.Length - 3, 1);
                    string recvheader = String.Format("from {0} ([]) by {0} ([]) with SMTPSVC;\r\n\t {1}",

                    oMail.Headers.Insert(0, new HeaderItem("Received", recvheader));

                //Catching the following events is not necessary,
                //just make the application more user friendly.
                //If you use the object in service or non-gui application,
                //You need not to catch the following events.
                //To learn more detail, please refer to the code in EASendMail EventHandler region
                oSmtp.OnIdle              += new SmtpClient.OnIdleEventHandler(OnIdle);
                oSmtp.OnAuthorized        += new SmtpClient.OnAuthorizedEventHandler(OnAuthorized);
                oSmtp.OnConnected         += new SmtpClient.OnConnectedEventHandler(OnConnected);
                oSmtp.OnSecuring          += new SmtpClient.OnSecuringEventHandler(OnSecuring);
                oSmtp.OnSendingDataStream += new SmtpClient.OnSendingDataStreamEventHandler(OnSendingDataStream);

                if (oServer.Server.Length == 0 && oMail.Recipients.Count > 1)
                    //To send email without specified smtp server, we have to send the emails one by one
                    // to multiple recipients. That is because every recipient has different smtp server.
                    _DirectSend(ref oMail, ref oSmtp);
                    sbStatus.Text   = "Connecting ... ";
                    pgSending.Value = 0;

                    oSmtp.SendMail(oServer, oMail);

                    MessageBox.Show(String.Format("The message was sent to {0} successfully!",

                    sbStatus.Text = "Completed";
                //If you want to reuse the mail object, please reset the Date and Message-ID, otherwise
                //the Date and Message-ID will not change.
                //oMail.Date = System.DateTime.Now;
                //oMail.To = "*****@*****.**";
                //oSmtp.SendMail( oServer, oMail );
            catch (SmtpTerminatedException exp)
                err = exp.Message;
            catch (SmtpServerException exp)
                err = String.Format("Exception: Server Respond: {0}", exp.ErrorMessage);
            catch (System.Net.Sockets.SocketException exp)
                err = String.Format("Exception: Networking Error: {0} {1}", exp.ErrorCode, exp.Message);
            catch (System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception exp)
                err = String.Format("Exception: System Error: {0} {1}", exp.ErrorCode, exp.Message);
            catch (System.Exception exp)
                err = String.Format("Exception: Common: {0}", exp.Message);

            if (err.Length > 0)
                sbStatus.Text = err;
            //to get more debug information, please use
            //MessageBox.Show( oSmtp.SmtpConversation );

            btnSend.Enabled   = true;
            btnCancel.Enabled = false;