Beispiel #1
        public ActionResult removeFave(int[] removefavorite)
            SmartService smartService = new SmartService();
            string       key, toHash, token;

            token = smartService.AuthToken();
            if (token == "")
                // Create a validation key based on the current logged in username and authentication token
                string username = User.Identity.Name;
                toHash = username.ToUpper() + "|" + token;
                key    = smartService.GetMd5Hash(MD5.Create(), toHash) + "|" + username;

                AccountType Account = smartService.GetAccountDetails(key, username);
                foreach (int fav in removefavorite)
                        TempData["Message"] = smartService.DeleteFavourite(Account.userId, fav); //not working?
                    catch (Exception ex)                                                         // apparently not throwing the expected fault exception. handling argument exception instead.
                        if (ex is FaultException)
                            TempData["Error"] = "Error Message: " + ex.Message;
                        if (ex is ArgumentException)
                            TempData["Error"] = "Error Message: " + ex.Message;
