Beispiel #1
        // Create a symbolic link at "newpath" that points to "oldpath".
        // Throws "NotSupportedException" if the filesystem does not
        // support the creation of symbolic links or ".lnk" files.
        public static void CreateLink(String oldpath, String newpath)
            // Validate and normalize the parameters.
            oldpath = Path.NormalizeSeparators(oldpath);
            newpath = Path.NormalizeSeparators(newpath);

            // Try to create the symlink using the engine.
            Errno error = FileMethods.CreateLink(oldpath, newpath);

            if (error == Errno.Success)
            else if (error != Errno.EPERM)

            // Bail out if we are not on Windows.
            if (!IsWindows())
                throw new NotSupportedException(_("IO_NotSupp_Symlinks"));

            // Make sure that we have ".lnk" on the end of the pathname.
            if (!EndsInLnk(newpath))
                if (FileMethods.GetFileType(newpath) != FileType.unknown)
                    // There already exists something at this location.
                newpath += ".lnk";
            if (FileMethods.GetFileType(newpath) != FileType.unknown)
                // There already exists something at this location.

            // Create the shortcut information to place in the file.
            ShortcutInformation info = new ShortcutInformation();

            info.Description  = oldpath;
            info.RelativePath = oldpath;
            info.ShowWindow   = ShowWindow.Normal;

            // Write the shortcut information to the file.
            WriteShortcut(newpath, info, false);
	// Write a Windows shortcut file.  If "createIfExists" is "false",
	// then an exception will be thrown if "pathname" already exists.
	public static void WriteShortcut(String pathname, ShortcutInformation info,
				 					 bool createIfExists)
				// Validate the "info" parameter.
				if(info == null)
					throw new ArgumentNullException("info");

				// Create the shortcut file stream.
				FileStream stream = new FileStream
						(pathname, (createIfExists ? FileMode.Create
												   : FileMode.CreateNew),
				byte[] buffer = new byte [64];
					// Write the magic number to the file.
					stream.Write(magic, 0, 20);

					// Determine the flags to put in the file header.
					uint flags = 0;
					if(info.ShellIdInfo != null)
						flags |= 0x0001;
					if(info.FileLocationInfo != null)
						flags |= 0x0002;
					if(info.Description != null)
						flags |= 0x0004;
					if(info.RelativePath != null)
						flags |= 0x0008;
					if(info.WorkingDirectory != null)
						flags |= 0x0010;
					if(info.CommandLineArguments != null)
						flags |= 0x0020;
					if(info.Icon != null)
						flags |= 0x0040;
					if(info.Rest != null)
						flags |= 0x0080;

					// Write out the file header.
					WriteUInt32(stream, buffer, flags);
					WriteUInt32(stream, buffer, (uint)(info.Attributes));
					WriteFileTime(stream, buffer, info.CreationTime);
					WriteFileTime(stream, buffer, info.ModificationTime);
					WriteFileTime(stream, buffer, info.LastAccessTime);
					WriteUInt32(stream, buffer, info.FileLength);
					WriteUInt32(stream, buffer, info.IconNumber);
					WriteUInt32(stream, buffer, (uint)(info.ShowWindow));
					WriteUInt32(stream, buffer, info.Hotkey);
					WriteUInt32(stream, buffer, 0);	// reserved
					WriteUInt32(stream, buffer, 0);	// reserved

					// Write the shell item id information.
					if(info.ShellIdInfo != null)
						WriteInt16(stream, buffer, info.ShellIdInfo.Length);
						stream.Write(info.ShellIdInfo, 0,

					// Write the file location information.
					if(info.FileLocationInfo != null)
						stream.Write(info.FileLocationInfo, 0,

					// Write the string information.
					if(info.Description != null)
						WriteString(stream, buffer, info.Description);
					if(info.RelativePath != null)
						WriteString(stream, buffer, info.RelativePath);
					if(info.WorkingDirectory != null)
						WriteString(stream, buffer, info.WorkingDirectory);
					if(info.CommandLineArguments != null)
						WriteString(stream, buffer, info.CommandLineArguments);
					if(info.Icon != null)
						WriteString(stream, buffer, info.Icon);

					// Write the rest of the data for the shortcut file.
					if(info.Rest != null)
						stream.Write(info.Rest, 0, info.Rest.Length);
	// Read the contents of a Windows shortcut file.  Returns null if
	// the file does not appear to be a shortcut, or throws an exception
	// if the pathname is invalid in some fashion.
	public static ShortcutInformation ReadShortcut(String pathname)
				byte[] buffer = new byte [64];
				ShortcutInformation info = new ShortcutInformation();
				int posn;

				// Open the shortcut file.
				FileStream stream = new FileStream
					(pathname, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
					// Check the magic number in the header.
					if(stream.Read(buffer, 0, 20) != 20)
						return null;
					for(posn = 0; posn < 20; ++posn)
						if(buffer[posn] != magic[posn])
							return null;

					// Read the rest of the header and decode it.
					uint flags = ReadUInt32(stream, buffer);
					info.Attributes =
						(ShortcutAttributes)(ReadUInt32(stream, buffer));
					info.CreationTime = ReadFileTime(stream, buffer);
					info.ModificationTime = ReadFileTime(stream, buffer);
					info.LastAccessTime = ReadFileTime(stream, buffer);
					info.FileLength = ReadUInt32(stream, buffer);
					info.IconNumber = ReadUInt32(stream, buffer);
					info.ShowWindow =
						(ShowWindow)(ReadUInt32(stream, buffer));
					info.Hotkey = ReadUInt32(stream, buffer);
					ReadUInt32(stream, buffer);		// reserved
					ReadUInt32(stream, buffer);		// reserved

					// Read the shell item id list as an opaque blob.
					int dataLen;
					byte[] data;
					if((flags & 0x0001) != 0)
						dataLen = ReadInt16(stream, buffer);
						data = new byte [dataLen];
						stream.Read(data, 0, dataLen);
						info.ShellIdInfo = data;

					// Read the file location information as an opaque blob.
					if((flags & 0x0002) != 0)
						dataLen = (int)(ReadUInt32(stream, buffer));
						data = new byte [dataLen + 4];
						Array.Copy(buffer, 0, data, 0, 4);
						stream.Read(data, 4, dataLen - 4);
						info.FileLocationInfo = data;

					// Read the string information that is present.
					if((flags & 0x0004) != 0)
						info.Description = ReadString(stream, buffer);
					if((flags & 0x0008) != 0)
						info.RelativePath = ReadString(stream, buffer);
					if((flags & 0x0010) != 0)
						info.WorkingDirectory = ReadString(stream, buffer);
					if((flags & 0x0020) != 0)
						info.CommandLineArguments = ReadString(stream, buffer);
					if((flags & 0x0040) != 0)
						info.Icon = ReadString(stream, buffer);

					// Read the rest of the file as an opaque blob.
					if((flags & 0x0080) != 0 && stream.CanSeek)
						dataLen = (int)(stream.Length - stream.Position);
						if(dataLen > 0)
							data = new byte [dataLen];
							stream.Read(data, 0, dataLen);
							info.Rest = data;
				return info;
	// Create a symbolic link at "newpath" that points to "oldpath".
	// Throws "NotSupportedException" if the filesystem does not
	// support the creation of symbolic links or ".lnk" files.
	public static void CreateLink(String oldpath, String newpath)
				// Validate and normalize the parameters.
				oldpath = Path.NormalizeSeparators(oldpath);
				newpath = Path.NormalizeSeparators(newpath);

				// Try to create the symlink using the engine.
				Errno error = FileMethods.CreateLink(oldpath, newpath);
				if(error == Errno.Success)
				else if(error != Errno.EPERM)

				// Bail out if we are not on Windows.
					throw new NotSupportedException(_("IO_NotSupp_Symlinks"));

				// Make sure that we have ".lnk" on the end of the pathname.
					if(FileMethods.GetFileType(newpath) != FileType.unknown)
						// There already exists something at this location.
					newpath += ".lnk";
				if(FileMethods.GetFileType(newpath) != FileType.unknown)
					// There already exists something at this location.

				// Create the shortcut information to place in the file.
				ShortcutInformation info = new ShortcutInformation();
				info.Description = oldpath;
				info.RelativePath = oldpath;
				info.ShowWindow = ShowWindow.Normal;

				// Write the shortcut information to the file.
				WriteShortcut(newpath, info, false);
Beispiel #5
        // Write a Windows shortcut file.  If "createIfExists" is "false",
        // then an exception will be thrown if "pathname" already exists.
        public static void WriteShortcut(String pathname, ShortcutInformation info,
                                         bool createIfExists)
            // Validate the "info" parameter.
            if (info == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("info");

            // Create the shortcut file stream.
            FileStream stream = new FileStream
                                    (pathname, (createIfExists ? FileMode.Create
                                                                                                   : FileMode.CreateNew),

            byte[] buffer = new byte [64];
                // Write the magic number to the file.
                stream.Write(magic, 0, 20);

                // Determine the flags to put in the file header.
                uint flags = 0;
                if (info.ShellIdInfo != null)
                    flags |= 0x0001;
                if (info.FileLocationInfo != null)
                    flags |= 0x0002;
                if (info.Description != null)
                    flags |= 0x0004;
                if (info.RelativePath != null)
                    flags |= 0x0008;
                if (info.WorkingDirectory != null)
                    flags |= 0x0010;
                if (info.CommandLineArguments != null)
                    flags |= 0x0020;
                if (info.Icon != null)
                    flags |= 0x0040;
                if (info.Rest != null)
                    flags |= 0x0080;

                // Write out the file header.
                WriteUInt32(stream, buffer, flags);
                WriteUInt32(stream, buffer, (uint)(info.Attributes));
                WriteFileTime(stream, buffer, info.CreationTime);
                WriteFileTime(stream, buffer, info.ModificationTime);
                WriteFileTime(stream, buffer, info.LastAccessTime);
                WriteUInt32(stream, buffer, info.FileLength);
                WriteUInt32(stream, buffer, info.IconNumber);
                WriteUInt32(stream, buffer, (uint)(info.ShowWindow));
                WriteUInt32(stream, buffer, info.Hotkey);
                WriteUInt32(stream, buffer, 0);                         // reserved
                WriteUInt32(stream, buffer, 0);                         // reserved

                // Write the shell item id information.
                if (info.ShellIdInfo != null)
                    WriteInt16(stream, buffer, info.ShellIdInfo.Length);
                    stream.Write(info.ShellIdInfo, 0,

                // Write the file location information.
                if (info.FileLocationInfo != null)
                    stream.Write(info.FileLocationInfo, 0,

                // Write the string information.
                if (info.Description != null)
                    WriteString(stream, buffer, info.Description);
                if (info.RelativePath != null)
                    WriteString(stream, buffer, info.RelativePath);
                if (info.WorkingDirectory != null)
                    WriteString(stream, buffer, info.WorkingDirectory);
                if (info.CommandLineArguments != null)
                    WriteString(stream, buffer, info.CommandLineArguments);
                if (info.Icon != null)
                    WriteString(stream, buffer, info.Icon);

                // Write the rest of the data for the shortcut file.
                if (info.Rest != null)
                    stream.Write(info.Rest, 0, info.Rest.Length);
Beispiel #6
        // Read the contents of a Windows shortcut file.  Returns null if
        // the file does not appear to be a shortcut, or throws an exception
        // if the pathname is invalid in some fashion.
        public static ShortcutInformation ReadShortcut(String pathname)
            byte[] buffer            = new byte [64];
            ShortcutInformation info = new ShortcutInformation();
            int posn;

            // Open the shortcut file.
            FileStream stream = new FileStream
                                    (pathname, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);

                // Check the magic number in the header.
                if (stream.Read(buffer, 0, 20) != 20)
                for (posn = 0; posn < 20; ++posn)
                    if (buffer[posn] != magic[posn])

                // Read the rest of the header and decode it.
                uint flags = ReadUInt32(stream, buffer);
                info.Attributes =
                    (ShortcutAttributes)(ReadUInt32(stream, buffer));
                info.CreationTime     = ReadFileTime(stream, buffer);
                info.ModificationTime = ReadFileTime(stream, buffer);
                info.LastAccessTime   = ReadFileTime(stream, buffer);
                info.FileLength       = ReadUInt32(stream, buffer);
                info.IconNumber       = ReadUInt32(stream, buffer);
                info.ShowWindow       =
                    (ShowWindow)(ReadUInt32(stream, buffer));
                info.Hotkey = ReadUInt32(stream, buffer);
                ReadUInt32(stream, buffer);                                     // reserved
                ReadUInt32(stream, buffer);                                     // reserved

                // Read the shell item id list as an opaque blob.
                int    dataLen;
                byte[] data;
                if ((flags & 0x0001) != 0)
                    dataLen = ReadInt16(stream, buffer);
                    data    = new byte [dataLen];
                    stream.Read(data, 0, dataLen);
                    info.ShellIdInfo = data;

                // Read the file location information as an opaque blob.
                if ((flags & 0x0002) != 0)
                    dataLen = (int)(ReadUInt32(stream, buffer));
                    data    = new byte [dataLen + 4];
                    Array.Copy(buffer, 0, data, 0, 4);
                    stream.Read(data, 4, dataLen - 4);
                    info.FileLocationInfo = data;

                // Read the string information that is present.
                if ((flags & 0x0004) != 0)
                    info.Description = ReadString(stream, buffer);
                if ((flags & 0x0008) != 0)
                    info.RelativePath = ReadString(stream, buffer);
                if ((flags & 0x0010) != 0)
                    info.WorkingDirectory = ReadString(stream, buffer);
                if ((flags & 0x0020) != 0)
                    info.CommandLineArguments = ReadString(stream, buffer);
                if ((flags & 0x0040) != 0)
                    info.Icon = ReadString(stream, buffer);

                // Read the rest of the file as an opaque blob.
                if ((flags & 0x0080) != 0 && stream.CanSeek)
                    dataLen = (int)(stream.Length - stream.Position);
                    if (dataLen > 0)
                        data = new byte [dataLen];
                        stream.Read(data, 0, dataLen);
                        info.Rest = data;
Beispiel #7
        // Read the contents of a symbolic link.  Returns null if not a
        // symbolic link, or throws an exception if the pathname is invalid.
        public static String ReadLink(String pathname)
            // Validate the parameter and normalize it.
            pathname = Path.NormalizeSeparators(pathname);

            // Read the contents of the symlink using the engine.
            String contents;
            Errno  error = FileMethods.ReadLink(pathname, out contents);

            if (error != Errno.Success)
            if (contents != null)

            // Bail out if we aren't on Windows.
            if (!IsWindows())

            // Make sure that we have ".lnk" on the end of the name.
            if (!EndsInLnk(pathname))
                if (FileMethods.GetFileType(pathname) != FileType.unknown)
                    // Something exists here and it does not have a ".lnk"
                    // extension, so it cannot possibly be a symlink.
                pathname += ".lnk";
            FileType type = FileMethods.GetFileType(pathname);

            if (type == FileType.unknown)
                // The pathname does not exist.
            else if (type != FileType.regularFile)
                // The pathname exists but it is not a regular file,
                // so it cannot possibly be a symbolic link.

            // Read the contents of the Windows shortcut file.
            ShortcutInformation info = ReadShortcut(pathname);

            if (info == null)