Beispiel #1
        public List <CartItem> UpdateCartItems()
            using (ShoppingCartActions usersShoppingCart = new ShoppingCartActions())
                String cartId = usersShoppingCart.GetCartId();

                ShoppingCartActions.ShoppingCartUpdates[] cartUpdates = new ShoppingCartActions.ShoppingCartUpdates[CartList.Rows.Count];
                for (int i = 0; i < CartList.Rows.Count; i++)
                    IOrderedDictionary rowValues = new OrderedDictionary();
                    rowValues = GetValues(CartList.Rows[i]);
                    cartUpdates[i].ProductId = Convert.ToInt32(rowValues["ProductID"]);

                    CheckBox cbRemove = new CheckBox();
                    cbRemove = (CheckBox)CartList.Rows[i].FindControl("Remove");
                    cartUpdates[i].RemoveItem = cbRemove.Checked;

                    TextBox quantityTextBox = new TextBox();
                    quantityTextBox = (TextBox)CartList.Rows[i].FindControl("PurchaseQuantity");
                    cartUpdates[i].PurchaseQuantity = Convert.ToInt16(quantityTextBox.Text.ToString());
                usersShoppingCart.UpdateShoppingCartDatabase(cartId, cartUpdates);
                lblTotal.Text = String.Format("{0:c}", usersShoppingCart.GetTotal());
        public ActionResult AddItemQuantity()
            string rawId = Request.QueryString["ProductId"];
            int    productId;

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(rawId) && int.TryParse(rawId, out productId))
                using (ShoppingCartActions usersShoppingCart = new ShoppingCartActions())
                    String cartId          = usersShoppingCart.GetCartId();
                    var    allItems        = usersShoppingCart.GetCartItems();
                    int    currentQuantity = 0;
                    foreach (var item in allItems)
                        if (Convert.ToInt16(rawId) == item.ProductId)
                            currentQuantity = item.Quantity;
                    currentQuantity += 1;
                    usersShoppingCart.UpdateItem(cartId, Convert.ToInt16(rawId), currentQuantity);
                Debug.Fail("ERROR : We should never get to /ShoppingCart/AddItemQuantity without a ProductId.");
                throw new Exception("ERROR : It is illegal to load /ShoppingCart/AddItemQuantity without setting a ProductId.");
Beispiel #3
        //UpdatecartItems Method
        public List <CartItem> UpdateCartItems()
            using (ShoppingCartActions usersShoppingCart = new ShoppingCartActions())
                String cartId = usersShoppingCart.GetCartId();

                ShoppingCartActions.ShoppingCartUpdates[] cartUpdates = new ShoppingCartActions.ShoppingCartUpdates[CartList.Rows.Count];
                for (int i = 0; i < CartList.Rows.Count; i++)
                    //The amount of products in the cart.
                    IOrderedDictionary rowValues = new OrderedDictionary();
                    rowValues = GetValues(CartList.Rows[i]);
                    cartUpdates[i].ProductId = Convert.ToInt32(rowValues["ProductID"]);

                    //This the checkbox to tick to remove a product.
                    CheckBox cbRemove = new CheckBox();
                    cbRemove = (CheckBox)CartList.Rows[i].FindControl("Remove");
                    cartUpdates[i].RemoveItem = cbRemove.Checked;

                    //This is the textbox to change the quantity.
                    TextBox quantityTextBox = new TextBox();
                    quantityTextBox = (TextBox)CartList.Rows[i].FindControl("PurchaseQuantity");
                    cartUpdates[i].PurchaseQuantity = Convert.ToInt16(quantityTextBox.Text.ToString());

                //This updates the total for all prdoucts in the cart using the GetTotal method.
                usersShoppingCart.UpdateShoppingCartDatabase(cartId, cartUpdates);
                lblTotal.Text = String.Format("{0:c}", usersShoppingCart.GetTotal());
        protected void shippingDetails_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var cart  = new ShoppingCartActions();
            var items = cart.GetCartItems();

            Order order = new Order {
                FirstName = FirstName.Text, OrderDate = DateTime.Now, LastName = LastName.Text, Address = Address.Text, City = City.Text, Country = Country.Text, PostalCode = PostalCode.Text, State = State.Text, Email = Email.Text, HasBeenShipped = true, Phone = Phone.Text, Total = cart.GetTotal()

            order.OrderDetails = new List <OrderDetail>();
            foreach (var item in items)
                var details = new OrderDetail {
                    OrderId = order.OrderId, ProductId = item.ProductId, Quantity = item.Quantity, UnitPrice = db.Products.Find(item.ProductId).UnitPrice, Username = order.Email

            db.Entry(order).State = EntityState.Modified;
Beispiel #5
        protected void CheckoutBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            using (ShoppingCartActions usersShoppingCart = new ShoppingCartActions())
                string products   = "";
                string prices     = "";
                string quantities = "";
                foreach (var product in usersShoppingCart.GetCartItems())
                    var name     = product.Product.ProductName;
                    var price    = product.Product.UnitPrice;
                    var quantity = product.Quantity;

                    quantities = quantities + quantity + ",";
                    prices     = prices + price + ",";
                    products   = products + name + ",";

                Session["product_names"]      = products;
                Session["product_prices"]     = prices;
                Session["product_quantities"] = quantities;
                Session["payment_amt"]        = usersShoppingCart.GetTotal();
Beispiel #6
        //update cart item with db
        private List <CartItem> UpdateCartItems()
            using (ShoppingCartActions shopaction = new ShoppingCartActions())
                string cartId = shopaction.GetCartId().ToString();
                ShoppingCartActions.ShoppingCartUpdates[] cartUpdates = new ShoppingCartActions.ShoppingCartUpdates[CartList.Rows.Count];

                //collect item in cart to update list
                for (int i = 0; i < CartList.Rows.Count; i++)
                    IOrderedDictionary rowValues = GetValues(CartList.Rows[i]);
                    cartUpdates[i].ProductId = Convert.ToInt32(rowValues["ProductID"]);

                    CheckBox cbRm = CartList.Rows[i].FindControl("Remove") as CheckBox;
                    cartUpdates[i].RemoveItem = cbRm.Checked;

                    TextBox qnt = CartList.Rows[i].FindControl("PurchaseQuantity") as TextBox;
                    cartUpdates[i].PurchaseQuantity = Convert.ToInt16(qnt.Text);

                shopaction.UpdateShoppingCartDatabase(cartId, cartUpdates);
                lblTotal.Text = string.Format("{0:c}", shopaction.GetTotal());
        private List <CartItem> UpdateCartItems()
            using (ShoppingCartActions usersShoppingCart = new ShoppingCartActions())
                ShoppinCartUpdates[] cartUpdates = new ShoppinCartUpdates[CartList.Rows.Count];

                for (int i = 0; i < CartList.Rows.Count; i++)
                    IOrderedDictionary rowValues = new OrderedDictionary();
                    rowValues = GetValues(CartList.Rows[i]);
                    cartUpdates[i].produtoId = Convert.ToInt32(rowValues["ProductId"]);

                    CheckBox cbRemove = new CheckBox();
                    cbRemove = (CheckBox)CartList.Rows[i].FindControl("Remove");
                    cartUpdates[i].isRemovedItem = cbRemove.Checked;

                    TextBox TbQuantity = new TextBox();
                    TbQuantity = (TextBox)CartList.Rows[i].FindControl("PurchaseQuantity");
                    cartUpdates[i].purchaseQuantity = Convert.ToInt32(TbQuantity.Text);

                lblTotal.Text = String.Format("{0:c}", usersShoppingCart.GetTotal());
        public List <CartItem> UpdateCartItems()
            using (ShoppingCartActions usersShoppingCart = new ShoppingCartActions())
                String cartId = usersShoppingCart.GetCartId();

                List <ShoppingCartActions.ShoppingCartUpdates> cartUpdates = new List <ShoppingCartActions.ShoppingCartUpdates>();
                foreach (GridViewRow row in CartList.Rows)
                    IOrderedDictionary rowValues = new OrderedDictionary();
                    rowValues = GetValues(row);
                    var ControlCheckbox = (CheckBox)row.FindControl("Remove");
                    var TextBox         = (TextBox)row.FindControl("PurchaseQuantity");
                    ShoppingCartActions.ShoppingCartUpdates cartUpdate = new ShoppingCartActions.ShoppingCartUpdates
                        ProductId        = Convert.ToInt32(rowValues["ProductID"]),
                        RemoveItem       = ControlCheckbox.Checked,
                        PurchaseQuantity = Convert.ToInt16(TextBox.Text.ToString())
                usersShoppingCart.UpdateShoppingCartDatabase(cartId, cartUpdates);
                lblTotal.Text = String.Format("{0:c}", usersShoppingCart.GetTotal());
Beispiel #9
        public List <CartItem> GetShoppingCartItems()
            ShoppingCartActions actions = new ShoppingCartActions();
            var items = actions.GetCartItems();

        public List <CartItem> UpdateRepeats()
            using (ShoppingCartActions usersShoppingCart = new ShoppingCartActions())
                String cartId = usersShoppingCart.GetCartId();

                ShoppingCartActions.ShoppingCartUpdates[] cartUpdates = new
                for (int i = 0; i < CartList.Rows.Count; i++)
                    IOrderedDictionary rowValues = new OrderedDictionary();
                    rowValues = GetValues(CartList.Rows[i]);
                    cartUpdates[i].ProductId = Convert.ToInt32(rowValues["ProductID"]);

                    //CheckBox cbRemove = new CheckBox();
                    //cbRemove = (CheckBox)CartList.Rows[i].FindControl("Remove");
                    //cartUpdates[i].RemoveItem = cbRemove.Checked;

                    // DropDownList selectedRepeat = new DropDownList();
                    // selectedRepeat =
                    // cartUpdates[i].RepeatOrder = selectedRepeat.SelectedValue; /* HERE */

                    //DropDownList selectedRepeat = new DropDownList();
                    DropDownList selectedRepeat = (DropDownList)CartList.Rows[i].FindControl("RepeatOrder");
                    cartUpdates[i].RepeatOrder = selectedRepeat.SelectedValue; /* HERE */
                usersShoppingCart.UpdateShoppingCartDatabase(cartId, cartUpdates);
                //lblTotal.Text = String.Format("{0:c}", usersShoppingCart.GetTotal());
 public List <CartItem> GetShoppingCartItems()
     using (ShoppingCartActions usersShoppingCart = new ShoppingCartActions())
Beispiel #12
    public bool ShortcutExpressCheckout(string amt, ref string token, ref string retMsg)
        if (bSandbox)
            pEndPointURL = pEndPointURL_SB;
            host         = host_SB;

        string returnURL = "http://localhost:49252/Checkout/CheckoutReview.aspx";
        string cancelURL = "http://localhost:49252/Checkout/CheckoutCancel.aspx";

        NVPCodec encoder = new NVPCodec();

        encoder["METHOD"]                         = "SetExpressCheckout";
        encoder["RETURNURL"]                      = returnURL;
        encoder["CANCELURL"]                      = cancelURL;
        encoder["BRANDNAME"]                      = "Kidsmeer toys e-commerce";
        encoder["PAYMENTREQUEST_0_AMT"]           = amt;
        encoder["PAYMENTREQUEST_0_ITEMAMT"]       = amt;
        encoder["PAYMENTREQUEST_0_PAYMENTACTION"] = "Sale";
        encoder["PAYMENTREQUEST_0_CURRENCYCODE"]  = "USD";

        // Get the Shopping Cart Products
        using (ShoppingCartActions myCartOrders = new ShoppingCartActions())
            List <CartItem> myOrderList = myCartOrders.GetCartItems();

            for (int i = 0; i < myOrderList.Count; i++)
                encoder["L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_NAME" + i] = myOrderList[i].Product.ProductName.ToString();
                encoder["L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_AMT" + i]  = myOrderList[i].Product.UnitPrice.ToString();
                encoder["L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_QTY" + i]  = myOrderList[i].Quantity.ToString();

        string pStrrequestforNvp = encoder.Encode();
        string pStresponsenvp    = HttpCall(pStrrequestforNvp);

        NVPCodec decoder = new NVPCodec();


        string strAck = decoder["ACK"].ToLower();

        if (strAck != null && (strAck == "success" || strAck == "successwithwarning"))
            token = decoder["TOKEN"];
            string ECURL = "https://" + host + "/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_express-checkout" + "&token=" + token;
            retMsg = ECURL;
            retMsg = "ErrorCode=" + decoder["L_ERRORCODE0"] + "&" +
                     "Desc=" + decoder["L_SHORTMESSAGE0"] + "&" +
                     "Desc2=" + decoder["L_LONGMESSAGE0"];
Beispiel #13
        public async Task GetShoppingCartItems()
            ShoppingCartActions actions = new ShoppingCartActions();
            var cartItems = await actions.GetCartItems();

            CartList.DataSource = cartItems;
Beispiel #14
 protected void SendCartDetails()
     using (ShoppingCartActions usersShoppingCart = new ShoppingCartActions())
         Session["payment_amt"] = usersShoppingCart.GetTotal();
         Session["cart_items"]  = usersShoppingCart.GetCartItems();
Beispiel #15
 public void CheckoutBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     using (ShoppingCartActions usersShoppingCart = new ShoppingCartActions())
         Session["payment_amt"] = usersShoppingCart.GetTotal();
         Session["Cart"]        = usersShoppingCart.GetCartItems();
Beispiel #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns all the items in the cart. Used to populate the GridView rows
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List <CartItem> GetShoppingCartItems()
            ShoppingCartActions actions = new ShoppingCartActions();

            //Validate the cart items
            foreach (var item in actions.GetCartItems())
                if (item.Product.ProductName.Equals("Bananas", StringComparison.Ordinal) && item.Quantity > 10)
                    item.Quantity = 10;

                    lblWarning.ForeColor = Color.Red;
                    lblWarning.Text      = "Warning! You can only order a maximum of 10 Bananas. Net Total Updated.";

        public List<cartitem> Getcoursecartitems()
           // if (Session["a"] != null)
           // {
                ShoppingCartActions actions = new ShoppingCartActions();
                return actions.GetCartItems();
         //  }
           // else
               // return null;

Beispiel #18
        public List <CartItem> UpdateCartItems()
            using (ShoppingCartActions usersShoppingCart = new ShoppingCartActions())
                String cartId = usersShoppingCart.GetCartId();

                ShoppingCartActions.ShoppingCartUpdates[] cartUpdates = new ShoppingCartActions.ShoppingCartUpdates[CartList.Rows.Count];
                for (int i = 0; i < CartList.Rows.Count; i++)
                    IOrderedDictionary rowValues = new OrderedDictionary();
                    rowValues = GetValues(CartList.Rows[i]);
                    cartUpdates[i].LivroId = Convert.ToInt32(rowValues["livro_id"]);

                    CheckBox cbRemove = new CheckBox();
                    cbRemove = (CheckBox)CartList.Rows[i].FindControl("Remover");
                    cartUpdates[i].RemoverItem = cbRemove.Checked;

                    int quantidadeAnterior = GetShoppingCartItems().Cast <CartItem>().ElementAt(i).quantidade;

                    Estoque estoque = commands["CONSULTAR"].execute(new Estoque()
                        Livro = new Dominio.Livro.Livro()
                            ID = cartUpdates[i].LivroId
                    }).Entidades.Cast <Estoque>().ElementAt(0);

                    TextBox quantityTextBox = new TextBox();
                    quantityTextBox = (TextBox)CartList.Rows[i].FindControl("PurchaseQuantity");

                    if (estoque.Qtde < Convert.ToInt32(quantityTextBox.Text))
                        cartUpdates[i].PurchaseQuantity = quantidadeAnterior;
                        lblResultadoCarrinho.Text       = "Quantidade em estoque do livro " + estoque.Livro.Titulo + " é de " + estoque.Qtde + " unidade(s)";
                        lblResultadoCarrinho.Visible    = true;
                        cartUpdates[i].PurchaseQuantity = Convert.ToInt16(quantityTextBox.Text.ToString());
                        lblResultadoCarrinho.Text       = "";
                        lblResultadoCarrinho.Visible    = false;
                usersShoppingCart.UpdateShoppingCartDatabase(cartId, cartUpdates);
                lblSubtotal.Text = String.Format("{0:c}", usersShoppingCart.GetTotal());
        // GET: Cart
        public ActionResult Index()
            var cartId = new Helpers.CartHelpers().GetCartId();
            var vm     = new CartViewModel();

            using (ShoppingCartActions usersShoppingCart = new ShoppingCartActions(cartId))
                var shoppingCartItems = usersShoppingCart.GetCartItems();
                var cartItemsVM       = Mapper.Map <List <CartItemViewModel> >(shoppingCartItems);
                vm.CartItems  = cartItemsVM;
                vm.ItemsTotal = usersShoppingCart.GetCount();
                vm.OrderTotal = usersShoppingCart.GetTotal();
            //var shoppingCartItems = db.ShoppingCartItems.Include(c => c.Product);
        public List<cartitem> delteCartItems()
            using (ShoppingCartActions usersShoppingCart = new ShoppingCartActions())
                String cartId = usersShoppingCart.GetCartId();

                for (int i = 0; i < usersShoppingCart.GetTotal(); i++)
               // lblTotal.Text = "0";
                return usersShoppingCart.GetCartItems();
Beispiel #21
        // GET: Cart
        public ActionResult Index()
            var cartId = new Helpers.CartHelpers().GetCartId(HttpContext);
            var vm     = new CartModel();

            var usersShoppingCart = new ShoppingCartActions(_db, cartId);

            var shoppingCartItems = usersShoppingCart.GetCartItems();
            var cartItemsVM       = _mapper.Map <List <CartItemModel> >(shoppingCartItems);

            vm.CartItems  = cartItemsVM;
            vm.ItemsTotal = usersShoppingCart.GetCount();
            vm.OrderTotal = usersShoppingCart.GetTotal();

            //var shoppingCartItems = db.ShoppingCartItems.Include(c => c.Product);
Beispiel #22
        // GET: Checkout
        public ActionResult Index()
            var vm = new CheckoutModel();

            using (ShoppingCartActions usersShoppingCart = new ShoppingCartActions(cartId, items, categories))
                var shoppingCartItems = usersShoppingCart.GetCartItems();
                var cartItemsVM       = Mapper.Map <List <CartItemModel> >(shoppingCartItems);
                vm.CartItems  = cartItemsVM;
                vm.OrderTotal = usersShoppingCart.GetTotal();
                vm.ItemsTotal = usersShoppingCart.GetCount();

            var user  = (User)Session["User"];
            var email = "*****@*****.**";

            if (user != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(user.Email))
                email = user.Email;

            // To make filling out the form faster for demo purposes, pre-fill the values:
            vm.Order = new OrderModel
                // Important! Keep this property here!
                Total = vm.OrderTotal,
                // Prefill properties for convenience:
                FirstName        = "Bob",
                LastName         = "Loblaw",
                Address          = "1313 Mockingbird Lane",
                City             = "Virginia Beach",
                State            = "VA",
                PostalCode       = "23456",
                Country          = "United States",
                Email            = email,
                NameOnCard       = "Bob Loblaw",
                CreditCardType   = "Visa",
                CreditCardNumber = "4111111111111111",
                ExpirationDate   = "12/25",
                CCV      = "987",
                SMSOptIn = true

 /**When user clicks "purchase", iterate through all items in customer's shopping cart and
  * send product id, product name, and unit price to shopping cart action file to create
  * 'purchased' event in Cosmos DB**/
 protected void CheckoutBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     using (ShoppingCartActions usersShoppingCart = new ShoppingCartActions())
         foreach (var item in usersShoppingCart.GetCartItems())
             int    productId   = item.ProductId;
             string productName = item.Product.ProductName;
             double unitPrice   = Convert.ToDouble(item.Product.UnitPrice);
             for (int k = 0; k < item.Quantity; k++)
                 usersShoppingCart.PurchaseProduct(productId, productName, unitPrice);
         /**Redirect user to page that thanks them for their purchase**/
Beispiel #24
        public List <CartItem> UpdateCartItems()
            using (ShoppingCartActions usersShoppingCart = new ShoppingCartActions())
                String cartId = usersShoppingCart.GetCartId();

                ShoppingCartActions.ShoppingCartUpdates[] cartUpdates = new ShoppingCartActions.ShoppingCartUpdates[CartList.Rows.Count];
                for (int i = 0; i < CartList.Rows.Count; i++)
                    IOrderedDictionary rowValues = new OrderedDictionary();
                    rowValues = GetValues(CartList.Rows[i]);
                    cartUpdates[i].ProductId = Convert.ToInt32(rowValues["ProductID"]);

                    CheckBox cbRemove = new CheckBox();
                    cbRemove = (CheckBox)CartList.Rows[i].FindControl("Remove");
                    cartUpdates[i].RemoveItem = cbRemove.Checked;

                    TextBox priceTextBox = new TextBox();
                    priceTextBox           = (TextBox)CartList.Rows[i].FindControl("PriceBx");
                    cartUpdates[i].PriceBx = Convert.ToDecimal(priceTextBox.Text.ToString());

                    //cartUpdates[i].ItemPrice = Convert.ToInt32(rowValues["OriginalPrice"]);

                    TextBox quantityTextBox = new TextBox();
                    quantityTextBox = (TextBox)CartList.Rows[i].FindControl("PurchaseQuantity");
                    cartUpdates[i].PurchaseQuantity = Convert.ToInt16(quantityTextBox.Text.ToString());
                usersShoppingCart.UpdateShoppingCartDatabase(cartId, cartUpdates);
                //GetTotal() suppose to execute after UpdateShoppingCartDatabase
                string x = String.Format("{0:c}", usersShoppingCart.GetTotal());
                if (x != "$0.00")
                    lblTotal.Text = x;
                    lblTotal.Text = "";
        // GET: CartItems
        public ActionResult Index()
            ShoppingCartActions actions = new ShoppingCartActions();

            using (ShoppingCartActions usersShoppingCart = new ShoppingCartActions())
                decimal cartTotal = 0;
                cartTotal = usersShoppingCart.GetTotal();
                if (cartTotal > 0)
                    // Display Total.
                    ViewBag.Total = cartTotal;
                    ViewBag.Total = "0";
 public ActionResult Purchase()
     using (ShoppingCartActions usersShoppingCart = new ShoppingCartActions())
         if (usersShoppingCart.GetCartItems().Count != 0 && this.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
             ApplicationUser user = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.GetOwinContext()
                                    .GetUserManager <ApplicationUserManager>()
             ViewBag.FirstName = user.FirstName;
             ViewBag.LastName  = user.LastName;
             ViewBag.Address   = user.Address;
             return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"));
        // GET: Checkout
        public ActionResult Index()
            var vm = new CheckoutViewModel();

            using (ShoppingCartActions usersShoppingCart = new ShoppingCartActions(cartId))
                var shoppingCartItems = usersShoppingCart.GetCartItems();
                var cartItemsVM       = Mapper.Map <List <CartItemViewModel> >(shoppingCartItems);
                vm.CartItems  = cartItemsVM;
                vm.OrderTotal = usersShoppingCart.GetTotal();
                vm.ItemsTotal = usersShoppingCart.GetCount();

            // To make filling out the form faster for demo purposes, pre-fill the values:
            vm.Order = new OrderViewModel
                // Important! Keep this property here!
                Total = vm.OrderTotal,
                // Prefill properties for convenience:
                FirstName        = "Bob",
                LastName         = "Loblaw",
                Address          = "1313 Mockingbird Lane",
                City             = "Virginia Beach",
                State            = "VA",
                PostalCode       = "23456",
                Country          = "United States",
                Email            = "*****@*****.**",
                NameOnCard       = "Bob Loblaw",
                CreditCardType   = "Visa",
                CreditCardNumber = "4111111111111111",
                ExpirationDate   = "12/20",
                CCV      = "987",
                SMSOptIn = true

        protected void PlaceOrderBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            using (ShoppingCartActions usersShoppingCart = new ShoppingCartActions())
                Session["payment_amt"] = usersShoppingCart.GetTotal();

                List <CartItem> MyCart = usersShoppingCart.GetCartItems();

                //Place an order
                AddOrder(PaymentBox.Text, PaymentDateBox.Text, CommentBox.Text, MyCart);


            new Emailer().SendEmail("*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", "FrontierAg New Order ", "Login to the website to see order details");
            //new Emailer().SendEmail("*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", "FrontierAg New Order ", "Login to the website to see order details");
            //new Emailer().SendEmail("*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", "FrontierAg New Order ", "Login to the website to see order details");
            //new Emailer().SendEmail("*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", "FrontierAg New Order ", "Login to the website to see order details");
            //new Emailer().SendEmail("*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", "FrontierAg New Order ", "Login to the website to see order details");
            //new Emailer().SendEmail("[email protected] ", "*****@*****.**", "FrontierAg New Order ", "Login to the website to see order details");

        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!IsPostBack)
                NVPAPICaller payPalCaller = new NVPAPICaller();

                string   retMsg  = "";
                string   token   = "";
                string   PayerID = "";
                NVPCodec decoder = new NVPCodec();
                token = Session["token"].ToString();

                bool ret = payPalCaller.GetCheckoutDetails(token, ref PayerID, ref decoder, ref retMsg);
                if (ret)
                    Session["payerId"] = PayerID;

                    var myOrder = new Order();
                    myOrder.OrderDate  = Convert.ToDateTime(decoder["TIMESTAMP"].ToString());
                    myOrder.Username   = User.Identity.Name;
                    myOrder.FirstName  = decoder["FIRSTNAME"].ToString();
                    myOrder.LastName   = decoder["LASTNAME"].ToString();
                    myOrder.Address    = decoder["SHIPTOSTREET"].ToString();
                    myOrder.City       = decoder["SHIPTOCITY"].ToString();
                    myOrder.State      = decoder["SHIPTOSTATE"].ToString();
                    myOrder.PostalCode = decoder["SHIPTOZIP"].ToString();
                    myOrder.Country    = decoder["SHIPTOCOUNTRYCODE"].ToString();
                    myOrder.Email      = decoder["EMAIL"].ToString();
                    myOrder.Total      = Convert.ToDecimal(decoder["AMT"].ToString());

                    // Verify total payment amount as set on CheckoutStart.aspx.
                        decimal paymentAmountOnCheckout = Convert.ToDecimal(Session["payment_amt"].ToString());
                        decimal paymentAmoutFromPayPal  = Convert.ToDecimal(decoder["AMT"].ToString());
                        if (paymentAmountOnCheckout != paymentAmoutFromPayPal)
                            Response.Redirect("CheckoutError.aspx?" + "Desc=Amount%20total%20mismatch.");
                    catch (Exception)
                        Response.Redirect("CheckoutError.aspx?" + "Desc=Amount%20total%20mismatch.");

                    // Get DB context.
                    ApplicationDbContext _db = new ApplicationDbContext();

                    // Add order to DB.

                    // Get the shopping cart items and process them.
                    using (ShoppingCartActions usersShoppingCart = new ShoppingCartActions())
                        List <CartItem> myOrderList = usersShoppingCart.GetCartItems();

                        // Add OrderDetail information to the DB for each product purchased.
                        for (int i = 0; i < myOrderList.Count; i++)
                            // Create a new OrderDetail object.
                            var myOrderDetail = new OrderDetail();
                            myOrderDetail.OrderId   = myOrder.OrderId;
                            myOrderDetail.Username  = User.Identity.Name;
                            myOrderDetail.ProductId = myOrderList[i].ProductId;
                            myOrderDetail.Quantity  = myOrderList[i].Quantity;
                            myOrderDetail.UnitPrice = myOrderList[i].Product.UnitPrice;

                            // Add OrderDetail to DB.

                        // Set OrderId.
                        Session["currentOrderId"] = myOrder.OrderId;

                        // Display Order information.
                        List <Order> orderList = new List <Order>();
                        ShipInfo.DataSource = orderList;

                        // Display OrderDetails.
                        OrderItemList.DataSource = myOrderList;
                    Response.Redirect("CheckoutError.aspx?" + retMsg);
        public List <CartItem> GetShoppingCartItems()
            ShoppingCartActions action = new ShoppingCartActions();
