/// <summary>
        /// Run the delegates for Element and Diagram for the current element.
        /// - changeScope.Item   Only Element itself and Diagrams of element, not beneath element
        /// - changeScope...     Element and all beneath Element
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rep"></param>
        /// <param name="el"></param>
        /// <param name="setEl"></param>
        /// <param name="setDia"></param>
        /// <param name="parameterStrings"></param>
        /// <param name="changeScope"></param>
        public static void DoRecursiveEl(Repository rep, EA.Element el, SetElement setEl, SetDiagram setDia,
                                         string[] parameterStrings, ChangeScope changeScope)
            // perform change for element
            setEl?.Invoke(rep, el, parameterStrings);

            // perform changes for diagrams beneath element
            foreach (EA.Diagram dia in el.Diagrams)
                if (dia != null)
                    setDia?.Invoke(rep, dia, parameterStrings);
            // only the item itself, no recursion
            if (changeScope == ChangeScope.Item)

            //run all elements
            foreach (EA.Element elTrgt in el.Elements)
                DoRecursiveEl(rep, elTrgt, setEl, setDia, parameterStrings, changeScope);
        public static void DoRecursivePkg(Repository rep, EA.Package pkg, SetPackage setPkg,
                                          SetElement setEl, SetDiagram setDia, string[] parameterStrings, ChangeScope changeScope)
            // Change package
            setPkg?.Invoke(rep, pkg, parameterStrings);

            // only the package itself
            if (changeScope == ChangeScope.Item)

            // perform diagrams of package
            foreach (EA.Diagram dia in pkg.Diagrams)
                if (dia != null)
                    setDia?.Invoke(rep, dia, parameterStrings);
            // run elements of package
            foreach (EA.Element el in pkg.Elements)
                DoRecursiveEl(rep, el, setEl, setDia, parameterStrings, changeScope);

            // run packages of package
            if (changeScope != ChangeScope.Item)
                if (changeScope == ChangeScope.Package)
                    // inside package only the items
                    changeScope = ChangeScope.Item;
                foreach (EA.Package pkgTrgt in pkg.Packages)
                    DoRecursivePkg(rep, pkgTrgt, setPkg, setEl, setDia, parameterStrings, changeScope);