Beispiel #1
    private void ReadScoreTimeListForLevel(object sender, ScoreCollection scoreCollection)

        if (scoreCollection != null)
            if (scoreCollection.scoreList.Count > 0)
                foreach (var score in scoreCollection.scoreList)
                    var text = Instantiate(scoorPreFab);

                    TimeSpan result = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(score.time);

                    var textTime = result.ToString("mm':'ss':'ff");
                    var segments = textTime.Split(':');
                    segments[0] = (result.TotalMinutes).ToString("00");

                    var    finalText        = segments[0] + ":" + segments[1] + ":" + segments[2];
                    string deathsOrTimeText = showForDeaths ? " ** Deaths: " + score.deathsCount : " ** Time: " + finalText;
                    string scoreText        = "Name: " + + deathsOrTimeText;
                    text.GetComponent <TMPro.TextMeshProUGUI>().text = scoreText;
                    text.transform.parent     = hightScoors.transform;
                    text.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1, 1, 1);
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (IsPostBack == false)
            // Choisir le premier Questionnaire a la place de l'utilisateur
            if (SessionState.Questionnaire == null && SessionState.Questionnaires.Count > 0)
                SessionState.Questionnaire = SessionState.Questionnaires[0];

            LabelValidationMessage.Text = "";

            NombreScores = 1;
            TextBoxCombienDeScores.Text = "1";

            // BUG1107090002
            if (SessionState.Questionnaire == null)
                Tools.PageValidation("Pas de questionnaire");

            Scores = ScoreCollection.GetScoreQuestionnaire(SessionState.Questionnaire.QuestionnaireID);

        Page.Form.DefaultButton = ButtonCombienDeScoresOk.UniqueID; // Pour donner le focus
Beispiel #3
    /// <summary>
    /// returns a new ScorekCollection loaded from the given file
    /// </summary>
    public static ScoreCollection Load(Stream stream, string filePath)
        XmlSerializer   serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(ScoreCollection));
        ScoreCollection result     = serializer.Deserialize(stream) as ScoreCollection;

Beispiel #4
 private void LoadHighScore()
     using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(SCORE_FILE_PATH)){
         string json = reader.ReadToEnd();
         scoreCollection = JsonUtility.FromJson <ScoreCollection>(json);
        public string ToConsoleDisplay(PlayerType player)
            var str = DebuggerDisplay;

            str = ScoreCollection.ToConsoleDisplay(str, player);
        public async Task AddToScoreHistory(List <CardView> cards, ScoreCollection scores, PlayerType player)
            List <CardView> fullHand = new List <CardView>(cards);

            switch (scores.ScoreType)
            case ScoreType.Hand:
            case ScoreType.Crib:
            case ScoreType.Cut:

            case ScoreType.Count:

            case ScoreType.Saved:
            case ScoreType.Unspecified:


            string score = GetGameScore();
            await HintWindow.AddToHistory(fullHand, scores, player, Deck, score);
Beispiel #7
        public int Stems;                  // Number of track's stems (not always the same for all tracks in the same collection)

        public ScoreTrack(ScoreCollection collection, string name, string title, string musicevent, int stems)
            Collection = collection;
            Name       = name;
            Title      = title;
            Stems      = stems;
            Event      = musicevent;
Beispiel #8
 public ScoreLoader(List <ScoreAtTime> scores,
                    List <Penalty> penalties,
                    int robotCount)
     _scores               = scores ?? (_scores = new List <ScoreAtTime>());
     _penalties            = penalties ?? (_penalties = new List <Penalty>());
     LoadedScoreCollection = new ScoreCollection(robotCount);
     _penalties.Sort((x, y) => x.Time.CompareTo(y.Time));
Beispiel #9
		public ScoreLoader(List<ScoreAtTime> scores, 
			List<Penalty> penalties, 
			int robotCount)
			_scores = scores??(_scores=new List<ScoreAtTime>());
			_penalties = penalties?? (_penalties=new List<Penalty>());
			LoadedScoreCollection = new ScoreCollection(robotCount);
			_penalties.Sort((x, y) => x.Time.CompareTo(y.Time));
		public void ToConsoleDisplay_Hero3_H3Star()
			var scores = new ScoreCollection(new GoldScore(1024), new GoldScore(3), new GoldScore(1), new GoldScore(7));

			var act = scores.ToConsoleDisplay(PlayerType.Hero3);
			var exp = "h1: 1,024, h2: 3, h3*: 1, h4: 7";

			Assert.AreEqual(exp, act);
		public void DebuggerDisplay_None_DescribingString()
			var scores = new ScoreCollection(new GoldScore(1024), new GoldScore(3), new GoldScore(1), new GoldScore(7));

			var act = scores.DebuggerDisplay;
			var exp = "h1: 1,024, h2: 3, h3: 1, h4: 7";

			Assert.AreEqual(exp, act);
Beispiel #12
 public virtual void Initialize(IEngine engine, RobotSettings[] robotSettings)
     Engine   = engine;
     Settings = ParseSettings(HelloPackage);
     Robots   = robotSettings.Select(x => x.IsBot ? CreateBot(x.Number) : CreateRobot(x.Number)).OrderBy(x => x.Number).ToList();
     Score    = new ScoreCollection(RobotCount);
     Robots.ForEach(x => x.Init());
		public void Compare_TwoScoresForPlayer1_Min1()
			var scores0 = new ScoreCollection(new GoldScore(1024), new GoldScore(0), new GoldScore(1), new GoldScore(2));
			var scores1 = new ScoreCollection(new GoldScore(1000), new GoldScore(3), new GoldScore(5), new GoldScore(7));

			var act = scores0.Compare(scores1, PlayerType.Hero1);
			var exp = -1;

			Assert.AreEqual(exp, act);
    protected void ImageButtonScoreSupprimer_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        ImageButton imageButton = ( ImageButton )sender;
        HiddenField hiddenField = ( HiddenField )imageButton.Parent.FindControl("HiddenFieldScoreID");


        Scores = ScoreCollection.GetScoreQuestionnaire(SessionState.Questionnaire.QuestionnaireID);
Beispiel #15
        public ScoreCollection Process(ProcessData data, int turn, ScoreCollection alphas)
            var map          = data.Map;
            var resultAlphas = PotentialScore.EmptyCollection;

            if (this.Turn >= 1199 || turn <= this.Turn)
                this.Score = data.Evalutor.Evaluate(this.State);
                alphas.ContinueProccesingAlphas(this.Score, this.PlayerToMove, out resultAlphas);

            if (this.Children == null)
                this.Children = new List <Node>();

                foreach (var dir in data.MoveGenerator.Generate(map, this.State))
                    var state = this.State.Move(map, dir, this.PlayerToMove);
                    var child = data.Lookup.Get(this.Turn + 1, state, dir);

            var test = PotentialScore.EmptyCollection;

            for (int i = 0; i < this.Children.Count; i++)
                var child = this.Children[i];
                switch (i)
                case 0: test = child.Process(data, turn - 0, alphas); break;

                case 1: test = child.Process(data, turn - 1, alphas); break;

                case 2: test = child.Process(data, turn - 2, alphas); break;

                case 3: test = child.Process(data, turn - 3, alphas); break;

                case 4: test = child.Process(data, turn - 5, alphas); break;

                if (!alphas.ContinueProccesingAlphas(test, this.PlayerToMove, out resultAlphas))
            var comparer = NodeComparer.Get(this.PlayerToMove);

            this.Score = this.Children[0].Score;

        public async Task OnComputerScoreCrib(int scoreToAdd, ScoreCollection scores)
            string message = String.Format("Computer's Crib Score\n{0}\nHit Continue.", scores.Format(false, false, true));

            await HintWindow_ShowAndWait(message);

            await StateMachine.UiState.AddScore(PlayerType.Computer, scoreToAdd);

            await AddToScoreHistory(GridComputer.Items, scores, PlayerType.Computer);

            HintWindow.InsertScoreSummary(ScoreType.Crib, 0, scoreToAdd);
        public async Task OnUpdateScoreUi(PlayerType player, int scoreDelta, ScoreCollection scores)
            await StateMachine.UiState.AddScore(player, scoreDelta);

            await AddToScoreHistory(GridPlayer.Items, scores, PlayerType.Player);

            HintWindow.InsertScoreSummary(scores.ScoreType, scoreDelta, 0);
            string message = String.Format("Your Score\n{0}\nHit Continue.", scores.Format(false, false, true));

            //ShowHintWindowAsync(true, false, message);
            await HintWindow_ShowAndWait(message);
		public void ContinueProccesingAlphas_BetterAlpha_IsTrue()
			var alphas = new ScoreCollection(new GoldScore(1000), new GoldScore(1000), new GoldScore(1000), new GoldScore(1000));
			var test = new ScoreCollection(new GoldScore(1900), new GoldScore(2000), new GoldScore(1000), new GoldScore(1800));

			ScoreCollection exp = new ScoreCollection(new GoldScore(1000), new GoldScore(2000), new GoldScore(1000), new GoldScore(1000));
			ScoreCollection act;

			var result = alphas.ContinueProccesingAlphas(test, PlayerType.Hero2, out act);

			Assert.AreEqual(exp.DebuggerDisplay, act.DebuggerDisplay);
Beispiel #19
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
        if (IsPostBack == false)
            if (Request.QueryString["QuestionnaireID"] != null)
                Cache["QuestionnaireID"] = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["QuestionnaireID"]);
                Questionnaire questionnaire = Questionnaire.GetQuestionnaire((int)Cache["QuestionnaireID"]);

                Reporter.Trace("Questionnaire lecture");

                ValidationMessage.Text += "Suppression du Questionnaire : " + questionnaire.Description + ":" + questionnaire.CodeAcces + " questions : ";
                Cache["Questions"]      = PollQuestionCollection.GetByQuestionnaire(( int )Cache["QuestionnaireID"]);
                ValidationMessage.Text += ((PollQuestionCollection)Cache["Questions"]).Count + "<br />";
                foreach (PollQuestion question in ( PollQuestionCollection )Cache["Questions"])
                    ValidationMessage.Text += "-- Question : " + question.Question + "<br />";
                    PollAnswerCollection reponses = PollAnswerCollection.GetByPollQuestionID(question.PollQuestionId);
                    foreach (PollAnswer reponse in reponses)
                        ValidationMessage.Text += "---- Réponse : " + reponse.Answer + "<br />";
                        int nbVotes = PollVoteCollection.NumberOfVotesByAnswer(reponse.PollAnswerId);
                        ValidationMessage.Text += "----- Votes : " + nbVotes.ToString() + "<br />";

                Cache["Personnes"]      = PersonneCollection.GetQuestionnaire(( int )Cache["QuestionnaireID"]);
                ValidationMessage.Text += "</br>";
                ValidationMessage.Text += "Suppression des contacts : " + (( PersonneCollection )Cache["Personnes"]).Count + "<br />";
                foreach (Personne p in ( PersonneCollection )Cache["Personnes"])
                    ValidationMessage.Text += p.Nom + " " + p.Prenom + " " + p.EmailBureau + " " + p.Societe + "<br />";

                MemberInfo membre = MemberInfo.GetMemberInfo(questionnaire.MembreGUID);
                Cache["WebContents"]    = WebContentCollection.GetWebContents(membre.NomUtilisateur, questionnaire.CodeAcces.ToString());
                ValidationMessage.Text += "</br>";
                ValidationMessage.Text += "Suppression des contenus web : " + (( WebContentCollection )Cache["WebContents"]).Count + "<br />";
                foreach (WebContent wc in ( WebContentCollection )Cache["WebContents"])
                    ValidationMessage.Text += wc.Section + " " + wc.Utilisateur + " " + wc.Visualisateur + "<br />";

                Cache["Scores"]         = ScoreCollection.GetScoreQuestionnaire(( int )Cache["QuestionnaireID"]);
                ValidationMessage.Text += "</br>";
                ValidationMessage.Text += "Suppression des scores : " + (( ScoreCollection )Cache["Scores"]).Count + "<br />";

                ValidationMessage.Visible = true;
Beispiel #20
        public void answersArithmeticMeanOfTwoNumbers()
            // Arrange
            var collection = new ScoreCollection();

            collection.Add(new SimpleScoreable(5));
            collection.Add(new SimpleScoreable(7));

            // Act
            var actualResult = collection.arithmeticMean();

            // Assert
            Assert.That(actualResult, Is.EqualTo(6));
        public static AverageScoreCollection Create(MoveDirection move, long avg1, long avg2, long avg3, long avg4, int runs)
            var scores = new ScoreCollection(
                new AverageScore(avg1, runs),
                new AverageScore(avg2, runs),
                new AverageScore(avg3, runs),
                new AverageScore(avg4, runs));

            return(new AverageScoreCollection()
                Move = move,
                Scores = scores,
Beispiel #22
    public void DisplayLeaderboard(ScoreCollection scoreCollection)
        var scoreDataList = new List <SingleScoreData>(scoreCollection.scores).Where(scoreData => scoreData != null);

        scoreDataList = scoreDataList.OrderByDescending(scoreData => scoreData.score);

        foreach (SingleScoreData scoreData in scoreDataList)
            var rank = rows.Count + 1;
            AddRow(new LeaderboardRowData(rank, scoreData.userName, scoreData.score));

Beispiel #23
    void showHighscore(string highscoreText)
        usernameText.text = "";
        scoreText.text    = "";
        ScoreCollection highscoreList = JsonUtility.FromJson <ScoreCollection>("{\"scores\":" + highscoreText + "}");

        for (int i = 0; i < Math.Min(scoreNumber, highscoreList.scores.Length); i++)
            Score score = highscoreList.scores[i];
            usernameText.text += score.username + "\n";
            scoreText.text    += score.score + "\n";
        m_ButtonText.text = "REFRESH";
Beispiel #24
        public async Task InitializeAsync()
            await Task.Run(() =>
                    var settingRepository      = new SettingRepository();
                    ColumnVisibleSetting.Value = settingRepository.GetColumnVisibleSetting();
                    AppSetting.Value           = settingRepository.GetAppSetting();

                    var isAutoImageSave           = AppSetting.Value.IsAutoImageSave.Value;
                    var isLatestScoreOutputAsText = AppSetting.Value.IsLatestScoreOutputAsText.Value;

                    _scoreRepository           = new ScoreRepository();
                    _scoreScreenShotRepository = ScoreScreenShotRepository.Create(isAutoImageSave);
                    _scoreFileRepository       = ScoreFileRepository.Create(isLatestScoreOutputAsText);
                    _fezScreenShooter          = new FEZScreenShooter();
                    _fezScoreAnalyzer          = new FEZScoreAnalyzer();

                    // DBファイルが無ければ作成、作成済みだが古いバージョンの場合は自動で最新のテーブル構成に更新する

                    foreach (var score in _scoreRepository.ScoreDbSet.OrderBy(x => x.記録日時))

                    LatestScore.Value = ScoreCollection.LastOrDefault() ?? new ScoreEntity();

                    // 監視状態ONの状態で終了していた場合は、初期化時に監視を開始する
                    if (AppSetting.Value.IsAccumulatingAtLastTime.Value)
                catch (Exception ex)

            // 初回起動時は案内メッセージを表示する(2回目以降は表示しない)
            if (AppSetting.Value.IsFirstBoot.Value)
                MessageBox.Show(Properties.Resources.FirstBootInfoMessage, "Info");

                AppSetting.Value.IsFirstBoot.Value = false;
    protected void ImageButtonScoreSauver_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        ImageButton imageButton = ( ImageButton )sender;
        HiddenField hiddenField = ( HiddenField )imageButton.Parent.FindControl("HiddenFieldScoreID");
        Score       score       = new Score();

        score.ScoreID = int.Parse(hiddenField.Value);
        Score scoreOldValues = Scores.FindByScoreID(score.ScoreID);

        score = scoreOldValues;

        TextBox textBoxScoreMin = ( TextBox )imageButton.Parent.FindControl("TextBoxScoreMin");

            score.ScoreMin = int.Parse(textBoxScoreMin.Text);
            score.ScoreMin = scoreOldValues.ScoreMin;

        TextBox textBoxScoreMax = ( TextBox )imageButton.Parent.FindControl("TextBoxScoreMax");

            score.ScoreMax = int.Parse(textBoxScoreMax.Text);
            score.ScoreMax = scoreOldValues.ScoreMax;

        TextBox textBoxScoreTexte = ( TextBox )imageButton.Parent.FindControl("TextBoxScoreTexte");

        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(textBoxScoreTexte.Text.Trim()) == false)
            score.ScoreTexte = textBoxScoreTexte.Text;
            score.ScoreTexte = scoreOldValues.ScoreTexte;


        Scores = ScoreCollection.GetScoreQuestionnaire(SessionState.Questionnaire.QuestionnaireID);
        private async Task ScoreCutJack(int jackIndex)
            //  NOTE: score already added in LocalGame
            ScoreCollection scores = new ScoreCollection();

            scores.ActualScore = 2;
            scores.Total       = 2;
            scores.ScoreType   = ScoreType.Cut;
            List <int> cards = new List <int>();

            scores.Scores.Add(new ScoreInstance(StatName.CutAJack, 1, 2, cards));
            await _view.OnUpdateScoreUi(_dealer, 2, scores);
		public void Sort_2234_0023()
			int p1, p2, p3, p4;

			var s1 = 2;
			var s2 = 2;
			var s3 = 3;
			var s4 = 4;

			ScoreCollection.Sort(s1, s2, s3, s4, out p1, out p2, out p3, out p4);

			Assert.AreEqual(0, p1, "p1");
			Assert.AreEqual(0, p2, "p2");
			Assert.AreEqual(2, p3, "p3");
			Assert.AreEqual(3, p4, "p4");
		public void Sort_2845_0312()
			int p1, p2, p3, p4;

			var s1 = 2;
			var s2 = 8;
			var s3 = 4;
			var s4 = 5;

			ScoreCollection.Sort(s1, s2, s3, s4, out p1, out p2, out p3, out p4);

			Assert.AreEqual(0, p1, "p1");
			Assert.AreEqual(3, p2, "p2");
			Assert.AreEqual(1, p3, "p3");
			Assert.AreEqual(2, p4, "p4");
		public void Sort_9773_3110()
			int p1, p2, p3, p4;

			var s1 = 9;
			var s2 = 7;
			var s3 = 7;
			var s4 = 3;

			ScoreCollection.Sort(s1, s2, s3, s4, out p1, out p2, out p3, out p4);

			Assert.AreEqual(3, p1, "p1");
			Assert.AreEqual(1, p2, "p2");
			Assert.AreEqual(1, p3, "p3");
			Assert.AreEqual(0, p4, "p4");
Beispiel #30
    public GCScore GetScore(int rank, GCBoardTimeSpan scope, GCCollectionType collection)
        ScoreCollection col = GlobalCollection;

        switch (collection)
        case GCCollectionType.GLOBAL:
            col = GlobalCollection;

        case GCCollectionType.FRIENDS:
            col = SocsialCollection;

        Dictionary <int, GCScore> scoreDict = col.AllTimeScores;

        switch (scope)
        case GCBoardTimeSpan.ALL_TIME:
            scoreDict = col.AllTimeScores;

        case GCBoardTimeSpan.TODAY:
            scoreDict = col.TodayScores;

        case GCBoardTimeSpan.WEEK:
            scoreDict = col.WeekScores;

        if (scoreDict.ContainsKey(rank))
Beispiel #31
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieve an RpcPeerList object to identify all the peers the
        /// given personID has. If no peers are found then the peers member
        /// of the returned object will be empty. If the person is not found
        /// then an empty peers member will be returned.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="personID">The ID of the person who we are interested in.</param>
        /// <param name="peerCount">The number of peers to return, if more peers are available only this many will be returned.</param>
        /// <returns>A new RpcPeerList object which contains the information requested.</returns>
        public RpcPeerList GetPersonPeers(int personID, int start, int count)
            ScoreCollection scores = new ScoreCollection();
            RpcPeerList     list   = new RpcPeerList();
            ArrayList       peers  = new ArrayList();
            Score           s;
            int             i;

            // Load the peers for this person.
            scores.LoadBySourcePersonId(personID, 1);

            // Make sure we have valid values to work with.
            if (start < 0)
                start = 0;
            if ((start + count) > scores.Count)
                count = (scores.Count - start);

            // Walk each peer and add them to our array.
            for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
                RpcPeer peer = new RpcPeer();

                s             = scores[i + start];
                peer.PersonID = s.TargetPersonId;
                peer.FullName = new Person(s.TargetPersonId).FullName;
                peer.Score    = s.TotalScore;
                peer.Trend    = s.UpwardTrend;

            list.PersonID = personID;
            list.Peers    = (RpcPeer[])peers.ToArray(typeof(RpcPeer));

Beispiel #32
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieve an RpcPeerList object to identify all the peers the
        /// given personID has. If no peers are found then the peers member
        /// of the returned object will be empty. If the person is not found
        /// then an empty peers member will be returned.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="personID">The ID of the person who we are interested in.</param>
        /// <param name="peerCount">The number of peers to return, if more peers are available only this many will be returned.</param>
        /// <returns>A new RpcPeerList object which contains the information requested.</returns>
        public RpcPeerList GetPersonPeers(int personID, int start, int count)
            ScoreCollection scores = new ScoreCollection();
            RpcPeerList list = new RpcPeerList();
            ArrayList peers = new ArrayList();
            Score s;
            int i;

            // Load the peers for this person.
            scores.LoadBySourcePersonId(personID, 1);

            // Make sure we have valid values to work with.
            if (start < 0)
                start = 0;
            if ((start + count) > scores.Count)
                count = (scores.Count - start);

            // Walk each peer and add them to our array.
            for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
                RpcPeer peer = new RpcPeer();

                s = scores[i + start];
                peer.PersonID = s.TargetPersonId;
                peer.FullName = new Person(s.TargetPersonId).FullName;
                peer.Score = s.TotalScore;
                peer.Trend = s.UpwardTrend;

            list.PersonID = personID;
            list.Peers = (RpcPeer[])peers.ToArray(typeof(RpcPeer));

            return list;